Changes in Jail Inmates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Changes in Jail Inmates


... Heather Sevier, Danielle Sewell, Vicki Shaffer, Ann Shannon, Gordon Shaw, Kay Shows ... Brittany Wilson, Edward Witt, Sabura Woods, Susan Wyman, Autumn Yang ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Changes in Jail Inmates

Changes in Jail Inmates Substance Use, Substance
Dependence, and Mental Illness from Pre- to
  • June Tangney and Jeffrey Stuewig
  • George Mason University

Todays Topics
  • Are there changes in substance use and dependence
    from pre- to post-incarceration?
  • What is the prevalence of substance use and
  • For the year prior to incarceration
  • For the first year post-release
  • How do symptoms of mental illness change over the
    period of incarceration?
  • Do inmates deteriorate or improve ?
  • What inmate characteristics predict changes in
    mental illness?

The GMU Jail Study
  • Funded by NIDA (2002-present)
  • Conducted in partnership with
  • Fairfax County Sheriffs Office
  • OAR, Fairfax

  • Upon Incarceration (n553)
  • 69 male
  • 44 African American, 36 Caucasian, 9 Mexican
    American/Hispanic, 11 Other/Mixed
  • One year post-release (n324)
  • 71 male
  • 48 African American, 35 Caucasian, 6 Mexican
    American/Hispanic, 11 Other/Mixed

  • 508 participants completed the full baseline
    assessment and were followed longitudinally.
  • Due dates for phases are staggered because of
    rolling enrollment (June 2002-May 2007) and
    because sentences and hence release dates -- of
    inmate participants vary considerably.
  • 75 of eligible participants were assessed at 1
    year post-release
  • There were very few differences between eligible
    individuals who were re-interviewed vs. those who
    were not on 34 baseline variables.
  • Non-respondents tended to be younger and

Substance Use and Dependency TCU
Correctional Residential Treatment Form, Initial
Assessment (TCU-CRTF Simpson and Knight 1998)
  • Frequency of alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and
    opiate use during prior year
  • (0 never to 8 more than once a day).
  • Dependency symptoms in the prior year
  • (0 never to 4 7 or more times).
  • How often did you find that your usual number of
    drinks had much less effect on you or that you
    had to drink more in order to get the effect you
  • Alpha .90-.98

  • Does substance use and dependence change from the
    year pre-incarceration to the first year

How often did participants use substances in the
past 12 months?
0never, 1 lt once a month, 2 1 a month, 31 to
3 times a month, 4 1 to 2 times a week, 53 to
4 times a week, 6 5 to 6 times a week, 7daily,
8 gt once a day
Mean scores on dependency symptoms
Percentage of individuals classified as substance
Percentage of Participants
  • High levels of substance use and dependence
  • For the year prior to initial incarceration
  • Also for the first year post-release
  • Frequency of use and symptoms of dependence were
    lower at one year post-release compared to
    pre-incarceration levels

Mental Illness in Jail
  • Jail inmates suffer from mental illness at rates
    far higher than in the community.
  • Recent estimates based on DSM criteria are as
    high as 70.
  • Most studies have only examined a few diagnostic
    categories such as Substance Dependence,
    Antisocial Personality, Depression and Psychosis.

(Teplin, 1994 James Glaze, 2006 Veysey
Bichler-Robertson, 2002)
Changes in Symptoms over Incarceration?
  • Key Questions Assessing a wider range of
  • Do symptoms of mental illness increase or
    decrease over the period of incarceration?
  • What factors predict who does and who does not
    deteriorate or improve while incarcerated?
  • (10 key factors gender, age, race, education,
    income, stability of living situation (year
    prior), previous incarceration experience, length
    of incarceration, history of mental health
    treatment, and symptoms of substance dependence.)

Baseline Pre-release
N 514 230
Male 70 70
African American 45 45
Caucasian 36 37
Hispanic 9 9
Other 10 9
Age (SD) 32 (10) 33 (10)
  • No difference between those interviewed at Time 2
    and those not interviewed on gender, race, age,
    or symptoms of mental illness

  • 508 participants completed the full baseline
    assessment and were followed longitudinally.
  • Only those who remained incarcerated 6 weeks
    following baseline were eligible for
  • 77 of eligible participants were assessed at
  • No differences beyond chance between eligible
    individuals who were re-interviewed vs. those who
    were not on 34 baseline variables.
  • Average length of incarceration about 7 months

Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI Morey,
  • 344 item self-report measure of psychopathology
    and personality traits.
  • Respondents indicated whether each item was
    False, Sometimes True, Mainly True, and
    Very True.
  • Clinical scales
  • Somatization, Anxiety, OCD, Phobias, Traumatic
    Stress, Depression, Mania, Paranoia,
    Schizophrenia, Borderline Features, Antisocial
    Features, Alcohol Problems and Drug Problems

Level of Symptoms Upon Incarceration
   Clinical Scale    Clinical Scale  
Mean (SD) a
Somatic 52.77 (10.94) .88
Anxiety 55.33 (11.27) .89
Obsessive-Compulsive Obsessive-Compulsive 53.71 (10.76) .56
Phobias 49.05 (10.63) .56
Traumatic Stress Traumatic Stress 63.42 (15.19) .86
Depression Depression 58.03 (12.88) .89
Mania 58.62 (11.78) .83
Paranoia 59.73 (11.47) .83
Schizophrenia Schizophrenia 55.43 (13.12) .85
Borderline Features Borderline Features 63.22 (12.80) .89
Antisocial Features Antisocial Features 64.34 (12.01) .85
Alcohol Problems Alcohol Problems 59.88 (17.31) .92
Drug Problems Drug Problems 71.40 (20.46) .91
  • 76 reported clinically significant symptoms (a
    T-score gt70) on a least one PAI clinical scale.
  • Most prevalent were
  • Drug Problems (47)
  • Traumatic Stress (34)
  • Antisocial Features (31)
  • Borderline Features (31)
  • Alcohol Problems (26).
  • Even when excluding antisocial, drug, and alcohol
    problems, 57 still reported clinically
    significant symptoms.

Note scales were transformed to T-scores based
on norms from the census sample (M50, SD10)
(Morey, 1991) p lt .05 p lt .01
Level of Symptoms Upon Incarceration
   Clinical Scale    Clinical Scale  
Mean (SD) a
Somatic 52.77 (10.94) .88
Anxiety 55.33 (11.27) .89
Obsessive-Compulsive Obsessive-Compulsive 53.71 (10.76) .56
Phobias 49.05 (10.63) .56
Traumatic Stress Traumatic Stress 63.42 (15.19) .86
Depression Depression 58.03 (12.88) .89
Mania 58.62 (11.78) .83
Paranoia 59.73 (11.47) .83
Schizophrenia Schizophrenia 55.43 (13.12) .85
Borderline Features Borderline Features 63.22 (12.80) .89
Antisocial Features Antisocial Features 64.34 (12.01) .85
Alcohol Problems Alcohol Problems 59.88 (17.31) .92
Drug Problems Drug Problems 71.40 (20.46) .91
  • 76 reported clinically significant symptoms (a
    T-score gt70) on a least one PAI clinical scale.
  • Most prevalent were
  • Drug Problems (47)
  • Traumatic Stress (34)
  • Antisocial Features (31)
  • Borderline Features (31)
  • Alcohol Problems (26).
  • Even when excluding antisocial, drug, and alcohol
    problems, 57 still reported clinically
    significant symptoms.

Note scales were transformed to T-scores based
on norms from the census sample (M50, SD10)
(Morey, 1991) p lt .05 p lt .01
Change in Symptoms Over the Course of
  Baseline Pre-Release   r Difference t-value
Somatic 53.16 (11.24) 53.16 (11.24) 50.93 (9.94) 50.93 (9.94) .77 -2.23 (7.35) -4.59
Anxiety 56.13 (11.93) 56.13 (11.93) 53.67 (10.60) 53.67 (10.60) .75 -2.46 (8.14) -4.56
Obsessive-Compulsive 53.64 (10.93) 53.64 (10.93) 52.14 ( 9.64) 52.14 ( 9.64) .61 -1.50 (9.11) -2.50
Phobias 49.37 (10.91) 49.37 (10.91) 49.78 (10.57) 49.78 (10.57) .69 0.41 (8.48) 0.74
Traumatic Stress 63.43 (15.68) 63.43 (15.68) 60.05 (15.36) 60.05 (15.36) .81 -3.38 (9.62) -5.31
Depression 58.59 (13.13) 58.59 (13.13) 55.05 (12.01) 55.05 (12.01) .78 -3.54 (8.45) -6.34
Mania 58.59 (12.23) 58.59 (12.23) 56.69 (11.19) 56.69 (11.19) .75 -1.90 (8.37) -3.43
Paranoia 59.64 (11.64) 59.64 (11.64) 57.31 (11.05) 57.31 (11.05) .75 -2.33 (8.10) -4.35
Schizophrenia 56.03 (14.20) 56.03 (14.20) 53.33 (12.88) 53.33 (12.88) .73 -2.69 (9.99) -4.08
Borderline Features 63.60 (12.78) 63.60 (12.78) 60.75 (12.78) 60.75 (12.78) .78 -2.85 (8.39) -5.15
Antisocial Features 65.39 (11.74) 65.39 (11.74) 64.26 (11.54) 64.26 (11.54) .81 -1.13 (7.12) -2.40
Alcohol Problems 61.17 (17.43) 61.17 (17.43) 62.41 (17.37) 62.41 (17.37) .84 1.25 (9.86) 1.92
Drug Problems 72.30 (20.44) 72.30 (20.44) 73.00 (19.61) 73.00 (19.61) .87 0.69 (10.10) 1.03
Note scales were transformed to T-scores based
on norms from the census sample (M50, SD10)
(Morey, 1991) p lt .05 p lt .01
Who Improved the Most?
  • In general symptoms of mental illness decreased
    (modestly) over time.
  • More Improvement
  • for women than men
  • for those with prior jail experience as opposed
    to first-time offenders
  • for inmates with a history of prior mental health
    treatment as opposed to those without
  • for inmates with higher substance dependence
    symptoms as opposed to those reporting lower or
    no dependence on drugs or alcohol

Who Improved the Most?
  • Changes in symptoms were not a function of
  • Race
  • Age
  • Education
  • Income
  • Stability of living situation prior to
  • Length of incarceration

  • Although symptoms of mental illness decreased
    during jail incarceration, they were still very
  • 73 of participants reported clinically
    significant symptoms on a least one PAI clinical
    scale at pre-release
  • Even when excluding antisocial, drug, and alcohol
    problems, 48 still reported clinically
    significant symptoms
  • Effects are most pronounced for women, repeat
    offenders, and those with substance abuse
  • (Why?)

Is Mass Incarceration a Good Idea?
  • No
  • Decreases in substance use and dependence likely
    tied to probation and parole
  • Decreases in symptoms of mental illness were
  • Reflects changes over the period of incarceration
  • NOT what happens once an inmates steps back into
    the community facing myriad barriers and

  • Findings reflect symptoms of mental illness, not
    formal diagnoses.
  • Cannot distinguish if the decrease in symptoms
    over time was due to a large spike of symptoms
    due to initial incarceration or whether these
    symptoms were present before incarceration.
  • Based on data from felony offenders at a single

Future Directions
  • Examine predictors of changes in substance use
    and dependence (e.g., PP, SA Tx, employment)
  • Investigate how symptoms of mental illness change
    from pre-release to 1 year post-release

To the many graduate and undergraduate students
who have worked in the Human Emotions Research
Tania Abi-Najm, Leah Adams, Nicole Adock,
Gayathri Adikesavan, Kauser Ahmed, Cecilia Anon,
Molly Appel, Jalmeen Arora, Chris Arra, Zara
Arshad, Brian Athey, Judy Back, Deb Hill-Barlow,
Sheri Bailey, Ruth Barrientos, Rebecca Beam, Kim
Becker, Mary Bolton, Angie Boone, Eleni Boosalis,
Elly Bordeaux, Julie Borenstein, Laura Bowling,
Thea Bowling, Lorenzo Bozzelli, Adam Brode,
Phyllis Brodie, Tracey Brown, Lorenzo and Mina
Bozzelli, Crystal Brothers, Heather Buller, Dalo
Burje, Rachel Burroughs, Hannah Bustamante,
Daniela Butler, Phyllis Byrne, Rhonda Campagna,
Lisa Cannaday, Solange Caovan, Kyle Carlson,
Eliana Castano, Meredith Cato, Tina Chan, Ericka
Cho, David Choi, Lauren Christensen, Margaret
Claustro, Luis Clavijo, Sarah Clements, Emily
Clime, Erin Clyne, Eddie Codel, Bill Connell,
Lisa Conner, Joe Constantin, Kenny Corson, Susan
Cottrell, Michelle Covert, Brit Creelman, Helena
Crick, John Crum, Sheila Cunningham, Ingrid
Czintos, Chrissy Dale, Devra Dang, Zermarie
Deacon, Ronda Dearing, Deanna DeGidio, Steve
Devers, Bronwyn Devlin, Rosangela Di Manto,
Ashley Dobbins, Robin Dold, Karisa Dominguez,
Bertille Donohoe, Andy Drake, Amy Drapalski,
Rebecca Duckworth, Robert Dumville, Kristen
Durbin, Leigh Earley, Keesha Edwards, Kate
Egbert, Rebekka Eilers, Drew Emery, Pam Estilong,
Daniela Ettlinger, Barbara Evans, Samantha Fede,
Kate Federline, Diana Fitek, Michelle Flanagan,
Naheed Flanagan, Carey Fletcher, Laura Flicker,
Jen Floor, Bridget Fonseca, Kerry Ford, Peter
Forkner, Megan Formeck, Faye Fortunato, Marcelle
Fozard, Karen Friedman, Juan Funes, Dee Dee
Atkinson-Furr, Emi Furukawa, John Gavlas, Casey
Gilchrist, Lynn Glikbarg, Lauren Gonzales,
Melissa Gonzalez, Monica Gonzalo, Gerica Goodman,
Kimberely Goodman, Jennifer Gosselin, Richard
Gramzow, Theresa Grant, Beth Gunzelman, Logaina
Hafez, Angela Hall, Sarah Hall, Alice Hansburger,
Barbara Harding, Bill Harman, Sharie Harman,
Angie Harris, Laura Harty, Mark Hastings, Kim
Havenner, Marna Hayes, Ashley Heald, Courtney
Heffernan, Caron Heigel, Nancy Heleno, Charlie
Hendricks, Jolene Hering, Sheena-Dave Heslop,
Dustin Higgins, Rachel Hite, Junellyn Hood, Kelly
Hughes, Leslie Hughes, Mark Hyer, Miguel
Iglesias, Nikki James, Rebecca Jackson, Tricia
Jacobsen, Christina James, Margaret Jefferies,
Ashley Jennings, Charlotte Joelsson, Heather
Johnson, Karen Johnson, Mark Johnson, Caydie
Jones, Heather Jones, Sarah Jones, Sara Julian,
Sahair Kaboli-Monfared, Kristina Kallini, Ramineh
Kangarloo, Marc Kaplan, Lesley Kato, Stephanie
Kendall, Amy Kiernan, Nicole Kierein, Agnes Kim,
Elysha Kim, Leslie Kirk, Sarah Klein, Linda
Knauss, Greg Kramer, Stephanie Kowal, Chris
Krause, Shilpa Krishnan, Maria Lacayo, Allan
Langley, Patrick Lechleitner, Sylvia Lederman,
Norman Lee, Elizabeth Leon, Jennifer Lerch, Pete
Lielbriedis, Julie List, Claudia Lopez, Conrad
Loprete, Charmaine Lowe, Michaela Lynch, Devon
Madison, Jessica Magrath, Harry Malik, Elizabeth
Malouf, Terri Markel, Andrea Martinez, Debra
Mashek, Donna Marschall, Luis Mateus, Narges
Maududi, James Maxfield, Lauren McGill, Heather
McGraw, Megan McKenny, Mary McKnight, Amy
McLaughlin, Patrick Meyer, Natalie Migliorini,
Kimberly Minnema, Katie Mitchell, Sean Mitchell,
Tim Mohr, Joanne Moller, Kelly Moore, Julie
Morig, Corkie Morrill, Noha Mostafa, Kristen
Mudrezow, Amy Muntz, Sara Mutnick, Melody Myers,
Yvette Nageotte, Yasi Nejat, Nhu Nguyen, Thuy
Nguyen, Vienna Nightingale, Jean No, Kyle Novak,
Amanda Nuber, Beverly Nyokabi, Windi Oehms, Lia
Ojeda, Judy Okawa, Dulce Orozco Martinez, Gabriel
Ortiz, Jose Osorio, Erica Otter, Troy Pafenberg,
Helen Pak, Gita Parlier, Caite Partamian,
Elizabeth Patchen, Akhil Pathania, Jeff Pattison,
Ray Payton, Chad Peddie, Phillip Pegg, Julie
Pelch, Will Pennell, Geoffrey Pennoyer, Enrique
Peralta, Marc Perez, Jill Perkins, Erica Perry,
Amy Peterson, Dave Petersen, Greg Petrecca,
Heather Phillips, Giorgia Picci, Kayla Pope,
Steve Potter, Michelle Price, Erin Quigley, Adam
Rabinowitz, Sara Rahai, Paula Raikkonen, Samira
Ramezan, Michael Raumer, Candi Reinsmith, Megan
Remener, Justin Reznick, Claudia Reyes, Katie
Rich, Nakiia Robeson, Diana Rodriguez, Fernando
Rodriquez, Monique Romeo, Charles Rong, Lori
Roop, Karen Rosenberg, Tricia Roy, Melissa Rudy,
Karey Rush, Candice Russell, Gary Russell, Provie
Rydstrom, Paul Saenz, Leila Safavian, Dolly
Saini, Jackie Sakati, Veronica Sanchez, Jennifer
Sanftner, Lauren Saunders, Karen Schaefer, Ann
Scharff, Heather Sevier, Danielle Sewell, Vicki
Shaffer, Ann Shannon, Gordon Shaw, Kay Shows,
Farhad Siahpoush, Jenn Sims, Deb Sinek, Chris
Smart, Alison Smith, Deena Smith, Erika Smith,
Steve Smith, Caryn Smonskey, Alisa Sneiderman,
Jonathan Sollinger, Larry Spahr, Sabrina
Speights, Brad Starring, Gary Stone, Stephanie
Storck, Jeff Stuewig, Bianchi Suarez, Jenn
Sullivan, Lauren Tangney, Tina Tehrani, Angela
Termini, Dave Testa, Gia Thi, Rebecca Thompson,
Chris Tiller, Andrea Thorson, Tammy Tower, Mike
Tragakis, Berrin Tutuncuoplu, Tony Tzoumas, Kim
Udell, Lisa Unrine, Jocelyn Valenzuela,
Jacqueline Valdes, Suchi Vatsa, Jennifer Vaught,
Marilyn Vivanco, Ivan Voronin, Svenja Wacker,
Patti Wagner, Tammy Walker, Katherine Wallace,
Rebecca Warden, Abigail Wear, Julie Weismoore,
Kristine Welch, Dane Westermeyer, Simone Whyte,
Dina Wieczynski, Rebecca Wilbur, Layla Wilder,
Kelsey Wilkerson, Lauren Williams, Tara Williams,
Brittany Wilson, Edward Witt, Sabura Woods, Susan
Wyman, Autumn Yang, Tim Yerington, Siyon Yi,
Kerstin Youman, Doris Yuspeh, Parin Zaveri, Nancy
Zenich, Kate Zinsser, Patty Zorbas, and Tev Zukor

What is related to decreases in symptoms
Decrease in Symptoms Male Age White Education Income Unstable Living Situation
Somatic -.19 .20 -.03 -.03 -.10 .09
Anxiety -.14 .10 .02 -.04 -.06 .03
Obsessive-Compulsive -.10 .14 .04 .04 .01 -.02
Phobias -.05 .03 -.02 -.01 -.08 -.08
Traumatic Stress -.12 .07 -.11 .03 -.11 .14
Depression -.14 .07 .01 -.04 -.04 .05
Mania -.07 -.00 .02 -.03 -.09 .05
Paranoia -.07 -.03 -.07 .22 -.06 .03
Schizophrenia -.10 .09 -.07 .02 -.10 -.01
Borderline Features -.05 .07 .03 .12 .05 -.01
Antisocial Features -.03 .02 .06 .16 .00 .02
Alcohol Problems -.04 -.03 -.01 .07 .06 -.07
Drug Problems -.14 .05 .02 .03 .03 .09
Total Score -.17 .11 -.02 .07 -.06 .04
p lt .05 p lt .01
What is related to decreases in symptoms
 Decrease in Symptoms Prior Incarceration Time Incarcerated Prior MH TX Substance Dependence
Somatic .09 .13 .21 .19
Anxiety .15 .11 .06 .19
Obsessive-Compulsive .11 -.08 .11 .03
Phobias -.01 -.04 .03 .02
Traumatic Stress .13 .06 .01 .12
Depression .05 .12 .16 .21
Mania .05 -.06 .04 .07
Paranoia -.06 .09 .12 .05
Schizophrenia .14 .08 .15 .14
Borderline Features .06 .11 .03 .25
Antisocial Features .02 .04 .13 .15
Alcohol Problems .07 -.01 .04 .00
Drug Problems .14 -.05 .08 .23
Total Score .14 .06 .16 .23
p lt .05 p lt .01
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