Title: Behdad Esfahbod
1Knapsack Cryptosystems
- Behdad Esfahbod
- December 2001
- Knapsack problem and its computation complexity
- Knapsack as a public key cryptosystem
- The Merkle-Hellman knapsack cryptosystem
- Shamirs attack to basic Merkle-Hellman Knapsack
cryptosystem - Lagarias and Odlyzkos attack for solving
low-density knapsack cryptosystems - The Chor-Rivest knapsack
- Knapsack rose as a public key cryptosystem,
because of its computational complexity and
efficiency - Many knapsack cryptosystems were broken in late
1970s - Final fall of knapsack cryptosystem dated to
Shamirs announcement in the spring of 1982 of a
polynomial time attack on the singly-iterated
Merkle-Hellman cryptosystem
4The Knapsack problem
- The knapsack or subset-sum problem is to
determine, given positive integers (or weights)
and a1, , an, and s, whether there is a
subset of the ajs that sums to s. That is
5Algorithmic view on knapsack
- If we have a good algorithm to find if there is a
solution to knapsack, we can find such a solution
easily too - The general knapsack problem is known to be
NP-complete - Assuming that ais are not too large, the
trivial algorithm for solving knapsack, needs
O(2n) steps
6A better algorithm for knapsack
- Just compute these sets
- Sort them, and scan for a common member
- This will take O(n2(n/2))O(2(n.lg(n)/2))
- It needs O(2(n/2)) storage space
- Surprisingly enough, this is still the fastest
algorithm known for the general knapsack problem!
7Knapsacks withsuper-increasing sequence
- A sequence ai is called a super-increasing
sequence if - A knapsack problem with super-increasing set of
weights is easy to solve - Other xis can be found recursively
8Basic idea behind all public key knapsack
- Start with a knapsack b1, , bn that is easy
to solve - Transform it into the public knapsack a1, ,
an by a process that conceals the structure of
the knapsack - With the hope that knapsack a1, , an is hard
to solve - The designer is in the position to reverse the
concealing transformation and solve the easy
9Merkle-Hellman system
- Used by Merkle and Hellman in 1978
- Based on modular multiplication
- Start with a super-increasing knapsack b1, ,
bn with - Choose M and W with
10Merkle-Hellman system (cont.)
- Compute
- Select permutation pi of 1, , n
- Define
- Public key aj, 1lt j lt n
- Private key M, W, bj, 1lt j ltn
- A message (x1, , xn) is encoded as
11Merkle-Hellman system (decrypt)
- The bi are super-increasing ? Easy to solve
12Multiply-iterated Merkle-Hellman cryptosystem
- The algorithm mentioned is called basic of
singly-iterated Merkle-Hellman cryptosystem - A multiply-iterated Merkle-Hellman cryptosystem
is the same method, with more than one different
(Mk, Wk)s with (Mk, Wk) 1 applied in a
13Merkle-Hellman vs. RSA
- MH is about 100 times faster than RSA (MH n
100, RSA m 500bits) - MH needs twice communication capacity, RSA needs
same capacity as the input - MHs public key is of size 2.n2 20,000 RSAs
is 2.m 1000 - MH assumes P ltgt NP, while RSA assumes
factorization is in NP (ltgt P)
14Security of MH cryptosystem
- What if P NP?
- What if most instances of knapsack, or MH are
easy to solve? - How many information do MH public key leak?
- As an example, the equation of knapsack modulo 2,
provides a single bit of information about them
(as not all the ai can be even)
15Brassards note on complexity of cryptography
applied to MH
- The interesting result of Brassard says
essentially that if breaking a cryptosystem is
NP-hard, then NP Co-NP, that is a surprising
complexity theory result - If NP ltgt Co-NP, then breaking the MH cannot be
NP-hard, and so is likely to be easier than
solving the general knapsack problem
16Attacks on Merkle-Hellman knapsack cryptosystem
- These attacks rely on the fact that the modular
multiplication does not disguise enough the easy
knapsack - Shamirs polynomial algorithm for the
singly-iterated Merkle-Hellman, 1982 - Brickells attack on the multiply-iterated
Merkle-Hellman, 1985
17Shamirs attack on basic Merkle-Hellman system
- Let
- Then
- Means that for some integers kj
- Hence
- That is an interesting result as we will see
18 - This means that all of the kj/aj are close to
U/M - We know that b1, , b5 2n
- Let
- We obtain
- Subtracting i1 term
- That implies
19 - kji.aj1 is on the order of 24n, then the
ai, ki should be of very special structure - In most cases kji, 1 lt i lt 5 are determined
uniquely by this equation - Shamirs main contribution was to notice that
this could be done in polynomial time by invoking
H. W. Lenstras theorem that the integer
programming problem in a fixed number of
variables can be solved in polynomial time - This yields the kji, 1 lt I lt 5
20Now we have the kji, 1lt i lt5
- Once the kji are found, one obtains an
approximation to U/M - From the approximation of U/M, constructs a pair
(U, M) with U/M close to U/M such that - The weights cj obtained by
- form a super-increasing sequence when
arranged in increasing order - The cj can be used to decrypt the message!
21But how to find j1, , j5?
- As permutation pi is secret, we do not have
j1, , j5 - The solution is easy, the cryptanalyst considers
all possible choices of them, and still remains
in polynomial time!
22Difficulties of Shamirs method
- The crucial tool in the attack was Lenstras
result on integer programming in a fixed number
of variables - Continued fraction can be used instead of
Lenstras result, but when the bi are too
large, it fails - Lenstras result is powerful, but is of mostly
theoretical interest, since its running time is
given by a high degree polynomial, and so it has
never been implemented
23Attacks to low-density general knapsack problems
- Low-density attacks try to solve the general
knapsack problem, when the ai are large enough - There are two known approaches to solve general
low-density knapsacks - One due to Lagarias and Odlyzko, 1983
- Brickell low-density attack, 1984
24On integer lattices
- An integer lattice is an additive subgroup of Zn
that contains n linearly independent vectors over
Rn - A basis (v1,,vn) of L is a set of elements
of L such that - L z1v1 znvn
- Bases are not unique, but exist all the time
- Finding the shortest non-zero vector of a
lattice, given its basis, is a very important,
and quite hard problem, although there is no
proof that it is - We will show a basis with a matrix which its rows
are the vectors of basis
25Lovasz-reduced basis
- Lovasz found a polynomial time algorithm that,
given a basis for a lattice, produces a reduced
basis. - The first vector in a Lovasz-reduced basis is not
too long - If v1, , vn is a Lovasz-reduced basis of a
lattice, then -
26The low-density attack itself
- Given the ai and s, we form the
(n1)-dimensional lattice with basis
27And the miracle is
- If v1, , vn1 are the rows of V, and the
xj solve the knapsack problem, then -
- Since the xj are 0 or 1, this vector is very
short - The basic attack consists of running the Lovasz
lattice basis reduction algorithm on the basis V
and checking whether the resulting reduced basis
contains a vector that is a solution or not
28The Chor-Rivest knapsack
- The Chor-Rivest cryptosystem, developed in 1985,
is one of the few knapsack systems that have not
been broken, and among the most attractive ones - Based on arithmetic in finite fields that
computing discrete logarithms is fairy easy
29The Chor-Rivest cryptosystem
- Let GF(ph) be a finite field such that ph - 1
has only moderate prime factors, so that its
easy to compute discrete logarithms in GF(ph)
one possible choice is p197, h24 - Let f(x) be a monic irreducible polynomial of
degree h over GF(p), so that GF(ph) can be
represented as GF(p)x/f(x) - Let t be the residue class of x modulo f(x), so
that t is an element of GF(ph) and f(t)0 - Let g be a generator of the multiplicative group
of GF(ph)
30Chor-Rivest (public-key)
- For alpha in GF(p), let aalpha be an integer
such that - Let pi be a one-to-one map from 0, 1, , p-1 to
GF(p) - Choose an integer d and define
- c0, c1, , cp-1 are the public key
31Chor-Rivest (encryption)
- Messages to be encoded are first transformed into
p-vectors (m0, , mp-1) of non-negative
integers such that - The cipher-text that is transmitted is then
32Chor-Rivest (decryption)
- First compute
- Then we have
- And
- Now we can recover the mi by factoring Gf(x)!