Civil War: 1861-1865 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Civil War: 1861-1865


Title: Civil War: 1861-1865 Author: KKovacic Last modified by: PREUSS Created Date: 1/5/2004 7:36:32 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: bank | civil | war | west


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Civil War: 1861-1865

Civil War 1861-1865
  • AP US History

  • Immediately after the fall of Fort Sumter
    volunteers flocked to Union Confederate armies.
  • No one thought war would last long.
  • Draft used by both governments
  • North began war to stop secession. Did NOT start
    war to end slavery.

Part I Mobilizing for War
Recruitment and Enlistment
  • Initially no draft, not enough soldiers.
  • Confederacy first to hold draft (April 1862).
  • 20 Negro Law Anyone owning more than 20 slaves
    did not have to enlist.
  • North passed Enrollment Act in 1863.

Financing the War
  • Both sides sold war bonds
  • South printed more and more money instead of
    collected taxes. Money worth nothing.
  • North passed National Bank Act.
  • Permitted federally chartered banks to issue
    national bank notes.

Northern Leadership during War Time
  • Lincoln faced opposition over bank, draft and
    emancipation by northern democrats.
  • Radical Republicans wanted emancipation of
  • Chase
  • Sumner
  • Thaddeus Stevens
  • Lincoln held party together.

Southern Leadership
  • Democratic party became fractioned in south.
  • Confederacy had 5 Secretaries of War in 4 years.
  • Davis felt central government had to be strong in
    order to win war.

Securing Union Borders
  • Lincoln had to protect Washington D.C.
  • Refused to let Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky and
    Missouri leave Union.
  • Suspended Writ of Habeas Corpus
  • West Virginia was created to act as a fifth
    border state in 1863.
  • Lincoln claimed emergency power to ignore some
    Supreme Court decisions.

Part II In Battle 1861-1862
A War of Firsts
  • Was the first war to use
  • railroads
  • mass production of weapons
  • iron plated ships
  • rifle guns and artillery
  • trench warfare
  • telegraph technology.

Battle Information
  • Most battles fought in the South.
  • Confederacy had 9 million people (1/3 slaves)
  • South trying to protect Richmond from North.
  • North had 3.5 times more military age personnel.
  • 1861 North had 22 million.
  • 90 of all industry and railroads was in the

From Confiscation to Emancipation
  • In inaugural address, Lincoln said he would not
    interfere with slavery.
  • Lincoln was hesitant about freeing slaves
  • Did not want to push border states to secede
  • Congress passed 2nd Confiscation Act
  • Permitted the seizing of slaves and using blacks
    as soldiers
  • Emancipation Proclamation delivered by Lincoln
    on Jan. 1, 1863.
  • Freed all slaves in areas of rebellion
  • At first, the proclamation freed no slaves, but
    issuing it allowed the US to gain support from
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