Title: Nityanandesh Narayan Tripathi (PGT English)
Direct Indirect Speech
By - Nityanandesh Narayan Tripathi (PGT English)
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Baghmara
Here two people are talking to each other. Head
of the office, Mr. Suresh is assigning some work
to his subordinate, Mr. Praveen.
Yes Sir, I will do my level best to do it.
Mr. Praveen you have to complete this work by
This face to face talk is called conversation.
In the next situation another employee of the
same office, who listened the talk, is telling
that conversation to his friend.
Today in our office Mr. Suresh, the Boss,
instructed Mr. Praveen to complete a work by next
Yea! I know that. Then Mr. Praveen said to him,
I will do my level best to do it.
This retelling of the conversation is called
In the Narration slide you must have observed two
types of sentences used by those two people. One
without inverted commas (1) and another with
inverted commas (2)
- Today in our office Mr. Suresh, the Boss,
instructed Mr. Praveen to complete a work by next
day. - Yea! I know that. Then Mr. Praveen said to him,
I will do my level best to do it.
These sentences are called speeches.
5Types of Speech
- Direct Speech - When a sentence is written or
spoken with inverted commas. - (statement with the original format of the
speaker is used.) - Indirect Speech - When a sentence is written or
spoken without inverted commas. - (Modified statement with the modified format of
the speaker is used.)
Direct Speech -
Reported Sentence
Reporting Sentence
Mr. Suresh said to Mr. Praveen, Today You are
going to Delhi.
Changes -
(2) Punctuation Marks
(3) Adjective of Time or Place
(1) Reporting Verb
(5) Auxiliary Verb and Main Verb
(4) Pronoun
Indirect Speech -
Mr. Suresh told Mr. Praveen that he was going to
Delhi that day.
7Conversion (1)
Now we will take on these conversion rules one by
(1) Reporting Verb -
Sentence Type Direct Speech Verb Indirect Speech Verb
Affirmative Said Said
Affirmative Said To Told
Interrogative Said, Said To Asked, Inquired
Exclamatory Said, Said To Exclaimed, Wondered, Surprised
Imperative Said, Said To Commanded, Directed, Requested, Suggested
8Conversion (2)
(2) Punctuation Mark -
Sentence Type Direct Speech Punctuation Indirect Speech
Affirmative , That
Interrogative , If, How, Wh_words (like what, why, which, etc.)
Exclamatory , That
Imperative , To
9Conversion (3)
(3) Reported Verb -
Note - If Reporting Verb is in Present or Future
Tense then Tense of Reported Verb is not
Direct Speech Verb Indirect Speech Verb
Is, am Was
Are Were
Has, Have Had
Do, Does Did
Had Had been
Will, Shall Would, Should
10Conversion (4)
(2) Reported Adjective of Time and Place -
Sentence Type Direct Speech Adjective Indirect Speech Adjective
Time Now Then
Time Yesterday Previous Day
Time Today That Day
Time Tomorrow Next Day
Place Here There
Place This That
Place These Those
11Conversion (5)
(2) Reported Pronoun -
It depends upon the meaning of the Sentence or
12Uses of Direct Speech
Direct Speech is used in following Conditions -
In writing the play.
To emphasize the saying of others.
In novels and stories.
13Uses of Indirect Speech
Indirect Speech is used in following Conditions -
In general writing like letter
In Speech.
In general conversation
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Man said to horse," Please drink the milk.
- Dear friends today I observed following talks and
I want to share them with you - Man requested horse to drink the milk
- Rajesh told me that he would exercise that day.
- Mira asked the doctor how to keep the cat healthy.
Rajesh said to me," Today I will do exercise.
Mira said to doctor," how to keep the cat
15Let us do some Exercise!! - 1
See the pictures and write indirect sentences
based on the given conversation.
I am playing traditional game
You dont know how to play this game
I am good girl so I have given you the ice-cream
OK, then tell me about it.
Thank you.
Twinkle and Raj
Rahul and Rina
16Thanks Meet You Again