Title: From coal mining to mind mining
1From coal mining to mind mining towards a
knowledge driven economy in the Silesia
- Luk Palmen
- Project manager
2Knowledge, Innovation, Growth
- Globalisation and regionalisation
- Regional Innovation Systems
- Clusters and networks
- Innovation culture
- Creating a knowledge driven economy
- Securing access to global resources of
knowledge, finance and distribution networks - By embedding SMEs in regional innovation systems
that are able to generate considerable new added
value for regional economies in a European and
global context
3Silesia Voivodship
4Main characteristics of the Silesia Voivodeship
Description Silesia Poland
Area (km2 ) 12,331 312,685
Population 31.XII.2002 r. 4.7 mln 38.2 mln
Population density (people/ km²) 384 122
Urban Development rate () 79.0 61.7
Demography amount of people in preproduction age in production age in post production age as a percentage of the total population 21.0 64.2 14.8 22.7 62.2 15.1
5Main characteristics of the Silesia Voivodeship
Description Silesia Poland
GDP per capita (PLN) 21,206.0 19,430.0
Amount of people employed 1.5 mln 12.5 mln
Structure of working population () agriculture, fishery industry and construction market services non-market services 4.8 38.7 39.0 17.5 17.3 28.5 33.5 20.7
Employment rate 41.9 43.7
Employment in the private sector () 63.3 71.3
Employment in SMEs () 50.7 67.1
Unemployment rate (registered) () 16.5 18.0
/ data for 2001 / situation on 31.XII.2002
6Main characteristics of the Silesia Voivodeship
Description Silesia Poland
Amount of economic units on 1.000 inhabitants (units) 88.3 90.7
Amount of companies with foreign capital on 10.000 inhabitants (unit) 8.2 12.3
Amount of SMEs on 10.000 inhabitants (unit) 853 872
Production sold on 1 inhabitant in PLN przemyslu budowlano-montazowa 18,190 1,704 13,374 1,750
Amount of units in RD sector 97 838
Employment in RD sector on 1,000 people employed 3,7 4,5
Expenditure on RD per 1 inhabitant (PLN), as relation GERD/GDP () 73 0,39 120 0,65
IPR, amount of New patent applications Patents registered and qualified 356 129 2313 834
/ data for 2001 / situation on 31.XII.2002
7Main characteristics of the Silesia Voivodeship
SME innovativeness in the Silesia Voivodeship SME innovativeness in the Silesia Voivodeship SME innovativeness in the Silesia Voivodeship
Very innovativecompanies Medium innovative companies Low innovative companies
Modern, open for innovation and active Innovative solutions are new on the domestic and international market Supra-local nature of sales structure (domestic and foreign markets dominate) High dynamics of changes in employment (rise) They have limited and less stable contacts with a small group of partners Lack of a determined development strategy Innovation is new only for the company itself, on the local and domestic market Medium dynamics of changes in employment (rise and fall) Focus on surviving Low interest in innovation Innovative solutions are new only to the company itself Local nature of sales structure (local sale markets dominate) Stagnation in employment
Approx. 10 SME Approx. 60 SME Approx. 30 SME
8Main characteristics of the Silesia Voivodeship
- Great share of SMEs in 10 sectors of industrial
processing - Production of chemicals, chemical articles, and
synthetics, - Production of machines and equipment
- Production of machines and electric apparatus
- Production of mechanic vehicles, trailers and
semi-trailers - Production of gum and plastic articles
- Production of non-metal goods
- Production of metal finished goods
- Production of food and beverages
- Textile industry
- Production of cast and steel and iron alloys
9Main characteristics of the Silesia Voivodeship
- Technologies of industrial automation and
material engineering developed by the regional
RD sector are successfully integratedin
traditional industry. - 3 Centres for Advanced Technologies and several
centres of excellence are currently developing
integrated research teams with strong links to
industry in the fields of - Biotechnology including bioengineering and health
technologies. - Technologies for energy sector including
technologies of energy production from renewable
sources, combustion and thermal recycling of
waste as well as energy saving. - Technology for environment protection including
biogeochemical engineering and waste management. - Information and telecommunication technology.
- Production and processing of materials including
advanced materials.
10Main challenges in the Silesia Voivodeship
Strengths Weaknesses
High GDP per capita in comparison to the rest of Poland Large regional consumer market Large amount of foreign investments allocated in the region Diversified economy Large amount of supplier companies in Europes main industrial sectors Growing importance of service sector in creating added value in regional economy Large amount of RD institutes and human resources in the RD sector Large amount of business support organisations Technically high qualified workforce on the labour market Dense technical infrastructure (transport, telecommunication, etc) Low level of yearly GDP growth High amount of micro-companies generating only a small amount of added value in regional economy Most of small companies work on the local markets and are not prepared for international business activities Large amount of small companies that are dependent on large companies being restructured Low level of export activities in SMEs Low percentage of RD investments in relation to regional GDP Negative image of the region abroad
11Regional Innovation Strategy of the Silesia
Voivodeship 2003-2013
- Mission Imagination creates Reality
- Vision
- Regional Innovation Strategy will support
development of a constructive climate for
innovation in the Silesia Voivodeship in a way
that creativity and synergy through co-operation
in the process of elaborating, improving and
implementing innovative solutions will contribute
to a raiseof the regions innovative level
strengthening the competitiveness of the regions
economy in comparison to other regions in the
European Union
12Regional Innovation Strategy of the Silesia
Voivodeship 2003-2013
- Strategic fields and aims
- Increasing the percentage of innovative SMEs
- Improving the business climate
- Supporting excellence in SMEs
- Accelerating and improving the use of the RD
potential - Supporting excellence in the RD sector
- Providing into the RD sector those technologies
that are necessary to guarantee competitiveness
of regional economy - Developing a regional innovation system based on
trust, creativity and excellence - Developing partnerships for innovation
- Supporting development of new innovative products
and companies
13Initiatives - Information
- Situation
- Shorter product and technology life cycles
- Information is key for decisions
- Challenge
- Regional economic intelligence systems
- Improved access to information tailored to needs
of specific SME groups and even on individual
level - Key-initiative
- Regional Information System - Consortium of
business support and RD institutions - INNOBSERVATOR SILESIA
14Initiatives - Financing innovation
- Situation
- On average innovation activities for 70 financed
with own resources - SMEs face difficulties in financing innovation
related activities purchase of new machines
(production lines), certification, specialised
services, use of specialised equipment and
machines of RD institutions - Challenge
- Measures under Structural Funds absorption
capacity in SMEs - Key-initiative
- Support in preparing project proposals under
Structural Funds - Regional and local loan funds
- Seed Capital and Start-up Fund
- Business Angels Network
15Initiatives - Advice and training
- Situation
- Lack of integrated quality training and advisory
offer in the field of strategic management and
knowledge management - Lack of co-ordinated offer in the field of
certified systems of quality, environment, labour
safety management certificates of conformity
for goods, materials, machines, control and
measurement apparatus - Challenge
- Tailored advice and training offers of business
support institutions to SME needs - Monitor SME needs
- Key-initiative
- Silesia Consortium of Business Support
Organisations - Regional investment program in IT training
16Initiatives - Industrial design
- Situation
- Ever-changing customer demands, customised
products, identity, culture, experience - Industrial design and product developments are
indispensable components for developing
innovative products and services by SMEs that try
to specialise - Challenge
- Regional networks focussing on integrated offers
in the field of industrial design and product
development -
- Key-initiative
- Silesia Design Network
17Initiatives - Clusters and networks
- Situation
- Low social capital in CEEC prevents from enjoying
full benefits of existing sectoral growth
potentials - First initiatives of clusters, but still
bilateral contacts remain most important way of
communication - Challenge
- Clusters and networks to promote common activity
in research, industrial design and product
development, market research and human resources
development - Creation of sub-contractors networks, FDI
- Technology clusters as part of restructuring RD
sector - Key-initiative
- Pilot initiative on cluster development programme
- Network for Technology Commercialisation
18Initiatives - RD sector
- Situation
- RD activities went through diversification
process since 1990, however still lack of
marketing attitude in RD institutions - Lack of integrated research and complex services
- Technology life cycle ever shorter, increased
risk of technology success - Challenge
- Integrated RD centres focussing on strategic
economic issues gatheringscientists and
companies around specific research subjects in
clusters - International networking
- Key-initiative
- 3 Centres of Advanced Technologies
- Centres of Excellence
- Technology Platforms
19CAT creating learning networks
20Initiatives - Intellectual Property Rights
- Situation
- Positive changes in legal framework, but still
long procedures - Many entrepreneurs and inventors resign from
applying for trademark protection, patterns or
inventions because of high costs connected to
procedures - IPR is seen as a cost not as an investment
- Challenge
- Streamline promotion, information and advisory
activities in the area of intellectual property
rights - Patent Funds to speed up commercialisation of
state-of-the-art technologies - Key-initiative
- Developing a new model for IPR-management
- Technologies as a value creator Patent Fund
21Initiatives - Technology transfer
- Situation
- Technology transfer through co-operation among
companies - Technology transfer through mediation between
economic and scientific environment (technology
push and technology pull) - Technology transfer through exchange of personnel
between RD institutions and companies - Challenge
- Networks of centres of innovation support and
technology transfer - Technology parks to facilitate specialised
technology transfer to high-tech SMEs - Key-initiative
- IRC KSI Regional TT network
- Network for Effective Technology Commercialisation
22Initiatives - Innovative start-ups
- Situation
- Establishing innovative start-ups based on
research outcomes of RD sector is still not
common in CEEC - Academic grey market
- Lack of financial instruments (Seedcorn, Seed,
start-up, early growth) - Technologies often not registered and
misperception between technological value from
the part of the inventor and actual market value - Challenge
- Integrated regional service offer for innovative
start-ups - Innovation culture in education and RD
institutions - Key-initiative
- Network for Technology Commercialisation
- Entrepreneurship promotion in institutions of
higher education
23Seed Capital, Patent Fund, Business Angels
Incubators and Technology Parks
Regional government Local government
Technology based Start-ups
Students, scientists, undergraduates, employees
Special Economic Zone Industrial sites
Network for Effective Technology Commercialisation
Technology clusters
Large companies
Micro and SMEs
Centres of Advanced Technologies Centres of
Excellence Technology Platforms
Regional Technology Transfer Network
Innovative Business Clusters
Universities and RD Institutes
Regional Consortium of Business Support
Entrepreneurship Promotion Programme at
Regional and Local Loan Funds
Silesia Design Network
- Regional Innovation Strategy consensus
- Silesia Declaration on Developing a Creative
Innovative Region culture - Regional Innovation System value creation
- Knowledge Driven economy competitiveness
- Structural Funds 2004 2006 creating
- Structural Funds 2007 2013 implementing
- Networking people Giving innovation a face
- Enabling people to experience success
25Thank you for your attention