Title: Corps du texteccc
2- CÉRIUMs triple mission
- Bring together academics in international studies
from the Université de Montréal - Train a new generation of students
- Contribute to the international awareness of
citizens and decision-makers from civil society,
the public sector and the private sector
3- Over 150 researchers in21 research units
- A strong presence
- - Europe
- - North America
- - Peace and security
- Immigration
4A Strong European Presence
- An EU Centre of Excellence
A French and a German unit
5Three chairs looking at the USA
6Peace operations
- An International Network on Peacekeeping
- Providing francophone expertise in key arenas
(UN, Francophonie, French Africa) - - A daily updated, freely accessible online
encyclopedia on peace operations - - Focal point of discussions, publications,
events in the francophone world -
7In four years more than 350 guests
- Nobel Prize, Shirin Ebadi
- Former President of Brazil, Fernando Cardoso
- Former presidential candidates Howard Dean and
Ralph Nader - Former French presidential candidate, Ségolène
Royal - Former French Prime Minister, Alain Juppé
- Former French Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Hubert Védrine - Former Head of Policy for Tony Blair, Geoff
Mulgan - Former SG for the Council of Europe, Catherine
Lalumière - Former speechwriter for George W. Bush, David
Frum - Former François Mitterrand advisor, Régis Debray
- Green European MP and May 68 leader Daniel
Cohn-Bendit - CSIS director for Europe, Simon Serfaty
- Founder of Doctors without borders, Rony Brauman
- Canadian politicians foreign policy
prononcements Paul Martin, Stéphane Dion, Gilles
Duceppe, Jack Layton, Michael Ignatieff - Canadian Ambassadors to the UN (Allan Rock),
London (Mel Cappe), NATO (Jean-Pierre Juneau)
China (Joseph Caron) French sociologist,
Dominique WoltonIRIS director, Pascal
BonifacePeking correspondents, Eric Meyer and
Pierre Haski - Israeli Journalist Emmanuel Halperin, and many
8In 2007/08, 315 academic guests
France AgroParisTech, CÉRI-Paris, U.Paris VII, U.
de Savoie, U. de Rennes, U. de Paris VIII, U.
Paris XII, Paris II, U. Paris X, Nanterre, EHESS
Paris, U. de Lyon, Institut catholique de Paris,
U. de Metz, American University of Paris, CNRS,
IEP Rennes, U. Paris-Dauphine, INED, Paris, IRIS
Paris, U. Jean Moulin, Lyon, EM Lyon, U. Paris I,
CÉRI-Paris, INRS-Culture et Société, U. Lyon III,
ESG-Paris, U. de Picardie Jules Verne, U. de
Paris IV Paris-Sorbonne, U. de Clermont-Ferrand,
U. Paris X-Nanterre, U. de Paris-Sud,
ADIS-GRJM Europe Charles U., Collège dEurope
(Bruges), Durham U., Edinburgh U., Egmont the
Royal Institute for International
Relations EUI-Trento, European Trade Union
Institute for Research, Education and Health and
Safety, European U. Institut, Freie Universität
Berlin, Fribourg, Humboldt U., IISS London,
Institut kurde de Paris, Karl-Franzens-Universität
, lU. Radboud de Nijmegen, Martin-Luther-U.,
Middlebury College, Oxford U., U. del Piemonte
Orientale, PRIO, Queen Mary U, U. of London,
Technische U. Berlin, Torino, U.C. Hastings, U.
Bruxelles, U. de Genève, U. de Hagen, U. de
Liverpool, U. de Lübeck, Allemagne, U.
Maastricht, U. of Amsterdam, U. of Cologne, U. of
Mainz, U. Sheffield, U. Torino, U. Zürich, U. de
Barcelone, U. de Bretagne-Sud, U. de Genève, U.
de Liège, Université de Louvain, U. libre de
Bruxelles, U. of Helsinki, U. of Nottingham, U.
of Oslo, U. of Southern Denmark, U. of the Basque
Country The United States Boston College,
Columbia U, Pittsburgh U., Brown U., U. de Miami,
Washington U., U. of North Carolina, Denver U.,
U. of Chicago, Brandeis U, Rutgers U, Duke
University, Yale U., U. of Utah, U. of Illinois,
City U. of New-York, Northwestern U., U. de
Delaware, U. South Carolina, Dartmouth College,
Temple U., U. de Pennsylvanie, U. of
Massachusetts, U. of Mary Washington, California
State U. America U. de São Paulo, U. de La
Havane, U. de Buenos Aires, U. Iberoamericana, U.
Autónoma Metropolitana Asia Indian Institute of
Management Calcutta, Waseda U., Aichi Gakuin
U. Middle East U. of Haifa Africa U. Mohamed V
de Rabat Quebec and Canada Carleton U.,
Concordia U., Dalhousie U., HEC, Huron College,
McGill, UBC, U., McMaster U., Polytechnique,
Queens U., U. dAlberta, U. de Calgary, U. de
Moncton, U. Laval, U of Newfoundland, U. of
Saskatchewan, U. of Toronto, U. of Waterloo, U.
Ottawa, U. Sherbrooke, UBC, UQAC, UQAM, York
U. International Organizations ACDI, Commission
de Coopération environnementale, Commission
ONU, OIF, OTAN, Enfants du Ningxia, Amnesty
International, PNUE, Banque Mondiale, Commission
africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples,
Reporter sans frontière Canada, ITU, Institut
canadien des affaires internationales
9A continuously updated website
A million visitorsper year
10Over a hundred academic lectures online
11First French International Studies Center on
iTunes U
Free access, video and audio, to CERIUM
conferences through iTunes
12An academic showcase for the researchers work
13Applied research
Our researchers routinely inform policy-makers
How US states respond to climate change
Peace opérations seminars for UN members
Research for the India strategy of the Québec
14March 2006
March 2007
With HEC
15CÉRIUM strengthens and multiplies links with
domestic and foreign universities, NGOs, and
A Strong Networking Capacity
16The international Generation
- A Master s in International Studies with 215
very talented students (rigorous selection) - 40 graduates every year
- 70 Ph.D. and Post-doctoral students
17CERIUM Summer Schools
- Intended for
- And attended by
- Diplomats
- Graduates students
- Members of NGOs
- Journalists
- Civil servants
- Business managers
- Citizens interested in international issues
18 Summer Schools 2008
19In construction in 2008
- Two new Research units
- A symposium on Citizenship in a Globalized World
- A major conference on the US elections
20The team of the Cérium
- Raymond Chrétien, former ambassador to Paris,
Washington and Mexico, chairs Cérium Board of
Directors, which also includes - Rupert Duchesne, Marie-José Nadeau,
- Guy Crevier, Jacques Bougie, Jean-Louis Roy,
Martine Tremblay - the vice-rector Martha Crago, two deans, Joseph
Hubert (FAS) and Anne-Marie Boisvert (Law) - And the vice-rector for research Joseph Hubert
- The executive director is Jean-François Lisée.
- The executive team is supported by a Scientific
Committee .