Global event characterization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Global event characterization


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Global event characterization

Global event characterization
E. Scomparin INFN Torino (Italy)
1st Physics ALICE Week Erice (Italy), December
4-10, 2005
  • Introduction the observables
  • Pb-Pb collisions centrality determination
  • Method
  • Accuracy
  • Systematic errors
  • p-A collisions updates on gray/black nucleons
  • EM dissociation status

Physics issues
A global view on global observables
  • Measurement of inclusive observables (no PID)
  • Multiplicity ? pp, AA
  • Hadroproduction models (hard vs soft)
  • Rapidity spectra ? pp, AA
  • Transparency
  • Transverse momentum spectra ? pp, AA
  • Thermal freeze-out
  • Approach to quenching scenarios
  • Nuclear flow ? AA
  • Details on medium properties
  • Collective motion of the expanding system,
    pressure, etc.
  • Event geometry
  • Centrality ? pA, AA
  • Event selection
  • Threshold effects

(Many of these) topics covered in section 6.1 of
Centrality in A-A collisions
  • Fixed target experiment
  • Transverse energy distributions (NA38)
  • Multiplicity distributions (NA57)
  • Forward energy distributions (NA49, NA50)
  • All more or less equivalent, because of WNM
  • But
  • Additional (physics) fluctuation in ET and Nch
  • to be foled with the detector resolution
  • Not present for EZDC (only detector resolution)
  • At collider
  • ET and Nch do not scale any more linearly with
  • (but are still monotonically correlated)
  • EZDC still linearly connected with Npart but
    there are loss due to
  • fragments (no more monotonic)

It is difficult to say a priori which is the
best strategy for centrality determination at
ALICE ? detailed simulation needed to
understand the centrality resolution for the
various estimators
Centrality measurement with the ZDCs
  • Detailed (full) simulation exists
  • Propagation of 2.7 TeV nucleons
  • Beam line as a magnetic spectrometer
  • Understand acceptance (75)
  • Knowledge of fragmentation required
  • Use past experimental results

Is fragmentation understood ?
  • From a phenomenological point of view, yes

ALADIN results (0.4 1 GeV/nucleon)
In agreement with higher energy experiments
NA49 fragment measurements done
RHIC maximum number of free neutrons
in agreement with low-energy
  • Would the picture be still correct at LHC
    energies ?
  • Likely to be so nuclear fragment emission seen
    as a late
  • de-excitement of the spectator nucleons system

Fragmentation model (coded in AliRoot) ? used
also for CBM studies
Main results
  • Full simulation based on a significant, but not
    too large sample
  • (103 HIJING events, plus a sample of 104 2.7
    TeV spectator nucleons)

  • Correct attribution of Npart range needs ?trig
  • (or trigger inefficiency correctly evaluated)

Fast simulation
  • Assume for the moment ?trig 100
  • Use a fast simulation (based on a
    parameterization of detector response)
  • Binning in fraction of
  • inelastic Pb-Pb cross section
  • (most usual choice)
  • 10 centrality classes
  • have been defined

Study the corresponding Npart distributions
Npart distributions
  • Use the sum of hadronic energies on the two sides

Generated Npart
Reconstructed Npart
Resolution on Npart
  • Which is the Npart smearing
  • necessary to go from the
  • generated to the reconstructed
  • distribution ?
  • Fit the reconstructed spectra
  • with the smeared generated
  • spectra

Example 5-10 centrality bin
?Npart 15
(little dependence on centrality)
Pb-Pb triggering efficiency
  • No quantitative estimate found
  • Words are in general very reassuring (Forward
    Detectors TDR)
  • ?trig should be known
  • quantitatively
  • otherwise the
  • Npart assignment
  • could be biased

Does a Pb-Pb simulation exist ?
ZDC trigger efficiency (1)
  • The hadronic ZDCs can detect even a single
  • In principle the trigger efficiency is 100
  • Problem there is a huge background
  • from Coulomb interactions
  • Useful on one side, since can be used for
  • luminosity estimates (see later)
  • Background for the inelastic cross section
  • evaluation

At RHIC, agreement with theory
ZDC trigger efficiency (2)
  • The ratio ?geom/?tot does not change very much
    from RHIC to LHC
  • (?tot is the total cross section for breakup of
    BOTH nuclei)

1.6 1.8 increase from RHIC to LHC
Other possibility for L0 trigger in Pb-Pb use ZEM
Also for this detector a detailed efficiency
simulation still does not exist ?to be performed
Other centrality-related issues symmetric ZDCs
1 side
2 sides
1 side
Resolution is visibly better when the ZDC
information on both sides is used
Asymmetry studies
  • Small asymmetry present in the
  • HIJING event washed out by the
  • (mutually independent) formation
  • of nuclear fragments

After fragm.
  • Only for central events the
  • formation of nuclear fragments is
  • not important

But in this case trivial stochastic fluctuations
may hide effects Due to physics correlations
Still another point to investigate
  • Probably due to differences between analytical
    approach and Monte-Carlo
  • approach, also observed at RHIC (e.g.
    Eccentricity calculations)

RHIC situation
  • 20 systematic uncertainty in the Npart
    evaluation for peripheral events
  • Similar to what we observe for the ALICE HIJING
    vs Glauber comparison

Centrality what else to do (1)?
  • Assess in a quantitative way our Pb-Pb trigger
  • Effect of a 18 error on ?trig (at RHIC ?trig
  • (equivalent to assuming that we have ?trig 0
    for b gt15 fm)

Effect of bias increasingly important towards peri
pheral events
Centrality what else to do (2) ?
  • Investigate in a quantitative way the quality of
    other centrality estimators
  • Charged multiplicity via tracklets in the SPD
  • (done, but w/o vertex smearing)
  • Forward charged multiplicity (FMD)
  • Photon multiplicity (PMD)
  • Use them
  • Standalone
  • Correlated to ZDC

pA collisions centrality
  • Basic principle already discussed several times
  • Emission of soft (in the target reference
    frame!) nucleons
  • Much more model-dependent wrt centrality
    determination in A-A
  • Gray nucleons (0.25 lt p lt 1 GeV/c, in the target
    reference frame)
  • Directly ejected by the collision with the
    projectile (1st generation)
  • Knocked-out by 1st generation nucleons
  • Several models (geometric cascade, intranuclear
    cascade, polynomial)
  • Black nucleons (p lt 0.25 GeV/c, in the target
    reference frame)
  • Free nucleons from the break-up of the excited
    nuclear remnants
  • More or less equivalent to A-A spectators
    (Fermi-like motion)

Gray and black neutron distributions
Gray tracks forward peaked
Black tracks uniform distr.
Saturation at high Ng!
Gray/black separation
Protons use rough ZP segmentation separate gray
from blacks
Gray are mainly emitted forward (in the direction
of the proton)
Lorentz-boosted with the nucleus
Become slower than the black in the ALICE CM
frame Detected in the ZDC external zone
Centrality binning
Example 4 (arbitrary) centrality bins
Anyway, RHIC experiments use forward
multiplicity for centrality tagging in d-Au ? to
be investigated at ALICE
Luminosity monitoring (E.M. dissociation)
  • Measure mutual e.m. dissociation of nuclear
  • Use 1n-1n channel to monitor luminosity
    ?1n-1n0.7 b (10 accuracy)
  • Other cross sections (RELDIS)
  • Single e.m. 215 b
  • Mutual e.m. (?xn-xn) 7 b
  • Triggering scheme foreseen
  • One ZDC enters at level 0 ? (non-prescaled)
    trigger rate 2105 s-1
  • ( at L 1027 cm-2 s-1 )
  • Prescaling factor 103 ? prescaled trigger rate
    2102 s-1
  • The other ZDC enters at level 1
  • Final rate for the 1n-1n process 1 s-1
  • Is such a statistics high enough ?

Low neutron-multiplicity events
  • Narrow pT range neutron spot very well
  • Energy resolution allows clean separation of
    1n-2n-3n contribution

  • First round of simulation studies on event
    characterizarion done

Chapter 6.1 of PPR
  • Still missing (or in progress)
  • Quantitative comparison of the centrality
    determination using
  • various estimators
  • Realistic (and quantitative) evaluation of Pb-Pb
    triggering efficiency
  • Alternative solutions for centrality
    determination in p-A
  • Forward multiplicity
  • Many topics concerning event characterization
    not covered here
  • See e.g.
  • Tizianos talk on multiplicity dertermination
  • Noras talk on event plane determination with
    the ZDC
  • Francescos talk on effective energy and
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