Hiring Apprentices: The Secret to Success - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hiring Apprentices: The Secret to Success


Hiring Apprentices: The Secret to Success Have you heard? The Workforce is Aging In 2001: Adding to the Problem There are deep-rooted, negative perceptions ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hiring Apprentices: The Secret to Success

Hiring ApprenticesThe Secret to Success
Have you heard?
Skills shortages are already being experienced
in some sectors and regions.
Future Forecasts
  • By 2020, Canada will be  facing labour shortage
    of  nearly 1 million workers.

Skills shortages pose a serious threat to the
competitiveness of Canadian industries and is
likely to get worse.
Source Conference Board of Canada, 2001
The Workforce is Aging
In 2021
  • In 2001

RESULT Employers will have increasing
difficulty to find workers
  • Between 1987 and 1990, 29 of people retired
    before the age of 60. Between 1997 and
    2000,that rate grew to 43
  • 48 of Canadas aging workforce are eligible to
    retire in the next 5 to 10 years

Source Statistics Canada
Adding to the Problem
Perceptions of Skilled Trades are Negative
  • There are deep-rooted, negative perceptions about
    apprenticeship and careers in the skilled trades.
  • There is a lack of awareness about the
    opportunities and benefits in skilled trades and
  • Apprenticeship is not viewed as a viable
    post-secondary education option by youth.
  • Too few parents and educators are encouraging
    youth to consider apprenticeship or careers in
    the skilled trades due to lack of awareness or
    negative perception of this career path.

Only 28 of youth have indicated that their
parents have encouraged them to pursue a career
in skilled trades. Only 14 of youth indicated
that their guidance/career counsellors have
encouraged them to pursue a career in skilled
Another issueEmployers are not Hiring Apprentices
  • Equally important is that some employers are
    unable or unwilling to fully train new
    apprentices decreasing the opportunity for a
    younger, qualified workforce to replace ageing

Employers Who Hired Apprentices 17.6
Employers Who Have Never Hired Apprentices 55
Employers Who Have Hired Apprentices In the
Past, But Not Presently 27.4
Only 18 of employers in skilled trades
industries are currently hiring apprentices.
(Source Canadian Apprenticeship Forum,
Skills/Compétences Canada, 2005)
Proactive Approach is Needed
Skill shortages are expected to impact virtually
every sector of our labour market, in every area
of the country. We must act now if we are going
to address the human capital concerns in the
trades area.
Allan Bruce, International Representative,Internat
ional Union of Operating Engineers Co-Chair,
Skilled Trades Promotion ProjectMember, Board of
Directors, CAF-FCA
The need for a concerted and effective approach
to attract youth into skilled trades is critical
to overcoming the existing skills shortages
Terry Cooke, President, Skills/Compétences Canada
Co-Chair, Skilled Trades Promotion Project
  • What is the
  • solution?

Apprenticeship One of the Solutions
  • Hiring apprentices now will help your business
    in the future.

Increases your competitiveness Workers with
on-the-job and in-school training Produces
better quality work Apprentices are motivated to
learn your business and will work hard and
effectively for your business Improves staff
retention Apprentices adopt more easily company
values and are more likely to remain with the
employer than non-apprentices since you have
invested in them from the start Reduces
your costs The higher productivity and loyalty
of apprentices enables companies to recover
much of the costs involved in training new
employees Addresses the skills shortage
Apprenticeships address short-tem recruitment
problems and also secure the skills and workforce
of the future
Hiring Training Apprentices Makes a Difference
  • By hiring apprentices, you will be developing a
    learning culture within your workplace, showing
    your commitment to developing quality skills and
    inspiring others to continue to improve their
  • Apprentices are keen to learn and
    theirenthusiasm is contagious to other staff.
  • Apprentices will learn the latest technology and
    best practices during their technical training to
    not only increase their own skill but also that
    of existing employees.

Supporting apprenticeships in your business
creates a workplace learning culture, with
returns flowing form skilled workers and
increased productivity.
  • Ken Georgetti, President, Canadian Labour
  • Member, Order of Canada, 2000

What employers tell us
Apprentices are the first link to the success of
Canadian businesses. They are eager and want to
learn, greatly contributing to productivity and a
quality product. Once they are certified, they
become the main stay of our business as skilled
journeypersons. Supporting apprenticeship ensures
that industry will have a strong workforce well
into the future. Without qualified employees, I
simply wouldnt have a business.
  • Don Oborowsky, President, Waiward Steel
    Fabricators Ltd.

What employers tell us

Apprentices are the future of skilled trades we
need them. Without apprentices there will be no
skilled trade workforce.
Tim Flood, John Flood Sons (1961) Ltd.,
Canadas oldest construction company.
Top reasons employers hire apprentices
Source Employer Benchmarking Study, Skilled
Trades A Career You Can Build On, 2005
Apprentices Contribute to a Stable Workforce
  • Training apprentices is the best insurance
    against future shortages of skilled workers in
    your company and industry.
  • Having the vision to begin training your future
    workforce now will result in a competitive
    advantage down the road.

Training apprentices ensures a secure supply of
tradespeople and helps keep industry standards
Martin Luthi, Fairmont Banff Hotel
Apprentices are Trained to Company Needs and
  • Apprentices are trained by the companys
    journeypersons and they inherit the skills and
    unique values that represent your firm.

The advantages of apprenticeship to employers
are many,   not the least of which is they can
initiate each apprentice to   new tasks on their
equipment using their own methods.   Safety
procedures can be monitored and customized to a
  specific workplace, thus reducing the risk of
Valerie Overend, Red Seal journeyperson carpenter
and Executive Director of Saskatchewan Women in
Trades Technology (Sask WITT)
Apprentices Contribute to Staff Loyalty
  • Employers play an important role in determining
    the loyalty of their apprentices. By providing
    quality mentoring, you are investing in a
    long-term employee.
  • 60 of employers who currently hire apprentices
    estimate that most or all of their apprentices
    will complete their apprenticeship with their
  • Employers indicate that almost two-thirds (63)
    of journeypersons have completed a portion of
    their apprenticeship training with their current

Training apprentices enables employers to
develop their   workforce, train them well, and
gain their commitment.
Denise Miedzinski, Canadian Tire Corporation
Apprentices are an Investment not a Cost
Apprenticeship is Good for the Bottom Line
Apprenticeship is Good for the Bottom Line
  • What exactly is
  • Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeship is a Partnership
Apprenticeship is a legal agreement between an
apprentice, an employer and the
Provincial/Territorial Apprenticeship Authority
to provide the necessary skills and training to
an apprentice in a specific trade.
Apprenticeship is a Post-Secondary Option
  • It is a form of post-secondary education like
    university and college
  • Apprentices are mentored by experienced
    journeypersons in the practical application of
    the skills of a trade
  • Is a structured combination of in-school (20)
    and on-the-job (80) education
  • It leads to a Certification of Qualification and
    journeyperson status
  • Depending on the trade, an apprenticeship will
    range from two to five years

What do I have to do?
Assess Your Business Needs
  • Define the role an apprentice would play in your
  • Identify a journeyperson capable and committed to
    training new staff
  • Check regulations and legislation, and where
    appropriate, refer to the conditions of any
    collective agreement

Find an Apprentice
  • Look to hire from within. Some of your full-time
    or part-time employees could make excellent
  • Qualified candidates can also be found with the
    help of the following organizations
  • Local Apprenticeship Authority
  • Trade / Industry Associations
  • Unions and Joint Training Committees
  • Colleges and Training Institutions
  • Local Secondary Schools or School Board Offices
  • Advertise in newspapers, on job boards or the
    internet Monster.ca, Workopolis,
    working.canada.com, etc.

Understand and Commit to Your Responsibilites
  • Sign an agreement with the apprentice outlining
    the responsibilities of all parties throughout
    the duration of the apprenticeship
  • Complete the employer part of the contract and
    send the final document to the local
    Apprenticeship Authority
  • When the registration is complete, the apprentice
    begins on-the-job training
  • Pay the apprentice a fair salary
  • Develop an effective training plan with the
  • Keep accurate records of the on-the-job
    training hours and type of work usually in an
    official record book or log

Understand Your Partners Responsibilities
Designating and authorizing educational
institutions to deliver in-school training
Finding an employer
Committing to a period of on-the job and
in-school technical training
Setting tuition fees and paying in-school
technical training costs not covered by these
Paying tuition fees for technical training
Tracking their training progress
Issuing certificates, monitoring, and verifying
record books of apprentices
Developing and managing examinations and issuing
final Qualification of Certification
Understand that Support may be Available
  • Governments are finding solutions to the skills
    shortage problem and investing more in the
    apprenticeship system.
  • The newly elected federal government announced
    plans for a tax credit program within their
    election platform
  • Some Provincial governments have implemented tax
    credits for employers
  • Colleges are expanding and creating programs
    designed to train skilled workers.

Contact your Local Apprenticeship Authority
  • Once you have identified an apprentice, contact
    your local Apprenticeship Authority the
    Provincial/Territorial Government Department or
    Ministry responsible for education, training, or
    labour to register your new employee as an
  • Your local Apprenticeship Authority also has tons
    of resources and tips on setting up your program,
    and will answer questions on completion
    requirements for specific apprenticeships.

  • How can I help make apprenticeship work in my

Consider these Tips
  • Carefully Select your Apprentice take the time
    you need to ensure that you hire the apprentice
    that will fit your workplace
  • Inspire an Apprentice demonstrate how their
    role will assist your whole business
  • Respect the Need for Classroom Training this
    training is very valuable to the
  • apprentice and to you
  • Demonstrate your Pride - proudly display the
    achievement of your apprentices and
  • other workers as they accomplish their
    training goals
  • Be a leader Lead by example, and give credit
    where credit is due
  • Be organized Plan with your apprentice daily,
    weekly and monthly training activities and
    monitor their completion regularly
  • Be a mentor In addition to being a good
    trainer, you should strive to act as a mentor and
    advisor for your apprentices, particularly when
    it comes to professional development
  • Be a communicator Strive to provide regular
    feedback to your apprentices on the
  • progress they are making or not making

Make the InvestmentHire and Train an Apprentice
Learning technical skills in a classroom setting
is important. However, it is the on-the-job
mentoring of apprentices by experienced
journeypersons that is the most critical. The
quality of our next generation of skilled
tradespeople will depend on the availability of
apprenticeship opportunities.
Terry Cooke President, Skills/Compétences Canada
Co-Chair, Skilled Trades Promotion Project
I believe that one of the keys to economic
prosperity for Canada is the ability to attract
investment through the development of a highly
skilled, productive and mobile workforce. To
develop such a workforce we must upgrade the
skills of the existing workforce where necessary,
and look to attract the best and the brightest of
those seeking to enter the workforce.
Allan Bruce, International Representative,Internat
ional Union of Operating Engineers Co-Chair,
Skilled Trades Promotion Project Member, Board of
Directors, CAF-FCA
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