Introduction to Literature - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Literature


Introduction to Literature Lesson twelve: Faulkner Self-Identity Margarette Connor Contents Faulkner biography A Rose for Miss Emily discussion tableau ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Literature

Introduction to Literature
  • Lesson twelve Faulkner
  • Self-Identity

Margarette Connor
  • Faulkner biography
  • A Rose for Miss Emily discussion
  • tableau

  • Today we are going to be looking at a very famous
    story by one of Americas most important writers,
    William Faulkner. And while Faulker is most
    famous for his novels, he was also a master
    craftsman when it comes to short stories. One of
    the reasons Faulkners stories keep showing up in
    anthologies is their meticulous crafting.

Some of his major works
  • The Sound and the Fury,1929
  • As I Lay Dying,1930
  • Sanctuary,1931
  • Light in August,1932
  • The Wild Palms,1939
  • Absalom, Absalom!1936
  • The Hamlet,1940
  • A Fable,1954

Faulkner was especially proud of his riding habit.
Faulkner on the short story form
  • Yes sir. You can be more careless, you can put
    more trash in a novel and be excused for it. In
    a short story that's next to the poem, almost
    every word has got to be almost exactly right. In
    the novel you can be careless but in the short
    story you can't. I mean by that the good short
    stories like Chekhov wrote. That's why I rate
    that second it's because it demands a nearer
    absolute exactitude. You have less room to be
    slovenly and careless. There's less room in it
    for trash.

What writers should write about
  • The problems of the human heart in conflict with
    itselfalone can make good writing because only
    that is worth writing about, worth the agony and
    the sweat.
  • Faulkner, in his Nobel Prize Acceptance speech,

A remarkable feat
  • It is one of the more remarkable feats of
    American literature, how a young man who never
    graduated from high school, never received a
    college degree, living in a small town in the
    poorest state in the nation, all the while
    balancing a growing family of dependents and
    impending financial ruin, could during the Great
    Depression write a series of novels all set in
    the same small Southern county novels that
    include As I Lay Dying, Light in August, and
    above all, Absalom, Absalom! that would one day
    be recognized as among the greatest novels ever
    written by an American.
  • John B. Padgett

Yoknapatawpha County
  • William Faulkner, Sole Owner Proprietor
  • Based on his own home county of Lafayette,
  • Faulkner included a hand-drawn map of the
    county as an appendix to Absalom,

Writing honors, part one
  • Elected to the National Institute of Arts and
    Letters, 1939
  • Nobel Prize for Literature, 1949
  • Awarded the Howells Medal for distinguished work
    in American Fiction, 1950
  • National Book Award,1951
  • Awarded the French Legion of Honor, 1951
  • A Fable awarded the National Book Award for
    Fiction and a Pulitzer Prize, 1955

Writing honors, part two
  • Silver Medal of the Athens Academy as one chosen
    by the Greek Academy to represent the principle
    that man shall be free, 1959
  • A Reminiscence, Pulitzer Prize, posthumously
    awarded, 1962
  • Eudora Welty presented Faulkner with the Gold
    Medal for Fiction awarded by the American Academy
    of Arts and Letters, 1962, a month before his

  • William Cuthbert Falkner (as his name was then
  • Born on September 25, 1897, in New Albany,

Parents and family
  • Murry and Maud Butler Falkner
  • first of four sons.
  • Named after his great-grandfather, William Clark
    Falkner, the Old Colonel,
  • had been killed eight years earlier in a duel
    with his former business partner in the streets
    of Ripley, Mississippi.
  • A few days before Williams fifth birthday, the
    Falkners moved to Oxford, Mississippi.

Father Murry
Indifferent student
  • Demonstrated artistic talent at a young age,
  • drawing and writing poetry.
  • Around the sixth grade he began to grow
    increasingly bored with his studies.
  • Finally, he dropped out of high school in 1915.

A broken heart
  • He lost his sweetheart, Estelle Oldham, to
    another man.
  • Her family pressured her into marrying a
    young lawyer.

Estelle Oldhams yearbook photo, 1913
Moves to New Haven
  • Faulkner went to stay with a friend studying law
    at Yale in New Haven.
  • There Faulkner first took a job with the
    Winchester Repeating Arms Company
  • for the first time, his name was spelled
    Faulkner in employee records, possibly the
    result of a typing error.

RAF Cadet
  • June 1918, became a cadet in training in the
    Royal Air Force in Canada.
  • Earlier had tried to join the U.S. Army Air
    Force, but turned down because of his height.
  • In his RAF application, he lied in an attempt to
    pass himself off as British. Also spelled his
    name Faulkner, believing it looked more
    British, and in meeting with RAF officials he
    affected a British accent.
  • Began training in Toronto, but before he finished
    training, the war ended. He received an honorable

Mississippi and university
  • Back in Oxford in 1919, enrolled at the
    University of Mississippi in Oxford under a
    special provision for war veterans, even though
    he had never graduated from high school.
  • In August, his first published poem,
    LApres-Midi dun Faune sic, appeared in The
    New Republic.
  • After three semesters of study at Ole Miss, he
    dropped out in November 1920.

Not a very good worker!
  • His most notorious job during this period was his
    stint as postmaster in the university post office
    from the spring of 1922 to October 31, 1924. By
    all accounts, he was a terrible postmaster,
    spending much of his time reading or playing
    cards with friends, misplacing or losing mail,
    and failing to serve customers. When a postal
    inspector came to investigate, he agreed to

Literary friends
  • In January 1925, Faulkner moved to New Orleans.
  • Group of friends there centered around The Double
  • literary magazine whose credits include the first
    published works of Hart Crane, Ernest Hemingway,
    Robert Penn Warren, and Edmund Wilson.

Estelle Faulkner
  • In April 1929, Estelle Oldham divorced.
  • In June she and Faulkner were married.
  • Estelle brought to the marriage two children,
    Malcolm and Victoria.

As I Lay Dying
  • After his marriage, and his increased needs for
    funds Faulkner works nights at a power plant.
  • While there, wrote As I Lay Dying,
  • later claiming it was a tour de force and that
    he had written it in six weeks, without changing
    a word.
  • Published in October 1930.

1930 a significant year
  • First, he bought a decrepit antebellum house in
  • Faulkner named the house Rowan Oak, after a
    Scottish legend alluding to the protective powers
    of wood from the rowan tree.

Also publishing success
  • First national publication of a short story, A
    Rose for Emily, in Forum magazine.
  • Followed that year by Honor in American
  • Thrift, and Red Leaves, both in the Saturday
    Evening Post.

Survival strategies
  • Over the coming years, as sales of his novels
    sagged, he would write numerous short stories
    for publication, especially in the
    Saturday Evening Post, as a principal means
    of financial support.

Faulkner, 1931
The bitter and the sweet
  • In January 1931, Estelle gave birth to a
    daughter, Alabama.
  • The child, born prematurely, lived only a few
  • Faulkners first collection of short stories,
    These 13, would be published in September and
    dedicated to Estelle and Alabama.

  • In 1932 Faulkner began his association with
  • He would write screenplays on and off
    through the 1950s.
  • Most werent memorable.

In Hollywood mode.
The best Faulkner films
  • Hit his pinnacle in the mid-1940s with
  • The Big Sleep, based on Raymond Chandlers
    detective novel,1944
  • To Have and Have Not, based on the Ernest
    Hemingway novel,1945
  • The Southerner,1945.

Daughter born
  • Jill Faulkner, his only surviving child, was born
    in 1933.
  • The Faulkner family was intensely private, so
    there are no photos available of them.
  • It wasnt until after Faulkner won the Nobel
    Prize that he consented to do publicity tours.

Wrights Sanatorium
  • January 1936, Faulkner spent what would be the
    first of many stays at a nursing home facility in
    Byhalia, Mississippi.
  • He would go to recover from his drinking binges.
  • Not yet an alcoholic in a clinical sense, would
    go on extended drinking binges, oftentimes at the
    conclusion of a writing project.

Nobel Prize
  • His Nobel Prize Acceptance speech is
    today considered one of the finest ever

After the ceremony.
  • In the last years of his life, Faulkner often
    undertook good will tours throughout the world at
    the request of the US State department.

  • He got involved, albeit rather unwillingly, in
    the debate about desegregation in the South.
  • He was morally against segregation, but felt the
    government should not get involved.
  • He was also against forced integration.

  • From February to June 1957, Faulkner was
    writer-in-residence at the University of
  • He agreed to a number of question-and-answer
    sessions with the students, faculty, and
    faculty spouses.
  • These were published as Faulkner in the

The End
  • On July 6, 1962 Faulkner died of a heart attack.
  • He was 64.

The final formal portrait.
A Rose for Emily
  • Faulkner's first short story published in a
    national magazine
  • Originally published in Forum Magazine, April 30,
  • Later reprinted in a revised version in These 13.
  • Original version was reprinted in Collected

The germ of an idea
  • Where he got the idea
  • That came from a picture of the strand of hair
    on the pillow. It was a ghost story. Simply a
    picture of a strand of hair on the pillow in
    the abandoned house.
  • Faulkner in the University

  • Decay and rot
  • Time and the Past. See paragraph 55, to whom
    the past is not a diminishing road but, instead,
    a huge meadow which no winter ever quite touches,
    divided from them now by the narrow bottle-neck
    of the most recent decade of years.
  • Her fathers portrait

Tableau vivant
  • A representation of a scene, picture, by a person
    or group in costume, posing silently without
    motion, an actual stoppage of human action,
  • "a freezing of time and motion in order that a
    certain quality of the human experience may be
    held and contemplated"

Miss Emilys tableau vivant
  • "We had long thought of them as a tableau, Miss
    Emily a slender figure in white in the
    background, her father a spraddled silhouette in
    the foreground, his back to her and clutching a
    horsewhip, the two of them framed by the
    backflung front door."

Links to the tableau vivant
  • Miss Emily, the idol in the window, paragraph
  • Followed immediately by the tableau of she and
    her father, paragraph 25.
  • Resembles the angels in the church windows,
    paragraph 29.
  • The carven torso of the idol in the niche
    paragraph 51.

Faulkner on Miss Emily
  • "She had been trained that you do not take a
    lover. You marry, you dont take a lover. She
    had broken all the laws of her tradition, her
    background, and she had finally broken the laws
    of God, too, which says you do not take a human
    life. And she knew what she was doing was wrong,
    and thats why her own life was wrecked. Instead
    of murdering one lover, and then to go and take
    another and when she used him up murder him, she
    was expatiating her crime."
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