ICS 241 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ICS 241


Title: ICS 241 Author: William Albritton Last modified by: William Albritton Created Date: 1/11/2002 4:07:10 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: ics | scale | weighing


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ICS 241

ICS 241
  • Discrete Mathematics II
  • William Albritton, Information and Computer
    Sciences Department at University of Hawaii at
  • For use with Kenneth H. Rosens Discrete
    Mathematics Its Applications (5th Edition)
  • Based on slides originally created by
  • Dr. Michael P. Frank, Department of Computer
    Information Science Engineering at University
    of Florida

Section 9.2 Applications of Trees
  • Binary search trees
  • A simple data structure for sorted lists
  • Decision trees
  • Minimum comparisons in sorting algorithms
  • Prefix codes
  • Huffman coding
  • Game trees

Binary Search Trees
  • A representation for sorted sets of items.
  • Supports the following operations in T(log n)
    average-case time
  • Searching for an existing item.
  • Inserting a new item, if not already present.
  • Supports printing out all items in T(n) time.
  • Note that inserting into a plain sequence ai
    would instead take T(n) worst-case time.

Binary Search Tree Format
  • Items are stored at individual tree nodes.
  • We arrange for the tree to always obey this
  • For every item x,
  • Every node in xs left subtree is less than x.
  • Every node in xs right subtree is greater than x.

Recursive Binary Tree Insert
  • procedure insert(T binary tree, x item)v
    rootTif v null then begin rootT x
    return Done endelse if v x return Already
    presentelse if x lt v then return
    insert(leftSubtreeT, x)else must be x gt
    v return insert(rightSubtreeT, x)

Class Exercise
  • Exercise 1., 3. (p. 656)
  • Each pair of students should use only one sheet
    of paper while solving the class exercises

Decision Trees
  • A decision tree represents a decision-making
  • Each possible decision point or situation is
    represented by a node.
  • Each possible choice that could be made at that
    decision point is represented by an edge to a
    child node.
  • In the extended decision trees used in decision
    analysis, we also include nodes that represent
    random events and their outcomes.

Coin-Weighing Problem
  • Imagine you have 8 coins, oneof which is a
    lighter counterfeit, and a free-beam balance.
  • No scale of weight markings is required for this
  • How many weighings are needed to guarantee that
    the counterfeit coin will be found?

As a Decision-Tree Problem
  • In each situation, we pick two disjoint and
    equal-size subsets of coins to put on the scale.

A given sequence ofweighings thus yieldsa
decision tree withbranching factor 3.
The balance thendecides whether to tip left,
tip right, or stay balanced.
Applying the Tree Height Theorem
  • The decision tree must have at least 8 leaf
    nodes, since there are 8 possible outcomes.
  • In terms of which coin is the counterfeit one.
  • Recall the tree-height theorem, h?logm??.
  • Thus the decision tree must have heighth
    ?log38? ?1.893? 2.
  • Lets see if we solve the problem with only 2

General Solution Strategy
  • The problem is an example of searching for 1
    unique particular item, from among a list of n
    otherwise identical items.
  • Somewhat analogous to the adage of searching for
    a needle in haystack.
  • Armed with our balance, we can attack the problem
    using a divide-and-conquer strategy, like whats
    done in binary search.
  • We want to narrow down the set of possible
    locations where the desired item (coin) could be
    found down from n to just 1, in a logarithmic
  • Each weighing has 3 possible outcomes.
  • Thus, we should use it to partition the search
    space into 3 pieces that are as close to
    equal-sized as possible.
  • This strategy will lead to the minimum possible
    worst-case number of weighings required.

General Balance Strategy
  • On each step, put ?n/3? of the n coins to be
    searched on each side of the scale.
  • If the scale tips to the left, then
  • The lightweight fake is in the right set of ?n/3?
    n/3 coins.
  • If the scale tips to the right, then
  • The lightweight fake is in the left set of ?n/3?
    n/3 coins.
  • If the scale stays balanced, then
  • The fake is in the remaining set of n - 2?n/3?
    n/3 coins that were not weighed!
  • Except if n mod 3 1 then we can do a little
    better by weighing ?n/3? of the coins on each

You can prove that this strategy always leads to
a balanced 3-ary tree.
Coin Balancing Decision Tree
  • Heres what the tree looks like in our case

123 vs 456
left 123
right 456
4 vs. 5
1 vs. 2
7 vs. 8
Prefix Codes
  • A way to encode letters (or any data) using bit
    strings, so that the bit string for a letter
    never occurs as the first part of a bit string
    for another letter
  • Can be represented as a binary tree, where the
    characters are the leaves, and the bits
    correspond to the left and right child
  • Example e (0), a(10), t(11), so that 101110
  • If use 8-bit ASCII code, then 3824 bits

Class Exercise
  • Exercise 21. (p. 657)
  • Each pair of students should use only one sheet
    of paper while solving the class exercises

Huffman Coding
  • A way to compress data, using the frequency of
    symbols in a string to produce a prefix code that
    encodes the string using the fewest possible bits
  • Tree is built from the bottom-up, connecting the
    symbols and nodes with the lowest frequencies
  • Parent frequency of left child freq. of right
  • Left child frequency gt right child frequency

Huffman Coding Example
  • Letters respective frequencies
  • A0.08, B0.10, C0.12, D0.15, E0.20, F0.35
  • Huffman coding gives following encodings
  • A(111), B(110), C(011), D(010),E(10), F(00)
  • Average number of bits used to encode a letter
  • 30.08 3 0.10 30.12 30.15 20.20
    20.35 2.45

Class Exercise
  • Exercise 23. (p. 657)
  • Each pair of students should use only one sheet
    of paper while solving the class exercises

Game Trees
  • Game of Nim
  • Two players remove 1 or more stones from one of
    the piles of stones
  • Lose by removing the last stone
  • Represent game with a tree that shows all
    possible moves in the game
  • Root is start
  • Even level nodes are boxes (1st players move)
  • Odd level nodes are circles(2nd players move)

Game of Nim
  • Determine who will win by minmax strategy
  • Leaves are given numbers that correspond to who
    wins the game
  • 1 if 1st player wins
  • -1 if 2nd player wins
  • For each node, take the maximum (for 1st player)
    or minimum value of children (for 2nd player)
  • 1st player tries to maximize payoffs 2nd player
    tries to minimize payoffs

Game of Nim Example
  • Start with 3 piles of stones 2, 2, 1 stones
  • Start with square node (1st players move)
  • 3 children are circular nodes (2nd players move)
  • Leaves are 1/-1 for 1st/2nd player wins
  • Take min or max values of children to determine
    who will win the game

Class Exercise
  • Exercise 33. (p. 659)
  • Each pair of students should use only one sheet
    of paper while solving the class exercises
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