Title: Life Science - Animals
1Life Science - Animals
Unit A
Chapter 2, Lessons 1-3 Chapter 4 Lesson 2
by Brooke M. McFry
221 How are animals grouped?
- trait
- a feature passed on to a living thing from its
parents - vertebrate
- animal with a backbone
- invertebrate
- animal without a backbone
3Basic Needs of Animals
- water
- oxygen
- food
- shelter
4Groups of Vertebrates
- Fish
- Amphibian
- Reptiles
- Birds
- Mammals
5Groups of Invertebrates
- Sea Jellies
- Worms
- Mollusks
- Arthropods
6(No Transcript)
722 How do animals grow change?
- life cycle
- the stages through which an organism passes
between birth and death - larva
- stage in an insects life after it
- hatches from an egg
- pupa
- stage in an insects life
- between larva and adult
8Life Cycle Stages
- birth
- growth
- development
- reproduction
- death
9Life Cycle of a Frog
10Life Cycle of a Butterfly
1123 How do adaptations help animals?
- adaptation
- trait that helps a living thing survive in its
environment - inherited
- passed on
- migrate
- move
- hibernate
- to spend the winter in an inactive, sleeplike
- for getting food
- for moving
- for protection
13Ways Animals Protect Themselves
- camouflage
- armor
- mimicry
- poison
14Animals Behaviors
- Instincts
- behaviors an animal is born to do
- Learning
1542 How do living things get energy?
- producer
- living things that make
- their own food
- consumer
- living things that eat food but cannot make
their own food
1642 How do living things get energy?
- herbivore
- living things that eat only plants
- carnivore
- living things that eat only animals
- omnivore
- living things that eat BOTH
- plants AND animals
1742 How do living things get energy?
- prey
- an animals that is hunted
- by others for food
- predator
- a consumer that hunts
- other animals for food
18How do living things get energy?
- Sources of energy
- producer consumer
- plants
- herbivore
- carnivore
- omnivore
19Food Chain
20Food Web