Title: Underground Mine Mapping
1Underground Mine Mapping Itasca County, Minnesota
Peter Clevenstine, P.E. Manager of Engineering
Mineral Development
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
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3Three Phases
4Phase 3 Work Tasks
- Research the study area
- Collect and organize maps of known underground
mine workings. - Scan plan maps and sections
- Develop GIS coverages
- Link the scanned images to specific mine parcels.
- Identify other potential areas
5Phase 3 Budget
Category Description Cost
DNR Staff Geologist, Mining Engineer, Information Technologist 183,000
Contract worker Geological Scientist from NRRI 105,000
Other Equipment, supplies and travel 2,000
Total 290,000
6Phase Funding
Funding Source Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
State Bonding CIRSSD) 304,000
IRR Innovation Grant 150,000
DNR 60,000 125,000
Private 60,000 30,000
State MN/DOT 25,000 25,000
County 0 5,000 5,000
Unfunded 105,000
Total 304,000 300,000 290,000
7Im asking for your endorsement?
8Peter.Clevenstine_at_dnr.state.mn.us 218-231-8443 mnd