Title: Health Reform: The Many- Headed Dragon
1Health Reform The Many- Headed Dragon
2Government Concerns
- cost control concern with how much money is
being spent on public services - efficacy concern with how the money is being
spent - coordination and integration concern with
fragmentation of administration and delivery - citizen participation concern with
responsiveness and accountability
3Health as an Ailing System
- corporate rationalizers (Alford, 1975)
- an attractive patient for the ministration of
experts in cost-benefit analysis, programme
budgeting, and other methodological niceties of
the systems approach (Hoos, 1972)
4Why Regionalization ?
- appears to address the major problems now
associated with health care - facilitates coordination and integration
- provides for greater responsiveness and
accountability - offers increased points of access for citizen
participation - allows for the prudent containment of costs
5Why Regionalization?
Regionalizationnot only will make the
administration of health systems easier, but more
constructively, will aid in the distribution of
services to all regions on a more equitable
basisregionalization can also avoid duplication
of services, promote coordination among
specialist, and provide numerous points of access
for consumer participation. - Weller,
1977 -linked to the concepts of consumer
participation and CHCs
6Health Politics Emerging Trend
health care delivery includes the organization
and management of health care as well as the
physical provision of services. - Raisa Deber,
2002 These components are increasingly linked
through the efforts of third party benefits plan
sponsors and public health programs to more
aggressively manage rapidly rising costs and
equally aggressive counter efforts by product
manufacturers, suppliers and private insurers to
expand their sales and markets. This makes for a
lot of politics, politicking and political
pressures.- Wendy Armstrong
7Population Health
- Recognized need to increase efforts to promote
health and wellness - So far only major initiative has related to
- How, who, sustainability
- Privatization
- De-insure, de-list
- User fees
- Contract out
- Private health insurance
- Public-private partnerships
9Primary Care Reform
- Payment mechanisms
- Teams
- Gatekeeper role
- Continuity of care
- Rostering
- 24/7 (access)
- Focus on wellness/promotion
10Alberta Health and Wellness, 2005.
- Discussion of a national pharmacare program
12Health Human Resources
- Supply
- Reduce barriers by increased use of
foreign-trained health providers, realignment of
scopes of practice, consolidation of high risk
procedures, AND national planning
13Quality Assurance
- Needs for improved patient outcomes, clear
performance measures/targets, public reporting
and better information systems - Agreement to 14 performance indicators
- Improved federal-provincial-territorial relations
- Public reporting
- New structures to support public reporting
- A major theme nationally, but not provincially
- Sustainable funding
16The first time I started to look at the
Massachusetts General Hospital in the spring of
1969 I had the uneasy feeling there was too much
flux, too much instability in the system. I felt
a little like an interviewer who has come upon
his subject at a bad time. Only later did I
realize that there would never be a good time,
and that change is a constant feature of the
hospital environment. - Michael Crichton, 1969