Title: 261108 Presentation II
1261108 Presentation II
- 2 Graphic (Re)presentations
- Definitions
- Principles
- Materials Tools
- Architectural Presentation Graphics
- Assignment 1
- Photoshop CS
3Graphic (Re)presentation
- Graphic (n.) the art or science of drawing a
representation of an object on a two-dimensional
surface according to mathematical rules of
projection - Representation (n.) an artistic likeness or
image, a statement or account made to influence
opinion or action - Graphic Design (n.) the art or profession of
using design elements (as typography and images)
to convey information or create an effect also
a product of this art (Webster)
4Principles of Graphic Design
- Design Elements
- Color
- Composition Layout
- Typography
5Design Elements
- Conceptual Elements (dot, line, plane, volume)
- Visual Elements (shape, texture, size, color)
- Relational Elements (direction, position, space,
- Color Wheel
- Color Properties
- Psychology of Colors
- Harmony Contrast
7Munsells 3D Color Wheel
Value (10 from black to white)
Hue (5 principle 5 intermediate hues)
Intensity (varies by hue)
8Composition Layout
- Leading the viewers eye (what catches the eye
first, second, and so on) - Use design elements (line, shape, texture, space,
size) - Composition and layout principles (emphasis,
balance, rhythm, unity, etc.) - Formal composition systems (grid, root rectangle,
golden mean)
9Leading Viewers Eye
11Root Rectangle
12Golden Mean
- Type Fonts or Typeface
- Anatomy
- Classifications
- Families
- Measurements
14Type Anatomy
15Type Classifications
16Type Families
17Type Measurements
18Type Spacing
19Materials Tools
- Design Media (paper, board, billboards, CD-ROMs,
DVDs, Internet, etc.) - Tools (pens, pencils, paint, spray, cutters,
glue, etc.) - There is no limit to what materials and tools
designers may use
20Print Media Medium Standards
21(No Transcript)
???????? ???????????????? ?????????
A0 841 x 1189
A1 594 x 841
A2 420 x 594
A3 297 x 420
A4 210 x 297 ???????????? ?????? ??????
A5 148 x 210 ????????????????
A6 105 x 148 ???????????? ??????
A7 74 x 105 ?????????????? ????????
A8 52 x 74 ???????
A9 37 x 52 ????????
A10 26 x 37 ??????
???????????????????????? ????????????? ???
23Architectural Presentation Graphics
- Logo (icons, thumbnails, trademarks)
- Legends (maps, symbols, signs)
- Labels (titles, names, heading)
- Structures (grids, standards)
- Design Content
24Design Considerations
- Meaning
- Accurate (correct)
- Concise (compact)
- Memorable (impact)
- Legibility
- Color (ease, illusion)
- Scale (proportion to medium)
- Size (text)
- Contrast (emphasis)
- Aesthetics
- Design elements
- Symbols
25Assignment 1
- Design a logo for a music school project (in
class) - Draft sketch in class for review (45 mins.)
- Design a presentation plate heading to be placed
on all architectural drawings, must include the
following information (_at_ home) - Your Name, ID, University, Project Title, Plate
Label or , Logo - Submitting assignment
- Use Photoshop for final submission
- GIF format size
- Scan sketch, save as GIF (0246xxx-assign1-sketch.g
if) - 100x100 pixels for icon (0246xxx-assign1-icon.gif)
- 400x400 pixels for heading (0246xxx-assign1-head.g
if) - Deadline Sunday 14th Nov. 2004 1200 pm submit
via course website http//elearning.su.ac.th
26Presentation Technique 1
- Using Photoshop CS overview
- Creating files
- Color, text, shapes
- Manipulating objects
- Filters and imaging techniques
- Saving options
- Export options
- Compression and formats
- Submitting assignments online
27Online Resources
- http//www.graphic-design.com
- http//www.aiga.org
- http//howdesign.com
- http//www.mundidesign.com