Title: Introduction to Hamlet
1Introduction to Hamlet
2Themes in Hamlet
- Appearance versus reality
- Corruption, disease, and death
- Parents and children
- Justice and revenge
3Themes in Hamlet (2)
- Sanity and madness
- Destiny and the purpose of life
- Rights and duties of kingship
4Basic Elements of a Revenge Tragedy
- A hero has been violently wronged and is
justified in seeking revenge.
5Basic Elements of a Revenge Tragedy (2)
- His revenge must be aimed at an opponent equal to
him in power and cunning.
6Basic Elements of a Revenge Tragedy (3)
- There must be an atmosphere of gloom and terror
usually with supernatural elements.
7Basic Elements of a Revenge Tragedy (4)
- A woman the hero loves must be involved in the
8Basic Elements of a Revenge Tragedy (5)
- A counterplot (or subplot) needs to be started by
the antagonist to defend himself this will
engulf the hero as he accomplishes his own
9Basic Elements of a Revenge Tragedy (6)
- The hero achieves poetic justice on Earth and
is punished by heaven for committing murder.
10Elizabethan Belief in Ghosts
- Spirits are unable to rest due to unfinished
business on Earth.
11Elizabethan Belief in Ghosts (2)
- The devil is disguised as a human (or ghost) in
order to trap us and damn us.
12Elizabethan Belief in Ghosts (3)
- Hallucinations
- Signs of evil
13Hamlet the character
- Hamlet is the most complex character any
playwright has ever placed on stage.
14Interpretations of Hamlets Character
- Ineffectual soul unable to take action
15Interpretations of Hamlets Character (2)
- (In the late 19th century) a manic depressive.
16Interpretations of Hamlets Character (3)
- Freudian analysis he desires to take his
fathers place, feels guilt when his father
suddenly dies, and resents his new surrogate
17Interpretations of Hamlets Character (4)
- A moral person who cannot bring himself to do
what he knows is morally wrong.
18The Four Humors (Bodily Fluids) and Hamlet
- Black bile melancholy depressed (indecisive)
- Choler - choleric - powerful
19The Four Humors (Bodily Fluids) and Hamlet (2)
- Yellow bile - sanguine friendly/popular
- Phlegm - phlegmatic laid back
20The Four Humors (Bodily Fluids) and Hamlet (3)
- Hamlet is known as The Melancholic Prince.
21Hamlet is Character is
Clever Polonius Thick-headed
Honest Claudius Dishonest
Displays decency Gertrude Displays impropriety
Emotionally strong Ophelia Emotionally weak
Man of thought Fortinbras Man of action
Has scruples Laertes Unscrupulous