Title: CDE 844
1CDE 844 Ethical Situations
- March 2, 2004
- Sharon P. Turner, DDS, JD
2Todays Topics
- Fraud in dental practice
- Patient abandonment in dental practice
- National Practitioner Data Base (NPDB)
- Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Base
3Learning Goals
- Know the elements of fraud so as to recognize
actions that are considered fraud in dental
practice - Know the elements of patient abandonment so as to
recognize actions that are considered abandonment
of a patient in dental practice - Know what the NPDB is and how a dentist gets
entered into this data bank - Know what the HIPDB is and how a dentist gets
entered into this data bank
4Integration of todays topics into CD 838
- Justice from a legal perspective means the proper
administration of laws, similar wrong behavior
gets similar punishment, fair handling - Justice from a bioethical perspective instructs
that benefits and burdens ought to be distributed
equitably, scarce resources allocated fairly, one
should act such that no one person or group bears
a disproportionate share of benefits or burdens
(distributive justice) - Justice in general is associated with moral
rightness or goodness in human actions
5Guiding Thoughts
- Keeping the best interest of your patient always
in mind will serve you well - Always ask yourself if this treatment is what you
would want for yourself or your family - There is honor in admitting that your outcome is
not as desired and you want to correct the
situation - Ignorance of the law is NO excuse!
6Patient Abandonment
- The intentional, unilateral, nonconsensual
termination of a dentist/ patient relationship
before completion of services agreed to be
performed has occurred - Is intentional malpractice
7Elements of Abandonment
- Intentional
- Unilateral
- Nonconsensual
- Termination of relationship
- Prior to completion of treatment agreed to or
follow up required after treatment - Resulting in harm to the patient
8Negligent Discharge
- Different from abandonment in that the decision
to terminate care is based on failure to use due
care in deciding that treatment or follow up is
no longer needed by the patient - Is negligent malpractice
9So what is the difference?
- You may still get sued in civil court
- You may still get disciplined by the Board of
Dentistry in an administrative proceeding - Unlike in a negligence action where an expert
witness is mandatory to establish breach of the
standard of care, no expert witness is needed to
prove abandonment - Your malpractice insurance may not cover an
intentional form of malpractice if you lose in
- Cooperation
- Keep appointments
- Follow advice
- Take medication
- Pay for services
- Complete treatment
- In timely fashion
- Acceptable quality
- Follow up afterwards as needed
- Refer to a specialist for treatment beyond the
11Examples of Abandonment from Actual Litigation
- Unqualified refusal to further attend to patient
- Express declaration or statement of withdrawal
- Leaving patient during or immediately after an
operation or procedure - Failure to attend to a patient despite a promise
to do so - Unexplained failure to continue attending to
patient - Refusal to treat a patient at a specific time or
place - Undertaking care that is beyond skill level and
not rapidly placing the patient in the hands of a
12Dicke v. Graves668 P.2d 189 (Kan.App. 1983)
- Facts
- Mrs. Graves was a patient of Dr. Dicke from
1974 until 1979. She had a difficult dental
history, with complex and continuing problems.
She had experienced complete restoration of all
of her teeth which was complicated by TMJ
disorders, jaw thrust, and sensitivity to
electrolytic interactions. In 1979 she reported
and Dr. Dicke confirmed fractures in her
porcelain bridgework. X-rays were made and no
other problems were disclosed. - Two weeks later she complained of a
toothache and Dr. Dicke noted movement of the
bridgework and concluded there were stress
fractures in bridge and that she would required a
repeat complete restoration of her teeth.
13Dicke v. GravesContinued
- Six weeks later impressions were taken to
determine a recommended compete restorative
treatment approach. - Mrs. Graves continued to have discomfort.
She and her husband made multiple telephone calls
and hand delivered a letter seeking rapid
commencement of treatment as she was in
continuous discomfort. Dr. Dicke did not respond. - One month after hand delivering the letter
to Dr. Dicke, Mrs. Graves sought treatment with
another dentist who made the same diagnosis as
Dr. Dicke and immediately began the comprehensive
treatment which was completed in December. -
14Dicke v. GravesContinued
- There was no complaint that any diagnoses
were flawed or that any of the treatment that Dr.
Dicke provided was deficient. - Dr. Dicke sued Mrs. Graves (presumably for
nonpayment of services) and she counterclaimed
for patient abandonment. - At the trial court level, the jury entered a
judgment against Dr. Dicke and he appealed. -
15Dicke v. GravesContinued
- The issue which the appeals court address was
Did Dr. Dicke withdraw from the patient dentist
relationship? - The court determined that Dr. Dicke was
nondiligent in his care, that is untimely,
delayed, inattentive all of which were if
anything negligent BUT NOT ABANDONMENT. Therefore
the trial court judgment was reversed.
16Lessons from Dicke v. Graves
- Dr. Dicke was lucky that Mrs. Graves lawyer
brought suit under the wrong cause of action and
did not prove abandonment when negligence might
well have been provable. You wont always be
lucky! - Dr. Dicke probably got into this because he sued
Mrs. Graves for nonpayment. If you are going to
sue for nonpayment, be sure that you have clean
hands yourself. - Legal cases are very fact specific. The jury or
judge must take the unique facts in any case and
apply the appropriate law. A small change in
facts can render a very different outcome.
17Lessons from Dicke v. GravesContinued
- Respond to your patients in a timely manner
- If you do not wish to continue care or feel that
the situation is beyond your skill level, find
another provider or a specialist to whom you can
refer the patient in a timely manner - Never leave town without having someone available
to take call for you who has agreed to take call
and having your office answering machine or
answering service clearly instruct patients what
steps to take should they need dental services in
your absence
18How do I protect myself from liability for
patient abandonment?
- Review patient duties
- If a patient is not living up to the patient
duties and you ARE living up to yours, consider
termination of the patient/dentist relationship - Terminate the relationship by letter, sent by
certified mail, return receipt requested. State
the reason for the termination of the
relationship. The reason cannot be a pretense
intended to cover a discriminatory reason for
termination of the relationship, e.g., HIV status
19Protections from Abandonment Actions cont
- Provide a 30 day period (or whatever is
reasonable for the situation, not less than 30
days) during which you will be available to
provide emergency treatment. - Do not terminate care while a procedure is
ongoing, even if you do not think that you will
get paid. Finish the procedure and the required
follow up first, then dismiss the patient.
Special considerations for orthodontic cases!
20Fraud in Dental Practice
- An intentional perversion of the truth for the
purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it
to part with some valuable thing belonging to him
or to surrender a legal right. - The false representation of a matter of fact by
words or conduct, false or misleading allegations
or concealment of that which should have been
21Elements of Fraud
- Representation of something as fact
- That is material (essential) to decision-making
or action - That is false
- That the presenter knows it is false
- That the presenter intends it to be acted upon
- That the person to whom the fact is represented
does not know is false - That the person to whom the fact is represented
relies upon in taking action - That the person has a right to rely upon the
representation due to relationship - That the actor suffers damage of a consequence of
reliance and action upon the false information
22Examples of Fraud in Dental Practice
- Telling an untruth to induce a patient to have a
treatment - Up coding a procedure, i.e. MO becomes MOD
- Billing for procedures never performed
- Billing for services not yet completed even upon
patient request - Overbilling/double billing (see Nov. 2004 AGD
Impact, p. 14, Top clinician questions esthetic
dentistry over treatment - Dr. Gordon Christensen
- Waiver of a co-payment of deductible
23Examples of Fraud in Dental Practice (cont)
- Charging different fees (higher) to insured
patients than to self pay patients systematically - Alternation and/or destruction of records
- Making false entries into records
- Providing false or purposely incomplete
information to a licensure board, credentialing
office or third party payer - Billing for work done by someone else, i.e.
attending billing for work done by resident when
attending is not present for critical parts of
the procedure
24Miller v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State
Dental Council(Pa.Cmwlth, 396 A. 2d 83, 1979)
- Facts
- Dr. Miller owned a sole proprietorship
dental practice specializing in oral and
maxillofacial surgery. He had three other oral
surgeons working in his clinic, presumably as
independent contractors rather than employees. An
investigation and review conducted by
representatives of Pennsylvania Blue Shield of
those persons or institutions receiving more than
10,000 in payment for oral surgery services for
any specific year revealed numerous discrepancies
at the Miller Clinic.
25Miller v. CommonwealthContinued
- The insurance company reported these
discrepancies to the Council, which issued
citations charging the 4 surgeons with filing
false claims in violation of the law prohibiting
fraudulent or unlawful practices or fraudulent
misleading or deceptive representations and
unprofessional conduct detrimental to the public
health, safety, morals or welfare.
26Miller v. CommonwealthContinued
- The surgeons were sited for submitting claims to
Blue Shield for the removal of impacted teeth,
when, in fact, the Council found that the x-rays
and other documents available to them indicated
that the teeth extracted were NOT impacted. More
than 100 such discrepancies were documented. - Blue Shield coverage excluded coverage for oral
surgical services related to the extraction of
teeth other than fully or partially impacted
27Miller v. CommonwealthContinued
- Each of the surgeons had executed an
authorization agreement accepting full
responsibility for all statements,
representations, and certifications appearing on
all claims submitted to Pennsylvania Blue Shield - The surgeon who preformed the treatment was
responsible for listing the exact operative
procedure on the patients chart. - After 4 days of extensive hearings, the Council
ordered suspension of the licenses to practice of
all 4 surgeons for 3 months for the nonowners and
6 months for the clinic owner for fraudulent and
unlawful practices. - The 4 surgeons appealed the suspensions of their
licenses. The owners appeal was handled
separately from that of the 3 other surgeons.
28Miller v. CommonwealthContinued
- On appeal the surgeons argued that it wasnt
their fault, it was the clerks who processed the
claim forms! The court responded that this
argument seems almost ludicrous in view of the
fact that they assumed full responsibility for
all information submitted over their signature
stamps. - They also argued that they shouldnt be charged
with knowing the claims were false. The court
found that the practice at the clinic indicated
at the very least a reckless ignorance and in
fact the evidence did indicate that they had
actual knowledge of the falsity of the claims.
29Miller v. CommonwealthContinued
- They also argued that they didnt mean to defraud
to which the court responded, Where the
necessary consequence of an act is to defraud, it
is no defense that the actor had no intention to
cheat or defraud. - They also argued that the Council had no
jurisdiction of this matter since it did not
involve a dentist/patient relationship and the
insurance company had other remedies available to
it to which, in a beautiful description of the
Councils responsibility to protect the public,
the court responded
30Miller v. CommonwealthContinued
- we are not here dealing with a civil suit to
enforce individual rights. Rather, we are dealing
with an administrative agency of the sovereign
which seeks to carry out its duty to protect the
citizens of the Commonwealth by regulating the
conduct of its licensees. It is the interests of
many rather than the interests of the few which
impels the Board.
31Miller v. CommonwealthContinued
- The court upheld the suspensions of licenses of
the 3 nonowners but reversed the suspension of
Dr. Millers license because it found that there
was insufficient evidence to show that he knew of
the fraudulent claims and none of the claims in
question had been signed via Dr. Millers
signature stamp. Further, because the other
surgeons were independent contractors and not
employees, he could not be held responsible for
their actions under the legal doctrine of
respondeat superior, which would otherwise make
the master (employer) responsible for the
wrongdoings of his servants.
32Lessons from Miller v. Commonwealth
- Dont up code- it is fraud
- It doesnt matter if the patients want you to or
that they get benefit from what you do - Dont try and blame the hired help- you are
ultimately responsible, especially where you sign
a contract so stating - You must abide by all the terms of contracts that
you sign with insurance companies - Courts are very deferential to administrative
agencies such as Boards of Dentistry provided
that they have followed their own procedures. For
example, Rules of Evidence are relaxed in terms
of what is admissible and what is not in agency
33Lessons from Miller v. Commonwealth (cont)
- Insurance companies may elect from among multiple
possible remedies including filing complaints
with the licensing board (administrative law),
civil suits for refund of money obtained under
false pretense (civil law), or, if the magnitude
is sufficient, pursing criminal charges for fraud
(criminal law) as a punishment and to put the
dentist out of business! - Penalties for fraud can be suspension or loss of
license, fines, imprisonment
34How bad can it get?
35Office of the Attorney General State of
California Department of Justice
- September 22, 2004
- Attorney General Bill Lockyer files criminal
charges This will become State v. Teo - Central Valley Dentist and 19 others charged with
defrauding the state Medi-Cal System of 4.5
million by performing unnecessary dental work on
unsuspecting patients
36State v. Teo
- Defendant placed adds on missing children flyers
and offered gifts or rebates to Medi-Cal
beneficiaries who sought services through
clinical network - Also charged with workers compensation fraud,
conspiracy, grand theft, child abuse, elder
abuse, assault and intentional infliction of
great bodily injury.
37State v. Teo
- Dentists who participated were given kickbacks of
25 which provided an incentive to over treat - Dental assistants were permitted to perform
duties not allowed under state law - False insurance claims were filed on fabricated
charts - AG says these dentists put at risk the health
and well being of hundreds of children and adults
by performing slipshod dental services that were
unnecessary, ignoring health problems that needed
tending and even skimping on appropriate amounts
of anesthesia before submitting patients to
painful procedures. Children were forcibly
restrained. - Investigation was conducted by Bureau of Medi-Cal
Fraud and Elder Abuse and assisted by the
Department of Health Services
38Dead men do tell tales!
- There are approximately 25 cases of dental fraud
pending as a result of the forensic
identification of the remains of those who were
killed in the World Trade Center on September 11,
2001 - This was discovered when dental records provided
to help identify remains were examined in
conjunction with remains.
39In the matter of the Bar Admission of Edward
Littlejohn261 Wis.2d 183 (2003)
- Dont expect to become a licensed attorney in
another state if you are suspended from the
practice of dentistry for inadequate infection
control, fraud, delivery of unnecessary dental
services and practices beyond the scope of your
dental license! - It didnt work for Edward Littlejohn who was not
able to satisfy a character and fitness
investigation for the Bar after losing his dental
license in Minnesota.
40Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank
- History
- The Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 mandated creation of
HIPDB by the Secretary of the Department of
Health and Human Services acting through the
Office of the Inspector General. - The legislation that set up HIPDB is Section
1128E of the Social Security Act - Final regulations governing HIPDB will be
codified in the Federal Register at - 45 CFR Part 61
41Background for HIPDB
- Cases like Miller v. Commonwealth and State v.
Teo REALLY DO occur casting a pall over all of us
in the dental profession - Health care fraud is involved in an estimated 3
to 10 of all health care expenditures and cost
between 30 and 100 billion in 1997
42Purposes of HIPDB
- To help combat fraud
- To improve the quality of health care
- Accomplished by maintaining a data base of final
adverse actions taken against health care
practitioners, providers or suppliers - Information from HIPDB should be used in making
decisions regarding affiliation, certification,
credentialing, contracting, hiring and licensure - Prevents persons with bad actions/outcomes from
moving to a new location and beginning practice
without consideration of past acts/outcomes
43Intended Use of HIPDB
- A flagging system that serves to alert users of
the need for a more comprehensive review of a
practitioners past actions and professional
credentials - Should be used in combination with other sources
in determining whether to employ, affiliate,
certify or license an individual
44What gets reported to the HIPDB?
- Adverse action on practitioner licenses or
certification due to fraud - Denial of application for licensure or license
renewal - Exclusion from participation in Federal and State
health care programs or cancellation of a health
plan contract due to fraudulent or unprofessional
behavior or poor quality of services - Criminal convictions related to health care
45What gets reported to the HIPDB?
- Civil judgments related to health care fraud but
not malpractice - Injunctions ordered to stop harmful or
unprofessional practice - Nolo contendere (no contest) pleas to criminal
actions involving fraud in health care practice
46Who must report to the HIPDB?
- Eligible entities defined as
- Federal of State Government Agencies
- OR
- Health Plans
47Who must report to the HIPDB?
- Federal or State Government Agencies
- US Dept. of Justice, e.g. FBI, US
Attorneys, DEA - US Dept. of Health and Human Services,
e.g. FDA, CMS, OIG - Federal agencies that administer or pay
for health care, e.g. Depts. of Defense and V.A. - Federal and State law enforcement, e.g.
county and district attorneys and county police
departments - State Medicaid Fraud Control Units
- Federal or state agencies responsible for
licensing or certifying practitioners
48Who must report to HIPDB?
- Health Plans
- Health insurance policies
- Contract for service benefit organizations
- Membership agreement with an HMO
- An insurance company
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Department of Defense
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Bureau of Indian Affairs
49Who must report to HIPDB?
- For you, the important thing to remember is that
you as an individual practitioner are not
required to report- if you are involved in a
situation that requires reporting, the Board of
Dentistry or the insurance plan will be the
entity required to report.
50When does a report have to be made to HIPDB?
- Within 30 calendar days of the date that the
adverse action was taken - Once submitted, a notice of receipt of report is
mailed to the reporting entity and to the subject
of the report, so you should know if your name
has been entered into the HIPDB. Subjects are
also given an opportunity to dispute the factual
accuracy of the report or the reporting entitys
eligibility to report, but only reporting
entities can change reports. Subjects can add a
statement to the report of no more than 2,000
characters. There is no time frame that limits
when a dispute must be resolved and a dispute may
be submitted at any time, not just upon initial
51When does a report have to be made to the HIPDB?
- Report subjects may file a Notice of Appeal when
there is an appeal of the adverse action pending
52Can I find out if I have a file in the HIPDB?
- Yes, you can query the HIPDB to see if there is
any information about you there. There is a fee
to do so. - Some insurance plans and state licensing boards
may require that you query and provide a copy of
the result to them before participation in the
plan or issuance of a license. There is no law
mandating that you do so, but you will not get to
participate in the plan or get a license if you
do not!
53Does the law require mandatory query by eligible
- No and this is different from the National
Practitioner Data Base- this is why you may be
required to provide a copy of a self query
because then you pay for the query!
54Requirement of Confidentiality
- Reports made to HIPDB are confidential and those
assessing them have a duty to protect the
confidentiality of the reports - Patient names are not kept in the report of
adverse actions - HIPDB cannot be accessed by the public
55Is there liability for those who report
practitioners to HIPDB?
- No, there is specific protection against
liability for mandatory reporting UNLESS the
report is knowingly false/malicious
56National Practitioner Data Bank(NPDB)
- History
- Established through Title IV of Public Law
99-660 in the Health Care Quality Improvement Act
of 1986
57Purpose of NPDB
- A flagging system to facilitate a comprehensive
review of health care practitioners professional
credentials - Acts as a clearing house of information relating
to medical malpractice payments, adverse actions
taken against the licenses, clinical privileges,
professional society memberships of dentists,
physicians and other licensed health care
practitioners - May inhibit movement from one jurisdiction to
another of a practitioner who has significant
malpractice history or has been deemed
58What gets reported to the NPDB?
- Medical malpractice payments, either settlements
out of court or court awarded damages as the
result of lose of civil litigation. (Report
within 30 days) - Adverse licensure actions such as fines,
reprimand, probation suspension, revocation, non
renewal, voluntary surrender while under
investigation, or action taken by the Board of
one state in response to disciplinary action
related to professional competence by another
state. (Report within 30 days)
59What gets reported to the NPDB?Cont
- Adverse clinical privileges actions that affect
practice privileges for 30 days or more. (Report
within 15 days) - Adverse professional society membership actions
based on professional competence or professional
conduct which affects or could adversely affect
the health or welfare of a patient. (Report
within 15 days) - Exclusion from Medicare and Medicaid programs
60Who has to report to the NPDB?
- Insurance companies paying settlements or
judgments - Licensing boards
- Hospitals or other health care entities that
grant privileges - Professional societies
61Penalties for failure to report
- Insurance companies 11,000 for each payment not
reported - Licensing boards correct the action or HHS
designates another entity for reporting to NPDB - Hospitals and other entities Professional
Societies Publication of noncompliance in
Federal Register and loss of Title IV immunity
for professional review activities for 3 years
62Significance of Loss of Title IV Immunity
- Title IV immunity permits internal peer review
processes to be held private and not subject to
discovery in litigation. - The rationale for this is that the intention of
peer review is to improve the quality of care at
the institution and if this information were
discoverable, it would not be freely disclosed
and the quality of patient care would suffer.
63Who queries the NPBD?
- Licensing boards MAY before issuing new or
renewed licenses - Hospitals MUST prior to granting privileges to
dentists or physicians and every two years
thereafter - Other health care entities MAY query prior to
employing or signing agreements with providers - Professional societies MAY query prior to
granting membership - An individual provider MAY query at any time, a
fee is required - Insurance providers MAY NOT query
- The public MAY NOT QUERY
64Confidentiality and Protection of Liability for
Reporting to NPDB and Notification if a Report
Has Been Filed
- These are the same as for HIPDB
65Other facts of interest about the NPDB
- Students are not reportable as they are always
functioning under the license of a supervising
faculty who may be reported for actions which
occurred during supervision of a student provider - For the reporting requirement to be triggered for
medical malpractice payments, there has to be a
written complaint demanding money. This can be a
formal law suit or simply a letter. Oral
complaints that are resolved by payment need not
be reported. - If the insurance company pays a settlement with
which you disagree, you are still reported to the
NPDB. Check the terms of your malpractice
insurance to be certain that you have the right
to the final determination of settlement if you
have that choice.
66Other interesting facts about NPDB Cont
- Individuals are not required to report on
payments in their own behalf as of 1993, as a
result of a decision of the District of Columbia
Federal Circuit Court of Appeals - If payments are made by a practitioner himself or
herself from personal resources, there is no
reporting requirement. - Only monetary payments need be reported. Waiver
of payment or debt as a settlement device does
not require a report. - There is no lower limit of the payment that
triggers the reporting requirement.
67Refund offered due to Money Back Guarantee
- Never make money back guarantees! Dentistry is a
professional service, not the sale of goods. You
can stand behind your work without doing so this
explicitly. - When you make a guarantee, you have opened
yourself to liability under contract theories in
addition to traditional tort theories, which is
where malpractice suits are classified - If you do this, you may have to report any
refunds made under this policy.
68Overlap Between HIPDB and NPDB
- Relates to adverse actions against licenses
- Both were meant to track practitioners, (and
providers and suppliers in the case of HIPDB) who
have run into problems in practice - Both impact geographic mobility of providers
- HIPDB- think FRAUD
69Take Home Messages
- Treat your patients well and be loyal to their
relationship with you - Do not engage in falsification of claims or false
representations to patients - Remember that dentistry is a caring health care
profession bound by a professional oath to put
our patients interest above our own - We are morally, ethically, professionally and
legally bound to integrity and good treatment in
our relationships with our patients.
70If you follow these tenets, the chance that you
will be sued or have your name entered into a
data bank are slim.