Title: Instructions for using this template.
1Instructions for using this template.
- Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have
written Answer this is the prompt the students
will see, and where I have Question should be
the students response. - To enter your questions and answers, click once
on the text on the slide, then highlight and just
type over whats there to replace it. If you hit
Delete or Backspace, it sometimes makes the text
box disappear. - When clicking on the slide to move to the next
appropriate slide, be sure you see the hand, not
the arrow. (If you put your cursor over a text
box, it will be an arrow and WILL NOT take you to
the right location.)
Choose a category. You will be given the
answer. You must give the correct question.
Click to begin.
3Choose a point value.
Choose a point value.
Click here for Final Jeopardy
Earths History
100 Point
100 Point
100 Point
100 Point
100 Point
200 Points
200 Points
200 Points
200 Points
200 Points
300 Points
300 Points
300 Points
300 Points
300 Points
400 Points
400 Points
400 Points
400 Points
400 Points
500 Points
500 Points
500 Points
500 Points
500 Points
5Process that changes liquid into a gas
6What is evaporation?
7Permeable layer of rock saturated with water
8What is aquifer?
9Sediment deposit formed when a stream flows into
a lake or ocean
10What is a delta?
11Meanders and oxbow lakes
12What are found in streams moving through flood
plains with little slope?
13Caves are formed by erosion of this
14What is groundwater?
15Three examples of chemical weathering
16What are rainwater, oxidation, carbonic acid?
17Would result in high rate of chemical weathering
18What is limestone in a hot, rainy area?
19Location of most of Earths liquid fresh water
20What is groundwater?
21Result of wearing down and carrying away rock and
22What is erosion?
23Processes involved in erosion
24What are weathering, gravity, and wind?
25Rapid movement of large amounts of rock down a
26What is a landslide?
27Mound formed at low end of a glacier and along
its sides
28What is a moraine?
29Type of ocean current bringing deep, cold ocean
water to the surface
30What is an upwelling?
31Cause of deep ocean currents
32What are differences in ocean water density?
33Changing conditions in ocean water as its depth
34What are pressure up, light down, and temperature
35Way to determine absolute age of an igneous rock
36What are radioactive isotopes?
37Methods to determine age of sedimentary rock
38What are radioactive isotopes, index fossils,
relative dating?
39Divisions of the Mesozoic Era
40What are Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous
41When the first land plants and animals appeared
42What is the Paleozoic Era?
43Relative age of a sedimentary rock layer
44What is its age compared to other rock layers ?
45Evidence of this are tilted telephone poles
curving downward
46What is a creep?
47Pyramid glacial form of several connected ridges
48What is a horn?
49Meanders and oxbow lakes are formed by this
50What is surface water erosion?
51Wind erodes the land by these
52What are deflation and abrasion?
53A feature caused by wave erosion
54What is a sea stack?
55Final Jeopardy
Make your wager
56Amount of a radioactive 1.0 g sample remaining
after 3 half lives
57What is 1/2/2/2 or 1 / 23 1/8