Title: http://www.iitp.ru/mslevin/
1???????? ??????? ???????? ?????????? ???
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9???????? ???????????????? ?????
Survivable networks
Bi-connected structures (special graphs)
Minimal spanning structures (tree, Steiner tree)
Phase 1 (1950..1960)
Phase 3 (1990..2000)
Phase 4 (2000
Phase 2 (1970..1980)
10?????????? ? ???????????????? ?????
Part 2 (system)
Part 3 (mobility)
Part 4 (evolution)
Part 1 (user)
. . .
Basic criteria
Dynamic criteria
Re- design (upgrade- ability
k-stage re- design
Close- ness to GRID
Reli- ability
Manage- ability
Adapt- ability
Flexi- bility
Mainte- nance- ability
Modu-- larity
11?????????????? ????????? ?????
- ?????? ????????? ?????
- ?????????????? 2-????????? (k-?????????) ???????
????????? - ?????????????????? (?????????) ??????? ?????????
A. Multicriteria ranking
B. Knapsack
D. Morphological synthesis
E. Allocation
C. Clustering
12?????? ????????? ????
Communi- cation Operator
Government Office O
Plant Z
Company E
College I
Company F
Plant Y
School J
Government Office P
Government Office R
School K
13?????? ????????? ????
- ???????? ????????? ???????????? (Guzakov
Matznev, DNNC2005) - X1 (ADSL) telephone network,
- X2 (DACSIS) cable TV network,
- X3 Ethernet,
- X4 (Power line) power network,
- X5 (FTTH) optical cable,
- X6 (LMDS) wireless communication (2.52.7
GHz), - X7 (4G) wireless communication (8002000
MHz), - X8 (WMAN, WiMAX) wireless communication (2.4,
3.5, 5.8 GHz)
14?????? ????????? ????
General decision SABCD S1 A1 B1 C1
D1 , etc.
Companies AEF A1 E7 F7
Government organizations COPR C1 O8 P8
R8 C2 O7 P7 R7 C3 O7 P5 R7 C4 O8
P5 R7 C5 O7 P5 R7 C6 O8 P5 R8
Plants DYZ D1 Y3 Z5 D2 Y3 Z8 D3 Y4
Educational system BIJM B1 I8 J2 M1 B2
I8 J1 M1 B3 I8 J8 M8
Office O
Office P
Office R
Company E
Company F
P5(1) P6(2) P7(2) P8(2)
R5(2) R6(2) R7(1) R8(1)
O5(2) O6(2) O7(1) O8(1)
Plant Y
Plant Z
College I
E2(3) E3(2) E5(2) E6(2) E7(1) E8(1)
School M
School J
F2(3) F3(2) F5(2) F6(1) F7(1) F8(1)
Y2(2) Y3(1) Y4(1) Y5(3) Y8(3)
Z2(3) Z3(3) Z4(2) Z5(1) Z8(1)
I1(3) I2(3) I6(2) I7(2) I8(1)
J1(1) J2(1) J8(2)
M1(1) M2(2) M8(2)
15???????????? ? ?????
16???????????? ? ?????
17????????? (? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?????????)
18????? ????????? ???
????- ????????
????? ??????
????? ??????? ???????
19??????????? ??????????? ?????
- ???????????
- ????
- ???????????