Title: Getting Ready for the CSFM Exam
1Getting Ready for the CSFM Exam
- Mary Owen, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Mike Schiller, CSFM, Lake Forest Academy, Lake
Forest, IL - George Trivett, CSFM, Granite Falls, NC, Middle
School - With special thanks to Dr. Tony Koski, Colorado
State University
2Purpose of the CSFM Exam
- Along with education and/or experience, the final
qualifying step towards certification - Examines
- book knowledge
- knowledge gained through practical experience
3Format of the CSFM Exam
- Agronomics (100 questions)
- Pest Management (50 questions)
- Administration (50 questions)
- Sports Specific (100 questions)
Exam is taken in 3 sections, each consisting of
100 questions
4Agronomics (100 questions)
- Soils
- Physical and chemical characteristics
- Water retention, movement
- Fertility management
- The Grass Plant
- Warm- vs. cool-season grasses
- Basic photosynthesis, respiration
- Species selection
- Agronomic Math
- Fertilizer label
- Calibration problems
5Pest Management (50 questions)
- Basic pest groups
- Life cycles
- Management principles
- Pesticides
- Types
- Safe use
- The pesticide label
6Administration (50 questions)
- Human resource management
- Communication principles
- Financial management, budgeting
- Employee motivation
- Project management
7Sports Specific (100 questions)
- Based on real-life, field experiences
- Questions on a wide range of sports
- Field/playing surface management
- Game preparation
- Event scheduling
- Damage prevention and repair
- Field safety
8Question Format
- Multiple choice
- Four answers
- Only one correct answer
- 2 obviously incorrect answers
- 1 distractor but still incorrect
- Some questions require the use of a calculator
9Sample Multiple-Choice Question
Photosynthesis rate in turfgrass
plants a. increases as the amount of shade
increases b. decreases as the amount of
shade increases c. is highest just before
sunrise d. is not affected by the amount of
Answer B
10What about questionable questions
- Each exam section can be evaluated by you after
it is completed - Comment on any questions you feel are poorly
worded, unclear, or ambiguous - Frequently missed questions are evaluated by the
committee - Evaluations and comments are taken seriously and
acted upon - when a legitimate problem is found
11Resources for Exam Preparation
- Prepare by focusing on the Competency Outline
and the Detailed Competency List provided in the
Certified Sports Field Manager Certification
Program Information Packet
12Resources for Exam Preparation
- Prepare by focusing on the Competency Outline
and the Detailed Competency List provided in the
Certified Sports Field Manager Certification
Program Information Packet
- Choose from any of a number of excellent
resources and study materials
13Resources for Exam PreparationAgronomics
- Sports Fields
- Puhalla, Krans, Goatley
- Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management
- Christians
- Mathematics of Turfgrass Maintenance
- Christians and Agnew
- Practical Drainage
- McIntrye and Jakobsen
14Resources for Exam PreparationPest Management
- Controlling Turfgrass Pests
- Fermanian et al.
- State Pesticide Applicator Training manuals
15Resources for Exam PreparationAdministration
- Human Resource Management for Golf Course
Superintendents - Milligan and Maloney
16Resources for Exam PreparationSports Specific
- Sports Fields
- Puhalla, Krans, Goatley
- Baseball and Softball Fields
- Puhalla, Krans, Goatley
- STMA Sports Turf Topics
- Everyday experience
17Test-taking Strategies
- Get a good nights rest
- Prepare but dont overstudy
- Arrange for a comfortable setting in which to
take the exam - Allow plenty of time to take the exam
- Choose a time when family and work obligations
will be minimally distracting