Title: (Calculation of Boiler Efficiency)
1???????????????????????????? (Calculation of
Boiler Efficiency)
??? ?????????????????????????? ???????????????????
Flash Steam
3(No Transcript)
4Heat Input Heat Output
- ????????????? Feed Water
- ?????????????????????? ???????
- ????????????????????????????????
- ?????????????????????
- ??????????? Steam ??????????
- ?????????????? Blow Down ???????????
- ??????????? Waste Gas ?????????????????
- ??????????????????????????????????
5Steam t2
Feed Water (FW) t1
1000 x lit
Blow Down (B/D) t3
x lit
6??????????? ??????? t2
Steam (Gas) ?? Enthalpy x kcal/kg B/D (Liquid)
?? Enthalpy y kcal/kg
?????????????? x y ?????? Latent Heat
?????????????????????????? t2
7????????? 3 ??? 4
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
- ??? ?, ?, ?, ? ?????? ????????????????????
(?????? ?) - ?????????????
- ? ? - ? ?
8(No Transcript)
?????? ?????? (Burner) ?????????? (Nozzle) ?????
Eff. ??? 80 (??????????? 83) ?????? ??????
(Burner) ???? Atomizer Cap (Rotary) ????? Eff.
??? 85 (??????????? 88 ??????????? ?????
10????????? 3
??? Variable Factor 1. ??????????? FW 2. Steam
Pressure ? Steam Temp., B/D temp. 3. Cycle of
Concentration (N) ? ?????????Boiler ??? FW 4.
Specific. Heat ????????????? 5. Data Correction
?????? FW, ????????????????, Boiler Stop 6.
Boiler Eff.
- ?????? FW ? ???????? Flow Meter m3/D, m3/h
- ?????? B/D ? ????????????
12- ?????????????? B/D, FW ? ?????? EC, TDS, Cl-,
M-Alk - FW temp. ? ????? Thermometer
- Steam temp. ? ???????????????????? Pressure
Gauge ??????????? Steam Table
????????????????? OC - B/D temp. Steam temp.
- ??? Enthalpy ??? FW, B/D, Steam ? ???????? Steam
13- Burner Type ? Nozzle, Atomizer Cap (Rotary)
- Efficiency ? ????? Bench Mark ???
- 80 ???????????? Nozzle
- 85 ???????????? Rotary
- Specific Heat ????????????
14Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Remark
No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 Remark
Specific gravity at 15.6/15.6 OC 0.985 0.990 0.995 0.995 0.996 Not more than
Gross Heat of Combustion kcal/kg 10,000 9,900 9,900 9,900 9,900 Not less than
Gross Heat of Combustion kcal/l 9,850 9,801 9,850 9,850 9,860 Not less than
16Boiler 16 ???/??. ????????? nozzle ???????????? C
?????????????? Feed temp. 60 OC Operate ??? 5
kg/cm2 ???? Steam Table Absolute pressure 6
kg/cm2 ,???????? 158.08 OC ?????? 25 ?.?. 46
FW 137 m3 ??? EC 2,150 µS/cm Fuel
9,390 lit B/D ?????? EC 11,860 µS/cm
17C.O.C (N) 11,860 5.5 2,150 ??? B/D
FW / N ??? B/D 100 / 5.5 18.13 ?B/D
181.3 lit/m3 of FW ? Steam 1,000 181.3
818.7 lit/m3of FW
18?????????? Steam Table ?????
- Enthalpy of 6 kg/cm2 Saturated water HBW
159.25 kcal/kg - Enthalpy of 6 kg/cm2 Saturated steam HS 658.1
kcal/kg - Enthalpy of 60 OC Feed water... Hf 59.94
kcal/kg - Gross heat of combustion of fuel oil.. Ff
9,850 kcal/lit - ?Total heat (658.1 x 818.7) (159.25 x 181.3)
(59.94 x 1,000) - 507,718.5 kcal/ton of FW .theoretical
???????? - Operate 5 kg/cm2 - Absolute
pressure 6 kg/cm2
19????? Boiler ??????????? Boiler ?????????????
20???????????????????????? 25 ?.?. 2546
21???????????????? Bench Mark ??? 80 ??? Boiler
??? FW 1 ton 68.54 64.48 ?
?????????????????????? 4.06 lit 1 ??? FW
137 m3/D ? ??????????????????????????? Standard
1 ??? 556 lit ???????????????????? 8
??? ????????????????? 4,448 ??? 1 ?? (300
???) 1,334,400 ???
22- ??????????????????????????? Boiler ?????????????
Boiler - ????????? FW ?????????????? ??????????? Boiler
Standard ????????????????? B/D ??????? - ??? Boiler Standard ???????? EC 5,000 µS/cm
23?Total heat (658.1 x 570) (159.25 x 430)
(59.94 x 1,000) 383,654.5 kcal/ton of FW
24????? Boiler Eff. 80
?????????? Steam ???????? 112.16 ton ?????????
9,580 lit ? ?????????????????? 9,580 9,290
190 lit/D
25??? Boiler Eff. ???????? 75.2 (??????????
?????????? Steam ???????? 112.16 ton ?????????
10,192 lit ? ?????????????????? 802 lit/D
26??????????????????????????????? FW ??? EC
??????????? 291 µS/cm
27?Total heat (658.1 x 941.8) (159.25 x 58.2)
(59.94 x 1,000) 569,127 kcal/ton of FW
??? Boiler Eff. ???????? 75.2 (??????????
28(No Transcript)
29 ??????? Boiler ?????????????????? Boiler
Standard ??? Boiler Eff 80 ? Total heat
require 711,409 kcal ? Fuel rate 72.2
lit/ton of FW 72.2 76.69 lit/ton of
steam 1 - 0.0582 Steam 112.16 ?????????
8,601 lit ? ???????????????? 789 lit/D
?????????????????????????? ????????????????
1,536,600 ???/??
31- ???????????????????? Boiler ???????
33- ????????????????? Boiler ??????????????????????
?????????????????? Standard
??????????????? ???????????????????
- ??? Boiler Quality
- ??? Excess Air
- Cleaning Fire Side
- Cleaning Water Side
- Return Condensate
- ??? Condensate ??????????????? FW
- ???????
34- ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????
??? ?????????? Fuel Consumption
????????????????????? - ??????? Boiler ? ?????????????
35??????????? Excess Air Cleaning Fire Side
(???????) ?????????????????????? Fire Side ?
- ??????????????????? Boiler ??????????????????????
???????????? Steam ??????????? ????????? Steam 1
?????????????????????? - ??????????????? Standard ???????????????
- ?????????????????????????, ?????? ???????????
Evaluate ??????
?????????? Eff. ????????????? Bench Mark
(Standard) ??????????
38- ?? Stack Temperature ?????????????
- - ??????????????????????????????????????? Probe
??????????????????????????? - - ???????????????? Probe ????????????????????????
- - Stack Temperature ????????????????????? Steam
???? 20 40 oC ????????????????????????????
(fire Side, Water Side)
39- ?? Combustion Eff. ??????? ??? O2 Excess
(Excess Air), CO2, C CO (??????????????????????
) ??????????????????? ???????????????????? High
Speed ??? Low Speed - ?? Scale
- - ???? Fire Side ????????????????? Tube
?????????????????????????? - ?????? Tube ??????????????????????
- - ???? Water Side ???????????????? ???????????
??????? Boiler
40- ?????????????????????? Boiler
- ?? Operating Condition ???? Boiler 7 ton/h ???
Operate ??? 1 3 ton/h
41(No Transcript)
42??? Plot Curve ???????????????? ?????? Eff.
???? ???? Fuel Consumption ???? ?????
43Evaluate ??? Data ???????? ?????????????????