Title: Values Education in Schools
1Values Education in Schools
Brian V. Hill
Brian V. Hill
2Values Education in Schools
Where have we come from?
Where have we come from?
3Values Education in Schools
Where have we come from?
What disturbed our dogmatic slumbers?
What disturbed our dogmatic slumbers?
What disturbed our dogmatic slumbers?
4Values Education in Schools
Where have we come from?
What disturbed our dogmatic slumbers?
1. Describing the nature and sources
of values
What pedagogic challenges?
1. Nature of values
Values are the priorities individuals and
societies attach to certain beliefs,
exper-iences, and objects, in deciding how they
shall live and what they shall treasure.
5Values Education in Schools
2. Identifying the teaching domains
Where have we come from?
What disturbed our dogmatic slumbers?
What pedagogic challenges?
Teachers task enhance capacities
1. Nature of values
Teachers hope encourage commitments
2. Teaching domains
Critical Affiliation
1. Right to know nature and sources of values
2. Need to develop empathy and evaluative skills
3. Be encouraged to commit to worthy values.
6Values Education in Schools
3. Applying complementary strategies
Where have we come from?
What disturbed our dogmatic slumbers?
What pedagogic challenges?
1. Nature of values
2. Teaching domains
Across-the-curriculum - implications for every
learning area
3. Two-prong strategy
Values discourse A learning area in its own right
7Values Education in Schools
Where have we come from?
What disturbed our dogmatic slumbers?
- Exploring underlying
- belief systems
What pedagogic challenges?
1. Nature of values
2. Teaching domains
Across-the-curriculum - implications for every
learning area
3. Two-prong strategy
What cognitive core?
Towards critical affiliation
1. Underlying belief systems
Study of life-stances - A learning area in its
own right
8Values Education in Schools
2. Clarifying the Core
Where have we come from?
What disturbed our dogmatic slumbers?
What pedagogic challenges?
1. Nature of values
2. Teaching domains
3. Two-prong strategy
. . . not to develop a totalistic account to
which all participants would be expected to
conform, but a minimalist set of agreements on
which to base common action in the wider
educational arena.
What cognitive core?
1. Underlying belief systems
2. Clarifying the core
9Values Education in Schools
3. Transcending the public/private dichotomy
Where have we come from?
What disturbed our dogmatic slumbers?
What pedagogic challenges?
1. Nature of values
2. Teaching domains
3. Two-prong strategy
What cognitive core?
1. Underlying belief systems
2. Clarifying the core
3. Transcending public/private dichotomy
10 Where have we come from?
What disturbed our dogmatic slumbers?
Values Education in Schools
What pedagogic challenges?
1. Nature of values
2. Teaching domains
3. Two-prong strategy
What cognitive core?
1. Underlying belief systems
2. Clarifying the core
x 3. Transcending public/private