Mutable agents - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mutable agents


Title: Lecture 16: Caches and Memory Author: John Kubiatowicz Last modified by: Lotzi Boloni Created Date: 9/4/1996 7:14:34 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mutable agents

Mutable agents
  • EEL 5937 Multi Agent Systems
  • Lecture 21, March 23, 2003
  • Lotzi Bölöni

Self-modifying programs
  • Every programmer learns at his first assembly
    language class that program code can be changed
    by simply writing to it.
  • But then he also learns that self-modifying
    programs are a big no-no.
  • Still
  • As early as 1975, the Microsoft Basic interpreter
    for Altair contained self-modifying code,
    introduced to overcome resource limitations (only
    4K of space available for the interpreter).
  • And many other unknown instances from early

Self-modifying programs today
  • Current programming techniques frequently rely on
    self modifying applications, without making too
    much fuss about it.
  • Just-in-time compilers (Java, SQL etc.) compile
    and optimize system independent code to the
    particularities of the system.
  • Persistency systems some of them rely on
    modifying source code or object code.
  • Aspect oriented programming. Code weavers
  • AspectJ
  • Debuggers and profilers. Code instrumentation for
    obtaining better quality traces, find memory
  • Code obfuscators rewrite the code without
    changing its execution characteristics such that
    they prevent reverse engineering of the code.

More self modifying programs
  • Automatic downloads, updates
  • Skins, themes
  • Plug-ins
  • Audio and video decoders and encoders
  • Processing plug-ins (e.g. Photoshop)
  • Self editing documents
  • E.g. Word documents with macros which generate
    the document through user interaction.

The dark side of the self-modifying programs
  • Viruses
  • Modify applications by attaching themselves to
    the source code.
  • They are capable of self-replication
  • The application will execute the virus code in
    addition to the regular code.
  • Frequently viruses compress the application code
    such that they maintain the same size.
  • Recent years, eclipsed by macro viruses
    (typically relying on security problems in the
    Visual Basic implementations in Microsoft Outlook
    and Word.
  • Some viruses are capable of mutation, to thwart
    anti-virus programs based on virus signatures.
  • Computer worms
  • Similar to viruses, they self-replicate, but they
    are also self-contained (they dont need to be
    attached to programs to run).

More on the dark side
  • Trojan horses
  • Malicious programs, installing themselves into
    operating systems.
  • Sometimes they are used by remote users to get
    control of the computers.
  • Buffer overflow security attacks
  • Are relying on the fact that unchecked C buffers
    can overflow into the executable code of the
    programs (or into adjacent data areas).
  • Spy-ware
  • Spyware is computer software that aids in
    gathering information about a person or
    organization without their knowledge.
  • The most common use is to relay it to advertisers
  • It has been used by law enforcement to collect
    evidence against criminal suspects.
  • Frequently installed by viruses, trojans, or as a
    side-effect of the installation of programs (e.g.
    Comet Cursor, was installed as a side effect of
    installation of RealPlayer 8.0)

Preliminary conclusion
  • Our computing environment is, for good or bad,
    full with self-modifying programs.
  • We need to study, understand and use them.
  • Security implications are very complex.
  • Software engineering techniques needs to be
  • The identity of the programs / agents become
    questionable especially when the mutation is
    coupled with mobility.

Classifying mutable programs
Weak mutability
  • Weak mutability is the technique to extend the
    functionality of the application using coarse
    grain external components.
  • The application still keeps its essential
    characteristics and functionality.
  • This is the currently most accepted form of
    mutability in applications.
  • Examples include Java applets, ActiveX controls,
    data format plugins, active plugins, skins and
    themes, applets and embedded applications,
    automatic upgrades etc.
  • In many cases, weak mutability also implies the
    existence of well defined extension APIs (e.g.
    plugin APIs).
  • Still, weak mutability can sometimes radically
    change the behaviour of the program e.g.
    transform a web browser into a calculator.

Strong mutability
  • In case of strong mutability, applications are
    able to change their behavior in a radical
  • Strong mutability can be implemented at any level
    of granularity.
  • At the machine-code level, typical examples are
    viruses and anti-virus programs.
  • Source code level example aspect oriented
  • An example of this approach is the current
    approach taken by the JBoss Enterprise JavaBean
  • Component level runtime assembly and
    modification of programs (e.g. Bond)
  • Of course, in the current world of just in time
    compilers and runtime recompilations, the
    distinctions tend to be blurry.

Applications of mutability(scenarios)
Reconfiguration for migration
  • Mobile agents need to maintain their identity
    through the migration process.
  • Perform (preferably) the same task.
  • At the possible maximum performance.
  • So what happens when we have agents migrating
    between hosts with high heterogeneity
  • For example, from a Unix server to a cellphone?
  • Performance is a multidimensional issue, with
    many complex relationships
  • Memory vs. processing speed
  • Bandwidth vs. latency
  • We can shoot for the lowest common denominator,
    but this limits the performance of the agent.
  • Solution reconfigure at the time of migration.

Reconfiguration for optimal performance
  • Similar to the case of migration programs need
    to be configured, changed to achieve optimal
    performance on the system.
  • Example SmartApps system (L.Rauchwerger, Texas
    AM University)

  • Run-time systems are too general. Little or no
    information flows from the application to the
    run-time system to allow the latter to fully
    tailor its services to the application.
  • The overriding philosophy of SMARTAPPS is
    measure, compare, and adapt if beneficial."
    That is, the application will continually monitor
    its performance and the available resources to
    determine if, and by how much, the application
    could improve its performance by restructuring.
    Then, if the potential performance benefit
    outweighs the projected overhead costs, the
    application will restructure itself and the
    underlying system accordingly.
  • The adaptation can occur at various levels
    including selection of an algorithmic approach
    suitable for the current problem, run-time
    parallelization and other related compiler
    optimizations, tuning reconfigurable OS services
    (e.g. scheduling policy), and system
    configuration (e.g., selecting which
    computational resources to use). The SMARTAPPS
    framework provides performance monitoring and
    modeling components, as well as mechanisms for
    performing the actual restructuring, to integrate
    these levels of adaptation.

Discovery agents
  • Used in network discovery, software installation,
    grid environments etc.
  • Yes, in spying, too.
  • At the moment when a discovery agent migrates to
    the remote host, it does not know its resources,
    characteristics, etc.
  • One solution
  • Send the most lightweight agent possible.
  • As the resources are discovered, step by step
    build up the agent on the remote system.
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