Title: Developing Risk Assessment Beyond Science and Decisions
1Developing Risk AssessmentBeyond Science
and Decisions
- M.E. (Bette) Meek
- McLaughlin Centre
- University of Ottawa
- bmeek_at_uottawa.ca
- The NAS Report
- Science Decisions Advancing Risk Assessment
- Coordinating Extending the Recommendations
- Potential Contribution of Other Initiatives
- National International
- Dose Response tailored to Need
- Problem Formulation/Dose Response Analysis
- Focus of the Workshop
3The Committees Vision
Science and DecisionsAdvancing Risk Assessment
Final Report Released, 2008
4NAS CommitteeAdvancing Risk Assessment -
- Chemical Risk assessment at a crossroads
- Facing substantial challenges, e.g.,
- long delays in completing complex risk
assessments, some of which take decades - lack of data
- the need to address the many unevaluated
chemicals in the marketplace - Recommendations for practical improvements to the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Shorter (2-5 y) and
- longer (10-20 y) term
5NAS CommitteeAdvancing Risk Assessment - Focus
- Improving the technical analysis that supports
risk assessment - Chapters 4 to 7
- Improving the utility of risk assessment
- Chapters 3 and 8
6NAS CommitteeAdvancing Risk Assessment
- Design of risk assessment
- Uncertainty and variability
- Selection and use of defaults
- A unified default approach to dose-response
- Combined Exposures risk assessment
- Improving the utility of risk assessment
- Problem formulation/Issue Identification
- Stakeholder involvement
- Capacity building
7(No Transcript)
8Phase I
- Problem Formulation
- Begins with a signal of potential harm
- Positive bioassay or epidemiological study
industrial contamination - What options are there to reduce the hazards or
exposures? - How can risk assessment be used to evaluate the
merits of the various options?
9Phase II
- Planning, Risk Assessment Confirmation of
Utility - Level complexity consistent with the goals of
decision-making - Including uncertainty variability analysis
- Assessment
- Meet the need, discriminate among options,
adequate process?
10 The NAS 4-Step Paradigm The Need to Move On
Hazard Identification
Exposure Assessment Characterization
Dose Response Assessment Characterization
Risk Assessment Characterization
11 Revised NAS 4-Step Paradigm
Hazard Characterization
Exposure Assessment Characterization
Dose Response Assessment Characterization
Risk Assessment Characterization
Hazard Characterization (including mode of
action) permits us to be more predictive
12Implications of Regulatory Developments to
Consider All Chemicals
- Need for increased efficiency in risk assessment
- Processing much larger numbers of substances
- More/better predictive tools more efficient
toxicity testing - Drawing on new technologies such as the genomics
- Requires a fundamental paradigm shift
13The Committees Vision
Toxicity Testing in the 21st CenturyA Vision
and A Strategy
Final Report Released June 12, 2007
14Phase III
- Risk Management
- Based on consideration of a broader range of
options and array of impacts, beyond individual
effects to include individual health status and
ecosystem protection -
The entire process to protect against political
interference, engage stakeholders and meet time
constraints (Details to follow)
15NAS CommitteeAdvancing Risk Assessment
- Design of risk assessment
- Uncertainty and variability
- Selection and use of defaults
- A unified default approach to dose-response
- Combined Exposures risk assessment
- Improving the utility of risk assessment
- Problem formulation/Issue Identification
- Stakeholder involvement
- Capacity building
16Selection and Use of Defaults
- EPA should develop clear, general standards for
the level of evidence needed to justify the use
of agent-specific data and not resort to default - This is helpful to increase transparency as a
basis to separate science judgment from science
policy - However
- It sets up default as representing something
other than - what we use when we dont have predictive data
about how chemicals induce their effects - Recognizing that the scientific basis of defaults
is nebulous, at best,
17Default Methodology in Risk Assessment
- Curve fitting from high dose studies for adverse
late (apical) endpoints (hazard identification) - Linear extrapolation to estimate risk, or
- Safe Dose
- N/LO(A)EL or BMC/D
- Uncertainty Factors
- Interspecies differences/
- human variability (x10)
18Default as the Gold Standard
- Adherence to default is likely
- One of, and arguably, the single most important
determinant of lack of progress in regulatory
risk assessment to address - Susceptible subpopulations
- Harmonization across endpoints
- Combined exposures,
- Accuracy,
- Predictive capacity
19Changing the Default Mindset
- Rather than challenging the risk assessment
community to justify moving from default,
emphasis should necessarily be on data first - Reverse the onus
- We need also to increase understanding of the
erroneous premise that default is always
protective - Depends on mode of action (kinetic/dynamic data)
20NAS CommitteeAdvancing Risk Assessment
- Design of risk assessment
- Uncertainty and variability
- Selection and use of defaults
- A unified default approach to dose-response
- Combined Exposures risk assessment
- Improving the utility of risk assessment
- Problem formulation/Issue Identification
- Stakeholder involvement
- Capacity building
21Unified Approach to Default Dose Response
- A consistent approach to risk assessment for
cancer and non-cancer effects is scientifically
feasible and needs to be implemented - Because the RfD and RfC do not quantify risks
for different magnitudes of exposuretheir use in
risk-risk and risk-benefit comparisons and risk
management decision-making is limited - This seemed to prevail over discussions related
to modes of action, background exposures
22The Recommendation
- EPA implement a phased-in approach to consider
chemicals under a unified dose-response
assessment framework that includes a systematic
evaluation of background exposures and disease
processes, possible vulnerable populations, and
modes of action that may affect human
dose-response relationships - mode of action
23Figure 5.8 New unified process for selecting
approach and methods for dose-response assessment
for cancer and noncancer .
Biologically(MoA) Based
- Curve fitting at high dose for point of departure
for late (apical) endpoints - Linear extrapolation or
- N/LO(A)EL or BMC/D
- UF
- Interspecies differences/human variability (x10)
- Earlier endpoints in the most relevant species,
considering kinetic and dynamic data, to address
25Mode of Action (MoA) information is core to
evolution of the risk assessment paradigm
Understand Human Relevance Susceptibility Dose
Mode of Action Toxicity Pathways Identify Key
Promote Harmonized approach for all endpoints
Inform Multiple Chemical Risks
26Exposure-Response Continuum(Source to Outcome
Mode of Action involves identification of several
key events between exposure and effect
27IPCS/ILSI MOA/HR (WOE) Framework
Q1. Is the weight of evidence sufficient to
establish the MoA in animals? Q2. Fundamental
qualitative differences in key events? Q3.
Fundamental quantitative differences in key
Key Events established based on Hill Criteria
Implications of Kinetic Dynamic Data for Dose
Comparison of Key Events relevant biology
between animals humans
28Implications for Dose-Response Analysis
What is the shape of the dose-response curve in
the range of both observation and inference for
the rate limiting key events, based on an
understanding of MOA?
Key Event
29Default to Biologically Based
- Biologically Based
- Key Events
30NAS CommitteeAdvancing Risk Assessment
- Design of risk assessment
- Uncertainty and variability
- Selection and use of defaults
- A unified default approach to dose-response
- Combined Exposures risk assessment
- Improving the utility of risk assessment
- Problem formulation/Issue Identification
- Stakeholder involvement
- Capacity building
Figure 5.8 New unified process for selecting
approach and methods for dose-response assessment
for cancer and noncancer .
32The Need for EfficiencyEvolving Legislative
- Canada
- Categorization (i.e., systematic priority
setting) for 23, 000 chemicals by Sept., 2006
under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act
(CEPA) - Europe
- Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of
Chemicals (REACH) (2007) - Volume trigger and hazard based
- Consistency between Existing and New Chemicals
- Industry Responsibility
- U.S.
- Voluntary Testing Initiatives
- Renewal of TOSCA
33 CEPA 1999 Existing Substances Program
CATEGORIZATION of the Domestic Substances List
(DSL) (First Phase) (n23,000)
Decisions of Other Jurisdictions
Public Nominations
Greatest Potential for Human Exposure
Substances that are Persistent or Bioaccumulative
Inherently Toxic to Humans
Inherently Toxic to non-Human Organisms
No further action under this program
Risk Management
IN-DEPTH ASSESSMENT - Priority Substances List
(Third Phase)
No further action under this program
Risk Management
34Simple and Complex Priority Setting Tools
EXPOSURE Simple Exposure Tool (SimET) - Relative
ranking of all DSL substances based on submitters
(S),quantity (Q) and expert ranked use
(ERU) Complex Exposure Tool (ComET) -
Quantitative plausible maximum age-specific
estimates of environmental and consumer exposure
for individuals based on use scenario (sentinel
products), phys/chem properties bioavailability
Potential for exposure influential in setting
priorities Included simple use profiling for all
23, 000 chemicals, more complex use profiling for
HAZARD Simple Hazard Tool (SimHaz) -
Identification of high or low hazard compounds by
various agencies based on weight of evidence and
expert opinion/consensus Complex Hazard Tool
(ComHaz) - Hierarchical approach for multiple
endpoints data sources (e.g., (Q)SAR) including
preliminary weight of evidence framework
35?Efficiency - Screening Health Assessments
- Includes early (formal) Issue Identification to
focus resources - Draws on work completed in other jurisdictions
- Considers weight of evidence of hazard and
margins of exposure (comparing upper bounding
estimates of exposure to lowest effect levels) - High hazard, proposed toxic
- Margin wide, set aside
- Margin small, additional assessment (Priority
Substance) - Decision making on the basis of adequacy of the
margins, based on consideration and clear
delineation of confidence/uncertainties
36Post CategorizationWhats Changed?
- Priorities not necessarily what we expected
- The value of a risk-based framework to consider
all chemicals - Consumer vs. environmental exposure/profile
- Volume ? exposure
- Persistence/bioaccumulation ? exposure
- Integrated approach across compounds (less
chemical-specific more contextually relevant) - Drawing to much greater extent on profiles of
substances with similar uses, properties and
37Post CategorizationWhats Changed? (contd)
- Focus
- Strategically targetting testing and right
sizing risk management - Only as much research/survey/assessment as is
required to set a substance aside as a
non-priority or to inform risk management - increasing efficiency
- Full assessments where required
- Even for these few, early focus
38Other Relevant Initiatives
- International initiatives on mode of action
(MOA)/extension to dose response (IPCS/ILSI)
(supported by HC US EPA) - MOA and Key Events Frameworks CSAF
- PCS Coordinating Predictive Use of MOA
- In collaboration with OECD/others
- ILSI/Health Canada initiative on Problem
Formulation/Issue Identification(2007) - IPCS Combined Exposures Framework
- In collaboration with OECD/others
39Other Relevant Initiatives
- IPCS Tiered Uncertainty Analysis (2007)
- IPCS Characterizing and Applying PBPK Models in
Chemical Risk Assessment - http//www.who.int/ipcs/methods/harmonization/inde
x.html - http//www.hc-sc.gc.ca/exsd-dse
- http//www.ilsi.org/ResearchFoundation
40The Role of Formal Issue IdentificationMore
than a Statement of the Issue A Process
- Early Consideration of All Relevant (assimilated)
information/expertise - Relying as much as possible on existing
assessments, peers - Determining need for risk assessment based on
consideration of factors such as nature and
feasibility of risk management - Determining focus and scope of risk assessment,
based on potential options for management - Ensuring that any assessment meets the considered
need - Communication and formal engagement
- Stakeholders/risk managers/public
41Problem Formulation - Process
Dialogue/Engagement with Risk Assessors/Risk
First Questions
- What is the problem?
- What factors need to be considered?
- What is the role of risk assessment in decision
Establish the Focus and Scope of the Risk
Is the preliminary focus acceptable?
No Role
Risk Assessment to be considered in decision
Develop Risk Assessment Procedures
Proceed with Risk Assessment
Make decision another way Seek stakeholder and
peer input
Perform Risk Assessment
Risk Management
Peer Review
Has the problem been addressed?
Develop Risk Characterization Approach and Tools
Implement Risk Management Decisions
42Establish the Focus and Scope of the Risk
- Management Constraints
- Regulatory considerations
- Objectives
- Screening or full
- Broad or narrow
- Time and resources
- Socio-economic considerations
- Political considerations
- Characterization of Assessment
- Assimilate universe of known data
- Consider relevant exposure scenarios
- Determine degree of acceptable uncertainty
- Plan for addressing uncertainty
- Develop communications plan
- Development of preliminary hypotheses
Seek stakeholder and peer input
Seek stakeholder and peer input
Develop Approach Is the preliminary approach
Seek stakeholder and peer input
- Forms of Assessment
- Examples
- Semi-Quantitative/Quantitative
- Deterministic/Probabilistic
Seek stakeholder and peer input
Proceed with Risk Assessment
43PCS Combined Exposures Framework Sample Tiered
Exposure and Hazard Considerations
Yes, no further action required
Tiered Exposure
Tiered Hazard
Tier 0
Tier 0
Simple semi-quantitative estimates of exposure
Dose addition for all components
Input from exposure or hazard assessments (iterati
ve process) Is the margin of exposure adequate ?
Tier 1
Tier 1
Refined potency based on individual POD,
refinement of POD
Generic exposure scenarios using conservative
point estimates
Increasing refinement of hazard models (MOA)
Increasing refinement of exposure models
Tier 2
Tier 2
Refined exposure assessment, increased use of
actual measured data
More refined potency (RPF) and grouping based on
Tier 3
Tier 3
PBPK or BBDR probabilistic estimates of risk
No, continue
Probabilistic Exposure Estimates
Framework includes also a decision tree for when
to consider combined effects of multiple chemicals
44Some Outstanding Questions on the NAS Analysis
- Were all of the relevant options along the
continuum of straight default to more mode of
action based approaches to dose-response analysis
adequately considered? - Were their attendant relative uncertainties
characterized? - Was the analysis considered in the context of
tiered, efficient assessment strategies?
Problem Formulation
45Evolution of Risk Assessment
21st Century
RA/RM Paradigm Guidelines/Methods Dosimetry/PbPK
Mode of Action Susceptible Populations Mixtures
Toxicity Pathways Integrated Approaches CompTox
46How Quickly does Risk Assessment Evolve?
- In 1984, the benchmark dose was introduced
- Now receiving widespread acceptance 25 yrs. later
- Much guidance, many recommendations on analysis
of uncertainty since the 1980s - Several NAS EPA reports
- Incorporation of PBPK modelling
- Since the late 1980s
- Formal consideration of mode of action chemical
specific adjustment factors (National
International) - Since the late 1990s
- Tiered assessment (94 NAS report)
- Problem formulation
- EPA Guidance on Risk Characterization (2000)
47Barriers to Change
- A function (in part) of
- The traditional (default) approach is simple,
easy to explain to stakeholders somewhat
consistent - Can be codified institutionalized (requires
limited expert interpretation) - Lack of long term planning for regulatory science
- Meeting short term deadlines for numbers of
assessments vs. understanding efficiencies of
longer term investment in methodology - Sometimes predicated on science policy basis,
without transparency - Lack of coordination of regulatory risk
48About Advisory Groups on Risk Assessment
- They bring extraordinary amounts of
multidisciplinary expertise to the table - They work extraordinarily hard, and
- They offer insights that might not have otherwise
been realized
49About Advisory Groups
- However
- Much expertise resides in Governments who
commission the input - They ( others) cannot contribute directly
- Time is often limited
- Sometimes leading to partial analysis,
contradictions - Its often easier to make recommendations than to
implement them - Constraints may not be well recognized
- There isnt continuity
- Who explains and develops?
50About Advisory Groups
- So
- Follow-up is essential
- Engaging the broadest range of expertise possible
, or - All of the good work is for nought!
51Objective of the Project/Workshop
- Goal?
- To increase the efficiency, scientific
credibility and utility of chemical risk
assessment, addressing particularly problem
formulation and dose-response analysis based
upon - the NAS Report on Science and Decisions,
- and other relevant science-based initiatives,
nationally internationally
52Objective of the Project/Workshop (Contd)
- How?
- Through development of guidance based on
application in case study, drawing broadly upon
available knowledge - Consideration at this workshop of case study
proposals in break out groups
53Suggested Criteria for Consideration of Case
- Addressing the broadest range of problem
formulations/applications in risk assessment - Addressing the broadest range of issues
identified in the NAS report and other relevant
initiatives through methodology which is fit for
purpose (i.e., efficient) - Ease of implementation
54Suggested Criteria for Consideration of Case
Studies (Contd)
- Engaging as broad a range of stakeholders as
possible, and - Likely to be successfully completed
55Nature of the Case Studies
- Testing of assumptions in the NAS report
- Increasingly informed mode of action analysis
along a continuum from default to biologically
based case specific models - including criteria for adequacy of data, based on
existing cases - Developing risk estimates using existing (or
slightly modified) default methodology for
RFDs/RFCs, and - Tier 0/Tier 1 approaches with existing
methodology - AEGLs, screening
- More efficient integration of data from a variety
of sources - Categorical, Fusion Based