Title: Coal Exports Through the Pacific Northwest
1Coal Exports Through the Pacific Northwest
- Powder River Basin coal ? China and India
- Federal land
- Americans own most of Powder River Basin (43 of
Americas coal supply)
3Coal Economics
- Cheap
- Sold for as low as 1/ton (usually
non-competitively) - U.S. price 9/ton sold to China for 80
-123/ton - Uncompetitive leasing and poor oversight have
cost U.S Treasury 29 billion since 1982
- 100 million tons/yr
- 26 trains/day
- 4 diesel engines/train (100-120 cars per train)
- Barges
- Would double U.S. coal export capacity
- 2006 - 50 million tons/yr
- Current - 100 million tons/yr
- With proposals - 200 million tons/yr
- Through Columbia River Gorge (National Scenic
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748 mmt/yr coal
10 mmt/yr coal
15-30 mmt/yr coal
44 mmt/yr coal
8 mmt/yr coal
10 mmt/yr coal
Total 150 mmt/yr coal
8Health Consequences of Coal Mining
- Respiratory diseases (including Black Lung
Disease) - Heart disease
- Cancers
- Low birth weight
- Birth defects
- Etc.
- Deception
- Almost 40 train derailments over last 2 years
- 250 deaths/yr in U.S. from all rail transport
accidents - Barge accidents
- Risk of fires at coal terminals
11- Coal Train derailment near Baltimore, OH
Coal train derailment from coal dust buildup near
Baltimore, Ohio (2012). Photo from Reuters.
12Mesa, WA Coal Train Derailment(2012)
13The same trains that would carry coal through the
Pacific NW Wisconsin, 2013
14Coal-laden ship breaks up off coast of South
Africa (2013)
15Westshore Coal Terminal in BC (2012)Photo from
CKNW News Talk 980.
16Fire at Westshore Coal TerminalBritish Columbia,
- Wear and tear on RR tracks
- RR limited by federal law from paying more than
5 costs for improvements in at-grade crossings,
bridges, tunnels, and overpasses - Costs will be borne by local municipalities,
state and federal taxpayers
18Health Effects
- Diesel particulate matter
- impaired lung development
- pulmonary inflammation
- increased risk of heart attacks/strokes/cancer/ast
19Health Effects
- Diesel particulate matter
- increases cardiopulmonary and all-cause mortality
- developmental neurotoxin
- Perinatal exposure increases risk for autism
spectrum disorder, ADHD-related symptoms
20Health Effects
- Coal Dust
- Up to 645 lbs. (3) lost per car during transit
- Surfactant decreases, but does not eliminate, risk
21Health Effects
- Coal Dust
- Chronic bronchitis/emphysema/pulmonary fibrosis
- Exposure to heavy metals
- 3-fold increased risk of cancer in coal terminal
workers in Australia - Organic gardeners/farmers
22Plumes of coal dust can often be seen from
passing coal trains. When standing near the rail
lines, I have often had to avert my face when a
loaded coal train passes to avoid being pelted
with coal particles. William VanHook, Assistant
23Health Effects
- Noise
- Cardiovascular disease
- Stroke
- Cognitive impairment in children
- Exacerbation of mental health disorders
- Sleep disturbances
24Health and Environmental Effects
- Worst effects on
- Communities of color, children, older adults, and
low income citizens - Native Americans
- Tribal fishing sites (Native American fish
consumption up to 10X U.S. avg. of 14 lbs/yr) - Organic gardeners
- Quality of life for all
25Frequent, Long Train Crossings
- Delayed EMS and fire department response times
- Increased accidents, traumatic injuries, deaths
26Consequences of Burning Coal
- Increased ground level ozone
- Mercury and other heavy metals
- Neurotoxin
- 300,000-600,000 women of reproductive age with
toxic levels
27Consequences of Burning Coal
- Air pollution
- 200,000 premature deaths/yr in U.S.
- 4.1-6.8 million worldwide
- 2.1 3.3 million (outdoor air pollution)
- 2-3.5 million (indoor air pollution)
- Government program promoting coal use in Northern
China may cut life expectancy of 500 million
people by average 5 yrs
28Consequences of Burning Coal
- Global warming
- 400,000 deaths and 5.0 - 5.5 million
disability-adjusted life years lost per year
(WHO, UN Environment Program) - Expected to double by 2030
- Every 140 million tons of additional Powder River
Basin coal exported will cause a net rise of
200-240 million tons of CO2 when burned in Asia
29True Cost of Coal
- U.S. 502 billion in fossil fuel subsidies in
2012 - Subsidies for polluting energy sources greater
than 12 times subsidies for renewables (excluding
military costs) - Public health costs 2X electricity rates
- When subsidies and externalities taken into
account, renewables look great
- Progressives (who oppose coal exports)
traditionally support unions, green energy jobs,
living wage, health insurance for all, etc. - Coal exports - Short-term, unhealthy jobs
31Jobs and Property Values
- Effect on local retailers and their often low
wage employees - Seattle study predicts rail crossing congestion
could cost up to 455,000/yr in lost revenue plus
an additional 475 million in diminished real
estate values - Negative effects on tourism
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- Jobs program for pulmonologists, special ed
teachers, and morticians
35Recent Developments Show Coals Future is Bleak
- Coal export prices down 40 over summer, 2013
(80-90/ton) - Investors abandoning coal
- World Bank and U.S. sharply restricting funding
of (overseas) coal plants (2013)
36Recent Developments Show Coals Future is Bleak
- Chinese demand expected to drop with development
of nuclear and renewables - Air pollution situation grim
- Has banned new coal plant production near
Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou
- Supporters using amoral logic of someone else
will sell it to them similar to tobacco
38The Latest
- 11 new coal terminals planned for Gulf of Mexico
(if Pacific NW plans do not work out) - 60 additional trains per week, could move 700,000
barrels oil/day (proposed Keystone Pipeline
830,000 barrels/day) - Last Oregon coal plant (Boardman) to close in 2020
39The Latest
- Plans to use railways and terminals to transport
Canadian Tar Sands and North Dakota Bakken Oil
Field fracked oil through Pacific NW for export - Pipelines on wheels
- 2008 9500 carloads thru Pacific NW 2012 over
200,000 the future more
40What is Being Done
- Protests
- Lawsuits
- Local measures passing
- Pressure on governments/officials
41What You Can Do
- Join Power Past Coal Coalition
- Volunteer
- Demand a halt to all proposals
- Coal is a dying 19th Century technology with
Dickensian effects on human health and the
environment - The consequences of coal transport through the
Pacific Northwest and its subsequent burning in
Asian power plants is bad for the Northwest, the
United States, and the world
- U.S. needs an energy policy for the 21st century,
using clean technologies that provide long-term,
well-paying, and safe jobs
44Günter Grass
- The first job of a citizen is to keep your mouth
45African Proverb
- If you think you are too small to have an
impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in your
46Special Thanks To
- Regna Merritt, Margie Kircher, Andy Harris, Susan
Katz, and others at Oregon PSR - regna_at_oregonpsr.org
- Laura Stevens and others, Oregon Sierra
Club/Beyond Coal Campaign - Alan Lockwood, National PSR
- Thousands of concerned citizens who have
volunteered their time and energy
- Power Past Coal http//www.powerpastcoal.org/
- Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign
http//content.sierraclub.org/coal/ - Coals Assault on Human Health (Physicians for
Social Responsibility) http//www.psr.org/resourc
- Oregon PSR Resources http//www.psr.org/chapters/
.html and http//www.psr.org/chapters/oregon/envir
- Full cost accounting for the life cycle of coal
(Ann NY Acad Sci 2011121973-98. Available at
50Contact Information
- Public Health and Social Justice Website
- http//www.publichealthandsocialjustice.org
- or
- http//www.phsj.org
- Martin Donohoe
- martindonohoe_at_phsj.org