Title: Corrosion of Insulation Jacketing
1 2- Welcome
- The objective is to provide the best
recommendation to diminish the possibility of
corrosion at the metal and insulation interface. - Explanation on the differences between moisture
retarder and vapor barrier.
3- Show the results of corrosion tests done on
multiple bare metals. (Galvanic Test) - Show the results of corrosion tests done on
multiple bare metals laminated with polysurlyn
moisture retarder. - Show the results of corrosion test done on
painted moisture retarders. (Pinhole Test) - Introduce ITWs recommended solution.
- Two terms often confused
- Vapor Retarder /Barrier
- Moisture Retarder
5Vapor Retarder/ Barrier
- Definition- A material used to prevent moisture
vapor in the atmosphere from reaching the
insulation on cold work. - System operating below ambient temperature vapor
drive is toward the cold pipe and equipment - Vapor barrier properly applied to warm side of
insulation can minimize problems
6(No Transcript)
7Moisture Retarder
- Definition- A material, usually Polysurlyn,
which is heat laminated to the inner surface of
metal jacketing to keep moisture from contacting
the metal jacket in order to prevent corrosion of
the jacket. - Function is really corrosion retarder.
- Entrapped between the insulation jacket and the
insulation may function as weak electrolyte. - This condition may set up galvanic corrosion
- Important to keep insulation and exterior of
vapor retarder dry
10Job Site Conditions
- May be difficult to insure that insulation and
vapor retarder dry before applying insulation
jacketing - We always recommend a Polysurlyn moisture
retarder. The insulation jacketing may come into
contact with excessive amounts of moisture at
11Standard Moisture Retarders
- Polysurlyn - a three layer co extruded film
- Paint of different types
- Provide the best recommendation to diminish the
possible interior corrosion of insulation
jacketing installed by you or your customers
13Corrosion of Insulation Jacketing
- Metal Types
- - All
- Differentiation
- - Based on user specification
- -Job Site environment
14Galvanic Corrosion Testing
- Test parameters
- Materials tested
- Test results
15Aluminum 3000 Series Bare
Corrosion on the inside of the unprotected
aluminum 3000 series jacket.
16Aluminum 3000 series Bare
Corrosion Pits
Corrosion on the inside of the unprotected
aluminum 3000 series jacket.
17Galvanized Steel Bare
- Removed from test early
- Zinc coating failed
18Galvanized Steel Bare
Corrosion on the inside of the galvanized steel
19Zinc/aluminum coated steel
Red corrosion on the interior of a zinc/aluminum
steel jacket.
20Aluminized Steel
21Aluminum 3000 series w/PSMR
Aluminum 3000 series H14 jacket with no corrosion
22Zinc/aluminum coated steel w/PSMR
Zinc/aluminum steel jacket with Polysurlyn
- Bare metal
- -All corrodes
- Polysurlyn
- - No evidence of corrosion
24Pinhole Testing
- Test Parameters
- Test Results
25Typical Painted Aluminum Jacketing
26Painted Aluminum Jacketing-Thermoclad
27Thermoclad Plus
29Pin Hole Test Results
- ALL paint type moisture retarders tested have pin
holes - Thermoclad Plus has no pinholes
- Thermoclad Plus offers superior interior
- Polysurlyn moisture retarder is recommended for
all types of metal jacketing as best practice - Polysurlyn shall be 3 mil thickness, 3 layer
co-extruded film, factory heat laminated to metal
32ITW Insulation Systems CanadaAluminum Jacketing
- We will offer two Products
- Aluminum with Polysurlyn Moisture Retarder.
- Exterior Bare Aluminum
- Interior 3 mil thickness 3 layer co-extruded
Polysurlyn factory heat laminated to metal
33- BEST
- Exterior 0.4 mil clear un-tinted coil coated
thermosetting enamel. - Interior 0.6 mil laminate grade coil coated
thermosetting enamel covered by a 3 mil thickness
3 layer co-extruded polysurlyn factory heat
laminated over the enamel undercoat. - FOR SPECIFICATION DATA SHEETS PLEASE VISIT