Title: Modeling and Analyzing Real-Time CORBA and Supervision
1Modeling and Analyzing Real-Time CORBA and
Supervision Control Framework and Applications
- Fernando Marotta, Angelo Morzenti, Dino Mandrioli
- Dipartimento di Elettronica
- Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italia
2Supervisor Control Systems
- Examples
- plant control systems
- traffic management systems
- energy distribution systems
- Often
- Distributed
- Built on top of CORBA
- Critical
- Need high dependability and predictability
- CORBA 3 with quality of standard for Real-Time
3- Our purpose define
- formal framework for developing SC applications
- Design / Verification methodology
- The idea
- Formalize RT-CORBA
- Application requirements
- High-Level Design
- Proof of correctness similar to that for programs
based on - Language Semantics
- I/O assertions
- Program code
- Formalization in TRIO
- A quantitative linear temporal logic with OO
constructs - Work result of ESPRIT Project OpenDREAMS
4- Talk deals (mainly via examples) with
- Formalization of RT-CORBA
- Real-Time Event Service
- (an OpenDREAMS implementation of CORBA Event
Service) - A (toy) SC application
- Outline of a correctness proof
5RT-CORBA model
- Based on CORBA Priority
- Platform independent Priority Schema
- based Rate Monotonic Theory
- Scheduling policies
6- All schedulable entities inherit from a common
ancestor Thread class
- TRIO Model of timing features of threads
- totalTime total CPU time consumed by thread
- actualTime CPU time consumed in current slice
- achievedTime CPU time consumed in previous
slices - fsmState(Active) Þ t(actualTime t ?
LastTime(Becomes(fsmState(Active)), t)) - (?fsmState(Active) ? totalTime achievedTime)
?(fsmState(Active) ? - totalTimeachievedTimeactualTime).
7RT-CORBA model
- Example of a simple description of periodic
thread - ready ? Lastedei(fsmState(Idle), Period)
- end ? fsmState(Active) ? (totalTime ? ExTime)
8ORB model model all computational objects
- All threads are heirs of a common Thread class
- ORB thread classes CORE Thread ROA Thread
- but queues are passive data objects not
schedulable - CORBA Object Thread also issue ORB calls
9CORBA Object Thread class
- State diagram of Thread class enriched with new
state - Through inheritance
10Structure of a generic ORB configuration
- Modeled as a TRIO specification of a Rate
Monotonic Scheduler - Lines predicates shared among specification
modules - sets of threads depicted as rows of modules
- Accessed via array notation
11Example axioms in the Rate Monotonic Scheduler
- Necsuff condition for activating thread n
- it is the highest priority ready to run thread
Sda - threadn.activate ? threadn.fsmState(ReadyToRun
) ? - ??m(m?n ? threadm.fsmState (ReadyToRun) ?
- threadn.priorityltthreadm.priority)
- Necsuff condition for suspending thread n
- there is is a ready to run thread with higher
priority - threadn.suspend ? threadn. fsmState (Active)
? ?threadn. end ? - ?m(m?n ? threadm. fsmState (ReadyToRun) ?
threadm.priority gt threadn.priority)
12Real-Time Event Service Model
- Features
- Only Push semantics, for performance
- Quality of Service
- Predictable event dispatching
- Dispatch semantics
- Acknowledgement
- Logging
- Expiring
- Priority
13Real-Time Event Service Model
- Communication between supplier and consumer
mediated by Notification Channel - Example 2 suppliers, 3 consumers, 1 notification
channel - NB arrows represent predicates shared among
specification modules, not actual connections
(communication is mediated by the ORB)
14Real-Time Event Service Model
- Example redefining (by inheritance) axiom for
ready state in Consumer class - ready ?
- Lastedei(fsmState(Idle), Period) ?
?t(Past(CPush1 ? fsmState(Idle),t) ? - Lasted(fsmState(Idle), t) )
- (the object is ready to start iff it has some
event to process )
15Notification Channel Architecture
- Three kinds of objects
- Proxy suppliers
- Proxy consumers
- Queues
- Simplest possible configuration
16Notification Channel Architecture
- Example formalization of semantics of Proxy
Consumer - EventQueuePut(m) ? end ? EventQueueReady ?
msgData(m) - messages are put in the queue
- at the end of the processing of the consumer,
- provided that the queue storing events is
17Schedulability of threads
- Conceptual framework chosen by OMG
- Rate Monotonic Theory
- Simplest possible case two parameters
- Worst Case Execution Time (WCET)
- Period
- Example axiom for activation of a Proxy Supplier
object - event queue ready (first action by proxy
supplier is a queue get) - and an interval gt scheduling period elapsed
since last activation - activable ? (EventQueueReady ?
- ?t(t?period ? LastTime(threadReadyState(ReadyToSta
rt)?activate,t) )
18A Supervision Application a valve and pipe
- Flow measured by two sersors Fin and Fout
- Goal of the application monitor flow and
validate measurements - by comparing the two flows in and out
- They must be equal, up to an approximation
19A Supervision Application a valve and pipe system
- A general paradigm
- SC applications acyclic network of application
objects exchanging info through comm. channels - Compute several views of the monitored system
- Values read by sensors on the field
- Intermediate view (validity index)
- Abstract view of the system state
20A Supervision Application a valve and pipe system
- A Safety property a malfunctioning in one
sensor detected within T seconds
21A Supervision Application a valve and pipe system
- steps to obtain a model for the whole system
- formalize ORB objects (obtain ORB(s)
configuration) - configure Event Service (event types,
Notification Channels ) - define application objects (scheduling
parameters, priority, event type dispatched ) - compose objects into a unique specification
modeling the entire supervision system
22A Supervision Application a valve and pipe system
- Results for this example
- 1 CORE thread, 1 ROA thread
- share the same message queue
- 1 Notification channel for all messages
- A single ORB, located on a LAN close to the field
- Objects closer to the field have higher priority
- CORE thread gt ROA thread gt notification channel
proxy-supplier gt notification channel proxy
consumer gt application objects
23RT-CORBA Application Analysis
- Proof outline of safety property
- a malfunctioning in one sensor detected within T
seconds - Reformulated as
- interval between two computations of the Flow
object lt T
24RT-CORBA Application Analysis
- Proof outline four Lemmas
- message dispatching bound by Tm seconds
- ?m?Msg (2?ROA_time(m) CORE_time(m) lt Tm
- time between two executions of Flowin and
Flowout threads bound by Tfin and Tfout - Flow object activated at most Tf seconds after
Flowin and Flowout pushed their messages - A suitable combination of above time bound lt T
- Tfin Tfout WCET(Flow)
- 2?(2?Tm WCET(proxy-supplier)
WCET(proxy-consumer)) ? T
- Combine in a unique rigorous framework
- Requirements specifications
- Analysis
- Design
- Verification
- Method applied in the domains of
- Energy power plant
- Air traffic management systems
- Currently (still) looking for ORB
- CORBA compliant
- Real Time
- Public domain