Title: Non-Title V Permit Elements for Enforceable Permits
1Non-Title V Permit Elements for Enforceable
- Dan Blair,
- Willard Antone III
- Gila River Indian Community (GRIC)
- Department of Environmental Quality
- Permits are your main enforcement tool
- Permits are stand alone documents supported by
Tribal or Federal regulations - Permits should be clear, concise and all
3Types of Permits
- Title V Permits
- Pre-Construction Permits (NSR, PSD)
- Operating Permits
- Non-Title V Permits
- Individual Operating Permits
- Synthetic Minor Permits
- General permits
4WHO Needs a permit???
- Emission Inventory
- Permit Thresholds
- 1 ton of Criteria Pollutant
- 1000s of Hazardous Pollutant
- 300s Ultra-hazardous Pollutant
- Aggregate of all uncontrolled sources with gt 3
VOC or PM-10 in any day - Aggregate of all sources with gt 5.5 of any other
regulated pollutant in any day
5GRIC Permit Process
- Send out cover letter and permit application
forms (certified mail) to facilities - Require completed permit application within 120
days of receipt of App. - Provide assistance with completion of App. (pre
submittal meetings) - Extensions
6GRIC Permit Process
- Department review of App for completeness (60
days) - Request supplemental information
- Draft Permit, TSDs, Calculations, BRDT
- Facility review of permit
- 30 day Public Comment Period
- Permit decision by Director within 12 months of
complete App.
7Permit Application Content
- Facility information
- Hours of operation
- Signature of responsible party
- Emissions calculations
- Process description flow chart
- Certification of Truth and Accuracy
- Certification of Compliance and/or Compliance
Plan - Equipment List
- Voc content
- Throughput
- Control Equipment
8Elements of an Enforceable Permit
- Technical Support Document
- Description of Source
- Allowable Emissions
- Applicable Regulations (Tribal, Federal)
- Emissions Calculations
9Elements of an Enforceable Permit
- General Permit Conditions
- Affirmative Defense
- Certification of Truth and Accuracy
- Confidentiality
- Controls
- Duty to Comply
- Duty to Provide information
- Fees
10Elements of an Enforceable Permit
- General Permit Conditions
- Maintenance (OM Plan)
- Nuisance Provisions
- Performance Testing
- Permit Term
- Permit Revisions
- Permit Re-openings (Revocation, Termination)
11Elements of an Enforceable Permit
- General Permit Conditions (cont.)
- Permit Transfers
- Record Keeping/Reporting
- Right of Entry
- Severability
12Elements of an Enforceable Permit
- Specific Conditions
- Allowable Production Rate
- Emission Limits (Daily, Annual)
- Through put limits
- Hours of operation
- Equipment capacities
- Material content (e.g., VOC Content etc.)
14Elements of an Enforceable Permit
- Specific Conditions (cont)
- Process Emission Limitations
- Transfer points 7 opacity
- Baghouse stack 20
- Grain loading limit from baghouse stack 0.02
15Transfer Points
17Elements of an Enforceable Permit
- Specific Conditions (cont)
- Controls
- Baghouse (magnehelic gauge/pressure drop)
- Cement silo overflow warning/shutoff system
- Scrubbers (flow rate/nozzle inspection)
- Electro Static Precipitators (ESPs)
- Spray Bars
- Etc.
18Cement Silo Overflow
19Magnehelic Gauge
20Elements of an Enforceable Permit
- Specific Conditions (cont)
- Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
- Hours of operation
- Through puts
- Fuel usage
- Control device records (flows, pressure drop etc)
- Operational Restrictions
- Fuel restriction (no off spec used oil, solvent)
- Clean Aggregate only (no petroleum/solvents)
21Elements of an Enforceable Permit
- Specific Conditions (cont)
- Performance testing (test protocol)
- Grain Loading
- Percent reduction
- Concentrations
- EPA Method 9 opacity readings
- Appendix A test methods
- Retest every 5 years
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
24Elements of an Enforceable Permit
- Specific Conditions (cont)
- Operation and Maintenance Plan
- Describes control unit monitoring devices, temps,
flow rates and other parameters to ensure proper
operation - List maintenance frequencies, calibrations and
log sheets - List corrective actions and shutdown procedures
- Upset log and corrective actions
25Elements of an Enforceable Permit
- Specific Conditions (cont)
- Open Burning
- Solvent Cleaning
- Fugitive Dust
- Etc.