Collateral Damage: Exchange Restrictions and Trade Flows - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Collateral Damage: Exchange Restrictions and Trade Flows


Collateral Damage: Exchange Restrictions and Trade Flows Shang-Jin Wei Zhiwei Zhang Introduction Are exchange restrictions (capital controls) good for developing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Collateral Damage: Exchange Restrictions and Trade Flows

Collateral Damage Exchange Restrictions and
Trade Flows
  • Shang-Jin Wei
  • Zhiwei Zhang

  • Are exchange restrictions (capital controls) good
    for developing countries?
  • Adverse effects of liberalization
  • Rodrik, Stiglitz, survey by Kose, Prasad,
    Rogoff, and Wei
  • Costs of not liberalizing
  • Forbes study on cost of borrowing in Chile
  • This paper Effects on international trade

  • Can exchange restrictions damage trade?
  • Examples
  • Repatriation requirements for exporters.
  • Anecdote with the chief of a foreign exchange
    control administration
  • Empirical research is scarce
  • Tamirisa (1999)
  • Data limitation
  • Specification issue

  • Notable features of this paper
  • Three unique databases
  • AREAER database for exchange controls.
  • Country-pair specific tariff data from WITS
    allowing for calculation of tariff equivalent.
  • Non-tariff barriers index from IMF/PDR/TRI.
  • Theory-consistent gravity model that incorporates
    recent theoretical advances
  • Anderson Van Wincoop (2003)
  • Helpman Melitz Rubinstein (2006)

Exchange Restrictions
  • 192 indicators in AREAER
  • Three groups of restrictions on
  • Trade payments.
  • Capital transactions.
  • FX transactions (exchange taxes and subsidies )
    and others.

Main findings
  • Exchange restrictions have large negative effect
    on trade
  • Increasing restrictions on trade payments by 1
    S.D. is equivalent to increasing tariff rate by 9
    to14 percentage points.
  • Increasing restrictions on FX transactions and
    others by 1 S.D. is equivalent to raising tariff
    rate by 11 to 15 percentage points.

  • Controls on Trade Payments or Proceeds
  • Imports and Import Payments
  • 1. Foreign exchange budget
  • 2. Financing requirements for imports
  • 3. Documentation requirements for release of
    foreign exchange for imports
  • Exports and export proceeds
  • 1. Repatriation requirement
  • 2. Financing requirements
  • 3. Documentation requirements
  • 4. Export licenses
  • 5. Export taxes

  • Restrictions on Following Capital Transactions
  • 1. Capital and money market instruments
  • 2. Derivatives and other instruments
  • 3. Credit operations
  • 4. Direct investment
  • 5. Liquidation of direct investment
  • 6. Real estate transactions
  • 7. Personal capital transactions
  • 8. Provisions specific to commercial banks and
    other credit institutions
  • 9. Provisions specific to institutional investors
  • 10. Other controls imposed by securities laws

  • Restrictions on FX Transactions and others
  • 1. Exchange tax
  • 2. Exchange subsidy
  • 3. Absence of forward exchange market
  • 4. Currency requirements for pricing settlement
  • 5. Payments arrears
  • 6. Controls on trade in gold (coins and/or
  • 7. Controls on exports and imports of banknotes
  • 8. Controls on transfers
  • 9. Proceeds from invisible transactions
  • 10. Resident Accounts
  • 11. Nonresident Accounts

Almost all exchange restrictions can be used as
capital controls.
  • Malaysia. (Johnson, Kochhar, Mitton Tamirisa
  • Currency requirements for settlement.
  • Export proceeds.
  • China
  • Residents holding FX bank accounts.

Restriction Indices
  • For each group of the restrictions, an index is
    constructed as the weighted sum of all
    restrictions in place.
  • Weights are chosen to ensure each category within
    the group receives equal weight.

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Augmented gravity model
  • Y Bilateral trade flows.
  • X Importers and exporters GDP, distance, Mills
    ratio and predicted probability of trade
    (Helpman-Melitz-Rubinstein), colonial ties,
    common language
  • RI Vector of restriction indices.
  • Tariff Bilateral tariff rates.
  • NTB Non-trade barrier index from TRI.
  • IMP, EXP, Year fixed effects for importer,
    exporter, year.

Restrictions on trade payments -0.567 -0.537
(0.153) (0.159)
Restrictions on capital -0.068 0.032
transactions (0.107) (0.110)
Restrictions on FX transactions -0.314 -0.152
and others (0.171) (0.180)
Tariff -0.713 -0.724 -0.725 -0.717
(0.182) (0.182) (0.182) (0.182)
Non-tariff barrier index -0.213 -0.226 -0.221 -0.212
(0.049) (0.048) (0.048) (0.048)
Tariff Equivalent Calculations
  • A 10 percent increase in tariff rate is
    associated with a 7 percent reduction in trade
  • Increasing restrictions on trade payments by 1
    standard deviation (0.18) is associated
    with0.18(-0.537)/(-0.717)100 13.9
    percentage points increase in tariff.

Alternative Specifications
  • Country pair fixed effects
  • to incorporate trade costs more generally.
  • Separate import price indices for two trading
  • to proxy for time varying trade costs.

Model with country-pair fixed effects
Restrictions on trade payments -0.434 -0.367
(0.103) (0.109)
Restrictions on capital -0.018 0.087
transactions (0.069) (0.072)
Restrictions on FX transactions -0.438 -0.353
and others (0.116) (0.124)
Tariff -0.774 -0.784 -0.801 -0.784
(0.107) (0.107) (0.107) (0.107)
Non-tariff barrier index -0.181 -0.189 -0.186 -0.178
(0.034) (0.034) (0.034) (0.034)
Model with time-varying import price indices
Restrictions on trade payments -0.633 -0.494
(0.154) (0.161)
Restrictions on capital -0.187 -0.033
transactions (0.102) (0.108)
Restrictions on FX transactions -0.608 -0.438
and others (0.162) (0.174)
Tariff -0.708 -0.726 -0.728 -0.721
(0.181) (0.182) (0.182) (0.182)
Non-tariff barrier index -0.177 -0.197 -0.178 -0.17
(0.047) (0.047) (0.047) (0.047)
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Refined categories of restrictions
  • Both imports and exports restrictions seem to
  • Capital transactions show different signs.
  • Negative estimates for restrictions on cap
    money market instruments, derivatives.
  • Positive estimates for FDI, personal capital
    transactions, and provisions to institutional
  • Restrictions on FX transactions and others are
    predominantly trade-reducing.
  • Currency requirements, exchange taxes and
    subsidies, and arrears.

Case Study
  • The financial crises in emerging markets during
    1996 1999 period led governments to set more
  • Sample includes11 emerging markets in the MSCI
    index that strengthened their controls on either
    FX transactions or capital transactions during
    1996 1999 period.
  • Did increase in exchange controls led to less
    trade, after controlling for changes in tariff,
    NTB index, GDP, and exchange rates?

Dependent variable change in bilateral trade,
1996 to 1999
Tentative Conclusion
  • Some exchange restrictions have large adverse
    effects on trade
  • Increasing restrictions on trade payments by 1
    S.D. is equivalent to raising tariff by 9 to 14
    percentage points.
  • Increasing restrictions on FX transactions and
    others by 1 S.D. is equivalent to raising tariff
    by 11 to 15 percentage points.

Further Research Needed
  • Non-linear effects.
  • Interactive effects (e.g. with governance)
  • Suggestions?
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