Title: Ohio Achievement Test
1Ohio Achievement Test Science Toolkit
- Understanding the benchmarks
- Integrating content with process
- Using cognitive demand
3Curriculum Support for the OAT
- Welcome
- Consultant Introductions
- Table Introductions
- Overview of OAT Question Development
- OAT Toolkit Overview
- Building benchmark understanding
- Qualities of an aligned lesson
- OAT Results and Resources
- Questions and Discussion
4Aligning Content
Lets look at how these assessment items are
aligned to this benchmark at grade eight.
Standard Life Sciences Benchmark C Explain
how energy entering the ecosystems as sunlight
supports the life of organisms through
photosynthesis and the transfer of energy through
the interactions of organisms and the environment.
5Question Development and Technical Issues
6Ohios Academic Content Standards for Science
- Adopted by the Ohio State Board of Education on
December 10, 2002. - The adopted standards can be found on the ODE web
site www.ode.state.oh.us
7Test Purpose
- For Grades 3 8
- The purpose for the achievement tests is
established in Ohio Administrative Code
3301-13-01. The tests are to measure the level of
content and skills expected at the designated
grade or grade band.
8Life of a Test Question
9Academic Content Standards
Train Question Writers
Contractor Reviews
Contractor Edits
10Ohio Department of Education
Academic Content Standards
Curriculum Office Internal Review
Assessment Office Internal Review
11Groups External to ODE and Contractor
Fairness/Sensitivity Committee
Fairness/Sensitivity Committee
Content Committee
ODE Internal Review
Field Test
Academic Content Standards
ODE Question Bank
12OAT Toolkit Overview Building Benchmark
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16National Resources
17Interpretation of Benchmarks
Focusing on Key Concepts in Science
What science concepts and skills are defined by
the benchmarks and indicators of the Ohio
Academic Content Standards (OACS)?
18OAT Toolkit Overview Qualities of an Aligned
19Analyzing Benchmarks and Indicators
- The following information can guide the
development and/or implementation of lessons so
that students develop the content and skills
needed to prepare for success at the next level.
20Aligning Content and Process
Science and Technology, Scientific Inquiry and
Scientific Ways of Knowing are standards that
describe how to do science through experiments
and investigations. The content of scientific
explorations is drawn from Earth and Space
Sciences, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences
21Aligning Content and Process
It has been proposed that integrated
instructional units connect laboratory
experiences with other types of science learning
activities...........framing research questions,
making observations, designing and executing
experiments, gathering and analyzing data, and
constructing scientific arguments and
explanations.- Americas Lab Report
Investigations in High School Science, National
Research Council (2006 p.4)
22Aligning Content and Process
Laboratory experiences provide opportunities for
students to interact directly with the material
world (or with data drawn from the material
world), using the tools, data collection
techniques, models, and theories of science. -
Americas Lab Report Investigations in High
School Science, National Research Council (2006
23Aligning Content and Process
- Goals of Laboratory Experiences
- Enhancing mastery of subject matter
- Developing scientific reasoning
- Developing practical skills
- Understanding the nature of science
- Cultivating interest in science
- Developing teamwork abilities
- - Americas Lab Report Investigations in High
School Science, National Research Council (2006
24Aligning Content and Process
- A New Place for Polar Bear
- Read the lesson
- Answer Q. 1 on WS
- Review the questions under Science Process
Integration Points to Consider.
25Cognitive Demand
How can teachers ensure that science content is
taught at the depth of knowledge required by
Ohios Academic Content Standards?
26Cognitive Demand
- Recalling / Identifying Accurate Science
- Communicating Understanding / Analyzing Science
Information - Demonstrating Investigation Processes of Science
- Applying Concepts / Making Relevant Connections
with Science
27Cognitive Demand
How is cognitive demand linked to effective
models of standards-based instruction for science?
28Cognitive Demand
- Effective instruction for science is
- designed with clear learning outcomes in mind
- thoughtfully sequenced into the flow of classroom
science instruction
29Cognitive Demand
- Effective instruction for science is
- designed to integrate learning of science content
with learning about the processes of science and - Incorporate ongoing student reflection and
30Cognitive Demand
How can Ohios science cognitive demands be
utilized when developing classroom instruction
and assessment?
31Cognitive Demand
- A New Place for Polar Bear
- Review the lesson again and address your
assigned cognitive demand question using the
Guide to Using Cognitive Demand to Reflect on
Teaching and Learning.
32OAT Results and Resources What We Know, How to
Access and Use the Data, SUCCESS, and IMS
33Analysis of OAT Data for Science
- There are no statistically significant
differences in student performance across - Standards
- Benchmarks within each Standard
- Item type (MC, SA, ER)
- Cognitive demand
- Cluster or passage-based format
34How to Use Data
- Within a standard, benchmarks are not equally or
sufficiently sampled to indicate true areas of
concern. - Looking at individual questions can give you
specific information limited to the content
covered in the question, NOT the entire scope of
the benchmark or standard.
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44Released Item Analysis
45Released Item Analysis
46Data for Released Constructed Response Questions
47Scoring Released CR Items
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50Improving Overall Student Achievement
- Understand the benchmarks using national
documents - Integrate scientific process standards into
lessons - Use a variety of cognitive levels in lessons and
51Improving Overall Student Achievement
- Use metacognitive activities to help measure the
success of the lesson (for both student and
teacher) - Professional development should be meaningful and
directly applicable to the classroom - Collaboration between teachers can enrich the
curriculum and ensure scientific accuracy
52Improving Student Achievement in Constructed
Response Items
- Provide students with an opportunity to answer
open-ended investigative questions - Have students use and interpret graphic
representation of data - Students should make and justify scientific
53Teacher Resources Grades 3-8
- OAT Toolkit
- http//ims.ode.state.oh.us/ode/ims/oattoolkit/
- Defines limits of assessment within each
benchmark - Provides in-depth comparison of Ohio standards
and national science documents