Title: Marcom Objective Setting and Budgeting
1Chapter Six
Marcom Objective Setting and Budgeting
? 2007 Thomson South-Western
2Setting Marcom Objectives
- Goals that the various marcom elements aspire to
individually or collectively achieve during a
scope of time such as a business quarter or
fiscal year.
3Some Marcom Objectives
- Facilitate the successful introduction of new
brands. - Build sales of existing brands by increasing the
frequency of use, the variety of use, or the
quantity purchased. - Inform the trade and consumers about brand
4Marcom Objectives
- Create brand awareness
- Enhance a brands image
- Generate sales leads
- Persuade the trade to handle the manufacturers
brands - Stimulate point-of-purchase sales
- Increase customer loyalty
5Marcom Objectives
- Improve corporate relations with special interest
groups - Offset bad publicity about a brand or generate
good publicity - Counter competitors communication efforts
- Provide customers with reasons for buying
immediately instead of delaying a purchase
6 Why Set Marcom Objectives
- Expression of management consensus
- Guides the budgeting, message, and media aspects
of advertising strategy - Provide standards against which results can be
7The Hierarchy of Marcom Effects
- The hierarchy of effects metaphor implies that
for marketing communications to be successful it
must move consumers from one goal to the next
8 9Advancing Consumers From Unawareness to Awareness
- Advertising (mass media or otherwise) is
generally the most effective and efficient method
for quickly creating brand awareness. - Building knowledge understanding Creating an
10Hierarchy of Effects
Encouraging Trial Purchases
11Hierarchy of Effects
- Forming Beliefs and Attitudes
- Reinforcing Beliefs and Attitudes
- Accomplishing Brand Loyalty
12Requirements for Setting Suitable Marcom
- Include a precise statement of who, what, and
when - Be quantitative and measurable
- Specify the amount of change whenever possible
- Be realistic
- Be internally consistent
- Be clear and put it in writing
13Should Marcom Objectives Be Stated in Terms of
- Presales Objectives communication objectives
that attempt to increase the target audiences
brand awareness, enhance their attitudes toward
the brand, shift their preferences from the
competitors brand and so on.
- Sales Objectives means the marcom objective
literally is to increase sales by a particular
14Should Marcom Objectives Be Stated in Terms of
- Traditional View (Thesis)
- Sales volume is the consequence of a host of
factors in addition to marcom - Effect of marcom efforts is delayed
- Problem Communication objectives dont
necessarily translate into sales
15Sales Volume as a Marcom Objective
- Heretical View (Antithesis)
- Marcoms purpose is to generate sales
- Sales measures are vaguely right
- Problem Too many other factors influence sales
16An Accountability Perspective (Synthesis)
- Chief executives and financial officers are
demanding greater accountability from marcom
programs. - The measurement of effects of a program should
not stop short of measuring the effect on sales.
17Marcom Budgeting in Theory
- The best(optimal) level of any investment is the
level that maximizes profits(MRMC) - Advertisers should continue to increase their
advertising investment as long as it is
profitable to do so - Every additional dollar spent on MARCOM brings in
more than a dollar in revenue (MRgtMC), it is
profitable to continue MARCOM spending. - If the additional dollar spent on MARCOM brings
in less than a dollar in revenue (MRltMC), MARCOM
spending needs to be cut. - Thus profits are maximized when MR MC
18Sales-to-Advertising Response Function
- The relationship between money invested in
advertising and the response, or output, of that
investment in terms of revenue generated.
19An Example of a Sales-to-Advertising Response
20Practical Budgeting Methods
- Percent-of-Sales Budgeting
- Objective-and-Task Method
- Competitive Parity Method
- (match competitors method)
- Affordability Method
21Percentage-of-Sales Budgeting
- A company sets a brands advertising budget by
simply establishing the budget as a fixed
percentage of past or anticipated sales volume - Criticized as being illogical
- Salesf(Advertising) (o)
- Advertisingf(Sales) (x)
- During recession?
22Objective-and-Task Method
- The most sensible and defendable advertising
budgeting method - Specify what role they expect advertising to play
for a brand and then set the budget accordingly - Build upwards by costing activities
23The Competitive Parity Method
- Sets the ad budget by basically following what
competitors are doing - SOM- (share of market) the ratio of one brands
revenue to total category revenue - SOV- (share of voice) the ratio of a brands
advertising expenditures to total category
advertising expenditures
24Advertising Spend, SOV, and SOM for Top-10
Wireless Phone Brands
25Advertising Spend, SOV, and SOM for Top-10 Beer
26The SOV/SOM Effect and Ad Spending Implications
27Affordability Method
- Only the funds that remain after budgeting for
everything else are spent on advertising - Only the most unsophisticated and impoverished
firms - However, affordability and competitive
considerations influence the budgeting decisions
of all companies