Title: CEN Presentation
1CEN is an EU agent
CEN dominates ISO
CEN is working In Brazil
CEN Members vote en bloc
2David WoolliscroftDirector Standards
Management, CEN
- Stephen Russell
- Head of Technical Policy, BSI
- Vice-Chairman CEN Technical Board
- BSI Member ISO Technical Management Board
- Presentations to ANSI and CPSC
- June 2003
3European Standardisation
4The European standardization system and its
EU and EFTA (Counsellors)
Corresponding organizations
Organizations In liaison
National Members as an integral part of the
European standardization system
5The European Structure CEN - CENELEC - ETSI
- CEN is a multi-sector organization and is active
in all fields except - Electro-technical (CENELEC)
- Telecommunications (ETSI)
- CEN/CENELEC/ETSI have coordination structures for
general policy (JPG), information technology
(ICTSB) and technical liaison (JCG)
6Aims of European standardization
- Elimination of technical barriers to trade in
Europe - Ensuring the competitiveness of European
industry, both within the internal market and
beyond its borders
- CEN is an international association
- set up to manage the cooperation
- among the national standards bodies
- of the countries of Europe, with the
- objective to adopt voluntary standards through
- consensus and transparency
8CEN status/members/partners
- International non-profit organization under
Belgium law - Founded in 1961, legal entity since 1976
- CEN Management Centre Brussels
- National members
- Associate members
- Affiliates
- Corresponding Organizations
- Associated Bodies
- 300 trade and professional organizationsin
9CEN System Members and Affiliates
- 22 National Members
- National standards organizations of the 18 EU
and EFTA countries, Malta, the Czech Republic,
Hungary and Slovakia - 7 Associates
- European sector organizations ANEC, CECIMO,
- Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia,
Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, Romania,
10CEN General Structure
CEN AG General Assembly
CEN CA Administrative Board
CACC Financial Affairs
CACC External Policy
BT Technical Board
11Objectives of CEN
- the implementation of standardization
throughout Europe - in conjunction with ISO and any other private
or public organization representing European and
worldwide interests. - this aim may be attained by all means.
12Principles are applied through
- Drafting EN
- CEN Enquiry
- Formal vote/Standstill
- Implementation (dop and dow)
- CEN/ISO technical cooperation
- Consensus
- Openness and transparency
- National commitment
- Technical coherence at national and European
level - Correct integration with other international work
(Vienna Agreement)
13Need for European Standards (1)
- European Standards are instruments
- designed
- - to meet the needs of stakeholders
- - to harmonize common requirements
- - to reduce uncertainty and levels of risk in the
market place
14Need for European Standards (2)
- European Standards may be needed
- - to support European Directives (laws)
- - to aid public procurement
15Links to EC Directives
- 1985 New Approach
- Essential requirements
- Areas concerned
- c. 30 of programme
16CEN Funding
- 5 NSBs
- 90Industry
- 3 Other
17Vienna Agreement (1)
- ENs and ENVs identical to ISO 2002
- ISO lead 696
- CEN lead 180
- Other (PQFV or UAP) 1298
- Total EN/ENV 7166
18Vienna Agreement (2)
- Projects under development 2002
- ISO lead 414
- CEN lead 322
- Other (PQ, FV or UAP) 187
- CEN and Europe
- Bloc voting (ISO Council study)
- 117/3563 (3.1) failed DIS
- 7/2883 (0.24) failed FDIS
- CEN members voted with other ISO members
- Or were split when voting against an ISO draft
- Common view in TCs
- Similar (but not identical) national practices
- Understandable and not wrong
- European legal requirements
- Distorts global relevance
- BUT only 30 of CEN programme is mandated!
- CEN/BT WG 152 Global Relevance
20Thank you
- www.cenorm.be
- david.woolliscroft_at_cenorm.be
- stephen.russell_at_bsi-global.com