Title: Elements of Feedback Control
1Prototype 2nd order system
2Settling time
3Effects of additional zeros
Suppose we originally have
i.e. step response
Now introduce a zero at s -z
The new step response
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- Increased speed,
- Larger overshoot,
- Might increase ts
6When z lt 0, the zero s -z is gt 0, is in the
right half plane. Such a zero is called a
nonminimum phase zero. A system with nonminimum
phase zeros is called a nonminimum phase system.
Nonminimum phase zero should be avoided in
design. i.e. Do not introduce such a zero in
your controller.
7Effects of additional pole
Suppose, instead of a zero, we introduce a pole
at s -p, i.e.
8L.P.F. has smoothing effect, or averaging effect
- Slower,
- Reduced overshoot,
- May increase or decrease ts
9Root locus
- A technique enabling you to see how close-loop
poles would vary if a parameter in the system is
varied - Can be used to design controllers or tuning
controller parameters so as to move the dominant
poles into the desired region
10- Recall step response specs are directly related
to pole locations - Let p-sjwd
- ts proportional to 1/s
- Mp determined by exp(-ps/wd)
- tr proportional to 1/p
- It would be really nice if we can
- Predict how the poles move when we tweak a system
parameter - Systematically drive the poles to the desired
region corresponding to desired step response
11Root Locus
k s(sa)
Two parameters k and a. would like to know how
they affect poles
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20The root locus technique
- Obtain closed-loop TF and char eq d(s) 0
- Rearrange terms in d(s) by collecting those
proportional to parameter of interest, and those
not then divide eq by terms not proportional to
para. to get -
- this is called the root locus equation
- Roots of n1(s) are called open-loop zeros, mark
them with o in s-plane roots of d1(s) are
called open-loop poles, mark them with x in
21- The o and x marks falling on the real axis
divide the real axis into several segments. If a
segment has an odd total number of o and/or x
marks to its right, then n1(s)/d1(s) evaluated on
this segment will be negative real, and there is
possible k to make the root locus equation hold.
So this segment is part of the root locus. High
light it. If a segment has an even total number
of marks, then its not part of root locus. For
the high lighted segments, mark out going arrows
near a pole, and incoming arrow near a zero.
22- Let npolesorder of system, mzeros. One root
locus branch comes out of each pole, so there are
a total of n branches. M branches goes to the m
finite zeros, leaving n-m branches going to
infinity along some asymptotes. The asymptotes
have angles (p 2lp)/(n-m). The asymptotes
intersect on the real axis at
23- Imaginary axis crossing
- Go back to original char eq d(s)0
- Use Routh criteria special case 1
- Find k value to make a whole row 0
- The roots of the auxiliary equation are on jw
axis, give oscillation frequency, are the jw axis
crossing points of the root locus - When two branches meet and split, you have
breakaway points. They are double roots. d(s)0
and d(s) 0 also. Use this to solve for s and k. - Use matlab command to get additional details of
root locus - Let num n1(s)s coeff vector
- Let den d1(s)s coeef vector
- rlocus(num,den) draws locus for the root locus
equation - Should be able to do first 7 steps by hand.