Data Structures Review Session 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Data Structures Review Session 1


Data Structures Review Session 1 Ramakrishna, PhD student. Grading Assistant for this course Java exercises For the following program, what are the possible outputs ? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Data Structures Review Session 1

Data Structures Review Session 1
  • Ramakrishna, PhD student.
  • Grading Assistant for this course

Java exercises
  • For the following program, what are the possible
    outputs ?
  • Public class WhatIsX
  • public static void f(int x)
  • / body unknown /
  • public static void main(String args)
  • int x 0
  • f(x)
  • System.out.println(x)

Output - 0
Java exercises
  • What is the output of this code ?
  • public class xyz
  • public static void resize(int arr)
  • int old arr
  • arr new intold.length2 1
  • for(int i0iltold.lengthi)
  • arrioldi
  • public static void main(String args)
  • int arr1,2,3,4
  • xyz.resize(arr)
  • for(int i0iltarr.lengthi)

Output 1 2 3 4
  • Give an efficient algorithm to determine whether
    an integer i exists such that Ai equals i in an
    array of increasing integers. What is the running
    time of your algorithm ?
  • Naïve Algorithm ?
  • Smart Algorithm ?

Linear search O(n)
Binary search O(logn)
Quick Sort Review
  • A key step in the Quick sort algorithm is
    partitioning the array
  • We choose some (any) number p in the array to use
    as a pivot
  • We partition the array into three parts

Best case Partitioning at various levels
Analysis of Quick Sort Best Case
  • Suppose each partition operation divides the
    array almost exactly in half
  • Then the depth of the recursion in log2n
  • Because thats how many times we can halve n
  • However, there are many recursions!
  • How can we figure this out?
  • We note that
  • Each partition is linear over its sub array
  • All the partitions at one level cover the array

Best case II
  • So the depth of the recursion in log2n
  • At each level of the recursion, all the
    partitions at that level do work that is linear
    in n
  • O(log2n) O(n) O(n log2n)
  • Hence in the average case, quicksort has time
    complexity O(n log2n)
  • What about the worst case?

Worst case partitioning
Worst case
  • In the worst case, partitioning always divides
    the size n array into these three parts
  • A length one part, containing the pivot itself
  • A length zero part, and
  • A length n-1 part, containing everything else
  • We dont recur on the zero-length part
  • Recurring on the length n-1 part requires (in the
    worst case) recurring to depth n-1

Worst case for quick sort
  • In the worst case, recursion may be n levels deep
    (for an array of size n)
  • But the partitioning work done at each level is
    still n
  • O(n) O(n) O(n2)
  • So worst case for Quick sort is O(n2)
  • When does this happen?
  • When the array is sorted to begin with!

Typical case for quick sort
  • If the array is sorted to begin with, Quick sort
    is terrible O(n2)
  • It is possible to construct other bad cases
  • However, Quick sort is usually O(n log2n)
  • The constants are so good that Quick sort is
    generally the fastest algorithm known
  • Most real-world sorting is done by Quick sort

Problems on Quick Sort (1)
  • What is the running time of QUICKSORT when
  • a. All elements of array A have the same value
  • b. The array A contains distinct elements and is
    sorted in descending order ?
  • Assume that you always use the last element in
  • the sub array as pivot.
  • ANSWER ?

Answer (1)
  • A) Whatever pivot you choose in each sub array
    it would result in WORST CASE PARTITIONING and
    hence the running time is O(n2).
  • B) Same is the case. Since you always pick the
    maximum element in the sub array as the pivot
    each partition you do would be a worst case
    partition and hence the running time is O(n2)
    again !.

Problems on Sorting
  • What are the worst-case and average-case running
    times for insertion sort, merge sort and quick
    sort ?
  • Answer Insertion sort is O( n2 ) in both cases.
    Merge sort is O( n log n ) in both cases.
    Quick-sort is O( n log n ) on average, O(n2 ) in
    the worst case.
  • In instances where the worst-case and
    average-case differ, give an example of how the
    worst case occurs ?
  • Answer In Quick-sort, the worst case occurs when
    the partition is repeatedly degenerate.

Problems on Sorting
  • Which of the following take average linear
    execution time ?
  • Insertion sort
  • Merge sort
  • Quick sort
  • Quick select
  • None of the above

Problems on Sorting
  • When all elements are equal, what is the running
    time of
  • Insertion sort O(n) ( best case)
  • Merge sort O(n logn)
  • Quick sort - O(n2) ( worst case )
  • When the input has been sorted, what is the
    running time of
  • Insertion sort O(n) ( best case)
  • Merge sort O(n logn)
  • Quick sort - O(n2) ( worst case )

Problems on Sorting
  • When the input has been reverse sorted, what is
    the running time of
  • Insertion sort O(n2) ( worst case )
  • Merge sort O(n logn)
  • Quick sort - O(n2) ( worst case )

Searching Problems
  • Write down the time complexities (best, worst
    and average cases) of performing Linear-Search
    and Binary-Search in a sorted array of n
  • Solution ?

Linear Search (1)
  • Method Scan the input list and compare the
    input element with every element in the list. If
    a match is found, return.
  • Worst case Time Complexity The obvious worst
    case is that the input element is not available
    in the list. In this case go through the entire
    list and hence the worst case time complexity
    would be O(n).
  • So this search doesnt really exploit the fact
    that the list is sorted !!

Linear Search (2)
  • Average case Time Complexity Given that each
    element is equally likely to be the one searched
    for and the element searched for is present in
    the array, a linear search will on the average
    have to search through half the elements. This is
    because half the time the wanted element will be
    in the first half and half the time it will be in
    the second half and hence its time complexity is
    T(n/2) which is T (n) similar to the worst
    case ignoring the constant.
  • Best Case Time complexity The obvious best case
    is that we find the first element of the array
    equal to the input element and hence the search
    terminates there itself. Hence the best case is

Binary Search (1)
  • Binary search can only be performed on a sorted
  • In binary search we first compare the input
    element to the middle element and if they are
    equal then the search is over. If it is greater
    than the middle element, then we search in the
    right half recursively, otherwise we search in
    the left half recursively until the middle
    element is equal to the input element.
  • Algorithm complexity is O(log2n).
  • Best, Worst and Average case complexities are
  • T (log2 n)

Problem on Complexity
  • Let f (n), g (n) be asymptotically nonnegative.
    Show that max( f (n), g (n)) T(f (n) g (n)).
  • According to the definition, f (n) T(g (n)) if
    and only if there exists positive constants c1,
    c2 and n0 such that 0ltc1f(n)ltg (n)ltc2f(n) for
    all ngtn0
  • So to prove this, we need to find positive
    constants c1,c2 and n0 such that 0 lt c1(f(n) g
    (n)) lt max (f (n), g (n)) lt c2(f(n) g (n))
    for all n gt n0.
  • Selecting c2 1 clearly shows the third
    inequality since the maximum must be smaller than
    the sum. c1 should be selected as 1/2 since the
    maximum is always greater than the average of f
    (n) and g (n). Also we can select n01.

Master Theorem
Solving Recurrence relations
  • Solve the recurrence equation T (n) 16T(n/4)
  • Now we solve this recurrence using the master
  • This recurrence relation can be solved using the
    masters theorem. When this recurrence relation
    is compared to the general equation T(n)aT(n/b)
    f(n), we get
  • a16, b4 and f (n) n2 which is a quadratic
    function of n.
  • Here nlogba nlog416 n2 (Since 1642 we get
    nlog416 to be equal to n2 as log44 1).

  • Checking case 1,
  • f(n)O(nlogba-e) for egt0.
  • f(n)O(n2-e) for egt0 not true since f(n)n2
  • Checking case 2,
  • f(n)O(nlogba.logkn) for kgt0.
  • f(n)O(n2.logkn) for k0 is true since f(n)n2
  • Need not check case 3 since case 2 applies.
  • Hence, T(n) O(nlogba.logk1n) O(n2.logn)

More Problems on Sorting
  • Describe and analyze an efficient method for
    removing all duplicates from a collection A of n
  • Solution ?

Smart Algorithm
  • Pseudo Code
  • Sort array A using an O (n log n) sorting
    algorithm. // n elements in A
  • So now since the array is sorted if we have any
    duplicates at all, they will be adjacent to one
  • Let B the resulting array without duplicates.
  • B1 A1
  • For I 2 to n
  • If AI is same as the recently added
    element in B, then skip it, else add AI in
  • Time Complexity O (nlogn) O(n)

More Problems on Sorting
  • Given a set A with n elements and a set B with m
    elements, describe an efficient algorithm for
    computing A XOR B, which is the set of elements
    that are in A or B, but not in both.
  • Solution ?

Naïve Algorithm
  • Pseudo Code
  • For each element x in A // n elements in A
  • For each element y in B // m elements in B
  • Compare x and y. If both are same
    mark them.
  • Go through A and B and find the elements that are
    not marked. These are the elements in the XOR
  • Time Complexity O (nm) O(n) O(m)

Smart Algorithm
  • Pseudo Code
  • Sort array A using an O (n log n) sorting
    algorithm. // n elements in A
  • For each element x in B // m elements in B
  • Perform a binary search for x in A. If a
    match is found, mark x in A else add x in the
    XOR set.
  • Go through A and copy unmarked elements to the
    XOR set.
  • Time Complexity
  • O (nlogn) O(mlogn) O(n) O((mn)logn)

Merge Sort
  • Approach
  • Partition list of elements into 2 lists
  • Recursively sort both lists
  • Given 2 sorted lists, merge into 1 sorted list
  • Examine head of both lists
  • Move smaller to end of new list
  • Performance
  • O( n log(n) ) average / worst case

Merge Example
2 4 5
2 7
4 5 8
2 4 5 7
4 5 8
2 4 5 7 8
2 4
5 8
Merge Sort Example
2 4 5 7 8
7 2 8 5 4
4 5 8
8 5 4
2 7
7 2
4 5
5 4
Problems on Merge Sort
  • Let S be a sequence of n elements. An inversion
    in S is a pair of elements x and y such that x
    appears before y in S but xgty. Describe an
    algorithm running in O (n log n) time for
    determining the number of inversions in S.
  • Solution ?

Simple Naïve Algorithm
  • Pseudo Code
  • For I 1 to n // n elements in A
  • For J I1 to n
  • Compare AI and AJ. If AI gt AJ
    then inversions
  • Time Complexity O (n2)

Smart Algorithm
  • Hint Modify the MERGE sub procedure to solve
    this problem efficiently !.
  • Original Merge Sort Approach
  • Partition list of elements into 2 lists
  • Recursively sort both lists
  • Given 2 sorted lists, merge into 1 sorted list
  • Examine head of both lists
  • Move smaller to end of new list
  • Performance
  • O( n log (n) ) average / worst case

Merge Example
2 4 5
2 7
4 5 8
2 4 5 7
4 5 8
2 4 5 7 8
2 4
5 8
Merge Sort Example
2 4 5 7 8
7 2 8 5 4
4 5 8
8 5 4
2 7
7 2
4 5
5 4
Modified Merge Sort
  • Modified Merge Sort Approach
  • Partition list of elements into 2 lists
  • Recursively sort both lists
  • Given 2 sorted lists, merge into 1 sorted list
  • Examine the head of the left list and the right
  • If head of left list is greater than the head of
    right list we have an inversion
  • Performance
  • O( n log (n) ) average / worst case
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