Title: More Useful: find Normal Mode solutions:
1Continua Continued
More Useful find Normal Mode solutions
good solution if
normal modes have a sinusoidal shape.
therefore if
2Set f p/2 for the moment and apply
Rearrange to f(x-vt)
Normal mode two counter-propagating traveling
4Infinite strings give infinite solutions. Try a
bound string
f(0)0 and f(L)0
L, m, T
Wave equation still applies.
Normal mode solutions still apply.
But now we can apply boundary conditions
Boundary conditions reveal specific normal mode
frequencies! (for the clamped string)
5(No Transcript)
6These are the normal mode solutions, NOT the
solution to some driving force or initial
7If we shake one end.
With these Boundary conditions
is this a good solution?
Boundary conditions reveal normal mode
wavelengths frequencies! (for the clamped
8Apply boundary condition
Sine is zero if
Apply other boundary condition
9n 1 B 0.1 L 10 v 1 w 1.05 (npv/L)
10n 2 B 0.1 L 10 v 1 w 1.05 (npv/L)
11n 5 B 0.1 L 10 v 1 w 1.05 (npv/L)
12n 5 B 0.1 L 10 v 1 w 1.01 (npv/L)
13n 5 B 0.1 L 10 v 1 w 1.001 (npv/L)
French is the only book still in print that
defines k 1/l !!!
The equation of motion for a stretched string (a
continuum) is the wave equation. It has
traveling wave and normal mode solutions (which
are really the same thing).