Calcium Homeostasis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Calcium Homeostasis


... Harland BF Caffeine and Nutrition Caffeine is most popular drug consumed world-wide. 75% comes from coffee ... Most is found in hydroxyapatite ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Calcium Homeostasis

Calcium Homeostasis
  • By
  • Dr. Khurram Irshad
  • Department of
  • Physiology

Calcium HomeostasisKey Players 1. Parathyroid
Hormone 2. Calcitonin 3. and Vitamin D3
Calcium homeostasis
  • Key Organs Involved
  • Parathyroid Gland
  • Intestines
  • Bone
  • Kidneys
  • And Skin

Physiological importance of Calcium
  • Calcium salts in bone provide structural
    integrity of the skeleton
  • Calcium ions in extracellular and cellular fluids
    is essential to normal function of a host of
    biochemical processes
  • Neuoromuscular excitability
  • Blood coagulation
  • Hormonal secretion
  • Enzymatic regulation

Regulation of Calcium Concentration
  • The important role that calcium plays in so many
    processes that its concentration, both
    extracellularly and intracellularly, be
    maintained within a very narrow range.
  • This is achieved by an elaborate system of

Extracellular Calcium
  • When extracellular calcium falls below normal,
    the nervous system becomes progressively more
    excitable because of increase permeability of
    neuronal membranes to sodium.
  • Hyperexcitability causes tetanic contractions
  • Hypocalcemic tetany

Extracellular Calcium
  • Three definable fractions of calcium in serum
  • Ionized calcium 50
  • Protein-bound calcium 41
  • 90 bound to albumin
  • Remainder bound to globulins
  • Calcium complexed to serum constituents 9
  • Citrate and phosphate
  • Ca2 normally ranges from 8.5-10 mg/dL in the
    plasma.(9.4 mg/dL or 2.4 mmol/L)

Calcium and phosphorous?
  • Calcium is tightly regulated with Phosphorous in
    the body.
  • Phosphorous is an essential mineral necessary for
    ATP, cAMP second messenger systems, and other

Calcium turnover
Calcium and bone
  • 99 of Calcium is found in the bone. Most is
    found in hydroxyapatite crystals. Very little
    Ca2 can be released from the bone though it is
    the major reservoir of Ca2 in the body.

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Bones cells
Calcium turnover in bones
  • 80 of bone is mass consists of cortical bone
    for example dense concentric layers of
    appendicular skeleton (long bones)
  • 20 of bone mass consists of trabecular bone
    bridges of bone spicules of the axial skeleton
    (skull, ribs, vertebrae, pelvis)
  • Trabecular bone has five times greater surface
    area, though comprises lesser mass.
  • Because of greater accessibility trabecular bone
    is more important to calcium turnover

  • 99 of the Calcium in our bodies is found in our
    bones which serve as a reservoir for Ca
  • 10 of total adult bone mass turns over each year
    during remodeling process
  • During growth rate of bone formation exceeds
    resorption and skeletal mass increases.
  • Linear growth occurs at epiphyseal plates.
  • Increase in width occurs at periosteum
  • Once adult bone mass is achieved equal rates of
    formation and resorption maintain bone mass until
    age of about 30 years when rate of resorption
    begins to exceed formation and bone mass slowly

Bone cell types
  • There are three types of bone cells Osteoblasts
    are the differentiated bone forming cells and
    secrete bone matrix on which Ca and PO
  • Osteocytes, the mature bone cells are enclosed in
    bone matrix.
  • Osteoclasts is a large multinucleated cell
    derived from monocytes whose function is to
    resorb bone. Inorganic bone is composed of
    hydroxyapatite and organic matrix is composed
    primarily of collagen.

Bone formation
  • Active osteoblasts synthesize and extrude
  • Collagen fibrils form arrays of an organic matrix
    called the osetoid.
  • Calcium phosphate is deposited in the osteoid
    and becomes mineralized
  • Mineralization is combination of CaP04, OH-, and
    H3CO3 hydroxyapatite.

Control of bone formation and resorption?
  • Bone resorption of Ca by two mechanims
    osteocytic osteolysis is a rapid and transient
    effect and osteoclasitc resorption which is slow
    and sustained.
  • Both are stimulated by PTH. CaPO4 precipitates
    out of solution id its solubility is exceeded.
    The solubility is defined by the equilibrium
    equation Ksp Ca23PO43-2.
  • In the absence of hormonal regulation plasma Ca
    is maintained at 6-7 mg/dL by this equilibrium.

Osteocytic osteolysis?
  • Transfer of calcium from canaliculi to
    extracellular fluid via activity of osteocytes.
  • Does not decrease bone mass.
  • Removes calcium from most recently formed
  • Happens quickly.

Bone resorption?
  • Does not merely extract calcium, it destroys
    entire matrix of bone and diminishes bone mass.
  • Cell responsible for resorption is the

Calcium, bones and osteoporosis
  • The total bone mass of humans peaks at 25-35
    years of age.
  • Men have more bone mass than women.
  • A gradual decline occurs in both genders with
    aging, but women undergo an accelerated loss of
    bone due to increased resorption during
  • Bone resorption exceeds formation.

Calcium, bones and osteoporosis
  • Reduced bone density and mass osteoporosis
  • Susceptibility to fracture.
  • Earlier in life for women than men but eventually
    both genders succumb.
  • Reduced risk
  • Calcium in the diet
  • habitual exercise
  • avoid drinking carbonated soft drinks

Vertebrae of 40- vs. 92-year-old women
Note the marked loss of trabeculae with
preservation of cortex.
Hormonal control of bones
Vitamin D
  • Vitamin D, after its activation to the hormone
    1,25-dihydroxy Vitamin D3 is one of the principal
    regulator of Ca.
  • Vitamin D increases Ca absorption from the
    intestine and Ca resorption from the bone .

Synthesis of Vitamin D
  • Humans acquire vitamin D from two sources.
  • Vitamin D is produced in the skin by ultraviolet
    radiation and ingested in the diet.
  • Vitamin D is not a classic hormone because it is
    not produce and secreted by an endocrine gland.
    Nor is it a true vitamin since it can be
    synthesized de novo.
  • Vitamin D is a true hormone that acts on distant
    target cells to evoke responses after binding to
    high affinity receptors

Synthesis of Vitamin D
  • Vitamin D3 synthesis occurs in keratinocytes in
    the skin.
  • 7-dehydrocholesterol is photoconverted to
    previtamin D3, then spontaneously converts to
    vitamin D3.

Synthesis of Vitamin D
  • PTH stimulates vitamin D synthesis. In the
    winter or if exposure to sunlight is limited
    (indoor jobs!), then dietary vitamin D is
  • Vitamin D itself is inactive, it requires
    modification to the active metabolite,
  • The first hydroxylation reaction takes place in
    the liver yielding 25-hydroxy D.
  • Then 25-hydroxy D is transported to the kidney
    where the second hydroxylation reaction takes

Synthesis of Vitamin D
  • The mitochondrial P450 enzyme 1a-hydroxylase
    converts it to 1,25-dihydroxy-D, the most potent
    metabolite of Vitamin D.
  • The 1a-hydroxylase enzyme is the point of
    regulation of D synthesis.
  • Feedback regulation by 1,25-dihydroxy D inhibits
    this enzyme.
  • PTH stimulates 1a-hydroxylase and increases
    1,25-dihydroxy D.
  • Phosphate inhibits 1a-hydroxylase and decreased
    levels of PO4 stimulate 1a-hydroxylase activity

Vitamin D promotes intestinal calcium absorption
  • Vitamin D acts via steroid hormone like receptor
    to increase transcriptional and translational
  • One gene product is calcium-binding protein
  • CaBP facilitates calcium uptake by intestinal

Vitamin D action
  • The main action of 1,25-(OH)2-D is to stimulate
    absorption of Ca2 from the intestine.
  • 1,25-(OH)2-D induces the production of calcium
    binding proteins which sequester Ca2, buffer
    high Ca2 concentrations that arise during
    initial absorption and allow Ca2 to be absorbed
    against a high Ca2 gradient

Vitamin D Actions on Bones
  • Another important target for 1,25-(OH)2-D is the
  • Osteoblasts, but not osteoclasts have vitamin D
  • 1,25-(OH)2-D acts on osteoblasts which produce a
    paracrine signal that activates osteoclasts to
    resorb Ca from the bone matrix.
  • 1,25-(OH)2-D also stimulates osteocytic

Vitamin D and Bones
  • Proper bone formation is stimulated by
  • In its absence, excess osteoid accumulates from
    lack of 1,25-(OH)2-D repression of osteoblastic
    collagen synthesis.
  • Inadequate supply of vitamin D results in
    rickets, a disease of bone deformation

Parathyroid Hormone
  • Parathyroid Hormone is essential for life

Parathyroid Hormone
  • PTH is synthesized and secreted by the
    parathyroid gland which lie posterior to the
    thyroid glands.
  • The blood supply to the parathyroid glands is
    from the thyroid arteries.
  • The Chief Cells in the parathyroid gland are the
    principal site of PTH synthesis.

Synthesis of PTH
  • PTH is translated as a pre-prohormone.
  • Cleavage of leader and pro-sequences yield a
    biologically active peptide of 84 aa.
  • Cleavage of C-terminal end yields a biologically
    inactive peptide.

Calcium regulates PTH
Regulation of PTH?
  • PTH secretion responds to small alterations in
    plasma Ca2 within seconds.
  • When Ca2 falls, cAMP rises and PTH is secreted.
  • A unique calcium receptor within the parathyroid
    cell plasma membrane senses changes in the
    extracellular fluid concentration of Ca2.
  • This is a typical G-protein coupled receptor that
    activates phospholipase C and inhibits adenylate
    cyclaseresult is increase in intracellular Ca2
    via generation of inositol phosphates and
    decrease in cAMP which prevents exocytosis of PTH
    from secretory granules.

Negative feed back loops
  • Calcitonin plays a role in skeletal integrity in
    pregnancy or breast feeding
  • Gastrointestinal hormones

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Calcium regulates PTH secretion
PTH action
  • The overall action of PTH is to increase plasma
    Ca levels and decrease plasma phosphate levels.
  • PTH acts directly on the bones to stimulate Ca
    resorption and kidney to stimulate Ca
    reabsorption in the distal tubule of the kidney
    and to inhibit reabosorptioin of phosphate
    (thereby stimulating its excretion).
  • PTH also acts indirectly on intestine by
    stimulating 1,25-(OH)2-D synthesis.

Primary Hyperparathyroidism
  • Calcium homeostatic loss due to excessive PTH
  • Due to excess PTH secreted from adenomatous or
    hyperplastic parathyroid tissue
  • Hypercalcemia results from combined effects of
    PTH-induced bone resorption, intestinal calcium
    absorption and renal tubular reabsorption
  • Pathophysiology related to both PTH excess and
    concomitant excessive production of 1,25-(OH)2-D.

Hypercalcemia of Malignancy
  • Underlying cause is generally excessive bone
    resorption by one of three mechanisms
  • 1,25-(OH)2-D synthesis by lymphomas
  • Local osteolytic hypercalcemia
  • 20 of all hypercalcemia of malignancy
  • Humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy
  • Over-expression of PTH-related protein (PTHrP)

PTH receptor defect
  • Rare disease known as Jansens metaphyseal
  • Characterized by hypercalcemia, hypophosphotemia,
    short-limbed dwarfism
  • Due to activating mutation of PTH receptor
  • Rescue of PTH receptor knock-out with targeted
    expression of Jansens transgene

  • Hypocalcemia occurs when there is inadequate
    response of the Vitamin D-PTH axis to
    hypocalcemic stimuli
  • Hypocalcemia is often multifactorial
  • Hypocalcemia is invariably associated with
  • Bihormonalconcomitant decrease in 1,25-(OH)2-D

  • PTH-deficient hypoparathyroidism
  • Reduced or absent synthesis of PTH
  • Often due to inadvertent removal of excessive
    parathyroid tissue during thyroid or parathyroid
  • PTH-ineffective hypoparathyroidism
  • Synthesis of biologically inactive PTH

-Carpopedal Spasm -Rickets
  • PTH-resistant hypoparathyroidism
  • Due to defect in PTH receptor-adenylate cyclase
  • Mutation in Gas subunit
  • Patients are also resistant to TSH, glucagon and

  • Calcitonin acts to decrease plasma Ca levels.
  • While PTH and vitamin D act to increase plasma
    Ca-- only calcitonin causes a decrease in
    plasma Ca.
  • Calcitonin is synthesized and secreted by the
    parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland.
  • They are distinct from thyroid follicular cells
    by their large size, pale cytoplasm, and small
    secretory granules.

  • The major stimulus of calcitonin secretion is a
    rise in plasma Ca levels
  • Calcitonin is a physiological antagonist to PTH
    with regard to Ca homeostasis

  • The target cell for calcitonin is the osteoclast.
  • Calcitonin acts via increased cAMP concentrations
    to inhibit osteoclast motility and cell shape and
    inactivates them.
  • The major effect of calcitonin administration is
    a rapid fall in Ca2 caused by inhibition of bone

Nutrition and Calcium
  • Calvo MS Dietary considerations to prevent loss
    of bone and renal function
  • overall trend in food consumption in the US is
    to drink less milk and more carbonated soft
  • High phosphorus intake relative to low calcium
  • Changes in calcium homeostasis and PTH regulation
    that promote bone loss in children and
    post-menopausal women.
  • High sodium associated with fast-food consumption
    competes for renal reabsorption of calcium and
    PTH secretion.

Nutrition and Calcium
  • See Nutrition 2000 Vol 16 (7/8) in particular
  • Harland BF Caffeine and Nutrition
  • Caffeine is most popular drug consumed
  • 75 comes from coffee
  • Deleterious effects associated with pregnancy and
  • Low birth-rate and spontaneous abortion with
    excessive consumption
  • For every 6 oz cup of coffee consumed there was a
    net loss of 4.6 mg of calcium
  • However, if you add milk to your coffee, you can
    replace the calcium that is lost.

Ill effects of soft drinks
  • Intake of carbonated beverages has been
    associated with increased excretion and loss of
  • 25 years ago teenagers drank twice as much milk
    as soda pop. Today they drink more than twice as
    much soda pop as milk.
  • Another significant consideration is obesity and
    increased risk for diabetes.
  • For complete consideration of ill effects of soft
    drinks on health and environment see
  • http//

Exercise and Calcium
  • Normal bone function requires weight-bearing
  • Total bed-rest causes bone loss and negative
    calcium balance
  • Major impediment to long-term space travel

  • Tapping the facial nerve at the angle of jaw in
    a patient with moderate hyposecretion of a
    particular hormone elicits a characteristic
    grimace on that side of the face. Which endocrine
    abnormality could give rise to this so called
    Chvostek sign ?

Bone remodeling
  • Endocrine signals to resting osteoblasts generate
    paracrine signals to osteoclasts and precursors.
  • Osteoclasts resorb and area of mineralized bone.
  • Local macrophages clean up debris.
  • Process reverses when osteoblasts and precursors
    are recruited to site and generate new matrix.
  • New matrix is minearilzed.
  • New bone replaces previously resorbed bone.
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