Title: Geometry Description Markup Language and its application-specific bindings
1Geometry Description Markup Language and its
application-specific bindings
- Witek Pokorski, Radovan Chytracek, Jeremy
McCormick, Giovanni Santin - CHEP06, Mumbai, India
- 15.02.2006
- Background
- GDML Schema
- GDML readers/writers
- Some examples
- Conclusion
3GDML - Motivation
- simulation toolkits come with their native
geometry description formats - many (most?) of the users do not implement
geometry in those formats - users use their own geometry description formats
providing more flexibility - integral parts of experiment software frameworks
- cannot be easily exported in application
independent way - therefore GDML has been developed
- to have an application independent and flexible
geometry format - to be able to interchange geometry between
different applications for the purpose of - physics validation/comparison, visualization,
4GDML design choice - why XML?
- purpose of GDML is to describe data
- to provide persistent form of geometry data
- not procedural, but markup language
- must be easy to read and write
- no heavy I/O system to read GDML
- format must be application independent
- possibility to edit/read geometry files is an
advantage - XML file can be edited using any editor
- geometry can be modified easily
- must be easy to extend and be modular
- GDML designed as an application of XML
5GDML components
- GDML is defined through XML Schema (XSD)
- XSD XML based alternative to Document Type
Definition (DTD) - defines document structure and the list of legal
elements - XSD are in XML -gt they are extensible
- GDML can be written by hand or generated
automatically - 'GDML writer' allows writing-out GDML file
- GDML needs 'reader'
- 'GDML reader' creates 'in-memory' representation
of the geometry description
user application (1)
GDML writer
GDML Schema
GDML file
GDML reader
user application (2)
6GDML Schema
- defines document structure and the list of legal
elements - materials
- material, isotope, element, mixture
- solids
- box, sphere, tube, cone, polycone, parallepiped,
trapezoid, torus, polyhedra, hyperbolic tube,
elliptical tube, ellipsoid - boolean solids
- volumes
- assembly volumes and reflections
- replicas and divisions
- parameterised volumes (position, rotation and
size) - first implementation
7GDML document
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltgdml xsinoNamespaceSchemaLocation"GDMLSchema/gd
ml.xsd"gt - ltdefinegt
- ltposition name"TrackerinWorldpos" unit"mm"
x"0" y"0" z"100"/gt - lt/definegt
- ltmaterialsgt
- ltmaterial formula" " name"Air" gt
- ltD value"1.290" unit"mg/cm3"/gt
- ltfraction n"0.7" ref"Nitrogen" /gt
- ltfraction n"0.3" ref"Oxygen" /gt
- lt/materialgt
- lt/materialsgt
- ltsolidsgt
- ltbox lunit"mm" name"Tracker" x"50" y"50"
z"50"/gt - lt/solidsgt
- ltstructuregt
positions, rotations
geometry tree
'world' volume
8GDML reader
give pointer to world volume
- reads geometry from GDML file and creates its
application specific (ROOT or G4) representation
in memory - most logic in application-independent part
- light application-depended bindings
Application (ROOT, G4)
Application binding (ROOT, G4)
create material, volume, etc
XML Engine (SAX)
GDML file
GDML Schema
9GDML writer
User Application
- starting from 'in-memory' geometry tree (G4 or
ROOT), generates the GDML file with that geometry - application independent part generating XML
- containers for materials, solids, structure, etc
- 'light' application dependent bindings
- scanning the geometry tree and adding elements to
the containers
dump geometry
Application binding (scanning tree)
add volume, etc
Document Builder
write document
GDML file
10CMS detector G4-gtGDML-gtROOT
19000 physical volumes
snapshot provided by R.Maunder
thanks to Pedro Arce for help with running CMS
11LHCb Detector G4-gtGDML-gtROOT
5000 physical volumes
snapshot provided by R.Maunder
12Using GDML with Geant4
- to write
- include "WriterG4/G4GDMLWriter.h"
- G4GDMLWriter g4writer("GDMLSchema/gdml.xsd",
"g4test.gdml") -
- g4writer.DumpGeometryInfo(g4worldvolume)
- to read
- SAXProcessor sxp
- sxp.Initialize()
- ProcessingConfigurator config
- config.SetURI( "g4test.gdml" )
- sxp.Configure( config )
- sxp.Run()
instantiate GDML writer
pass the 'top' volume to the writer
instantiate and configure the processor
get pointer to 'top' volume
13GDML processing - performance
- GDML G4reader/G4writer (C) tested on
- complete LHCb and CMS geometries
- parts of ATLAS geometry
- problem with full ATLAS geometry - use of custom
solids - for LHCb geometry (5000 physical volumes)
- writing out 10 seconds (on P4 2.4GHz)
- reading in 5 seconds
- file size 2.7 Mb (40k lines)
- for CMS geometry (19000 physical volumes)
- writing out 30 seconds
- reading in 15 seconds
- file size 7.9 Mb (120k lines)
14GDML reader/writer in Python
- Python - an interesting alternative to C for
implementing the GDML processing code - dealing with XML in Python much easier (less code
needed) - Python very good for 'glueing' different
applications together - very easy interaction with C objects through
generic Python bindings (PyROOT Reflex) - used for G4-gtGDML-gtROOT geometry exchange
- enables running Geant4 GDML reader/writer
ROOT from common Python prompt
15GDML for ROOT (in Python)
Python SAX parser
import xml.sax import ROOT import
GDMLContentHandler ROOT.gSystem.Load("libGeom") g
eomgr ROOT.TGeoManager("World","GDMLGeo") gdml
handler GDMLContentHandler.GDMLContentHandler()
xml.sax.parse('test.gdml',gdmlhandler) geomgr.Set
TopVolume(gdmlhandler.WorldVolume()) geomgr.CloseG
eometry() gdmlhandler.WorldVolume().Draw()
GDML-specific parser extension
Standard TGeo
GDML parsing
get world volume from GDMLContentHandler
16GDML facilitates physics validation
- we want to compare Geant4 with FLUKA in the case
of Atlas TileCal testbeam - we need a common geometry source
- we have G4 geometry 'in-memory'
- we export GDML
- GDML binding added to FluGG (Fluka Geant4
Geometry interface) - FLUKA (FLUGG) job run with GDML geometry
- GDML solves the problem of reimplementing geometry
17GDML as primary geometry source
- Linear Collider - Jeremy McCormick, SLAC
- Linear Collider Detector Description (LCDD)
extends GDML with Geant4-specific information
(sensitive detectors, physics cuts, etc) - GDML/LCDD is generic and flexible
- several different full detector design concepts,
including SiD, GLD, and LDC, where simulated
using the same application
18GDML as primary geometry source
- Space Research - Giovanni Santin, ESA
- all geometry models for Geant4
- component degradation studies (JWST,
ConeXpress,...) - GRAS (Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space)
- enables flexible geometry configuration and
changes - main candidate for CAD to G4 exchange format
19GDML as primary geometry source
- Anthropomorphic Phantom Project - Giorgio
Guerrieri, Maria Grazia Pia, Susanna Guatelli,
INFN - Modelization of the human body and anatomy for
radioprotection studies - no hard-coded geometry, flexible configuration
20Future developement
- support for new solids
- 'twisted' solids recently added to G4
- handling of multiple files
- enable splitting of GDML description into several
files (containing different parts of the
detector, etc)
- GDML is an application-independent, extensible
geometry description language - GDML proving very useful as the geometry
interchange format - geometries can be extracted from
experiment-specific frameworks and then used in
generic applications - physics validation
- geometries can be moved between Geant4 and ROOT
- geometry visualization using ROOT
- GDML is used by several Geant4 users as the
primary geometry description language - avoids hard-coding the geometry
- allows running easily the same application with
several different geometries