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nw hm ihMdU nw muslmwn ] Alh rwm ky ipMfu prwn ]4] I am neither a Hindu nor Muslim; my body and soul belong to Lord that Hindus call Ram and Muslims call Allah. khu ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: www.RajKaregaKhalsa.Net

nw hm ihMdU nw muslmwn Alh rwm ky ipMfu prwn
4 I am neither a Hindu nor Muslim my body and
soul belong to Lord that Hindus call Ram and
Muslims call Allah. khu kbIr iehu kIAw vKwnw
gur pIr imil Kuid Ksmu pCwnw 53 O, Kabir! Say
this loudly, that I (Kabir) have found the Lord
by uniting with my Guru. Bharon, M5/GGS, 1136
hmrw Jgrw rhw n koaU pMifq mulW Cwfy doaU I
have no quarrel, I declare that I have voluntary
left both Pundits (Hindus) and Mullahs
(Muslims) pMifq mulW jo iliK dIAw Cwif cly hm
kCU n lIAw Whatever Pundits and Mullahs have
prescribed, I leave behind and take nothing.
ihMdU pUjY dyhrw muslmwxu msIq nwmy soeI
syivAw jh dyhrw n msIq While Hindus worship in
the temple, and Muslims in the masjid I, Nam Dev
worship that Lord which is neither in temple nor
masjid. Gond/G.G.S/Nam Dev/875
PrIdw glIey ickVu, dUir Gru, nwl ipAwry nyhu
clw q iBjY kMblI, rhW q qutY nyhu 24 O, Farid!
Due to rain, the street is murky but the house of
my beloved is far. If I go, then my blanket
becomes wet, and if I dont, Ill be breaking my
promise with my beloved.
iBjau isjau kMblI, Alh vrsau myhu jwie imlw
iqn_at_w sjxw, qutau nwhI nyhu 25 O, Farid! Let my
blanket get really drenched, and let Allah
continue the rain, (but) I shall meet my beloved
and keep my promise.
jobn jWdy nw frW, jy sh pRIiq n jwie PrIdw ikqI
jobn pRIiq ibnu, suik gey kumlwie 34 I have no
regret that my youth is gone, so long as my love
for the Lord is intact. O, Farid! Think of youth
that is already wilted without love of the Lord
(ie human life without Lords love is lived in
sloku m1 g.g.s, 140 imhr msIiq isdku muslw hku
hlwlu kurwxu Let mercy (on people) be the
mosque the faith thy prayer-mat and honest
earning be thy Quran srm suMniq sIlu rojw hohu
muslmwxu Let modesty be thy (circumcision)
the civility be thy fast so shalt though be a
Muslim. krxI kwbw scu pIru klmw krm invwj Let
rightful conduct be thy Kaba, the truth be your
spiritual guide and pious deeds be thy creed and
prayer. qsbI sw iqsu BwvsI nwnk rKY lwj  1 
Let the Will of the Lord be thy rosary. O,
Nanak! The Lord protects the honour (of such a
pMij invwjw vKq pMij pMjw pMjy nwau There are
five prayers of the Muslims, five different times
and five prayers known with five different
names. pihlw scu hlwl duie qIjw KYr Kudwie
(But according to our religion the real prayers
are these) First, to utter the Truth second,
honest earnings third, benevolence (charitable)
in Lords name cauQI nIAiq rwis mnu pMjvI isPiq
snwie fourth, rightful intent of the mind, and
fifth, to recite Nam and praise Lord. krxI klmw
AwiK kY qw muslmwxu sdwie In addition, let
rightful conduct be thy creed, then call yourself
a Muslim. nwnk jyqy kUiVAwr kUVY kUVI pwie
 3  O, Nanak! (those who do not conduct
themselves likewise) are all false dealers and
false honour itself is foul. II3II Sloke
muMdw sMqoKu srmu pqu JolI iDAwn kI krih ibBUiq
(O, Yogi), if you make contentment thy
ear-rings, perseverance thy alm-bowl and
container, and contemplation upon Akal Purakh thy
ashes (rather than ashes of dung that you smear
on your body), iKMQw kwlu kuAwrI kwieAw jugiq
fMfw prqIiq the remembrance of death thy
shelter, the purity of your body thy code of
conduct, and Lords love thy staff (then the wall
of falsehood can be broken from within). AweI
pMQI sgl jmwqI min jIqY jgu jIqu One who treats
all beings as one (in reality) belongs to the
Aiee Panthi (the highest order of Yogis). One who
conquers the mind thus, conquers the world, (O,
Yogi). Awdysu iqsY Awdysu Salute, salute to the
Akal Purakh!  Awid AnIlu Anwid Anwhiq jugu jugu
eyko vysu  28  The foundation of all, the
primal and pure, the rootless, the indestructible
and constant in all ages. (28)
Sukhmani, M.5/G.G.S/274 so pMifqu jo mnu
prboDY rwm nwmu Awqm mih soDY He who directs
his mind and seeks Lords Nam within he is a true
Pundit. rwm nwm swru rsu pIvY ausu pMifq kY
aupdyis jgu jIvY The world lives happily in the
wisdom of that Pundit who tastes the sweet Nam of
the Lord.  hir kI kQw ihrdY bswvY so pMifqu
iPir join n AwvY The Pundit who implants
the praises of the Lord in his heart frees
himself from the transmigration
cycle.    chu vrnw kau dy aupdysu nwnk
ausu pMifq kau sdw Adysu  4   He imparts (same)
knowledge to all four castes impartially, O,
Nanak! I ever salute to that Pundit II4II9II
Heaven and Hell AwKw jIvw ivsrY mir jwau (Asa,
M1, GGS/9) Thou remembrance is to live though
departure is to die. qhW bYkMuTu jh kIrqnu qyrw
qMU Awpy srDw lwieih (Suhi, M5, GGS/749) O,
Lord! Wherever Thy praises are sung by the beings
through Thy grace is heaven. surg mukiq bYkMuT
siB bWCih inq Awsw Aws krIjY O, Lord! The
beings desire heaven everyday to be salvated hir
drsn ky jn mukiq n mWgih imil drsn iqRpiq mnu
DIjY But the mind of the true devotees is
equipoised with Thy presence They desire not
emancipation. (M.4,GGS/1324) surg bws n bwCIAY
frIAY n nrik invwsu We neither desire to live
in heaven nor are afraid of dwelling in hell
Kabir, GGS/337
Classless and casteless society based on seva (to
serve) and simran(recite) - no beggars only
dignifier and dignifiee. Gwil Kwie ikCu hQhu
dyie nwnk rwhu pCwny sy They who earn by
their brow and share with the others, know the
true path. M.4, GGS/1284
Gender equality
so ikau mMdw AwKIAY ijqu jMmih rwjwn Awsw
m1/g.g.s/473 Why call her evil who given birth to
great Kings
Dn ipru eyih n AwKIAn bihn iekTy hoie Husband
and wife are not those who merely sit
together eyk joiq duie mUrqI Dn ipr khIAY soie
They are those who being in two bodies are
infused with one Lord. M.3, GGS/788

The divine word only is the Guru of Guru Nanak
and of all Sikhs
sbdu gurU suriq Duin cylw m.1,g.g.s/943 The
divine word is my Guru and the contemplation (of
my mind) on the sound is the disciple.M.1,GGS/943
Nirbhu and Nirver fearless and at enmity with
none jau qau pRym Kylx kw cwau isru Dir qlI glI
myrI Awau Those who are fond of true love, let
them covenant to accept martyrdom iequ mwrig
pYru DrIjY isru dIjY kwix n kIjY Whosoever,
treads to accept this path, must be ready to
sacrifice everything for the faith. M.1,GGS/1412
BY kwhU kau dyq nih nih BY mwnq Awn Those who
neither scare nor fear any khu nwnk suin ry mnw
mukiq qwih qY jwin Say, O, Nanak! They are
truly enlightened.M.9,G.G.S/1427
sMq ispwhI THE SAINT SOLDIER Kes, Kangha, Karha,
Kachhrah Kirpan
jwgiq joiq jpY insbwsur, eyk ibnw mn nYk n AwnY
One who meditates on the ever present Lord, day
and night, and puts no faith in any except the
one Lord pUrn pRm pRqIq sjY, bRq gor mVHI mT Bul
n mwnY remains absorbed in His splendour and
true love, and not even by err believes in fasts,
tombs, graves or cloisters of idolatry qIrQ dwn
dieAw qp sMjm, eyk ibnw nih eyk pCwnY nor goes
on pilgrimage or performs penances (of Yogies) or
asceticism (of sannyasis) pUrn joq jgY Gt mY, qb
Kwls qwih nKwls jwnY is a true paragon, a
complete human, in whose heart ever shines the
perfect light of God, to be the Khalsa. Akal
Ustat, Patshahi 10
ibsir geI sB qwiq prweI jb qy swDsMgiq moih pweI
 1  rhwau O, brother! Ever since I have
acquired the company of the Gurmukhs,I have
abandoned the habit of being envious at others
happiness. II1II Pause.  nw ko bYrI nhI ibgwnw
sgl sMig hm kau bin AweI  1  I see no one as an
enemy nor a stranger I am fond of all II1II jo
pRB kIno so Bl mwinE eyh sumiq swDU qy pweI
 2  Whatever the Lord does, I (now) regard it
to be gracious (for all) my Guru has imparted
this knowledge to me. II2II sB mih riv rihAw pRBu
eykY pyiK pyiK nwnk ibgsweI  3  8  O, Nanak!
It is the same Lord that dwells in all beings
consequently Ibehold and rejoice Him in all.
II3II8II Kanrha, M.5, G.G.S 1299
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