Internet and Society - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Internet and Society


Internet and Society Orville Leverne Clubb Introduction 50 minutes is a very short time to compress what I wish to say about the internet and today s society. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Internet and Society

Internet and Society
  • Orville Leverne Clubb

  • 50 minutes is a very short time to compress what
    I wish to say about the internet and todays
    society. I will try and bring up the important
    events, people and technology to give you a
    sampling of the development of the Internet and
    in particular, the WWW and it effects on Society.
    Hopefully, during the talk we will use the WWW
    for reference.

Objectives and style of talk
  • Objectives
  • Give audience the feel for how modern computer
    technology, political and economic events have
    lead to todays Internet world
  • Show that there are many different views of how
    thing took place and the importance of each.
  • Style
  • Chronological look at events and technological
    developments, may go back when look at different
    aspects of the talk
  • Present different points of view (not necessarily
    the view of the speaker).

The development of the modern Internet and its WWW
  • What was needed to develop Internet technology?
  • Needed a political and economical environment
    that motivates key people to develop concepts
    that use technological enablers that in turn
    leads to and, sometimes can, facilitate a
    technology that produces new and original uses of
    the technologies.

Society - Global digital divide
  • The global digital divide is a term used to
  • great disparities in opportunity to access the
    Internet and the information and
    educational/business opportunities tied to this
    access between developed and developing
  • Lu, Ming-te (2001). Digital divide in
    developing countries. Journal of Global
    Information Technology Management (43), pp.
  • Retrieved from http//

(No Transcript)
  • The World Is Flat A Brief History of the
    Twenty-first Century
  • Thomas L. Friedman (an Economist) looks at
    globalization with a special emphasis on the
    early 21st century. It was first released in 2005
    and was later released as an new edition in 2006.
  • Friedman examples explains that companies in
    India and China are becoming part of large global
    complex supply chains that extend across national
    boundaries through a process called outsourcing
    providing everything from call centers to X-ray
    interpretation by overseas medical staff to
    component manufacturing.
  • Friedman defines ten "flatteners" that have
    leveled the global playing field and allowed the
    world to become flat.

Friedmans ten "flatteners"
  • Friedman feels that his first three flatteners
    have become a crude foundation of a whole new
    global platform for collaboration.
  • 1 Collapse of Berlin Wall-(11/09/1989) The
    collapse of the Berlin wall which ended the cold
    war Friedman sees as the starting point for
    leveling the global playing field. Friedman
    believes that this event not only marked the end
    of the Cold war, it has allowed people from other
    side of the wall to join the economic
  • 2 Netscape - (8/9/1995) with their Web
    Browser broadened the audience for the Internet.
    Expanding the role from its roots as a
    communications medium used primarily by
  • 3 Workflow software The ability of machines to
    talk to other machines with no humans involved.
  • 4 Open sourcing Communities uploading and
    collaborating on online projects. Friedmans
    examples include open source software, Blogs, and
    Wikipedia. Friedman considers Open sourcing "the
    most disruptive force of all to the old order.
  • 5 Outsourcing Friedman postulates that
    outsourcing has allowed companies to split
    service and manufacturing activities into
    components, where each component performed in
    most efficient, cost-effective way.

Friedman lists ten "flatteners" that have leveled
the global playing field
  • 6 Offshoring Offshoring, the manufacturing
    equivalent of outsourcing.
  • 7 Supply chaining Friedman compares the modern
    retail supply chain to a river, and uses Wal-Mart
    as the best example of a company using technology
    to streamline item sales, distribution, and
  • 8 Insourcing Friedman uses UPS as a prime
    example for insourcing, where the company's
    employees perform services--beyond shipping--on
    behalf of another company. For example, UPS
    itself repairs Toshiba computers on behalf of
    Toshiba. The work is done at the UPS hub, by UPS
  • 9 In-forming Google and other search engines
    are the prime example. "Never before in the
    history of the planet have so many people-on
    their own-had the ability to find so much
    information about so many things and about so
    many other people", writes Friedman.
  • 10 "The Steroids" Personal digital equipment
    like mobile phones, iPods, personal digital
    assistants, instant messaging, and voice over IP
    or VOIP

Flattener 1 Collapse of Berlin
  • After WW II a cold war was in place causing a
    bi-polar world order between communism vs.
    liberal democracy with capitalism meant that a
    technology race was still on.
  • The end of the cold war following the break up of
    the Soviet Union Left the world with one super
    power and the end of the Bi-polar world order.

Flattener 1 Search for new World Order
  • Francis Fukuyama
  • The End of History and the Last Man (1989)
  • "What we may be witnessing is not just the end of
    the Cold War, or the passing of a particular
    period of post-war history, but the end of
    history as such that is, the end point of
    mankind's ideological evolution and the
    universalization of Western liberal democracy as
    the final form of human government."

Flattener 1 Search for new World Order
  • Samuel Phillips Huntington Countered Fukuyama
    with The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking
    of World Order
  • It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source
    of conflict in this new world will not be
    primarily ideological or primarily economic. The
    great divisions among humankind and the
    dominating source of conflict will be cultural.
    Nation states will remain the most powerful
    actors in world affairs, but the principal
    conflicts of global politics will occur between
    nations and groups of different civilizations.
    The clash of civilizations will dominate global
    politics. The fault lines between civilizations
    will be the battle lines of the future.

Samuel Phillips Huntington
  • The clashes of civilizations

2 Netscape - (8/9/1995)
  • with their Web Browser broadened the audience
    for the Internet. Expanding the role from its
    roots as a communications medium used primarily
    by scientists.
  • Why Netscape? Let us explore the start of the WWW
    (World Wide Web (or the Web)). The WWW was
    invented by Tim Berners-Lee but it was for
    Scientists to put their papers in a public
  • Definition of the WWW? The World Wide Web (or
    the "Web") is a system of interlinked, hypertext
    documents accessed via the Internet. From
  • The 2 WWW components are hypertext and the
    Internet, lets look at these two technologies
  • What influenced Berners-Lee?

  • A key person with a revolutionary idea 1945
    Vannevar Bush describes a memory extender device
    - memex - in an article in the Atlantic Monthly
    titled As We Think
  • Bushs memex device, as defined in the article
  • Storage of all records/articles/communications
  • Items can be retrieved by indexing, keywords,
  • references (now called hyperlinks)
  • One of Bushs thoughts was that retrieval was to
    be Interactive and nonlinear

Hypertext Supporting Technology at the time of
Bushs article
  • Due to the technology of the time Bush envisioned
    the system on microfilm
  • Computing Technology at the time of Bushs
    article! (See the web site Bad Predictions)
  • Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943
  • "I think there is a world market for maybe five
  • Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with
    18,000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, computers
    in the future may have only 1,000 vacuum tubes
    and weigh only 1.5 tons." -- Popular Mechanics,

Hypertext Importance of Bush?
  • Bush had defined concepts that could be called
    Hypertext and Browsing
  • Bush did not have the technological enabling
    underpinning, he was thinking of microfilm as the
    enabling technology.

Business and Computers
  • Prediction The editor in charge of business books
    for Prentice Hall, 1957
  • "I have traveled the length and breadth of this
    country and talked with the best people, and I
    can assure you that data processing is a fad that
    won't last out the year." --.

Hypertext Key Person Ted Nelson Professor of
Sociology Vassar College
  • 1965 Ted Nelson coins the term hypertext
  • Think of information not as linear flow but as
    interconnected nodes
  • Nelson stated that - Computers can help people,
    not just scientist and business
  • Nelson was greatly influenced by Bushs MEMEX
  • Non-linear browsing structure
  • Project Xanadu was first attempt to use hypertext
  • Original documents of the definition of hypertext
    are on http//

Hypertext Technology enablers
  • Nelson was too early!
  • The enabling technology of the time was not up to
    what was needed!
  • 1960s was an interesting Decade - Computers
    still too expensive for individuals. However,
    computers were making major inroads into the
    business world.
  • Computer hardware and computer programming
    languages made big advances

Some additional work on Hypertext
  • 1968 Van Dam others at Brown University
    develop a Hypertext Editing and File Retrieval
  • Basically, when Burners-Lee defined the Spec for
    the WWW a lot of work had been done before him.

The second component of the WWW the Internet, the
method of data transmission
  • ARPAnet
  • Intended for Military and defense research
  • Implemented in 1969 by ARPA (Advanced Research
    Projects Agency of DOD)
  • Networked computer systems of a dozen
    universities and institutions with 56KB
    communications lines
  • Grandparent of todays Internet
  • Intended to allow computers to be shared
  • Became clear that key benefit was allowing fast
    communication between researchers
    electronic-mail (email)
  • Did not have hypertext documents!

ARPAnets goals
  • Allow multiple users to send and receive info at
    same time
  • Network operated using a packet switching
  • Digital data sent in small packages called
  • Packets contained data, address info,
    error-control info and sequencing info
  • Greatly reduced transmission costs of dedicated
    communications lines
  • Network designed to be operated without
    centralized control
  • If portion of network fails, remaining portions
    still able to route packets

Design Philosophy (I have not verified, seen this
in textbooks and presentations)
  • In case of a nuclear attack, if a section of the
    network disappeared, the entire network would not
    be destroyed. To that end, the network was
    decentralized, data was distributed among all the
    network computers, and data was transferred in
    small packets.
  • The network design was based on observations of
    the human brain, since brain functions don't rely
    on a centralized set of cells. Brain circuitry
    can be rerouted around damaged cells and neural
    networks can be re-created over new pathways.

More perditions (Personal Computer development)
  • 1968 "But it good for?" -- Engineer at
    the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM,
    commenting on the microchip.
  • 1977 "There is no reason anyone would want a
    computer in their home."-
  • Ken Olson, President, Chairman/Founder of
    Digital Equipment Corp.,

Enabler Personal Computers (PC)
  • PC were were originally Text and command-based
  • Initially For businesses sold lots
  • Performed lots of tasks the
  • general public wanted done
  • Major advance to allow home use was Graphics
    Users Interface (GUI) WYSIWYG or the
  • WIMP environment
  • Windows
  • Icons
  • Menus
  • Pointers

Moore's Law and PCs
Processor Year of Transistors 4004 1971
2,250 8008 1972 2,500 8080 1974 5,000
8086 1978 29,000 286 1982 120,000386
processor 1985 275,000 486 DX processor 1989
1,180,000 Pentium 1993 3,100,000 Pentium II
1997 7,500,000 Pentium III 1999 24,000,000
Pentium 4 2000 42,000,000
Computer Operating Systems from Batch up to WIMP
WIMP (Windows)
User Adoption (not productivity!)
Command Line
1940s 1950s
1980s - Present
1960s 1970s
  • Tim Burners-Lee gave the world the WWW.
  • As we have seen most of the NEEDED components of
    the WWW were already defined independently. It
    need an organization to support it and the
  • The network gained a public face in the 1990s.
    On August 6, 1991, CERN publicized the new
    World Wide Web project, two years after
    Burners-Lee had begun creating Hypertext markup
    Language (HTML), Hypertext transfer protocol
    (HTTP), Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and the
    first few Web pages at CERN very important.
  • Right man in the right place at the right time!

The bloom of the WWW
  • Why did ARPAnet allow the use of the Internet to
    the public?
  • Perhaps because of flattener 1 (the cold war is
  • Why did Friedman used Netscape as flattener 3
    instead of Tim Burners-Lee?
  • CERN was still for scientist with static web
    pages displaying research papers
  • Netscape became became aggressive with developing
    a browser that had dynamic web pages (good
    example is JavaScript) were attractive to
    businesses and individual users.

Netscapes JavaScript
  • Allowed program code to be executed in the users
  • sandbox metaphor - web pages code could not
    alter the users computer outside of the web
    pages HTML
  • Could keep history by storing cookies
  • This put part of the processing in the users
    computer reliving the server of its great
    processing burden

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
  • As a reaction to Netscapes domination of the WWW
    in the 1990s with its browser technology, the W3C
    was formed.
  • W3C is the main international standards
    organization for the World Wide Web (W3).
  • The Consortium is headed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee,
    the primary author of the original URL (Uniform
    Resource Locator), HTTP (HyperText Transfer
    Protocol) and HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
    specifications, the principal technologies that
    form the basis of the World Wide Web. Wikipedia

Flattener 9 In-forming
  • Search engines are the tools to find the
    information on the WWW. Google was a major
    pioneer of the search engine
  • Google was co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey
    Brin while they were students at Stanford
    University, and the company was first
    incorporated as a privately held company on
    September 7, 1998. Google's IPO took place on
    August 19, 2004, raising US1.67 billion, making
    it worth 23 billion. Wikipedia

New term, 1997, Extelligence
  • Extelligence is a term coined by Ian Stewart and
    Jack Cohen in their 1997 book Figments of
  • Definition - Extelligence is defined as all the
    cultural capital that is available to us in the
    form of tribal legends, folklore, nursery rhymes,
    books, videotapes, CD-ROMs, etc.
  • Extelligence is in contrast with intelligence.
    Intelligence is the knowledge and cognitive
    processes within the brain.
  • The WWW is the ultimate Extelligence source!

The World is Spiky IS Freidman right? Just when
we were getting used to the World becoming Flat
now it is reported as spiky by another
  • Richard Florida, the author of The Flight of the
  • Creative Class, is the Hirst Professor of Public
  • at George Mason University.
  • Florida use indicators of which there is
  • The worlds most prolific and influential
  • scientific researchers overwhelmingly
  • reside in U.S. and European cities.
  • Just a few places produce most of the worlds
  • innovations. Innovation remains difficult
  • a critical mass of financiers, entrepreneurs,
  • and scientists, often nourished by world-class
  • universities and flexible corporations.

Florida's indicator 1 Population
  • The most obvious challenge to the flat-world
    hypothesis is the explosive growth of cities
  • A shows the uneven distribution of the worlds
    population. Five megacities currently have more
    than 20 million inhabitants each. Twenty-four
    cities have more than 10 million inhabitants,
    sixty more than 5 million, and 150 more than 2.5
    million. Population density is of course a crude
    indicator of human and economic activity.
  • Causing a divide between the urban and rural
    population of nations which is causing a friction
    in their societies

1 Population - Stronger Economic Production
  • New Yorks economy alone is about the size of
    Russias or Brazils, and Chicagos is on a par
    with Swedens. Together New York, Los Angeles,
    Chicago, and Boston have a bigger economy than
    all of China.

The World is Spiky Population
Map by Tim Gulden, University of Maryland. From
Richard Florida, The World is Spiky, The
Atlantic Monthly, October 2005
Light Emission as indicator 2 Stronger Economic
  • Unfortunately, no single, comprehensive
    information source exists for the economic
    production of all the worlds cities. A rough
    proxy is available, though is the widely
    circulated view of the world at night, with
    higher concentrations of lightindicating higher
    energy use and, presumably, stronger economic
    productionappearing in greater relief. U.S.

The World is Spiky Light Emissions
Map by Tim Gulden, University of Maryland. From
Richard Florida, The World is Spiky, The
Atlantic Monthly, October 2005
Indicator 3 Innovation theengine of economic
growth(WIPO Patents)
  • The World Intellectual Property Organization
    recorded about 300,000 patents from resident
    inventors in more than a hundred nations in 2002
    (the most recent year for which statistics are
    available). Nearly two thirds of them went to
    American and Japanese inventors. Eighty-five
    percent went to the residents of just five
    countries (Japan, the United States, South Korea,
    Germany, and Russia).

Innovation theengine of economic growth(U.S.
  • In 2003 India generated 341 U.S. patents and
    China 297. The University of California alone
    generated more than either country. IBM accounted
    for five times as many as the two combined.
  • Nearly 90,000 of the 170,000 patents granted in
    the United States in 2002 went to Americans.
  • The next ten most innovative countries including
    the usual suspects in Europe plus Taiwan, South
    Korea, Israel, and Canada produced roughly 25,000
    more (patents).

The World is Spiky Patents
Map by Tim Gulden, University of Maryland. From
Richard Florida, The World is Spiky, The
Atlantic Monthly, October 2005
Indicator 4, Scientific advances The residence
of the1,200 most heavily cited scientists
  • Scientific advance is even more concentrated
    than patent production. Most occurs not just in a
    handful of countries but in a handful of cities
    primarily in the United States and Europe.
    Chinese and Indian cities do not even register.
    As far as global innovation is concerned, perhaps
    a few dozen places worldwide really compete at
    the cutting edge.

The World is Spiky Scientific Citations
Map by Tim Gulden, University of Maryland. From
Richard Florida, The World is Spiky, The
Atlantic Monthly, October 2005
Some of Florida's comments
  • This is not to say that Indians and Chinese are
    not innovative. On the contrary, AnnaLee
    Saxenian, of the University of California at
    Berkeley, has shown that Indian and Chinese
    entrepreneurs founded or co-founded roughly 30
    percent of all Silicon Valley startups in the
    late 1990s. But these fundamentally creative
    people had to travel to Silicon Valley and be
    absorbed into its innovative ecosystem before
    their ideas became economically viable. Such
    ecosystems matter, and there arent many of
  • Creative people cluster not simply because they
    like to be around one another or they prefer
    cosmopolitan centers with lots of amenities,
    though both those things count. They and their
    companies also cluster because of the powerful
    productivity advantages, economies of scale, and
    knowledge spillovers such density brings.
  • So although one might not have to emigrate to
    innovate, it certainly appears that innovation,
    economic growth, and prosperity occur in those
    places that attract a critical mass of top
    creative talent.
  • On Friedman - In his view (Friedmans) , for
    example, the emerging economies of India and
    China combine cost advantages, high-tech skills,
    and entrepreneurial energy, enabling those
    countries to compete effectively for industries
    and jobs. The tensions set in motion as the
    playing field is leveled affect mainly the
    advanced countries, which see not only
    manufacturing work but also higher end jobs, in
    fields such as software development and financial
    services, increasingly threatened by offshoring.

  • Ideas can have influence many years after their
  • Many new ideas need technological underpinnings
    that may not be available at the time of their
  • There is a debate about the future world order
    and the distribution of wealth is the world
    staying spiky or is it truly become flat.
  • My view The world is an evolving place. Look at
    Japan in 1945, South Korea in mid-1950s and now!
    I feel that Florida only gave us a snapshot of
    today. Friedman could be right in that we are
    evolving towards a flat world.
  • Things that are impeding this flatting process
    are the friction between nations and war!

  • It is up to developing countries to create their
    own versions of the environment of Silicon Valley
    (co-operation between Industry, government and
  • The world will again be different in another
  • There has been more scientific development in the
    last 50 years than all of human history prior.
  • I often point out to my students that the paces
    of scientific discovery is in parallel with
    Moores law. This is greatly assisted by ICT
    development I use as an example how long did it
    take it took Henry Biggs to calculate the log
  • There is bound to be new centers of excellence in
    other countries in the future.
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