Title: Insuring College Success!
1Insuring College Success!
- What Does Your Child Need to Know Before Going
Off to College?
2Parents Wishes
- Your child has a happy, healthy, safe and
successful college career. - Your child makes the necessary steps in
maturation process. He/she is ready to face the
adult world and independent living.
3Parents Wishes for Success
- Be able to successfully complete the academic
work - Written reports, tests, etc.
- Verbal presentations
- Enjoy the college experience
- Good roommate
- Social events.
- Handle finances
- Sports both intramural and competitive
4Parents Wishes for Success
- Choose a college major which will lead to a
happy, successful career. - Secure summer internships which relate to the
chosen major. In turn, this will lead to
full-time employment after graduation. - Prepare oneself to enter and succeed in the
Parent's Wishes
- Be able to successfully complete the academic
work - Written reports, tests, etc.
- Verbal presentations
- The faster you can type, the faster you will get
your reports completed. The hunt and peck
system does not work at college!
6Desktop Publishing
Parent's Wishes
Be able to successfully complete the academic
work Written reports, tests, etc. Verbal
- Learn to arrange and present your reports in a
professional manner. - Learn tips and tricks for professional looking
7Business Computer Applications
Parent's Wishes
Be able to successfully complete the academic
work Written reports, tests, etc. Verbal
- The most important computer course for college
success! - Microsoft Excel, Access and PowerPoint
College Credit
8Business Communications
Parent's Wishes
Be able to successfully complete the academic
work Written reports, tests, etc. Verbal
- Learn to make oral presentations without anxiety
or fear. - Learn to persuade the listener.
- Learn to present your written communications in a
clear, concise manner.
9College Survival
Parent's Wishes
Enjoy the college experience Good roommate
Enjoy social events and sports Handle finances.
- Assist your child in getting into college.
- Assist your child in succeeding at college.
10Introduction to Occupations
Parent's Wishes
Enjoy the college experience Good roommate.
Enjoy social events and sports. Handle finances.
- Your child will learn how to
- How to handle money.
- Checking accounts.
- Credit cards.
11Business Law
Parent's Wishes
Enjoy the college experience Good roommate.
Enjoy social events and sports. Handle finances.
- Learn negotiation skills.
- Learn about contracts.
College Credit
12Career Planning
Parent's Wishes
Choose a college major which will lead to a
happy, successful career.
- Your child will
- Know what careers are suitable for his/her
interests and skills. - Explore post-secondary options.
- Shadow professionals.
- Have options for college majors.
13Career Jump Start
Parent's Wishes
Secure summer internships which relate to the
chosen major. In turn, this will lead to
full-time employment after graduation.
- Your child will
- Be able to compete for a good summer internship.
- Be able to identify internships which relate to
his/her college major.
14Introduction to Business
Parent's Wishes
Prepare oneself to enter and succeed in the real
- Your child will be introduced to the organization
and operations of all businesses.
15Business Math
Parent's Wishes
- Prepare oneself to enter and succeed in the real
- Your child will be able to handle with
confidence Percents, fractions, decimals. - Your child will obtain the basics of insurance,
credit cards, payroll deductions.
16Wall Street I and II
Parent's Wishes
Prepare oneself to enter and succeed in the real
- Welcome to the world of financial literacy.
- Your child will be introduced to the world of
investments! - Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 401K plans.
17College Accounting
Parent's Wishes
Prepare oneself to enter and succeed in the real
- Every career is a business.
- Accounting is the language of business.
College Credit
18Career Courses
Parent's Wishes
Prepare oneself to enter and succeed in the real
- Marketing
- E-Commerce 6 College Credits
- Sports Marketing and Management
- Fashion Apparel and Accessories I II
19 - The 20 courses
- at the School of Business
Can increase your childs success at college!
Smithtown School of Business