Title: Optical Design with Freeform Surfaces
1Optical Design with Freeform Surfaces Joseph M.
Howard, Ph.D.
2- Outline
- Behavior of Optical Systems
- Systems with rotational symmetry
- Systems with broken symmetry
- Correcting bad behavior (i.e. optical design
methods) - First Principles
- Brute Force
- Copy Cat
- Examples of concepts with freeform surfaces
- The Freeform Optics Manifesto
3- 1. Behavior of Optical Systems
- A. Systems with rotational symmetry
Wave aberration function
4- 1. Behavior of Optical Systems
- A. Systems with rotational symmetry
Wave aberration function
- Even order terms in wavefront aberration
function - Larger field (h) or aperture (r) will increase
blur. - Larger values of coefficients (w1, w2, etc.)
also increase blur.
51. Behavior of Optical Systems (cont.) B.
Systems with broken symmetry
61. Behavior of Optical Systems (cont.) B.
Systems with broken symmetry
- Even AND Odd terms in wavefront blur function
- Field (y) and aperture (p) coordinates are now
decoupled into their individual y and z
7- 1. Behavior of Optical Systems (cont.)
- Regardless of symmetry, a Taylor expansion is the
fundamental mathematical model used to describe
the behavior of optical imaging systems - This suggests that the best optics used to
minimize this blur function will also be of
this form (i.e. aspheric)
8- Outline
- Behavior of Optical Systems
- Systems with rotational symmetry
- Systems with broken symmetry
- Correcting bad behavior (i.e. optical design
methods) - First Principles
- Brute Force
- Copy Cat
- Examples of concepts with freeform surfaces
- The Freeform Optics Manifesto
92. Correcting bad behavior (i.e. optical design
methods) A. First principles
Rotational Symmetry
Object space
Optical system
Image space
102. Correcting bad behavior (i.e. optical design
methods) A. First principles
Rotational Symmetry
Plane symmetry
112. Correcting bad behavior (i.e. optical design
methods) A. First principles
Rotational Symmetry
Plane symmetry
All coefficients (A,B, w1, w2, etc.) are
expressions of lens system construction
parameters (e.g. thickness, spacing, curvature,
conic, etc.)
122. Correcting bad behavior (cont.) Example 1
Ritchey - Chretien Telescope Construction
132. Correcting bad behavior (cont.) Example 1
Ritchey - Chretien Telescope Construction
B focal length
142. Correcting bad behavior (cont.) Example 1
Ritchey - Chretien Telescope Construction
152. Correcting bad behavior (cont.) Example 1
Ritchey - Chretien Telescope Construction
Remaining Degrees of Freedom d1, d2
162. Correcting bad behavior (cont.) Example 2
Unobstructed three-mirror telescope (plane
18 construction parameters (16 for object at ?)
172. Correcting bad behavior (cont.) Example 2
Unobstructed three-mirror telescope (cont.) 18
DOF ? 9 DOF (finite conjugates) ? 7 DOF
182. Correcting bad behavior (cont.) Example 2
Unobstructed three-mirror telescope (cont.) 18
DOF ? 9 DOF (finite conjugates) ? 7 DOF
tant3 -((GI(d2 m)tantim d1(2d3tant1
mtantim))pow(d2GI d3GI (d1
GI)m,-1))/2. cost1 cos(atan(tant1)) cost2
cos(atan(tant2)) cost3 cos(atan(tant3)) S22I
(pow(cost1,-1)pow(GI,-1))/2. S22II -((d3GI
d1m d2m GIm)pow(cost2,-1)pow(d2,-1)pow
(d1 GI,-1)pow(m,-1))/2. S22III -((d2GI
d3GI d1m GIm)pow(cost3,-1)pow(d2,-1)pow(
d3,-1)pow(GI,-1))/2. S11I cost1cost1S22I
S11II cost2cost2S22II S11III
cost3cost3S22III S122I (pow(d1,-1)pow(GI,-2)
(d1(-(d2mtant1) d2GItantim
4GImtantim) (d3tant1 2mtantim)pow(d1,2)
(d2 2m)tantimpow(GI,2))pow(d1d3 -
d2m,-1))/4. S122II (pow(d1,-1)pow(d2,-2)pow(
d1 GI,-2)pow(m,-2) (m(2d3tant1
mtantim)pow(d1,3) - 2d2m(d2
2m)tantimpow(GI,2) pow(d1,2)(d3m(-2d2tan
t1 GI(2tant1 tantim)) 2GItant1pow(d3,2)
(2GItantim - d2(2tant1
tantim))pow(m,2)) d1(m(d3 m)tantimpow(GI,
2) 2tant1pow(d2,2)pow(m,2)
d2GI(-2d3mtant1 2d3GItantim
- 2tant1pow(m,2) - 5tantimpow(m,2)))))/8. S12
2III (pow(d2,-2)pow(d3,-2)pow(GI,-2)(-(d3m(
2d3tant1 mtantim)pow(d1,3)) - d2m(d2
m)(d2 - d3 3m)tantimpow(GI,2)
d1GI(-(d3GIm(d3 m)tantim)
pow(d2,2)(- 2d3mtant1 d3GItantim -
2GItantim mtantim) (2mtant1 -
GItantim)pow(d3,2) - 6tantimpow(m,3)))
pow(d1,2)(-(d3GI(d3m(2tant1 tantim)
2tant1pow(d3,2) 2tantimpow(m,2)))
d2(2d3m(mtant1 GItantim)
2GItant1pow(d3,2) - 3tantimpow(m,3))))pow(
-(d1d3) d2m,-1))/8. S111III
3cost3cost3S122III S111II
3cost2cost2S122II S111I 3cost1cost1S122I
While the equations to the left appear tedious,
they have only to be characterized ONCE and are
applicable for ALL three mirror systems with
plane symmetry.
192. Correcting bad behavior (cont.) Design Note
Both of the previous examples predict
well-corrected optical imaging systems. Both
also require reflective aspheres, typically
conics, and they are generally non-rotationally
symmetric for unobstructed systems.
That is, the local surface curvature is different
in orthogonal directions. Conic constants can
differ as well.
202. Correcting bad behavior (cont.) Design Note
Both of the previous examples predict
well-corrected optical imaging systems. Both
also require reflective aspheres, typically
conics, and they are generally non-rotationally
symmetric for unobstructed systems.
That is, the local surface curvature is different
in orthogonal directions. Conic constants can
differ as well.
The fundamental surface type for analytically
corrected systems is the general asymmetric
Which, not surprisingly, is the form of the
aberration equation previously listed.
212. Correcting bad behavior (cont.) B. Brute
22- 2. Correcting bad behavior (cont.)
- B. Brute force
- Instead of reducing the DOF analytically, one can
numerically search for systems using downhill
or global optimization methods
23- 2. Correcting bad behavior (cont.)
- B. Brute force
- Instead of reducing the DOF analytically, one can
numerically search for systems using downhill
or global optimization methods - Additionally, one can start with a limited number
of DOF, e.g. number of lenses or mirrors in the
system, and then add DOFs (additional mirrors,
aspheric surfaces, break symmetry) until the
requirements are met
24- 2. Correcting bad behavior (cont.)
- B. Brute force
- Instead of reducing the DOF analytically, one can
numerically search for systems using downhill
or global optimization methods - Additionally, one can start with a limited number
of DOF, e.g. number of lenses or mirrors in the
system, and then add DOFs (additional mirrors,
aspheric surfaces, break symmetry) until the
requirements are met - Disadvantages systems can have too many DOFs to
converge quickly, and unknown solutions may be
missed due to the local nature of downhill search
25- 2. Correcting bad behavior (cont.)
- B. Brute force
- Instead of reducing the DOF analytically, one can
numerically search for systems using downhill
or global optimization methods - Additionally, one can start with a limited number
of DOF, e.g. number of lenses or mirrors in the
system, and then add DOFs (additional mirrors,
aspheric surfaces, break symmetry) until the
requirements are met - Disadvantages systems can have too many DOFs to
converge quickly, and unknown solutions may be
missed due to the local nature of downhill search
methods - Most popular
262. Correcting bad behavior (cont.) C. Copy Cat
27- 2. Correcting bad behavior (cont.)
- C. Copy Cat
- Start with a known system that is similar to the
needs of the task at hand - Patent literature
- Published papers
- In-house design
28- 2. Correcting bad behavior (cont.)
- C. Copy Cat
- Start with a known system that is similar to the
needs of the task at hand - Patent literature
- Published papers
- In-house design
- Optimize locally to force the system to meet
the different requirements
29- 2. Correcting bad behavior (cont.)
- C. Copy Cat
- Start with a known system that is similar to the
needs of the task at hand - Patent literature
- Published papers
- In-house design
- Optimize locally to force the system to meet
the different requirements - Advantages Generally quick to converge, if the
new system is close to the old one. This
heritage approach tends to please conservative
project managers.
30- Freeform optics designers toolkit
- (available in most lens design software)
- Conics, Cylinders, Cones, Toroids, Biconics,
General aspheres - General asymmetric asphere (i.e. Taylor expansion
in x,y) - Zernikes circle polynomial surfaces
- Radial spline and Asymmetric bi-cubic spline
surfaces - Faceted surfaces, Fresnel surfaces, Binary optics
- Grid surfaces (defined from a 2-d matrix)
- User defined surfaces catch all to do anything
that can be programmed.
313. Examples of systems with freeform surfaces
323. Examples of systems with freeform
surfaces Hubble Primary mirror figure
error (as well as off-axis astigmatism) has
required freeform correctors for follow-on
333. Examples (cont.) Hubble WF/PC 3 (currently
not scheduled for service)
Pickoff mirror
M1 M2 Anamorphic Aspheres for correction
343. Examples (cont.) Constellation-X
Nested Cone mirrors for x-ray imaging
353. Examples (cont.) Wasserman-Wolf aplanatic
telescope (spherical primary)
Free from spherical and coma through all
orders. M2 and M3 are splines defined by
solution of coupled linear differential equations
L. Mertz spherical primary telescopes are other
examples of this class.
363. Examples (cont.) Image slicing
373. Examples (cont.) Beam shapers
Useful for laser applications, or even
383. Examples (cont.) Consumer Optics Thin form
factor projection TV optics
394. The Freeform Optics Manifesto Motivation
40- 4. The Freeform Optics Manifesto
- Motivation
- Experienced designers are generally conservative
in choosing component prescriptions, especially
when faced with time and budget constraints
41- 4. The Freeform Optics Manifesto
- Motivation
- Experienced designers are generally conservative
in choosing component prescriptions, especially
when faced with time and budget constraints - As such, fabrication methods of freeform optics
(and their limits) need to be understood by the
designer, who can then incorporate them into the
design process itself (e.g. a maximum departure
from best fit sphere, maximum local slope)
42- 4. The Freeform Optics Manifesto
- Motivation
- Experienced designers are generally conservative
in choosing component prescriptions, especially
when faced with time and budget constraints - As such, fabrication methods of freeform optics
(and their limits) need to be understood by the
designer, who can then incorporate them into the
design process itself (e.g. a maximum departure
from best fit sphere, maximum local slope) - Naturally, testing methods of freeform optics
(and their limits) also need to be understood by
the design community, to establish confidence in
the component in meeting its requirements.
43The Freeform Optics Manifesto
44- The Freeform Optics Manifesto
- DESIGN Develop design tools to facilitate a
design for manufacturing approach to lens
design, where solutions can be geared for a
specific process.
45- The Freeform Optics Manifesto
- DESIGN Develop design tools to facilitate a
design for manufacturing approach to lens
design, where solutions can be geared for a
specific process. - FABRICATION Create the need for freeform
surfaces within the design community by
communicating their availability as a degree of
freedom, and when possible, participating in the
design process itself.
46- The Freeform Optics Manifesto
- DESIGN Develop design tools to facilitate a
design for manufacturing approach to lens
design, where solutions can be geared for a
specific process. - FABRICATION Create the need for freeform
surfaces within the design community by
communicating their availability as a degree of
freedom, and when possible, participating in the
design process itself. - TESTING Ensure testing methods will keep pace
with fabrication capability of freeform optics,
establishing confidence within the design
community for using freeform optics.
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