Title: William Stallings Computer Organization and Architecture
1William Stallings Computer Organization and
- Chapter 3 System Buses
- Chapter 4 Internal Memory
- Chapter 5 External Memory
- Chapter 6 Input/Output
- Chapter 7 Operating System Support
- Chapter 3 System Buses
- 3.1 Computer Components
- 3.2 Computer Function
- 3.3 Interconnection Structures
- 3.4 Bus Interconnection
- 3.5 PCI (Peripheral component interconnect)
3Computer Components
- At a top level, a computer consists of CPU,
memory, and I/O components, with one or more
modules of each type. These components are
interconnected by bus to achieve the basic
function of the computer.
- Von Neumann architecture
- Stored Program concept
- Data and instructions are stored in a single
read-write memory. - The contents of this memory are addressable by
location, without regard to the type of data
contained there. - Execution occurs in a sequential (unless
explicitly modified) from one instruction to the
5Program Concept
- Hardwired program
- the process of connection together the various
components in the desired configuration as a form
of programming, called hardwired program. - Inflexible
- Instead of re-wiring, supply a new sequence of
codes, called programming in software, as shown
in figure 3.1 (p54). - General purpose hardware can do different tasks,
given correct control signals
6Figure 3.1 Hardware and Software Approaches
7What is a program?
- A sequence of steps
- For each step, an arithmetic or logical operation
is done - For each operation, a different set of control
signals is needed
8Function of Control Unit
- For each operation a unique code is provided
- e.g. ADD, MOVE
- A hardware segment accepts the code and issues
the control signals
9Computer Components
- Central Processing Unit (CPU)
- The Control Unit and the Arithmetic and Logic
Unit (ALU) constitute the Central Processing Unit
(CPU) - Main memory
- Temporary storage of code and results is needed
- Input/output
- Data and instructions need to get into the system
and results out
10Computer ComponentsTop Level View
MAR specifies the address in memory for the next
read or write MBR contains the data to be
written into memory or receives the data read
from memory I/OAR specifies a particular I/O
device. Program Counter (PC) Address of the next
Instruction Instruction Register (IR)
Instruction Being Executed Accumulator (AC)
Temporary Storage
- Instruction Cycle
- Two steps
- Fetch
- Execute
- Program execution consists of repeating the
process of instruction fetch and instruction
12Fetch Cycle
- Program Counter (PC) holds address of next
instruction to fetch - Processor fetches instruction from memory
location pointed to by PC - Increment PC
- Unless told otherwise
- Instruction loaded into Instruction Register (IR)
- Processor interprets instruction and performs
required actions
13Execute Cycle
- Processor-memory
- data transfer between CPU and main memory
- Processor- I/O
- Data transfer between CPU and I/O module
- Data processing
- Some arithmetic or logical operation on data
- Control
- Alteration of sequence of operations
- e.g. jump
- Combination of above
14Fig. 3.4 Characteristics of a Hypothetical
0 3 4 15
Opcode Address
(a) Instruction Format
0 1 15
(b) Integer Format
0001Load AC from Memory 0010 Store AC to
Memory 0101Add to AC from Memory
(d) Partial List of Opcodes
15Example of Program Execution
P57 Figure 3.4 1. The PC contains 300, the
address of the first instruction. This
instruction is loaded into the instruction
register, IP. 2. The first 4 bits in the IR
indicate that the AC is to be loaded. The
remaining 12 bits specify the address, which is
940. 3. The PC incremented and the next
instruction is fetched. 4. The old contents of
the AC and the contents the AC and the contents
of location 941 are added and the result is
stored in the AC. 5, 6
16Instruction Cycle - State Diagram
- Instruction address calculation (iac) Determine
the address of the next instruction to be
executed. - Instruction fetch (if) Read instruction from its
memory location into the processor. - Instruction operation decoding (iod) Analyze
instruction to determine type of operation to be
performed and operand(s) to be used. - Operand address calculation (oac)
- Operand fetch (of)
- Data operation (do)
- Operand store (os)
- Mechanism by which other modules (e.g. I/O) may
interrupt normal sequence of processing - Classes of Interrupts
- ? Program
- e.g. overflow, division by zero
- ?Timer
- Generated by internal processor timer
- Used in pre-emptive multi-tasking
- ?I/O
- from I/O controller
- ? Hardware failure
- e.g. memory parity error
18?? ????
1. ???????
- ???????, ????????????????.
- CPU???????????
- ???????????????????
- ?????CPU??????, ??CPU??????.
- CPU???????,???????????.
- CPU??????,??????????????.
- CPU??????,????????????.
- ??????????,?????????,??????????
? ??????????????
19?? ?????????
- If interrupt pending
- Suspend execution of current program
- ?Save context
- Set PC to start address
- of interrupt handler routine
- Process interrupt
- Restore context and continue interrupted program
?. ?????????
20Transfer of Control via Interrupts
21Program Flow Control
Figure 3.7 illustrates the user program performs
a series of WRITE calls interleaved with
22Figure 3.7 Program Flow of control(a) No
- The WRITE calls are to an I/O program that is a
system utility and that will perform the actual
I/O operation. - I/O program
- A sequence of instructions, labeled 4 in the
figure, to prepare for the actual I/O operation.
This may include copying the data to be output
into a special buffer and preparing the
parameters for a device command. - The actual I/O command. Without the use of
interrupts, once this command is issued, the
program must wait for the I/O device to perform
the requested function. The program might wait by
simply repeatedly performing a test operation to
determine if the I/O operation is done. - A sequence of instructions, labeled 5 in the
figure, to complete the operation. This may
include setting a flag indicating the success or
failure of the operation
23Figure 3.7 Program Flow of control(b)
Interrupts short I/O Wait
- With interrupts, the processor can be engaged in
executing other instructions while an I/O
operation is in progress. - A WRITE call is the I/O program that is invoked
in this case consists only of the preparation
code and the actual I/O command. - When the external device becomes ready to be
serviced, that is , when it is ready to accept
more data from the processor the I/O module for
the external device sends an interrupt request
signal to the processor. The processor responds
by suspending operation of the current program,
branching off to a program to service that
particular I/O device (known as an interrupt
handler), and resuming the original execution
after the device is serviced. The points at which
such interrupts occur are indicated by an
asterisk in Figure 3.7b
24Figure 3.7 Program Flow of controlwith
- Figure (b) Interrupt
- short I/O Wait
- assumes that the time required for the I/O
operation is relatively short less than the time
to complete the execution of instructions between
operations in the user program. - Figure (c) Interrupt
- long I/O Wait
- indicates that the user program reaches the
second WRITE call before the I/O operation
spawned by the first call is complete. The result
is that the user program is hung up at that
25- Figure (c) Interrupt long I/O Wait
- indicates that the user program reaches the
second WRITE call before the I/O operation
spawned by the first call is complete. The result
is that the user program is hung up at that
26Figure 3.10 Program Timing Short I/O Wait
27Figure 3.10 Program Timing Long I/O Wait
The timing for this situation with interrupts
has a gain in efficiency because part of the time
during which the I/O operation is underway
overlaps with the execution of user instructions
28Interrupt Cycle
- Added to instruction cycle
- Processor checks for interrupt
- Indicated by an interrupt signal
- If no interrupt, fetch next instruction
- If interrupt pending
- Suspend execution of current program
- Save context
- Set PC to start address of interrupt handler
routine - Process interrupt
- Restore context and continue interrupted program
29Instruction Cycle (with Interrupts) - State
30Multiple Interrupts
- Disable interrupts
- Processor will ignore further interrupts whilst
processing one interrupt - Interrupts remain pending and are checked after
first interrupt has been processed - Interrupts handled in sequence as they occur
- The drawback is that it does not take into
account relative priority or time-critical needs. - Define priorities
- Low priority interrupts can be interrupted by
higher priority interrupts - When higher priority interrupt has been
processed, processor returns to previous interrupt
31Multiple Interrupts - Sequential
(a) Sequential Interrupt Processing
32Multiple Interrupts - Nested
(b) Nested Interrupted Processing
33Time Sequence of Multiple Interrupts
- All the units must be connected
- Different type of connection for different type
of unit (Figure 3.15) - Memory
- Input/Output
35Computer Modules
36Memory Connection
- Receives and sends data
- Receives addresses (of locations)
- Receives control signals
- Read
- Write
- Timing
37Input/Output Connection(1)
- Similar to memory from computers viewpoint
- Output
- Receive data from computer
- Send data to peripheral
- Input
- Receive data from peripheral
- Send data to computer
38Input/Output Connection(2)
- Receive control signals from computer
- Send control signals to peripherals
- e.g. spin disk
- Receive addresses from computer
- e.g. port number to identify peripheral
- Send interrupt signals (control)
39- ?? ??/????
- ??/? ????????????CPU????????,??I/O???????????????
- 1.????????????(???8??16?)
- Â ???????????????????DB?CPU
- ???????CPU?????DB?????????????
- 2.???? ?????????????. ????????CPU????
- Â ??????????????????
- ???????????????????
- 3.???? ????????????????CPU?????????,???????
- ??????????????.
40- ?? ????
- ?????????????,CPU?????????????????????
??(??I/O?? / ????) ? - ??????,CPU???????????????????.??????I/O??????????
,??????,????????I/O?????????. - CPU?????????.
41CPU Connection
- Reads instruction and data
- Writes out data (after processing)
- Sends control signals to other units
- Receives ( acts on) interrupts
- Bus is a shared transmission medium.
- A bus that connects major computer components
- ( processor, memory, I/O) is called a system bus.
- There are a number of possible interconnection
systems - Single and multiple BUS structures are most
common - e.g. Control/Address/Data bus (PC)
- e.g. Unibus (DEC-PDP)
44What is a Bus?
- A communication pathway connecting two or more
devices - Usually broadcast
- Often grouped
- A number of channels in one bus
- e.g. 32 bit data bus is 32 separate single bit
channels - Power lines may not be shown
45Data Bus
- Carries data
- Remember that there is no difference between
data and instruction at this level - The number of lines (the width of the data bus)
determines how many bits can be transferred at a
time. - Width is a key determinant of system performance
- 8, 16, 32, 64 bit
46Address bus
- Identify the source or destination of data
- e.g. CPU needs to read an instruction (data) from
a given location in memory - Address Bus width determines maximum memory
capacity of system - If bus address width is x bits, the maximum
memory capacity is 2x. - e.g. 8080 has 16 bit address bus giving 64k
address space
47Control Bus
- Control and timing information
- Timing signals indicate the validity of data and
address information. Command signals specify
operation to be performed. - Typical control lines
- Memory read/write signal
- I/O write/read
- Interrupt request
- Interrupt ACK
- Bus request Indicates that a module needs to
gain control of the bus - Bus grant Indicates that a requesting module has
been granted control of the bus - Transfer ACK Indicates that data have been
accepted from or placed on the bus - Clock signals used to synchronize operation
- Reset Initializes all modules
- Clock Used to synchronize operations
48Bus Interconnection Scheme
49Big and Yellow?
- What do buses look like?
- Parallel lines on circuit boards
- Ribbon cables
- Strip connectors on mother boards
- e.g. PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnection )
- Sets of wires
50Single Bus Problems
- Lots of devices on one bus leads to
- Propagation delays
- This delay determines the time it takes for
devices to coordinate the use of the bus. - Long data paths mean that co-ordination of bus
use can adversely affect performance - The bus may become a bottleneck as a aggregate
data transfer approaches bus capacity - Most systems use multiple buses to overcome these
51Traditional (ISA)(with cache)
An expansion bus interface buffers data
transfers between system bus and the I/O
controller on the expansion bus. Advantages of
this arrangement ?support a wide variety
of I/O device ? insulate memory-to-processor
traffic from I/O traffic.
52High Performance Bus
- The cache controller is integrated into a
bridge, or buffering device, that connects to the
high-speed bus. - The advantage of high-performance architecture
is that the high-speed bus brings high-demand
devices into closer integration with the
processor and at the same time is independent of
the processor.
53Elements of Bus Design
- Type
- Dedicated
- Multiplexed
- Method of Arbitration
- Centralized
- Distributed
- Timing
- Synchronous
- Asynchronous
- BUS Width
- Address
- Data
- Data Transfer Type
- Read
- Write
- Read-modify-write (a read followed immediately by
a write to the same address) - Read-after-write (a write followed immediately by
a read to the same address) - Block
54Bus Types
- Dedicated
- Separate data address lines
- A dedicated bus line is permanently assigned
either to one function or to a physical subset of
computer components. - Multiplexed
- Shared lines
- Address valid or data valid control line
- Advantage - fewer lines
- Disadvantages
- More complex control
- Reduction ultimate performance
55Bus Arbitration
- More than one module controlling the bus
- e.g. CPU and DMA controller
- Only one module may control bus at one time
- Arbitration may be centralised or distributed.
56Centralised Arbitration
- Single hardware device controlling bus access
- Bus Controller
- Arbiter
- May be part of CPU or separate
57Distributed Arbitration
- Each module may claim the bus
- Control logic on all modules
- Co-ordination of events on bus
- Synchronous
- Events determined by clock signals
- Control Bus includes clock line
- A single 1-0 is a bus cycle or clock cycle
- All devices can read clock line
- Usually sync on leading edge
- Usually a single cycle for an event
- Simple and less flexible
59Synchronous Timing Diagram? Example of read
Leading Edge
Trailing Edge
a delay of one cycle
60- Asynchronous
- With asynchronous timing, the occurrence of one
event on a bus follows and depends on the
occurrence of a previous event. - MSYN (master sync)
- SSYN (slave sync)
61Asynchronous Timing Diagram
- ?The processor places address and read signal on
the bus. After pausing for these signal to
stabilize, it issues an MSYN indicating the
presence of valid address and control signals. - ?The memory module responds with data and an SSYN
signal. - Once the master has read the data from the data
lines, it deserts the MSYN signal. This causes
the memory module to drop the data and SSYN
lines. - Finally, once the SSYN line is dropped, the
master removes the read signal and address
623.5 PCI Bus
- Peripheral Component Interconnection (PCI)
- High-bandwidth, processor-independent bus
- Better performance for high-speed I/O subsystems
- 64 data lines at 66 MHz, raw transfer rate of
528Mbyte/s, or 4.224Gbps. - Intel releases all the patent to public domain
- PCI SIG (an industry association)
- To develop further and maintain the compatibility
of the PCI specifications. - PCI widely adopted
- BUS Structure
- PCI configured as a 32 or 64 bit bus
- 50 lines
63PCI Bus Lines (required) (table 3.3)
- Function groups
- Systems lines
- Including clock and reset
- Address Data
- 32 time multiplexed lines for address/data
- Interrupt validate lines
- Interface Control
- Control the timing of transactions
- Provide coordination among initiators and
targets - Arbitration
- Not shared
- Direct connection to PCI bus arbiter
- Error lines
- Used to report parity and other errors
64PCI Bus Lines (Optional ) (table3.4)
- Interrupt lines
- Not shared, each PCI has its own interrupt lines
or lines to an interrupt controller. - Cache support
- 64-bit Bus Extension
- Additional 32 lines
- Time multiplexed
- Interrupt validate lines
- 2 lines to enable devices to agree to use 64-bit
transfer - JTAG/Boundary Scan
- For testing procedures
65PCI Commands
- Transaction between initiator (master) and target
- Master claims bus
- Determine type of transaction
- e.g. I/O read/write
- Address phase
- The C/BE lines used to signal the transaction
type - One or more data phases
66Table3.3 Mandatory PCI Signal Lines
Data Transfers
Every data transfer on the PCI bus is single
transaction consisting of one address phase and
one and more data phases.
- Provides timing for all transactions and is
sampled by all inputs on the rising edge. Clock
rates up to 33MHz are supported. - AD
- Multiplexed lines used for address and data.
- C/BE (Command/ Byte Enable signal)
- Multiplexed bus command and byte enable signals.
During the data phase, the lines indicate which
of the four byte lanes carry meaningful data. - FRAME
- Driven by current master to indicate the start
and duration of a transaction. It is asserted at
the start and deserted when the initiator is
ready to begin the final data phases. - IRDY Initiator Ready
- TRDY Target Ready
- DEVSEL Device Select.
- Asserted by target when it has recognized its
address. Indicates to current initiator whether
any device has been selected
67PCI Read Timing Diagram
a. Once a bus master has gained control of the
bus, it may begin the transaction by asserting
FRAME. The line remains asserted until the
initiator is ready to complete the last data
phase. b. At the start of clock 2, the target
device will recognize its address on the AD
lines c. The initiator ceases driving the AD bus.
The initiator changes information on the C/BE
lines to designate which AD lines are to be used
for transfer for the currently addressed data. d.
DEVSEL to indicate that it has recognized its
address and will respond. It places the
requested data on the AD lines and assert TRDY
to indicate that valid data is present on the
bus. e. The initiator reads the data at the
beginning of clock and change the byte enable
lines as needed in preparation for the next
read. f. In this example, the target needs time
to prepare. g. During clock 6, the target places
the third data item on the bus. However in this
example, initiator is not yet ready. This will
cause the target to maintain the third data item
on the bus for an extra clock cycle. h. The last
data transfer i. The initiator deasserts IRDY,
returning the bus to the idle state, and the
target deasserts TRDY and DEVSEL.
- PCI makes use of a centralized, synchronous
arbitration scheme. - Each master has a unique request (REQ) and
grant (GNT) signal. These signal lines are
attached to a central arbiter. - request-grant handshake used to grant access to
the bus.
69PCI Bus Arbitration (p89)
a. At some point prior to the start of clock 1, A
has asserted its REQ signal. b. During clock
cycle 1, B requests use of the bus by asserting
its REQ signal. c. At the same time, the arbiter
assert GNT-A to grant bus access to A. d. Bus
master A samples GNT-A at the beginning of clock
2 and learns that it has been granted bus access.
It also finds IRDY and TRDY deasserted,
indicating that the bus is idle. Accordingly, it
asserts FRAME and places the address information
on the address bus and the command on the C/BE
bus. It also continues to asserts REQ-A, because
it has a second transaction to perform after this
one. e. The bus arbiter samples all the GNT lines
at the beginning of clock 3 and makes an
arbitration decision to grant the bus to B for
the next transaction. It then assert GNT-B and
deasserts GNT-A. B will not be able to use the
bus until it returns to an idle state. f. A
deasserts FRAME to indicate the last data
transfer is in progress g. At the beginning of
clock5, B finds IRDY and FRAME deasserts and so
it able to take control of the bus by asserting
FRAME. It also deasserts its REQ line, because it
only wants to perform one transaction.
- P47 E2.1
- P90 3.2
- Deadline next Thursday!
71Foreground Reading
- Stallings, chapter 3 (all of it)
- www.pcguide.com/ref/mbsys/buses/
- In fact, read the whole site!
- www.pcguide.com/