Title: National state rehabilitation council forum
1Vocational Rehabilitation Program Financial
- National state rehabilitation council forum
- June 24, 2013
2Todays Presentation
- Terms for the Informed SRC
- Basic Support Program Formula
- Match
- Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
- Allowable Costs
- IE Expenditures
- Federal Program Income
- Carryover
- Reallotted Funds
- 107 Monitoring
3Effective Partnership
- How can the SRC be an effective partner
- with the VR agency in improving the VR program?
- Be an INFORMED partner in fiscal matters!
4The Basics
5Basic Support Program Formula
- Determining State Allotments
- The allotment of Federal funds for vocational
rehabilitation services for each State is
computed in accordance with the requirements of
Section 110 of the Rehabilitation Act.
6Basic Support Program Formula
- The formula to allocate funds is based on a
combination of factors including but not limited
to - State per capita income
- State population
- Grant amounts are calculated in accordance with
the program formula consistent with the
appropriation level. - Refer to RSA Website for additional
7Guidance and Reference Materials
OMB Circulars
8Feeling Like a Fiscal analyst Yet?
- Good News!
- You dont have to know ALL these details to be an
effective SRC partner! - More Good News!
- If you want to know more, the
- RSA Website Guidance and Technical Assistance
session will help you get there!!
9What have we covered so far?
- Terms for the Informed SRC
- Basic Support Program Formula
- Match
- Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
- Allowable Costs
- IE Expenditures
- Federal Program Income
- Carryover
- Reallotted Funds
- 107 Monitoring
34 CFR 361.60(a)
- Typical Sources
- State appropriations.
- Transfers from other units of State government.
- Third-party cooperative arrangements involving
funds from other public agencies. (34 CFR
361.28) -
12Match Calculation
- 27,800,000 (award amount) / .787 (Fed share)
- 35,324,015
- In this example, total program outlays must equal
or exceed 35,324,015 for the grantee to utilize
its entire Federal allotment of 27,800,000. - 35,324,015 - 27,800,000 7,524,015
- (State share of program expenditures)
Federal Allotment 27,800,000 Required State
Match 7,524,015 Total Program Outlay 35,324,015
34 CFR 361.60(a)
- Expenditures from both agencies - General and
Blind - are combined to determine compliance with
the match requirement.
15Maintenance of Effort
- In any given Federal FY, if State non-Federal
expenditures fall below total State non-Federal
expenditures for the fiscal year two years before
the FY under review, the State has not met its
MOE requirement.
34 CFR 361.62
16Maintenance of Effort
State Expenditures
FY 2011 14,665,000
2011 2 years
State MUST expend a minimum of 14,665,000 in FY
17Maintenance of Effort
- FY 2011 14,665,000
- FY 2013 14,000,000
- MOE Shortfall ( 665,000)
18Maintenance of Effort
- FY 2013 MOE Shortfall (665,000)
- This means
19Maintenance of Effort
- Expenditures from both agencies - General and
Blind -are combined to determine compliance with
the MOE requirement.
20Maintenance of Effort
- Waivers
- May be granted to permit the State to respond to
exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances i.e.
natural disasters
34 CFR 361.62(d)
21Allowable Costs
- Governmental units are responsible for
- the efficient and effective administration
- of Federal awards.
22Allowable Costs
- Costs must be
- Necessary and reasonable for the proper and
efficient performance and administration of
Federal awards. - Allocable to Federal awards under the provisions
of the Circular. - Authorized or not prohibited under State or local
laws or regulations.
2 CFR Part 2, 225
23What have we covered so far?
- Terms for the Informed SRC
- Basic Support Program Formula
- Match
- Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
- Allowable Costs
- IE Expenditures
- Federal Program Income
- Carryover
- Reallotted Funds
- 107 Monitoring
24IE Expenditures
- IE Innovation Expansion Activities
- States must use a portion of funds allotted for
the development and implementation of innovative
approaches to expand and improve the provision of
vocational rehabilitation services. - 34 CFR 361.35
25IE and the SRC
- IE is found in State Plan Attachment 4.11(d)
- The SRC reviews the State Plan
- IE funding support for the SRC
- The SRC needs a Resource Plan for its funding
support - (34 CFR 361.17 (h)(8)(i)(1)-(5))
26Federal Program Income
- income received by the State that is directly
generated by an activity supported under the
grant. - Typical sources
34 CFR 361.63
- Payments from the SSA for rehabilitating Social
Security beneficiaries - Payments received from workers compensation
funds - Fees for services to defray part or all of the
costs of services provided - Income generated by a State-operated community
rehabilitation program
34 CFR 361.63(b)
27Federal Program Income
- Must be used for the provision of VR services,
administration of the State Plan, or carrying out
innovation and expansion activities - Must be spent before Federal funds are drawn down
- Can also be transferred to
- Independent Living Parts B and C
- Independent Living OIB
- Client Assistance Program
- Any Basic Support Program funds which remain
unobligated at the end of the year of
appropriationincluding realloted fundsremain
available for obligation during the succeeding
fiscal year - The state may only carry forward the unexpended
Federal funds it was able to match in the year
the funds were appropriated.
34 CFR 361.64
29Reallotted Funds
- No later that 45 days before the end of each
fiscal year, States report to RSA any amount of
their full allotment which cannot be used or
matched. - As soon as possible, but not later than the end
of the fiscal year, RSA reallots these funds to
other States that can use those additional funds
during the current or subsequent fiscal year...
30Reallotted Funds
- providing the State can meet the matching
requirement by obligating the non-Federal share
of any reallotted funds in the fiscal year for
which the funds were appropriated.
Funds reallotted to another State are considered
to be an increase in the recipient States
allotment for the fiscal year for which the funds
were appropriated.
34 CFR 361.65(b)
31107 Monitoring
Were from the Federal Government...
And, were here to HELP you!
32107 Monitoring
- Section 107 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as
amended, requires the Commissioner of the
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) to
conduct annual reviews and periodic on-site
monitoring of programs authorized under Title I
of the Rehabilitation Act to determine whether a
vocational rehabilitation (VR) agency is
complying substantially with the provisions of
its State Plan under Section 101 of the
Rehabilitation Act and with the Evaluation
Standards and Performance Indicators established
under section 106.
33107 Monitoring
- Monitoring and Technical Assistance Guide
- Can be found on the RSA website
- Focus Areas
- Organizational Structure
- Transition Services
- Fiscal Integrity
- The SRC is a stakeholder in the 107 monitoring
34Fiscal Integrity Priority Focus Area
- Matching and Earmarking
- Payroll
- Procurement
- Program Income
- Property Management
- Record Retention
35Be an Informed Partner!
- Terms for the Informed SRC
- Basic Support Program Formula
- Match
- Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
- Allowable Costs
- IE Expenditures
- Federal Program Income
- Carryover
- Reallotted Funds
- 107 Monitoring
36In Closing.
- Understand how the agencys fiscal status may
affect services - Be familiar with emerging issues
- Be an Informed Partner in Fiscal Matters!
- RSA website www.rsa.ed.gov
- State Liaisons www.rsa.ed.gov
38Presenter Information
- Sean Barrett
- Financial Management Specialist
- Department of Education
- Rehabilitation Services Administration
- Sean.barrett_at_ed.gov
- 202-245-7604
- Corinna Stiles
- Vocational Rehabilitation Program Specialist
- Department of Education
- Rehabilitation Services Administration
- Corinna.stiles_at_ed.gov
- 202-245-7374