Title: An Overview of Indicators of Child Well-Being
1An Overview of Indicators of Child Well-Being
- Kristin Anderson Moore, Ph.D.
2All Human History
3(No Transcript)
4Current Stock of Indicators
Teen Pregnancy
Cigarette Use
Illicit Drug Use
5Bad outcomes do matter
- Negative development is important (bad is
stronger than good).
6But, good outcomes matter too
- Positive social and emotional development is also
7Reasons why a focus on the negative is not
- Good Science
- Public Perceptions
- Kids Perceptions
- The Declaration of Independence
- We hold these truths to be self-evident, that
all men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these
rights, Governments are institutedÂ
8Criticism that they are soft, squishy or
gluey is not warranted
9Missing data are minimal
- Measuring social and emotional development is not
squishy. The hardest thing to measure is
income. - Less than 1 dont answer questions on
parent-child relationships in the NLSY97 - 3 dont answer questions on sex
- 13.5 dont answer questions on income
10Positive indicators, such as parent/adolescent
relationships, are related to better child
11It is important to assess varied domains of
- Cognitive Attainment and Educational Achievement
- Health and Safety
- Social and Emotional Development
12And measures are needed for varied age groups
- Pre-school (0-5 or 0-2 3-5)
- Elementary school (6-11 or 6-8 9-11)
- High School (12-17 or 12-14 15-17)
Cognitive Attainment and Educational Achievement
Health and Safety
Social and Emotional Development
14Also, Well-being ? Well-becoming
- The focus regarding children is on how they turn
out as adults and citizens - Well-becoming
- Childrens current happiness, security and
comfort are also important - Well-being
15My Top Individual Well-being indicators
- School engagement
- Self-regulation
- Social skills/competence
- Tolerance
- Positive environmental behaviors
16My Top ContextualWell-being indicators
- Parent-child relationships
- Out-of-school opportunities
- School supportiveness
- Monitoring
- Neighborhood cohesion
1727 Years of Research in the Service of Americas
- www.childtrends.org
- www.childtrendsdatabank.org