Title: Personal Pathways and Career Academies
1Personal Pathways and Career Academies
- Careers Conference 2009
- Madison, WI
- January 2009
Dr. Rick Kalk Director of Career Education and
Business Partnerships
- Background
- Legislation
- Career Specialists
- CDF Training
- Activities
- Electronic Individual Graduation Plan
- Regional Education Center (REC)
- WBL and the REC
- Questions
3Spartanburg Area Background
- Spartanburg District 5
- I-85 Corridor (Atlanta to Charlotte)
- County Population 250,000
- Historically agrarian
- New economy
- Michelin
- Staubli
- International airport
4District Five
- 7600 Students
- 10 Year Growth 39
- FR 41
- Minority 30
- 850 Teachers and Staff
- 12 Schools
- Area Career and Technology Center
- Building Program
5- Education and Economic Development Act (EEDA)
- Signed by the Governor May 2005
- Replaced the SC STW Transition Act
- Emphasizes
- Career Development and Guidance
- Career Clusters Majors
- Transitions
6HSTW 10 Key Practices
- High expectations
- Vocational studies
- Academic studies
- Program of study
- Work-based
- Teachers working together
- Students actively engaged
- Guidance
- Extra help
- Keeping score
7Career Specialists
- State Funded
- Supervised by Guidance Counselor
- Accountability
- Grades 6-8
- 2 Career Specialists
- Class Activities
- 2 Schools each
- Grades 9-12
- Guidance Counselors
- Career Specialist (10-12)
8CDF Training
- Regional Career Specialist
- State Sponsored
- District Instructors
- Community College/WIB
- eLearning Classes
9Career Specialists Accountability
- The number of
- Career development/guidance workshops presented
for teachers, school counselors, and work-based
constituents. - Students assisted in identifying and accessing
career information/resource material pertaining
to career clusters. - Educators, parents, and students provided with
information on CATE programs offered in the
district . - Students who completed at least one career
assessment. - Students who used computer-assisted career
guidance systems to explore careers. - Eighth, ninth, and tenth grade students who
attended a conference to develop an IGP
(Parent-Designee). - One time career events, career classes, and/or
career programming activities coordinated by the
career specialist. - Ongoing career events, career classes, and/or
career programming activities attended by
students in your school that the career
specialist has coordinated with teachers,
district personnel or business partners.
- Academy of Arts and Communications
- Academy of Business and Information Systems
- Academy of Health and Human Services
- Academy of Science, Environment, Engineering, and
- Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications (7)
- Business Management and Administration (1)
- Finance (1)
- Hospitality and Tourism (2)
- Information Technology (2)
- Marketing (2)
- Education and Training (2)
- Government and Public Administration (2)
- Health Science (2)
- Human Services (2)
- Law, Public Safety Corrections, and Security (1)
- Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (3)
- Architecture and Construction (1)
- Manufacturing (2)
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(2) - Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics (3)
- Class of 2010
- Yearly IGP Conference beginning - 8th Grade
(Choose Career Cluster) - Student
- Counselor
- Parent/Guardian/Designee
- IGP Conference 10th Grade (Choose Career Cluster
- Classes of 2011 and beyond
- Career Awareness (K-5)
- Career Exploration (6-8)
- Career Preparation (9-12)
17Career Awareness Activities
- 6th Grade
- Career Lesson (Introduction to Career Clusters)
- Personality Test
- What are Post Secondary Degrees
- COIN Climb
- Clue
- Parent Newsletters (Careers)
- Open House (Presentation)
18Career Awareness Activities
- 7th Grade
- Targets
- CATE Center Video
- SCOIS Assessment
- Virtual Job Shadow
19Career Awareness Activities
- 8th Grade
- Holland SDS
- SCOIS Assessment
- Research 2 Career Interests
- Choose Cluster of Interest
- Virtual Job Shadowing
- Brochure (Career Choice and Cluster)
- Letter to Parent
- Career Assessments Review
- IGP Meeting
20Newsletters Work
21Career Assessments
- COIN Climb (elementary)
- CLUE (6th grade)
- Career Targets (7th grade)
- Holland SDS (8th grade)
- SCOIS (SC Career System)
- Cluster Assessment (7th grade)
- Self Assessment (8th grade)
- Skills Assessment (8th grade)
- Explore (9th grade)
- PLAN (10th grade)
- Kuder (varies)
- Career Scope (9th-12th (Special Ed))
- District Brochures
- Career Academies and Clusters
- Career Majors
- CATE Programs of Study
- State Career Cluster Guides
- Website
- Notebooks for Counselors
- Academies-Clusters-Majors
- Career Assessment Samples
23(No Transcript)
24(No Transcript)
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30(No Transcript)
31(No Transcript)
32Regional Education Centers
33(No Transcript)
34(No Transcript)
35(No Transcript)
36(No Transcript)
37Web Resources
- www.spart5.net
- www.sreb.org
- www.palmettopathways.org
- www.senduit.com
38Dr. Rick Kalk, CDF-I, DTErick.kalk_at_spart5.net864
-949-2350District Five Schools of Spartanburg
County P. O. Box 307Duncan, SC 29334