Overview: Defining and linking assessment, intervention and evaluation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Overview: Defining and linking assessment, intervention and evaluation


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Overview: Defining and linking assessment, intervention and evaluation

Chapter 1
  • Overview Defining and linking assessment,
    intervention and evaluation

Core functions of social work practice
  • Assessment gathering data via multiple sources
    and multiple domains in order to understand the
    clients problems and adaptive strengths
  • Intervention applying a variety of practice
    skills collaboratively with the client and others
    to reduce problems and enhance adaptive
  • Evaluation continuous monitoring of key outcomes
    to track client progress
  • All three functions of contemporary social work
    practice must be integrated

Components of practice theories
  • Underlying assumptions and propositions about the
    nature of human behavior
  • Theoretical explanations about how people change
  • Actual skills and interventions (i.e.,
    combinations of skills) used to help clients
    reduce problems and enhance adaptative coping
  • Some practice theories represented in social work
    texts are based largely on suppositions and value
    statements, not scientific evidence. Social
    workers should critically examine all three
    components of a practice theory to see that they
    are supported by research evidence.

Assessment methods
  • Qualitative description
  • Psychiatric diagnosis
  • Scales and indexes
  • Behavioral analysis
  • In vivo observation
  • Systems analysis (e.g., family, community)

Person factors in assessment
  • Assessment of person factors goes beyond merely
    noting demographic data, but includes attention
    to the subjective meaning clients give to gender,
    race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion and
    spirituality and so on.
  • Practitioners should avoid making broad
    assumptions regarding personal identity factors
    since their meaning and significance can vary
    from client to client.

Sources of assessment data
  • Although not always possible, it is important for
    practitioners to gather data from more than one
  • Client self-report is usually the most common
    source of assessment data.
  • Naturalistic observation or observation of
    role-played situations can be informative also.
  • The use of scales and indexes can be very helpful
    in providing both more comprehensive assessment
    data as well as providing a somewhat objective
    baseline for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of
    the case.

Scales and indexes
  • Scales are measurement instruments that use
    multiple items to measure the same concept (e.g.,
    depression, self-esteem, quality of life).
  • Scales must be tested with hundreds of clients
    and meet rigorous scientific standards before
    they are considered reliable and valid for use in
    practice, research or evaluation (more about this
    in Chapter 4).
  • Indexes are usually one-item indicators of a key
    problem such as number of alcoholic drinks
    consumed in a day, number of days absent from
    school, number of times a couple argues in a
  • The use of scales and indexes is increasingly
    required as part of assessment and evaluation
    procedures in social work practice.

Defining interventions
  • A social work intervention is the informed use of
    a skill or combination of skills by the
    practitioner in collaboration with the client and
    others intended to improve the clients
    psychological and social wellbeing.
  • Research strongly suggests that there are three
    major categories of social work practice skills
    support and relationship building skills,
    therapeutic coping skills, and case management

Supportive skills
  • The use of relationship building, listening and
    empathic attunement to engage the client in the
    working relationship and help facilitate change
  • Research strongly suggests that supportive and
    relationship building skills are essential to
    effective treatment.
  • Research also suggests that supportive skills
    alone are not sufficient for helping clients with
    more serious and complex problems.

Therapeutic coping skills
  • Therapeutic coping skills are used to help
    clients develop and improve upon a wide range of
    problem-solving strategies.
  • Coping skills are drawn largely from the
    cognitive-behavioral intervention research.
  • Coping skills can be used to help clients improve
    and self-regulate dysfunctional thinking,
    emotional distress, and behavioral difficulties.
  • Mastering coping skills requires instruction,
    modeling and coaching by the practitioner and
    ongoing practice in real life by the client.

Case management skills
  • Case management skills are used to coordinate
    complex interventions, facilitate networking and
    referrals, advocate for clients (e.g., benefits,
    jobs), and enhance social and instrumental
  • Effective case management requires good
    communication and leadership skills.
  • Case management is also essential for effecting
    cost-effective services by improving treatment
    integration among multiple providers.

Combining skills
  • Effective interventions require optimal
    combinations of supportive, coping and case
    management skills that meet the clients needs as
    identified by the comprehensive assessment.
  • Although supportive skills provide the foundation
    for the intervention, development of the
    intervention should be guided by two criteria 1)
    the relevant practice outcome research 2)
    ongoing re-assessment and evaluation based on
    discussion with both client and relevant
    collaterals (as needed).

Family and group work
  • Although the word client is used for the sake
    of parsimony, it is understood that all the
    assessment, intervention and evaluation skills
    discussed in this text apply to family and group
    modalities as well.
  • Although the basic principles of assessment,
    intervention and evaluation are the same
    regardless of modality, family and group work
    require that these skills be applied with an
    additional understanding of the complex systemic
    interactions among members as an important part
    of the process of change.

Evaluating practice
  • Evaluation is a natural extension of assessment,
    both qualitative and quantitative, and
    practitioners should ideally integrate these two
    important aspects of practice.
  • Evaluation of each case is necessary and readily
    accomplished by tracking changes with sound
    qualitative and quantitative indicators.
  • Clients are usually willing to participate in
    developing and carrying out the evaluation plan.
  • Routine monitoring and evaluation of individual
    cases can tell us if clients are improving, but
    is not a strong design for determining
    intervention effectiveness because routine
    evaluation cannot account for non-intervention
    factors that affect clients.
  • The use of common outcome measures in a program
    provides a solid foundation for program
    evaluation, and improves consistency in the
    assessments and evaluations conducted by
    practitioners who work in the same program.

The Psychosocial Intervention Scale
  • The PSIS (Appendix A in the text) can be used to
    1) examine ones own use of practice skills with
    individual clients over time 2) compare the use
    of different skills with different clients over
  • Social work students should examine the current
    practice outcome research to examine whether
    their selected combinations of skills reflect
    current evidence-based practices.

  • The Comprehensive Service Plan (CSP) provides a
    generic framework suitable for many service
    environments to help students develop their
    skills in conducting assessment, intervention
    planning, and evaluation.
  • The writing of clear and concise CSPs is a
    critical function of professional social work
  • Ethical, legal, fiscal and other administrative
    mandates now require that social work
    practitioners be prepared to justify their
    assessment, intervention and evaluation plans
    with the current research.

Chapter 2 The relationship between
research and practice

Why is there a chapter on research in my social
work practice text?!!
  • Because in addition to adhering to core values,
    social worker practitioners are expected to
    develop a command of current knowledge regarding
    human behavior theories in their chosen field of
    practice, and also to develop advanced
    intervention skills in order to effectively help
    their clients.
  • In modern professions, knowledge and skills are
    determined by systematic testing known as the
    scientific method. Critical reviews of current
    research findings are the criteria by which
    social workers and other helping professionals
    determine what is known about valid human
    behavior theories, valid assessment and
    evaluation methods, and effective psychosocial
  • Although most social workers will not become
    researchers (although more should), it is
    imperative that they develop their abilities to
    critically read and understand research articles
    so that they can better distinguish valid
    theories and effective practices from those that
    may be intuitively appealing but not supported by
    evidence. Keeping up with the research can make
    you a better practitioner.

So how can reading research inform my practice?
  • Assessments must be informed by sound human
    behavior theories, that is, theories that have
    been validated by a body of high quality
  • Interventions must be tested in controlled trials
    (i.e., a fair comparison to an alternative
    treatment) before being considered an established
  • Evaluation methods depend largely on the use of
    assessment tools that must also be shown to
    supported by research studies.

Human behavior research
  • There are two main types of research relevant to
    social work practice human behavior research and
    practice research
  • Human behavior research tests theories about the
    interactions among biological, psychological,
    social, and environmental dimensions of human
  • Human behavior theory also provides a foundation
    for assessment, both qualitative and
    quantitative. Client narratives alone are not an
    adequate basis for assessment if the practitioner
    is not knowledgable about the nature of mental
    illnesses, addictions, the impact of social
    factors, differences in gender, race etc

Practice research
  • Practice research is used to test and validate
    the efficacy and effectiveness of social work
  • Uncontrolled research, where we test one type of
    practice without comparing it to another form of
    practice, is used as a preliminary step in
    testing promising practices.
  • Controlled research, where we compare one type of
    treatment to another, provides a stronger basis
    for establishing the efficacy of an intervention.
    Multiple controlled trials must be used before an
    intervention is deemed to be evidence-based.
  • Evaluation is usually similar to uncontrolled
    research. We can determine if clients improve in
    routine practice, but it is hard to determine if
    the results were primarily the result of the

The basic research process
  • The first step for researchers is to carefully
    examine the research that has been previously
    done on a human behavior or practice topic.
  • In the review, researchers pay close attention to
    the quality of the methods (i.e., methodology)
    used to conduct the study.
  • The stronger the methods used, the more
    confidence one can put in the results of a study.
  • This process is generally referred to as the
    Review of the literature, and should end with a
    new research question.

The methodology section
  • Reviewing the literature and posing a new
    question is the first step in research.
  • The next major step is to propose a plan to
    answer that question. The methods used to answer
    the question are collectively referred to as the
    Methodology section of a research article.
  • Methodology includes Sample selection, design,
    the data collection procedure, the selection of
    measures (i.e., scales and other instruments),
    and a procedure for analyzing the data.
  • If the study is an intervention study, the
    researchers must also describe in detail how the
    intervention is to be conducted.

How research findings inform social work practice
  • The details of how to review research studies are
    described in more detail in Appendix C of your
    text. Students should review that section and use
    the outline to read human behavior and
    intervention research studies to better
    understand how they provide a basis for social
    work practice.
  • Since no single study definitively answers
    important questions about human behavior or
    intervention effectiveness, practitioners can
    read summaries of studies called Reviews of the
    literature to obtain state-of-the-art
    information about current theories and practices.
    Reading critical reviews in well-respected
    journals might be the most efficient way to keep
    up with the knowledge base.

But dont our textbooks provide that information
for us?
  • Many textbooks used in schools of social work are
    not based on current scientific research.
  • Also, some social work texts rely almost
    exclusively on social work sources. Although
    social workers make important contributions to
    research, our knowledge of human problems and
    interventions is informed by multiple disciplines
    (i.e., medical research, psychology, sociology,
    anthropology, economics, etc). To rely solely on
    social work sources neglects vast areas of
    knowledge regarding human problems and ignores
    important and effective practice methods.
  • Social workers are in a strategic position to
    incorporate interdisciplinary knowledge to
    improve our understanding of human problems, our
    assessment methods, and our intervention

Social work anti-research bias and counter-point
  • Social work students and practitioners often
    opine that research is too technical or lacks
    the human touch.
  • One might consider an alternative view claims to
    being compassionate and empathic mean very little
    if a social worker cannot command
    state-of-the-art knowledge that informs their
    understanding of their clients difficulties, use
    best practices and valid assessment and
    evaluation methods.

  • Chapter 3 Essential ethics
  • in social work practice

The NASW Code of Ethics
  • Students should read and review in detail the
    NASW Code of Ethics on-line at naswdc.org.
  • Highlights of core ethical guidelines included
    here include privacy and confidentiality,
    informed consent, conflicts of interest, personal
    demeanor and poorly planned interruption and
    termination of services.

Privacy and confidentiality
  • Social workers should give the utmost care to
    protecting clients rights to privacy and
    confidentiality, and not reveal information about
    their service with clients to third parties
    without expressed written permission of the
    client or under court-order.
  • Even under court-order, social workers can
    challenge the order or narrow the request to only
    specific relevant information.
  • Social workers can breach confidentiality if
    their client makes a clear and imminent threat to
    do harm to another person (see Tarasoff
    decision). Practitioners have a duty to warn
    the person who is the potential target of

Informed consent
  • It is the obligation of the practitioner to
    obtain informed consent from the client giving
    the practitioner permission to provide services.
  • Practitioners should also educate the client in
    clear language about the nature of the
    intervention they are about to provide. Hence,
    the clients consent must be informed.
  • Practitioners should also provide only those
    services in which they are competently trained.

Conflicts of interest
  • Practitioners should keep the focus of the social
    work intervention clearly in mind at all times
    to use professional knowledge and skill to help
    the client.
  • When this purpose becomes muddled with a
    competing need of the practitioner (e.g.,
    obtaining a favor from the client through a
    mutual acquaintance) this situation might
    constitute a conflict of interest.

Personal demeanor
  • Social workers are expected to conduct themselves
    ethically at all times with their clients (and as
    members of the community).
  • Professional conduct requires a degree of
    self-care regarding their own mental health and
    moral comportment as it relates to their behavior
    with colleagues and with clients particularly.
  • Engaging in romantic or sexual behavior with a
    client is one example of a serious breach of
  • Practitioner-client boundaries with regard to
    their repective roles should be adhered to at all

Interrupting and terminating service
  • Practitioners should discuss at the beginning of
    service what the guidelines are for terminating
    treatment such as when intervention goals are
    met, a pre-arranged time-line, or when client
    decides it is time to discontinue treatment.
  • Practitioners should not discontinue service if a
    client is in crisis.
  • Practitioners have an obligation to facilitate an
    orderly referral and transition to another form
    of care should the client need further services.

Avoiding breaches of ethics
  • Define practitioner-client roles clearly.
  • Collaborate and agree on a clearly written
    intervention plan and treat it as a contract.
  • Anticipate problems before they arise.
  • Maintain good self-care in ones personal life.
  • Get personal or legal consultation when ambiguous
    situations arise.
  • Use current research evidence to support ones
    assessment and treatment plan.

Chapter 4 Conducting the assessment
and planning the evaluation

Two key organizing concepts
  • Multidimensionality 1) Clients problems and
    adaptive strengths are influenced by multiple
    influences over time 2) these problems and
    strengths vary in degree across multiple
    psychosocial domains (psycho-social, health,
    material resources, financial, legal, etc).
  • Functionality clients problems do not vary
    randomly but vary in somewhat predictable
    patterns over time. It is the practitioners job
    to help clients understand how the problem
    works so they can self-monitor their problems
    and put the benefits of the intervention to work.

Five steps in assessment/evaluation planning
  • Determining the sources of data (e.g., client,
    collaterals, previous records, etc)
  • Decide on methods for collecting data (e.g.,
    interviews, observation, use of scales and
    indices, etc)
  • Conducting the MDF assessment (interacting
    individual, family, social factors and relevant
  • Consider the implications of the data (types and
    severity of problems/strengths) problem
    hierarchy (priorities), goals, and types of
    interventions recommended in the research
  • Develop the evaluation plan What measures? Who
    will collect the data? How and when?

Sources of data
  • Client self-report is the most widely relied upon
    source of assessment data.
  • Client self-report is often not sufficient,
  • Collateral sources (e.g., family members, school
    personnel, other professionals etc) are often
    necessary sources when working with clients
    including children, adolescents, involuntary
    adult clients among others.
  • Obtaining collateral data usually (but not
    always) involves client informed consent.

Methods of data collection
  • Interviews are typically used to collect most
    data from clients, significant others and other
    collateral sources.
  • Unstructured interviews provide flexibility but
    should be guided by some kind of assessment
  • The interviewer is responsible to see that
    adequate assessment data is collected in a
    relatively brief period of time.
  • Semi-structured and structured interviews might
    be used in some treatment settings and in
    research settings where a more strict protocol is

Methods of data collection
  • Observation can be a more objective and often
    very informative type of assessment.
  • It is less affected by interpretive bias on the
    part of a client or significant other.
  • Observation can take place in natural settings,
    classrooms, treatment facilities, among other
  • Observation of clients during interventions can
    also be informative (e.g., during planned role
    plays, observing family members interactions,
    watching children engage in play activities with
    toys, dolls, etc)

Methods of data collection
  • Use of scales and indices are an important
    adjunct to the qualitative assessment.
  • They can provide more thorough and accurate
    assessment of specific problems (e.g, depression,
    substance abuse, behavior problems).
  • Since they have usually been normed on broader
    populations, they can provide a benchmark for
    judging the relative severity of a problem or
    level of adaptation.
  • They also provide a quantitative baseline for
    monitoring and evaluating client change over
  • Instruments used in practice need to have a
    published track record of reliability, validity
    and utility.

The MDF assessment
  • Practitioners should strive to be thorough in
    assessing the multidimensional domains of
    clients psychosocial wellbeing over time (i.e.,
    past to current view)
  • This means assessing mental status,
    relationships, family and social functioning,
    work, health, substance use and other domains
    (see the CSP).
  • It also means making current judgments about how
    mild, moderate or severe the deficits might be as
    well as to what degree the client demonstrates
    adaptive strengths in these same domains.
  • The various domains of client wellbeing are often
    inter-related (e.g., mental status, health and
    substance abuse), and if practitioners dont
    inquire about certain problems, clients will
    often not volunteer the information.

The MDF assessment
  • Factors related to these various dimensions of
    wellbeing interact over time in unique ways from
    one client to the next.
  • The functional aspect of the assessment is an
    important way of understanding how a clients
    thoughts, feelings and behaviors interact in
    patterns over time.
  • This behavioral mapping helps both practitioner
    and client identify where critical
    vulnerabilities exist in the clients day-to-day
    life, and also reveal opportunities for change,
    problem reduction and improved adaptation.
  • Assessment becomes an important part of the
    intervention because clients learn to
    participate in the ongoing assessment by
    monitoring and evaluating their own behavior over
    time. This process empowers to client to take
    responsibility for increasing their own
    self-regulation and self-care, a necessary part
    of maintaining gains after formal intervention
    has been terminated.

Consider the implications of the data
  • Assessment data does not speak for itself
    practitioners must make inferences about the
    meaning of assessment data and its relevance for
    intervention planning.
  • These inferences should be informed by two major
    sources 1) the meaning that clients ascribe to
    their own personal experience 2) the
    practitioners research-based knowledge about the
    clients problems.
  • Neither source alone is sufficient. Client
    self-report is often not sufficiently objective
    or informed research-based knowledge about the
    clients problems (e.g., mental illness, domestic
    violence, childhood disorders) is based on large
    samples of clients, not one individuals unique
  • The challenge for practitioners is to reconcile
    human behavior knowledge with a clients unique
  • The assessment then provides a foundation for the
    Comprehensive Service Plan the practitioner and
    client can now collaborate to set priorities,
    define treatment goals, and plan an
    evidence-based intervention.

Developing the evaluation plan
  • Conducting a thorough qualitative and
    quantitative assessment provides the foundation
    for the evaluation plan.
  • The social worker and client should agree on
    those indicators that are key to demonstrating
    progress. These may be simple indexes or formal
    published scales.
  • Clients should collaborate in the evaluation
    process by using qualitative recording and
    quantitative rating methods to determine whether
    they are successfully achieving their goals.
  • Participation in evaluation efforts is typically
    empowering and often gratifying for the client.
  • However, client and practitioners point-of-view
    might not always be in agreement. This situation
    often occurs with involuntary clients. Thus,
    the evaluation, ultimately, is the primary
    responsibility of the practitioner, not the

Chapter 5
  • Supportive skills

Basic interviewing skills
  • Effective interviewing skills are the most basic
    elements of all intervention methods.
  • Knowing how to encourage clients to be
    forth-coming about their difficulties, put them
    at ease, and talk about themselves is essential
    to establishing a supportive working
    relationship, the foundation of effective
  • Poor interviewing skills will create great
    obstacles to a successful intervention.

Basic interviewing skills
  • Use open-ended questions to provide clients with
    broad flexibility in response possibilities.
  • Use close-ended questions when you want
  • In general, the rythym of an interview should
    flow from the general to the specific.
  • Good interviewers use both inductive (i.e.,
    accumulation of data) and deductive (i.e.,
    drawing conclusions) logical styles.

Some other basic guidelines
  • As an interviewer, be yourself, be relaxed.
  • Being yourself does not mean indulging in
    self-disclosure it means allowing your demeanor
    and body language to be congruent with who you
    really are as a person.
  • Affected professionalism and aloofness is
    off-putting to most clients and does not engender
  • Be mindful of your own non-verbal communications
    (e.g., facial expression, non-verbal utterances,
  • Use reflection to validate that you understand
    what the client is saying.
  • Dont pretend that you are following when you are
    not. Say, I dont understand, and ask for
  • Periodic check ins (tracking to see that you
    are following) also help to move the interview
    along and form a coherent narrative.
  • Occasionally sum things up to see if you really
    understand what the client is saying. Feeling
    understood is very important to the client.

Interviewing children
  • Basic principles of interviewing adults apply to
    children as well, but with some differences.
  • Know your childs developmental cognitive
    capabilities (see your child development text).
  • Use simple language ask for clarification when
    you dont understand.
  • Dont overly structure an interview. Encourage a
    free-flow of information.
  • Toys, games, dolls, drawing etccan be very
    useful for encouraging the child to communicate
    freely. These methods are best thought of as
    facilitative for communication and not
  • Summarize what a child has told you, and ask him
    to change anything or correct any mistakes you
    have made.
  • Observe childrens non-verbals and body language

Other aspects of supportive skills
  • Again, be yourself genuine and authentic.
  • Communicate genuine empathy let the client know
    whether you understand how they feel or what they
    have experienced.
  • Empathy does not suggest that you condone bad
    behavior. It communicates that you understand the
    clients frame of mind and what they might be
    feeling or were feeling at the time.
  • Compassion goes beyond empathy, and can be shared
    with a client when called for (e.g., death of a
    loved one, diagnosis of a serious illness).

Other aspects of supportive skills
  • Engender trust through consistency be on time,
    pay attention, stick to the treatment plan,
    return phone calls, dont make excuses, be
  • Provide genuine encouragement and try to motivate
    your client help them to transcend hopelessness
    and achieve even small successes.
  • Avoid arguing with clients roll with
  • Clarify your role and draw clear boundaries as
    needed. As a result of other interpersonal
    experiences, clients sometimes construe the
    relationship to be more than it is. If this
    situation occurs, examine the clients feelings,
    clarify matters as needed, but remind the client
    of your respective roles.
  • Continue to collaborate on updating the
    assessment, amending the intervention plan, and
    conducting the evaluation. These activities
    remind the client of the nature of the important
    work at hand.

Chapter 6
  • Therapeutic coping skills

Purpose of therapeutic coping skills
  • Therapeutic coping skills cover a range of
    methods social workers can use to help clients
    learn better ways of dealing with dysfunctional
    thinking, emotional problems, and
    behavioral/situational difficulties.
  • Therapeutic coping skills are well-researched in
    the clinical practice literature and are largely
    derived from cognitive-behavioral interventions.
  • When used within the context of a sound working
    alliance in individual, family or group
    modalities, these methods can help clients learn
    to cope better with their difficulties, engage in
    more effective problem-solving on their own
    initiative, improve interpersonal relations, and
    build on their own adaptive strengths.
  • Some coping skills might be used as a sole
    intervention, but they are usually used in
    combination as part of an overall intervention
    plan. Supportive skills continue to provide a
    foundation that will make coping skills more

Cognitive coping skills
  • Cognitive theories maintain that many problems
    are maintained through dysfunctional thinking
    faulty information, irrational thinking, or
    negative appraisal of lifes events.
  • Examining dysfunctional thinking can help reduce
    dichotomous thinking, catastrophizing, jumping
    to faulty conclusions about other peoples
    behavior, and other problematic forms of
  • Psycho-education can help improve clients basic
    understanding of their difficulties (e.g.,
    effects of traumatic abuse, depression, the
    nature of panic attacks, effects of substance
  • Explanation and interpretation can sometimes help
    clients see problems in a different and more
    positive or useful light.
  • Self-monitoring (discussed as part of assessment
    and evaluation) can facilitate client
    collaboration in treatment, and provide an
    empirical learning experience for the client to
    help them better understand their difficulties
    and discover new solutions.

Emotion coping skills
  • Psycho-education about feelings can help
    clients become more feelings-literate and
    understand better how thoughts, feelings and
    behaviors interact.
  • Meditation, relaxation and mindfulness can help
    clients gain perspective on their emotions,
    become less reactive to them, and better regulate
    disturbing emotions and reduce impulsive
    behavioral responses to them.
  • Consistent physical exercise can have a
    significant positive impact on stress, anxiety,
    depression and anger given that emotional
    well-being is closely tied to physical wellbeing.

Behavioral coping skills
  • Modeling behavior (e.g., practitioner to
    adolescent client parent to child, etc) is an
    effective way to help others learn a skill,
    improve behavior, and cope with problems.
  • Role play and rehearsal can help clients
    practice a skill (e.g., improved communication
    between partners) in a safe environment
    accompanied by constructive feedback.
  • Covert desensitization (using a combination of
    imagery and relaxation methods) can help a client
    learn to cope with a troubling scenario in their
    minds eye (e.g., refusing a drink when
    visiting family post-rehab) under the guidance of
    the practitioner.
  • In vivo exposure helps clients gradually confront
    difficult problems in real life. The step-by-step
    approach reflects a hierarchy of goals from least
    difficult to most difficult. The positive
    reinforcement that results from success
    experiences is a powerful therapeutic change
    agent for a wide range of problems. The guidance,
    encouragement and empathic support of the social
    worker is essential to its success.

Chapter 7
  • Case management skills

Defining case management
  • Case management can be defined two ways 1) as
    an overall model comprised of a set of different
    interventions (e.g., Assertive Case Management
    Family Preservation) 2) as a number of discrete
    skills that can be used individually or
    collectively and combined with supportive and
    coping skills.

Case management skills
  • Enhancing social supports
  • Helping clients obtain instrumental supports
  • Advocating for clients
  • Networking, coordinating and brokering of services

Enhancing social supports
  • Social workers can help a wide range of clients
    gain greater access to social supports.
  • Social skills training, a form of coping skill,
    can be used to help clients obtain greater
    benefit from available social supports.
  • Enhancing social supports can be done through
    informal or more structured methods (e.g., social
    club for people with mental illnesses).

Instrumental supports
  • Social workers can help clients obtain material
    supports by reviewing eligibility requirements
    for health insurance and other public and private
    benefits, assisting clients in completing paper
    work, knowing how to access other community
    resources (e.g., thrift shops, second-hand
    clothing stores, community food banks, etc).
    These supports can provide much needed relief to
    clients over the short or long term.

  • Social workers can help clients obtain what they
    need in a variety of situations obtaining and
    maintaining employment, dealing with landlord
    disputes, coping with legal problems, obtaining
    needed servicesby coaching clients in such
    situations or by directly representing their
    clients with the clients permission.
  • Many social work clients are disempowered members
    of society, are often the target of
    discrimination and stigma, and can benefit from
    the professional representation of a social
  • Social workers should also know their limitations
    in these matters and work with clients to obtain
    legal representation when needed.

Networking and coordination of services
  • Social workers play an important role in
    cooperating with other professionals (e.g.,
    teachers, doctors, social services, etc) and
    ensuring that clients needs are adequately
  • Networking and coordinating services requires
    excellent communication and leadership skills.
  • Increasing pressures for cost-effective care
    require that social workers also work to reduce
    redundant, unnecessary or counter-productive
    services for clients.

Chapter 8
  • Schizophrenia, mood
  • and anxiety disorders

Schizophrenia background data
  • Schizophrenia spectrum disorders (there are
    several subtypes) are marked by serious to severe
    cognitive symptoms including hallucinations and
    delusions, trouble expressing emotions, and
    difficulties in social functioning often
    including severe social withdrawal.
  • Onset of the disorder occurs typically in the
    late teens and early 20s, and the course of the
    disorder tends to be chronic.
  • Anti-psychotic medications, assertive case
    management and skill-based interventions can help
    people with schizophrenia reduce symptoms and
    function reasonably well in the community.

  • Delusions, hallucinations, other forms of
    bizarre, disorganized and troubling thinking
    should be carefully examined.
  • Emotional wellbeing should be thoroughly
    assessed many people with schizophrenia are also
    profoundly depressed and suicidal.
  • Social functioning, ability to relate to others
    and function in the community is often
    significantly compromised.
  • Substance abuse is a common co-occurring disorder
    and should be assessed thoroughly.
  • Material resources are often limited, and ability
    to take care of oneself physically (e.g.,
    hygiene, eating properly) can be greatly
  • Clients with major mental illnesses generally
    suffer from poorer health than other people.
    Physical examination is recommended.
  • Legal difficulties should be assessed. Clients
    often need assertive advocacy in court should
    they commit legal infractions in the community.

  • A supportive relationship is very important for
    establishing trust with a client diagnosed with
    schizophrenia, providing motivation to stick with
    treatment, and learn essential skills to live in
    the community.
  • Psycho-education and behavioral family therapy
    have been shown to be very helpful for the client
    and their family. Family members learn about the
    disease and how to better relate and
    problem-solve with the client in a more low-key
    manner to avoid emotional and behavioral
  • Coping skills can help the client deal with
    day-to-day challenges in the community, improve
    communication skills, monitor symptoms and ask
    for help when needed, and reduce substance use.
  • Assertive case management (ACT) has come to be
    seen as an essential framework for delivering
    multiple services to clients with schizophrenia.
    ACT provides a framework that can be used to
    coordinate range of other interventions.

Major mood disorders background data
  • Major depression and bi-polar disease are
    considered major mental illnesses. Some clients
    also experience delusions, but some do not.
  • In addition to periods of deep depression (i.e.,
    low energy, depressed mood, lack of pleasure,
    withdrawal and poor social functioning), clients
    with bi-polar disease also experience periods of
    manic energy often accompanied by fights of
    ideas and impulsive behaviors.
  • As with schizophrenia, suicide rates in clients
    with depression and bi-polar disorder are much
    higher than in the general population.
  • Co-occurring substance abuse is also fairly
    common in people with mood disorders.

  • Low energy and reduction in physical activity
  • Poor social functioning
  • Loss of pleasure in previously enjoyable
  • Depressed mood and/or manic episodes
  • Low self-esteem
  • Guilt and self-recrimination
  • Disordered sleep and/or appetite
  • Suicide risk (i.e., hopelessness, having the
    means, opportunity, etc)
  • Co-occurring substance abuse

  • Interventions for major mood disorders are
    similar to those used with schizophrenia and
    often overlap since some clients may be diagnosed
    with both classes of disorders.
  • Medications are reasonably effective for both
    depression and bi-polar disease.
  • Cognitive-behavior therapies in combination with
    medication is considered an effective treatment
    for clients with mood disorders.
  • CBT coping skills include identifying
    dysfunctional thinking setting up opportunities
    for clients to test out their troubling and
    depressing beliefs (i.e., behavioral
    disconfirmation), problem-solving skills, and
    improving social skills to reduce isolation and
  • Interpersonal psychotherapy with moderately
    depressed clients can also be effective by
    focusing on resolving interpersonal problems.
  • Clients with major mood disorders can also
    benefit from case management services as needed.

Anxiety disorders background data
  • Although not considered a major mental illness,
    anxiety disorders can be very debilitating.
  • Anxiety disorders, as a whole, are fairly common
  • These include phobias, panic disorder with
    agoraphobia post-traumatic stress disorder,
    obsessive compulsive disorder, generalized
    anxiety and others.
  • Anxiety disorders are often accompanied by
    depression and/or co-occurring substance abuse

  • Chronic worrying, frightening and dread-filled
    thoughts obsessional worries
  • Physiological and somatic disturbances tremors,
    gastro-intestinal upset, sleep disturbance,
    racing heart-beat
  • Avoidant behaviors (people, places, situations)
  • Negative consequences of anxiety on interpersonal
    relationships, work, school
  • Other related health problems
  • Co-occurring substance abuse problems

  • A number of CBT methods have been shown to be
    very effective for some anxiety disorders.
  • Generalized anxiety responds well to relaxation,
    physical exercise and making life-style changes.
  • Phobias, panic-attack/agoraphobia and
    obsessive-compulsive disorder respond well to
    graduated exposure methods with and without
    medication (depending on client differences).
  • Systematic desensitization helps many clients
    with PTSD, but some clients do not respond as
  • Medications are sometimes helpful in treating
    anxiety disorders, but not always necessary for
    successful remission and management of these

Chapter 9
  • Substance use and
  • personality disorders

Substance abuse and personality disorders
  • Substance abuse and addiction are fairly common
    problems and often co-occur with other mental
    health disorders
  • Substance abuse and addiction are best thought of
    existing on a continuum from mild, moderate to
  • Most addictions are treated on an out-patient
    basis these days although in-patient
    detoxification is sometimes necessary when
    clients are at risk to experience severe
    withdrawal symptoms.

  • Carefully interview all clients about what
    substances (legal, illicit, or medications with
    and without prescription) they have used and are
    using now
  • How much (in what quantity, dose) they use them
  • How often and under what circumstances they use
  • Consider effects on mood, interpersonal
    relationships, health, daily functioning,
    financial and legal problems (a functional
    assessment helps here)
  • Clients are often very forthcoming about what
    drugs they use and how often (although some may
    be less so), but clients tend to underestimate
    the consequences of use.

  • Effective interventions include a range of
    cognitive behavioral coping skills and related
  • Practitioners can use the working relationship to
    help motivate clients to participate in treatment
    and not get discouraged easily.
  • Challenging and amending dysfunctional thinking
    that precipitates drinking (e.g., Its the only
    way I can relax.) can be useful.
  • Coping methods include self-monitoring for at
    risk situations and planning coping responses to
    specific situations
  • Relaxation methods and physical exercise
  • Couples and family therapy
  • Contingency management programs a collaborative
    approach between the courts and social workers
    whereby rewards and sanctions are used to
    encourage adjudicated clients stay clean and
  • Mutual help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous,
    Narcotics Anonymous are free, widely available.
    Social workers should educate clients and
    encourage them to explore these options.

Personality disorders background data
  • Personality disorders are defined as enduring
    patterns of psychosocial functioning that
    deviate markedly from social norms, are
    prevasive and inflexible, and are usually
    distressing to both client and others.
  • Two more commonly diagnosed types are discussed
    here anti-social personality disorder and
    borderline personality disorder. Onset generally
    begins in early adolescence and continues into
  • Both groups of clients who meet these criteria
    are considered difficult-to-treat.
  • Both of these groups of clients often have
    substance use disorders as well.

Anti-social personality disorder
  • APD clients generally show a pattern of disregard
    for the rights of others, are often deceitful,
    impulsive, sometimes violent, and prone to
  • A subset of anti-social clients are those who
    also show a depraved indifference to the feelings
    of others, show no remorse for their harmful
    behaviors, and can be quiet charming and
    engaging. These clients are referred to as
  • APD clients are mostly male.

  • APD clients are often involuntary, and are
    often reluctant to disclose information or engage
    in treatment.
  • Practitioners and clients can often come to some
    agreement regarding the problem for the which the
    client was referred to treatment (e.g.,
    reduce/eliminate substance use improve relations
    with others) some flexibility can help clients
    to engage
  • Careful examination of cognitions regarding their
    anti-social behavior and nature of their feelings
    toward others can be revealing.
  • Corroborating history of behavior problems must
    be done to honestly confront client with their
    behavior and its consequences.
  • Substance abuse problems often co-occur and
    should be examined carefully.
  • Legal status and contingencies with regard to
    treatment status and intervention contract should
    be made clear.
  • The functional assessment can readily reveal high
    risk situations that lead to impulsive, violent
    and other illegal acts.

  • Interventions for anti-social clients are best
    delivered in a collaborative framework that
    includes expertise in forensic interventions and
    cooperation with law enforcement/courts.
  • Behaviorally-oriented, well-structured programs
    that hold clients accountable for making
    pro-social choices, abstaining from drugs and
    alcohol, and eliminating criminal activities have
    shown some positive results.
  • However, contingency management (similar to that
    discussed previously for substance use disorders)
    is a key ingredient to a successful program.
  • Traditional psychotherapies have not been shown
    to be effective.
  • Treatments for aggressive child sex-offenders
    have not been shown to adequately reduce risk of

Borderline personality disorder
  • Clients diagnosed with BPD demonstrate serious
    mood swings, impulsive behaviors, are often very
    depressed, tend to have tumultuous relationship
    difficulties, poor self-image, and often engage
    in self-destructive acts such as non-lethal
    cutting or burning oneself.
  • BPD often co-occurs with substance use disorders.
  • Most people diagnosed with BPD are female.

  • Close examination of client cognitive status is
    important distorted thinking about oneself and
    others is common dichotomous thinking,
    catastrophizing are common some thinking may be
  • Clients are often profoundly depressed, reveal
    distorted and negative self-image, and might
    express suicidal intent expect intense anger at
    others or oneself anxiety and fears are often
  • Interpersonal functioning is typically marked by
    high levels of conflict, upset, high drama, and
    disappointment vacillating with moments of great
  • Clients might neglect self-care for periods of
    time when depressed.
  • Practitioners should look for and inquire about
    evidence of self-harm.
  • Co-occurring substance use and high risk sexual
    behavior should be carefully assessed as well.

  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT a form of
    cognitive-behavior therapy) is considered a first
    rank approach for clients diagnosed with BPD.
  • DBT focuses on helping the client to examine
    dysfunctional cognitions and problem situations
    in a calm, rational way, and learn to cope with
    and regulate emotional experience and subsequent
  • Practicing mindfulness helps BPD clients gain
    some degree of objectivity on emotionally-charged
    situations, reduce some of the emotional
    intensity, and help consider consequences of
    behavior more carefully.
  • Practitioners might also have to incorporate
    other CBT skills to help clients deal with a
    substance abuse or other co-occurring problems.
    Role play, practice, and self-monitoring success
    are general CBT skills that work for BPD clients.
  • Case management might be required to coordinate
    more complex interventions including periods of

Couples in conflict
  • Chapter 10

Background data
  • Most couples have disagreements and experience
    occasional conflict.
  • About half of marriages end in divorce.
  • Marital conflict exerts considerable stress on
  • Successful couples tend to be better
    communicators and problem-solvers.
  • The keys to resolving relationship problems are
    stick to the issue at hand (dont globalize),
    take turns being good listeners, communicate your
    differences with respect and understanding, and
    dont insist on resolving all problems right
    away. People often shift their positions over

  • Key problem areas for assessment include Control
    and fair allocation of responsibilities (e.g.,
    housework, parenting, etc), sexual relations and
    fidelity, money, extended family relationships,
    child-rearing and parenting strategies, and
    substance abuse problems.
  • During assessment of couple problems, include a
    functional assessment of both good interactions
    as well as conflict situations, problem-solving
    strategies and communication patterns. Detail the
    sequence and patterns of these scenarios as they
    occur in the couples daily life.

Assessment (continued)
  • Conduct individual assessments with each partner
    separately to identify individual problems such
    as depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse
  • If problems such as infidelity, gambling debts,
    other secrets are revealed during individual
    interviews, continuation of the intervention
    should be contingent on the partner volunteering
    the information at some point. Practitioners
    should not spiil the beans but should avoid
    agreeing to keeping secrets with one partner.

  • Two major approaches to couples work have been
    well-researched Emotion-focused Couples Therapy
    (EFT) and Behavioral Couples Therapy (BCT).
  • EFT emphasizes partners learning to empathically
    listen to one another and demonstrate that each
    partner genuinely understands what the other is
    feeling and, to some degree, comes to understand
    the source of those feelings.
  • BCT emphasizes clear communication and
    problem-solving with an emphasis on couples
    agreeing to engage in mutually reinforcing
    positive behaviors. Making commitments and
    following-through is an important theme in BCT.

Chapter 11
  • Internalizing disorders of childhood
    and adolescence

Background data
  • Internalizing disorders (emotional disorders)
    refer primarily to depression and anxiety
    disorders in children.
  • These disorders can be caused by genetic risk
    factors, family problems (e.g., domestic
    violence, substance abuse), child abuse or
    neglect, other situational problems in school or
    the community, or combinations of these factors.
  • Emotional disorders in children often co-occur
    with externalizing (behavioral) problems such as
    conduct disorder or attention deficit/hyperactivit
    y disorder.

  • As with any assessment of a child, practitioners
    should use private observation of the child
    (which might include interview questions,
    observing a childs play), interviewing the
    family together in the office or the home, and
    obtaining data from collateral sources (i.e.,
    pediatrician, day care workers, teachers).
  • Patterns and intensity of mood disturbances
    should be assessed over time along with any
    unusual themes or disturbing cognitions.
  • Interpersonal behavior at home and in
    day-care/school should be examined directly if
    possible, or data obtained through collateral
    reports (e.g., teachers, school social workers,
  • Close assessment of family problems, conflict,
    substance abuse, mental disorders, violence,
    criminality etcshould be carefully looked into.

Assessment (continued)
  • The physical care environment at home should be
    assessed to see if the childs basic needs are
    being adequately met.
  • Physical examination by a physician is
    recommended and can reveal important clues
    regarding the cause of the childs mood
  • A careful functional assessment should be
    conducted to examine how the childs mood and
    behavioral functioning vary over time and in
    different circumstances to identify factors
    directly affecting the childs mood and behavior.
  • Practitioners should also familiarize themselves
    with cultural norms regarding parenting and the
    familys level of assimilation into the host
    culture. This assessment can help to determine if
    any conflict or specific strains exist that might
    be affecting the childs sense of wellbeing or
    adjustment outside of the home.

  • Current consensus is that a combination of
    individual and family work with emotionally
    disordered children is the preferred strategy.
  • Alone with the child, the practitioner can
    continue therapeutic efforts to better support
    the child and understand the childs inner world.
    With emotional disorders, practitioners can also
    help to educate the child about how feelings
    work, how to identify and cope with emotional
    distress at home and in school.
  • In family sessions, practitioners can see how the
    child reacts to family interactions. Role play,
    homework assignments, and practicing different
    interventions (e.g., guiding, encouraging the
    child to confront certain fears or become more
    active) can be done in the consulting office and
    at home. Other family problems can be identified
    and addressed as they emerge.
  • Practitioners should recruit teachers and coaches
    to reinforce the childs gains outside the home
    as needed.
  • Parents should collaborate in conducting
    evaluations of the childs progress.

Chapter 12
  • Externalizing (behavioral)
    disorders of childhood and adolescence

Background data
  • Externalizing disorders refer primarily to
    childhood and adolescent problems of behavior and
    social interaction.
  • Conduct disorder, in particular, is a serious
    matter since seriously behaviorally and socially
    disordered youth often become anti-social adults.
  • Conduct disorder often co-occurs with Attention
    Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
  • Conduct disorder also commonly co-occurs with
    substance abuse.

  • Depression, intense anger and other emotional
    disturbances might also accompany behavioral
  • Disturbing cognitions and themes of violence
    should be explored carefully.
  • Behaviorally disordered youth are often impulsive
    in a variety of ways (e.g., drug use, use of
    threats, violence, etc), and these events should
    be identified and examined carefully with the
    young person and the validity of these behaviors
    corroborated by others.
  • How a behaviorally disordered youth perceives
    others and interprets day-to-day social behavior
    of others should be examined. Often behaviorally
    disordered youth have distorted views of social
    relations and often react to distorted
    preceptions (e.g., perceived threats, slights)
    with little provocation.
  • Evidence of any healthy relationships and their
    capacity for empathy should be explored.

Assessment (continued)
  • Other roles as student, part-time employee should
    be assessed to see if the young person is engaged
    in normative social development.
  • Quality of friendships, other peer relations,
    sexual and romantic relationships should be
    examined closely to determine the young persons
    capacity for intimacy, empathy, and a
    give-and-take relationship as well as tendencies
    toward exploitation and high risk behaviors.
  • Assessment of family functioning and interactions
    is best done with the client and family together.
    Look for other behavioral problems in the home
    (e.g., domestic violence, substance abuse).
  • Legal problems, negative school reports and
    academic performance are also key indicators of
    clients overall functioning.
  • A careful functional assessment should map out
    the clients typical week and identify
    situations that appear to precipitate anti-social
    or behavioral problems.

  • As with emotional disorders, practice research
    strongly supports the use of CBT methods within
    the context of family therapy for behaviorally
    disordered young people.
  • Work with the young person individually to form a
    separate bond with them, examine and explore
    their capacity for empathy, and help them to
    re-appraise and improve how they communicate and
    react to people around them. Role play encounters
    they are likely to have and give positive
  • It is important to avoid communicating blame with
    the client and family, be practical, and strive
    to achieve early, modest goals (e.g., agree to
    argue during one 15-minute period per day to
    reduce the intensit
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