Chapter 17: Organizing Life - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 17: Organizing Life


Chapter 17: Organizing Life s Diversity Section 1: The History of Classification Section 2: Modern Classification Section 3: Domains and Kingdoms – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 17: Organizing Life

Chapter 17 Organizing Lifes Diversity
  • Section 1 The History of Classification
  • Section 2 Modern Classification
  • Section 3 Domains and Kingdoms

17.1 The History of Classification
  • Main idea Biologists use a system of
    classification to organize information about the
    diversity of living things.
  • Objectives
  • Compare Aristotles and Linnaeuss methods of
    classifying organisms.
  • Explain how to write a scientific name using
    binomial nomenclature.
  • Summarize the taxa in the biological

17.1 The History of Classification
  • Review Vocabulary
  • Morphology the structure and form of an organism
    or one of its parts
  • New Vocabulary
  • Classification
  • Taxonomy
  • Binomial nomenclature
  • Taxon
  • Genus
  • Family
  • Order
  • Class
  • Phylum
  • Division
  • Kingdom
  • Domain

Early Systems of Classification
  • Biologists find it easier to communicate and
    retain information about organisms when the
    organisms are organized into groups.
  • Classification is the grouping of objects or
    organisms based on a set of criteria.
  • Biologists use a system of classification to
    organize information about the diversity of
    living things.

Aristotles System
  • More than 2000 years ago, Aristotle developed the
    first widely accepted system of biological
  • Aristotle classified organisms as either animals
    or plants.
  • Animals were classified according to the presence
    or absence of red blood.
  • Animals were further grouped according to their
    habitats and morphology.
  • Plants were classified by average size and
    structure as trees, shrubs, or herbs.

Aristotles System
  • System useful for organizing but it had
  • It did not account for evolutionary
  • Many organisms did not fit easily into
    Aristotles system such as birds that dont fly
    or frogs that live on both land and water.
  • Many centuries passed before Aristotles system
    was replaced by a new system that was better
    suited to the increased knowledge of the natural

Linnaeuss System
  • In the 18th century, Carolus Linnaeus broadened
    Aristotles classification method and formalized
    it into a scientific system.
  • Like Aristotle, he based his system on
    observational studies of the morphology and the
    behavior of organisms
  • Linnaeuss system of classification was the first
    formal system of taxonomy.
  • Taxonomy is a discipline of biology primarily
    concerned with identifying, naming , and
    classifying species based on natural
  • A branch of the larger branch of biology called
  • Systematics is the study of biological diversity
    with an emphasis on evolutionary history.

Linnaeuss System
  • Linnaeuss method of naming organisms, called
    binomial nomenclature, gives each species a
    scientific name with two parts.
  • The first part is the genus name, and the second
    part is the specific epithet, or specific name,
    that identifies the species.
  • Latin is the basis for binomial nomenclature.
  • Biologists use scientific names for species
    because common names vary in their use.

Binomial Nomenclature
  • Common names that lead to confusion
  • Woodchuck or Groundhog
  • Starfish are not fish
  • Great Horned Owls do not have horns.
  • Sea Cucumbers are not plants
  • Scientific names eliminate confusion
  • Instead of a redbird, cardinal or Northern
    cardinal having different names in different
    regions of the US, Linnaeus gave this bird its
    scientific name Cardinalis cardinalis.

Rules of Scientific Names
  • The first letter of the genus name always is
    capitalized, but the rest of the genus name and
    all letters of the specific epithet are
  • If a scientific name is written in a printed book
    or magazine, it should be italicized.
  • When a scientific name is written by hand, both
    parts of the name should be underlined.
  • After the scientific name has been written
    completely, the genus name will be abbreviated to
    the first letter in later appearances (e.g., C.

Modern Classification Systems
  • Evolution added a new dimension to Linnaeuss
    classification system.
  • Organisms were no longer classified on the basis
    of morphological and behavioral characteristics
  • Evolutionary relationships are included in modern
    classification systems.

Taxonomic Categories
  • A nested-hierarchal system-each category is
    contained within another, and they are arranged
    from broadest to most specific.

Species and Genus
  • A named group of organisms is called a taxon
    (plural, taxa).
  • A genus (plural, genera) is a group of species
    that are closely related and share a common
  • Example
  • American black bear Ursus americanus
  • Asiatic black bear Ursus thibetanus

  • A family is the next higher taxon, consisting of
    similar, related genera.
  • Example
  • All bears, both living and extinct species,
    belong to the same family, Ursidae.
  • All members of the bear family share certain
    characteristics they all walk flatfooted and
    have forearms that can rotate to grasp prey

Higher Taxa
  • An order contains related families (Carnivora).
  • A class contains related orders (Mammalia).
  • A phylum or division contains related classes.
  • The term division is used instead of phylum for
    the classification of bacteria and plants.
  • The taxon of related phyla or divisions is a
  • The domain is the broadest of all the taxa and
    contains one or more kingdoms.

Systematic Applications
  • Scientists who study classification provide
    detailed guides that help people identify
  • Many times a field guide will contain a
    dichotomous key, which is a key based on a series
    of choices between alternate characteristics.

17.2 Modern Classification
  • Main idea Classification systems have changed
    over time as information has increased.
  • Objectives
  • Compare and contrast species concepts
  • Describe methods used to reveal phylogeny
  • Explain how a cladogram is constructed
  • Review Vocabulary
  • Evolution the historical development of a group
    of organisms
  • New Vocabulary
  • Phylogeny
  • Character
  • Molecular clock
  • Cladistics
  • cladogram

Determining Species
  • Typological species concept
  • Aristotle and Linnaeus thought of each species as
    a distinctly different group of organisms based
    on physical similarities.
  • The definition of species is called the
    typological species concept.
  • Based on the idea that species are unchanging,
    distinct, and natural types.

Biological Species Concept
  • The biological species concept defines a species
    as a group of organisms that is able to
    interbreed and produce fertile offspring in a
    natural setting.
  • Limitations
  • Wolves and dogs, as well as many plant species,
    are known to interbreed and produce fertile
    offspring even though they are classified as
    different species.
  • Does not account for extinct species or species
    that reproduce asexually
  • However, because the biological species concept
    works in most everyday experiences of
    classification, it is used often.

Phylogenic Species Concept
  • Phylogeny is the evolutionary history of a
  • The phylogenic species concept defines a species
    as a cluster of organisms that is distinct from
    other clusters and shows evidence of a pattern of
    ancestry and descent.

Species Concepts
  • To classify a species, scientists construct
    patterns of descent by using characters.
  • Characters are inherited features that vary among
  • Characters can be morphological or biochemical.

Morphological Characters
  • Shared morphological characters suggest that
    species are related closely and evolved from a
    recent common ancestor.
  • Analogous characters are those that have the same
    function but different underlying construction.
    These characters do not indicate a close
    evolutionary relationship.
  • Homologous characters might perform different
    functions, but show an anatomical similarity
    inherited from a common ancestor.

Birds Dinosaurs
  • Dinosaur fossils show that they share many
    features in common with birds.
  • Hallow bones
  • Theropods have leg, wrist, hip, and shoulder
    structures similar to birds.
  • Some theropods may have had feathers
  • The evidence provided by these morphological
    characters indicates that modern birds are
    related more closely to theropod dinosaurs than
    they are to other reptiles.

Biochemical Characters
  • Scientists use biochemical characters, such as
    amino acids and nucleotides, to help them
    determine evolutionary relationships among
  • DNA and RNA analyses are powerful tools for
    reconstructing phylogenies.
  • The similar appearance of chromosomes among
    chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans suggests a
    shared ancestry.

Biochemical Characters
Biochemical Characters
  • Scientists use a variety of techniques to compare
    DNA sequences when assessing evolutionary
  • Sequencing and compare whole genomes of different
  • Compare genome maps using restriction enzymes
  • DNA-DNA hybridization during which single strands
    of DNA from different species are melted together
  • Comparing the DNA sequences of different species
    is an objective, quantitative way to measure
    evolutionary relationships.

Molecular Clocks
  • Scientists use molecular clocks to compare the
    DNA sequences or amino acid sequences of genes
    that are shared by different species.
  • The differences between the genes indicate the
    presence of mutations.
  • The more mutations that have accumulated, the
    more time that has passed since divergence.

The Rate of Mutation
  • The rate of mutation is affected by many factors
  • Type of mutation
  • Where the mutation is in the genome
  • Type of protein that the mutation affects
  • Population in which the mutation occurs
  • Molecular clocks can be valuable tools for
    determining a relative time of divergence of a
    species. They are especially useful when used in
    conjunction with other data, such as the fossil

Phylogenetic Reconstruction
  • Cladistics is a method that classifies organisms
    according to the order that they diverge from a
    common ancestor.
  • Cladistics reconstructs phylogenies based on
    shared characters.
  • Scientists consider two main types of characters
    when doing cladistic analysis.
  • An ancestral character is found within the entire
    line of descent of a group of organisms. (Birds
    mammals backbone).
  • Derived characters are present members of one
    group of the line but not in the common ancestor.
    (Birds mammals feathers hair).

  • Systematics use shared derived characters to make
    a cladogram.
  • A cladogram is a branching diagram that
    represents the proposed phylogeny or evolutionary
    history of a species or group.
  • A cladograms branches indicate phylogeny.
  • The groups used in cladograms are called clades.
  • A clade is one branch of the cladogram.

  • The greater the number of derived characters
    shared by groups, the more recently the groups
    share a common ancestor.

17.3 Domains and Kingdoms
  • Main idea The most widely used biological
    classification system has six kingdoms within
    three domains.
  • Objectives
  • Compare major characteristics of the three
  • Differentiate among the six kingdoms
  • Classify organisms to the kingdom level
  • Review Vocabulary
  • Eukaryote an organism composed of one or more
    cells containing a nucleus and membrane-bound
  • New Vocabulary
  • Eubaceria
  • Archaea
  • Protist
  • Fungus

Grouping Species
  • The broadest category in the classification used
    by most biologists is the domain.
  • The three domains are Bacteria, Archaea, and
  • Organisms are classified in domains according to
    cell type and structure.
  • The most widely used biological classification
    system has six kingdoms and three domains.
  • The six kingdoms are Bacteria, Archaea, Protists,
    Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.
  • Organisms are classified into kingdoms according
    to cell type, structure, and nutrition.
  • Archaea are the only members of their own domain.
  • Archaebacteria are unicellular prokaryotes

Domain Bacteria
  • Eubacteria, members of Domain Bacteria and
    Kingdom Eubacteria are prokaryotes whose cell
    walls contain peptidoglycan.
  • Peptidoglycan is a polymer that contains two
    kinds of sugars that alternate in the chain.
  • Eubacteria are a diverse group that can survive
    in many different environments.
  • Aerobic (need oxygen) or anaerobic (die in
  • Autotrophic (produce their own food) or
    heterotrophic (get nutrition from other

Domain Bacteria
Domain Archaea
  • Archaea are thought to be more ancient than
    bacteria and yet more closely related to our
    eukaryote ancestors.
  • Their cell walls do not contain peptidoglycan.
  • Archaea are diverse in shape and nutrition
  • They are called extremophiles because they can
    live in extreme environments.

Domain Eukarya
  • All eukaryotes (cells with membrane-bound nucleus
    and other membrane-bound organelles) are
    classified in Domain Eukarya.
  • Domain Eukarya contains Kingdom Protista, Kingdom
    Fungi, Kingdom Plantae, and Kingdom Animalia.

Kingdom Protista
  • Protists are eukaryotic organisms that can be
    unicellular, colonial, or multicellular.
  • Protists are classified into three different
    groupsplantlike, animal-like, and funguslike.
  • Plantlike are called algea autotrophs that
    perform photosynthesis
  • Animal-lke are called protozoans heterotrophs
  • Funguslike are slime molds and mildews
  • Euglenoids are a type of protist that have
    plantlike and animal-like characteristics
    usually grouped with plantlike because they have
    chloroplasts and can perform photosynthesis.

Kingdom Protista
Kingdom Fungi
  • A fungus is a unicellular or multicellular
    eukaryote that absorbs nutrients from organic
    materials in its environment.
  • Member of Kingdom Fungi are heterotrophic, lack
    mobility, and have cell walls.
  • Their cell walls contain a substance called
    chitin, which is a rigid polymer that provides
    structural support.
  • A fungus consists of a mass of threadlike
    filaments called hyphae.
  • Hyphae are responsible for the funguss growth,
    feeding, and reproduction.

Kingdom Fungi
  • Mushrooms are heterotrophic organisms.
  • Some fungi are parasites - grow and feed on
    other organisms and others are saprobes get
    their nourishment from dead or decay organic
  • Fungi that live in a mutualistic relationship
    with algae are called lichens.

Kingdom Plantae
  • Members of Kingdom Plantae form the base of all
    terrestrial habitats.
  • All plants are multicellular and have cell walls
    composed of cellulose.
  • Most plants are autotrophs, but some are
  • Plants possess cells that are organized into
    tissues, and many plants also possess organs such
    as roots, stems, and leaves.
  • Plants lack mobility, yet some plants have
    reproductive cells with flagella that propel them
    through the water.

Kingdom Plantae
Kingdom Animalia
  • All animals are heterotrophic, multicellular
  • Animal cells do not have cell walls.
  • Animal cells are organized into tissue, and most
    tissues are organized into organs.
  • Animal organs often are organized into complex
    organ systems.
  • Animals range in size.
  • They live in the water, on land, and in the air.
  • Most animals are motile, although some, such as
    coral, lack motility as adults.

Kingdom Animalia
Viruses - An Exception
  • A virus is a nucleic acid surrounded by a protein
  • Viruses do not possess cells, nor are they cells,
    and are not considered to be living.
  • Because they are nonliving, they usually are not
    placed in the biological classification system.

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