Rapid detection of drugs for protein misfolding diseases. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rapid detection of drugs for protein misfolding diseases.


Beyond Force Spectroscopy Dynamic Force Spectroscopy (DFS) Summary Protein ... - Our working hypothesis is that the use of single molecule force spectroscopy ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Rapid detection of drugs for protein misfolding diseases.

Rapid detection of drugs for protein misfolding
  • Alexey Krasnoslobodtsev,
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
  • University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • COBRE 16 January, 2009

Protein misfolding and Diseases.
  • Protein mislfoding and aggregation is linked to
    many pathological diseases Alzheimer's,
    Parkinsons, Huntingtons and prion diseases.
  • These diseases have common molecular mechanisms
    including protein aggregation and inclusion body

Protein misfolding diseases.
  • The current status of drug development for
    protein misfolding diseases
  • Most studied Alzheimer's and Parkinsons
  • Alzheimers Because there is no cure, managing
    the disease usually involves medications to
    control symptoms, in combination with various
    non-drug strategies designed to ease the
    suffering of the person afflicted as well as his
    or her family and caregiver. (http//www.alzinfo.o
  • Parkinsons At this time no treatment has been
    shown to slow or stop the progression of this
    disease. Instead, therapy is directed at treating
    the symptoms that are most bothersome to an
    individual with Parkinson's disease.
  • Universally fatal diseases.

Possible therapeutic interventions for protein
misfolding diseases
An emerging therapeutic strategy for protein
misfolding diseases Small molecules that bind
to specific regions of the misfolded protein and
stabilize it. Chemical (pharmacological)
  • Skovronovsky D.M., et al., 2006, Annu. Rev.
    Pathol. Dis., 1151-70

Projects objective.
  • There is a critical need to identify effective
    therapeutic agents to treat and/or prevent these
    devastating diseases.
  • There is a critical need for exploration of novel
    more rapid and efficient methods to study the
    molecular mechanisms underlying protein
  • The objective of the project is to evaluate
    single molecule force spectroscopy as a novel
    method that would identify pathological
    conformations of a protein molecule (misfolded
    states), determine factors stabilizing
    interactions between misfolded proteins, improve
    the decision making process for potential drug

Specific Aims
  • Specific aim 1 Confirm the efficacy of single
    molecule force spectroscopy for identifying
    pathological interactions.
  • - Our working hypothesis is that the strength of
    interactions between individual proteins measured
    with single molecule force spectroscopy is linked
    to pathology.
  • 2) Specific aim 2 Evaluate the possibility of
    using Force Spectroscopy for high-throughput
    screening of potential drugs that prevent
  • - Our working hypothesis is that the use of
    single molecule force spectroscopy will
    significantly increase the speed of decision
    making for drug candidates in protein misfolding
  • 3) Specific aim 3 Identify stabilizing factors
    that drive self-assembly of proteins leading to
    smart drug design.
  • - We will test the hypothesis that the subset of
    interactions that contribute the most to the
    stability of aggregated species comes from the
    main chain hydrogen bonding between proteins
    which explains structural similarities of
    aggregates formed by proteins diverse in

Force Spectroscopy a nanotool for early
detection of protein misfolded states.
  • The misfolded protein conformation that is
    aggregation prone is different from other protein
    conformations by their increased propensity to
    interact with each another leading to
  • Force spectroscopy can detect such propensity by
    measuring strength of interactions between
    individual molecules.

The strength of interactions between proteins in
misfolded state is elevated.
  • Advantages
  • Force spectroscopy operates at single molecule
    level and it is capable of detecting and
    analyzing aggregation prone conformations very
    early in the disease development at the step of
    dimer formation.

Simple model system Short peptide from Sup35
yeast prion protein.
Sup35 is a translation termination factor.
A seven amino acid sequence within the
N-terminal domain is responsible for the
aggregation of the whole Sup35 protein. This
short peptide aggregates with the formation of
We have observed that ionic strength of solution
has a strong effect on aggregation kinetics of
this peptide.
Ionic strength 11 mM 150 mM
Lag time 10.8 hours 7.1 hours
Pathological mutations of a-synuclein.
Pathological interactions.
- a-synuclein is expressed in the brain, normally
unstructured and water soluble. - It aggregates
to form insoluble fibrils (Lewy bodies) found in
Parkinsons disease. - Accumulation of Lewy
bodies causes cell death which leads to selective
loss of neurons ? progressive motoric
F 58 pN
Wild Type
F 75 pN
A single point mutation in a-synuclein - A53T has
been identified in familial early-onset
Parkinson's disease . Previous reports have
shown that mutant a-synuclein aggregates more
rapidly than wild-type protein.
Specific Aims
  • Specific aim 1 Determine the benefit of single
    molecule force spectroscopy for
    tracking(identifying) pathological interactions.
  • - Our working hypothesis is that the strength of
    interactions between individual proteins measured
    with single molecule force spectroscopy is linked
    to pathology.
  • 2) Specific aim 2 Evaluate the possibility of
    using Force Spectroscopy for high-throughput
    screening of potential drugs that prevent
  • - Our working hypothesis is that the use of
    single molecule force spectroscopy will
    significantly increase the speed of decision
    making for drug candidates in protein misfolding
  • 3) Specific aim 3 Identify stabilizing factors
    that drive self-assembly of proteins leading to
    smart drug design.
  • - We will test the hypothesis that the subset of
    interactions that contribute the most to the
    stability of aggregated species comes from the
    main chain hydrogen bonding between proteins
    which explains structural similarities of
    aggregates formed by proteins diverse in

AFM force spectroscopy -High throughput
screening machine for detecting efficient
therapeutic agents
Force Spectroscopy is a novel nanotool with
enormous potentials for the high-throughput
screening of Alzheimer's and Parkinsons drug
candidates. The flow cell mode allows testing
the candidate drugs at various conditions
approaching to the physiological ones with
automated exchange of buffers containing drugs of
Drug 1
Drug 2
Drug 3
Force of intermolecular interactions
  • Drug 2 is the best candidate for the
    development of effective therapeutic agents

This method would allow for rapid screening of
drug candidates created through combinatorial
Specific Aims
  • Specific aim 1 Determine the benefit of single
    molecule force spectroscopy for
    tracking(identifying) pathological interactions.
  • - Our working hypothesis is that the strength of
    interactions between individual proteins measured
    with single molecule force spectroscopy is linked
    to pathology.
  • 2) Specific aim 2 Evaluate the possibility of
    using Force Spectroscopy for high-throughput
    screening of potential drugs that prevent
  • - Our working hypothesis is that the use of
    single molecule force spectroscopy will
    significantly increase the speed of decision
    making for drug candidates in protein misfolding
  • 3) Specific aim 3 Identify stabilizing factors
    that drive self-assembly of proteins leading to
    smart drug design.
  • - We will test the hypothesis that the subset of
    interactions that contribute the most to the
    stability of aggregated species comes from the
    main chain hydrogen bonding between proteins
    which explains structural similarities of
    aggregates formed by proteins diverse in

  • We will use a combination of main-chain
    mutations which would remove backbone hydrogen
    bonding in the core sequences of aggregation and
    Dynamic Force Spectroscopy.

Beyond Force SpectroscopyDynamic Force
Spectroscopy (DFS)
Dynamic force spectroscopy (measuring forces at
various loading rates) reveals structural
energetic information in complex system.
Using DFS one can obtain the off-rate constant of
spontaneous dissociation of the complex. This
further characterizes the early stages of the
misfolded protein interactions leading to the
formation of protein dimers.
The lifetime of the dimers is one of the
important properties quantitatively
characterizing the stability of the very first
intermediate state of protein aggregates. The
lifetimes for the a-synuclein dimer pH 2.7 gt 4
sec pH 3.7 gt 1.3 sec pH 5.1 gt 0.3 sec
Yu, J., et al., J. Mol.Biol., 2008, Vol. 384,
  • The project capitalizes on the use of a novel
    concept that Force Spectroscopy provides an
    advanced detection of protein conformational
    changes (misfolding) with enhanced interprotein
    interactions critically involved in aggregation
  • This novel nanoprobing approach will help in
    overcoming the limitations of traditional
    ensemble based methods to detect and analyze
    misfolded states of proteins. Application of this
    approach has a potential for rapid screening,
    analysis and evaluation of potential inhibitors
    (drugs) of protein aggregation. It is expected to
    speed the decision making and ultimately shorten
    the overall time for drug development process.
  • The work proposed in this project is expected to
    elucidate the mechanism of initial stages of
    aggregation which will have a positive impact on
    the development of rational effective
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