Title: Lecture 27 Bipolar Junction Transistors
1Lecture 27Bipolar Junction Transistors
2Bipolar Junction Transistors
1. Understand bipolar junction transistor
operation in amplifier circuits. 2. Analyze
simple amplifiers using the load-line technique
and understand the causes of nonlinear distortion.
4Deforests Audion
5Triode Tube
6Bardeen, Brittain and Shockley
Discovery of the transistor in 1947
7First Transistor
8Initial Demonstration of Solid State Amplification
9(No Transcript)
10First Integrated Circuit (IC)
Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments (1958)
11Early Integrated Circuit (IC)
12Chip Evolution
13NPN and PNP Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT)
14NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor
15Bias Conditions for PN Junctions
The base emitter p-n junction of an npn
transistor is normally forward biased
The base collector p-n junction of an npn
transistor is normally reverse biased
16Bias Conditions for NPN Junctions
17Bias Conditions for NPN Junctions
18Bias Conditions for NPN Junctions
19Bias Conditions for NPN Junctions
20Equations of Operation
From Kirchoffs current law
21Equations of Operation
Define ? as the ratio of collector current to
emitter current
Values for ? range from 0.9 to 0.999 with 0.99
being typical. Since
Most of the emitter current comes from the
collector and very little (?1) from the base.
22Equations of Operation
23Equations of Operation
24Equations of Operation
Define ?? as the ratio of collector current to
base current
Values for ? range from about 10 to 1,000 with a
common value being ? ? 100.
The collector current is an amplified version of
the base current.
25Equations of Operation
26The base region is very thin
Only a small fraction of the emitter current
flows into the base provided that the
collector-base junction is reverse biased and the
base-emitter junction is forward biased.
27Exercise 13.1
A certain transistor has ? 50, IES 10-14A,
vCE 5 V, and iE 10 mA. Assume VT 0.026 V.
Find vBE, vBC, iB, iC and ?.
28Exercise 13.2
Compute the corresponding values of ? if ? 0.9,
0.99 and 0.999
29Exercise 13.3
A certain transistor operated with forward bias
of the base-emitter junction and reverse bias of
the base-collector junction has iC 9.5 mA and
iE 10 mA. Find the value of iB, ? and ?.
30Common-Emitter Characteristics
31Common-Emitter Input Characteristics
32Common-Emitter Output Characteristics
33Amplification by the BJT
A small change in vBE results in a large change
in iB if the base emitter is forward biased.
Provided vCE is more than a few tenths of a
volt, this change in iB results in a larger
change in iC since iC?iB.
34Common-Emitter Amplifier
35Load-Line Analysis of a Common Emitter Amplifier
(Input Circuit)
36Load-Line Analysis of a Common Emitter Amplifier
(Output Circuit)
37Inverting Amplifier
As vin(t) goes positive, the load line moves
upward and to the right, and the value of iB
increases. This causes the operating point on
the output to move upwards, decreasing vCE ? An
increase in vin(t) results in a much larger
decrease in vCE so that the common emitter
amplifier is an inverting amplifier
38Load-Line Analysis of BJT
Assume VCC 10V VBB 1.6V RB 40 k? RC 2
k? Vin 0.4sin(?t)
iBQ 25 ?A
39Load-Line Analysis of BJT
Assume VCC 10V VBB 1.6V RB 40 k? RC 2
k? Vin 0.4sin(?t)
iBmax 35 ?A
40Load-Line Analysis of BJT
Assume VCC 10V VBB 1.6V RB 40 k? RC 2
k? Vin 0.4sin(?t)
iBmin 15 ?A
41Load-Line Analysis of BJT
iBQ 25 ?A iBmin 15 ?A iBmax 35 ?A
VCEQ 5V iCEQ 2.5 mA
VCEQ 5V VCEmin 3V VCEmax 7V
42Load-Line Analysis of BJT
Voltage waveforms for the common emitter
amplifier. The gain is -5 (inverting).
43 Clipping
When iC becomes zero, we say that the transistor
is cutoff. When vCE ? 0.2 V, we say that the
transistor is in saturation.
Amplification occurs in the active region.
Clipping occurs in the saturation or cutoff
44 Clipping
45Exercise 13.5
46Exercise 13.5
47Exercise 13.5
48Exercise 13.5
49Exercise 13.6
50Exercise 13.6
51Exercise 13.6
52Exercise 13.6
53PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor
Except for reversal of current directions and
voltage polarities, the pnp BJT is almost
identical to the npn BJT.
54PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor
55Common-Emitter Characteristics for a PNP BJT
56Exercise 13.7
Find ?
57Exercise 13.8
Common emitter amplifier
58Exercise 13.8
59Exercise 13.8
60Exercise 13.8
Common emitter amplifier
61Exercise 13.8
Load line
62Exercise 13.8