Title: USE CASES (Task 3.5 Test and Integration)
1USE CASES(Task 3.5 Test and Integration)
- Santiago González de la Hoz
- CrossGrid Workshop at Linz, September 27-29
- Partners
- IFIC - Valencia
- IFCA - Santander
- RedIris - Madrid
- Task 3.5 (WP3) Integration Team
- Pawel Wolniewicz (PSNC, Task3.1)
- Miquel A. Senar (UAB, Task 3.2)
- Bartek Balis (CYFRONET, Task 3.3)
- Slawek Zielinski (CYFRONET, Task 3.3)
- Lukasz Dutka (CYFRONET, Task 3.4)
- Álvaro Fernández (CSIC, Task 3.2)
- Javier Sánchez (CSIC, Task 3.5)
- Santiago González (CSIC, Task 3.5)
- More people are welcome!!
- For this task we can distinguish two scenarios
- Use Case for the WP3 Integration Team
- Use Case for WP3 users (most likely from WP4)
31st Use Case for the WP3 IT
- Prerequisites
- Deliverables from each software task is expected
in Month 10-11. Each partner should test well its
own software before releasing the code to
Integration Team. - All members of the IT should be physically in the
same place (Karlsruhe). - Resources needed for the intensive Integration
phase hardware required for a CrossGrid Testbed.
4Use Case for the WP3 IT
- Test and Integration phase
- WP3 IT will obtain the software from the CVS
server. - Test the WP3 software.
- Integration Team is composed by a member from
each task and partner - Each task must provide its services and tools
with detailed information about installation,
test and functionality. - Integrate and test the WP3 software in a Real
CrossGrid testbed. - Once everything functions, the distribution
packages (RPMs, tar.gz, etc) should be made.
Installation from these distribution packages
must be verified. - Provide these packages to a central HTTP
repository or a central Web site. - The WP3 IT should fully document the installation
process and prepare the Installation Guide.
52sd Use Case for WP3 Users (WP4)
- Prerequisites
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 (Test platform supported for
first prototype 1). - RPMs for Testbed 1 created RPMv3 (used by
DataGrid). - Local resource management (Batch system).
- PBS, LSF and Condor supported by DataGrid.
- Request host and user certificates.
Have a CrossGrid Testbed (WP4)
6Use Case for WP3 Users (WP4)
- Obtaining WP3 software
- Read Installation Guide done by WP3 Integration
Team - Obtain packages from package repositories (HTTP
repository or Web central site) in Karlsruhe
(DataGrid uses RPM files and marianne). - Install the packages (DataGrid uses RPM tools).
- Modify the configuration files and run the
programmes using the Installation Guide. - Start and/or Stop the corresponding Daemons
related with the packages (for example,
7Partner Actions in next weeks (Task 3.5 Test and
Santiago González de la Hoz CrossGrid Workshop at
Linz, September 27-29 Partners
- IFIC - Valencia
- IFCA - Santander
- RedIris - Madrid
- After M6 (NOW) WP3 will start to develop
prototypes of the tool and new grid services. - See Design document produced in M6.
- The four partners of this task will test all
tools and services (precising interfaces and
functionality). - The goal is to be able to deliver a middleware
layer in the CrossGrid testbed. - Important define and understand at Linz what we
may expect as 1st prototype!!!
9Todo list by each Partner
- Before Month 10-11
- After defining (M3) and designing (M6) the
architecture of the new grid services and tools,
each partner has to make and test well its
software according to test procedures proposed by
each Task (see D3.2). - Compatibility between WP3 software, Globus and
EDG software will be guaranteed. Vital evaluation
with consequence serious for the success of the
integration phase. - Each task must provide its services and tools
with detailed information about installation,
test and functionality before releasing the code
to the WP3 IT. - How each task will release its products to WP3
IT? - Obtain the software from the CVS server
- Synchronisation within tasks
- What kind of files will be used (RPM, tar.gz,
10Todo list by each Partner
- Before Month 10-11
- Co-ordination with WP4 and its time scheduling.
- We need a real CrossGrid Testbed to test and
integrate our WP3 products.
11Todo list by each Partner
- After Month 10-11
- Integration-test phase.
- All WP3 IT members should be physically in
Karlsruhe together to WP4 integration team
people. - At Karlsruhe we have the hardware required for a
real CrossGrid testbed and the central CVS
server. - Test WP3 software before installing to the
Testbed. - WP3 IT is composed by a member from each partner
and task We have an expert for each WP3 service
or tool!!! - Integrate and test the whole WP3 software and
once everything is working, the packages will be
distributed (RPM, tar.gz, etc..)
12Todo list by each Partner
- After Month 10-11
- Provide these packages to a central HTTP
repository or a central WEB site. Documentation
about installation process (Installation Guide)
will be prepared. - Important define where will be the HTTP
Repository or central Web site!!!! (Poznan,
Karlsruhe, )
13Partners and IT responsibilities
- IT has to follow the progress of each task
- The software should be available to IT to the end
of Month 10 (We need one month to do the
integration!!!). - Each task has to write a document with detailed
information about installation, test and
functionality (This will help to prepare the WP3
Installation Guide) - IT members have to be available in Month 10-11 to
produce and deliver first release version of WP3
software (Installation from this release version
in a real CrossGrid testbed must be verified) .
14Partners and IT responsibilities
- Collaboration with WP4 IT is required.
- Participating in WP4 IT meeting and follow the
Testbed evolutions (Next meeting at CERN together
EDG IT, 30th October 2002).
15Task 3.5 Agenda
- Goal Have a better understand about the
Integration-Test phase and define it more
precisely - Use cases discussion (All the points are a
proposal and I would be very grateful for your
comments and suggestions). - Partner Actions and Responsibilities in next
week. - Integration Team Actions and co-ordination
16Resources needed for Integration-Test phase
- CVS server and Central HTTP in Karlsruhe
- CrossGrid Testbed
- CE
- WN
- SE
- UI
- Local RB
- Valencia CrossGrid TestBed