Ch. 21: The Civil Rights Movement (1950-1968) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ch. 21: The Civil Rights Movement (1950-1968)


Ch. 21: The Civil Rights Movement (1950-1968) Clash in Birmingham MLK was released on bail and reorganized the march, this time allowing young people to join. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ch. 21: The Civil Rights Movement (1950-1968)

Ch. 21 The Civil Rights Movement(1950-1968)
Section 1 Demands for Civil Rights
  • Centuries of oppression and discrimination came
    to a head during the 1950s, with a historic and
    successful push for African American equal

Rise of African American Influence
  • Migration
  • Since the end of the Civil War, African Americans
    had increasingly migrating to large northern
  • The New Deal
  • Under FDR the number of African Americans working
    for the government increased.

Rise of African American Influence
  • WWII
  • Increased demands led to a dependency on African
    American labor and service in military.
  • The Holocaust opened many Americans eyes to
    discrimination within the U.S.
  • Rise of NAACP
  • Grew in size and strength. Strong legal team led
    by Thurgood Marshall.

Brown v. Board of Education
  • In 1951, Oliver Brown sued the Topeka, Kansas
    Board of Education to allow his daughter to
    attend a school for whites only.
  • Fought by Thurgood Marshall, the case eventually
    reached the Supreme Court.
  • In 1954, in a unanimous decision, the Court ruled
    that separate but equal was unconstitutional
    and that schools should desegregate.

Reaction to Brown v. Board of Ed.
  • Reactions were mixed
  • African Americans rejoiced, as did many white
    advocates of integration.
  • Many whites, even if they didnt agree, accepted
    the decision.
  • Others, particularly whites in the Deep South
    reacted with fear and anger.

Deep South/Opposition
  • Georgia Governor, Herman Talmadge said he would
    not tolerate the mixing of races in public
  • The Ku Klux Klan became more active.
  • 90 members of Congress expressed opposition in
    what became known as the Southern Manifesto.
  • Argued that the Supreme Court had overstepped its
    bounds and violated their rights.

Montgomery Bus Boycott
  • In 1955, Rosa Parks took a seat at the front of
    the colored section of the bus.
  • When the whites only section filled up, she
    refused to give up her seat to the new white
  • She was arrested and stood trial for violating
    segregation laws.

Montgomery Bus Boycott
  • After Rosa Parks arrest, civil rights leaders
    quickly decided to boycott the bus system of
  • Planned to boycott the buses until they changed
    the segregation policy.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr., was the 26-year-old
    minister of the Baptist church where the first
    boycott meeting took place.

Montgomery Bus Boycott
  • Over the next year, 50,000 African Americans in
    Montgomery walked, rode bikes, or joined carpools
    to boycott the buses.
  • Although the bus company refused to change its
    policy, in 1956 the Supreme Court ruled bus
    segregation unconstitutional.
  • Movement encouraged new leaders like MLK and the
    effectiveness of peaceful protests/boycotts.

Little Rock Integration
  • In 1957, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus defied
    the Supreme Courts ruling of integration.
  • Posted Arkansas National Guard troops at Central
    High School in Little Rock, Arkansas to turn away
    the nine African American students who were
    supposed to attend that year.
  • Angry mobs formed outside the school in protest
    of the integration.

Little Rock Integration
  • President Eisenhower, although privately opposed
    to integration, was forced to act against a
    disobedient Arkansas government.
  • Placed the Arkansas National Guard under federal
  • Sent U.S. soldiers to Arkansas to protect the
    nine students.

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
  • The League of United Latin American Citizens also
    worked to achieve equal rights for Hispanics.
  • Mexican Americans often attended segregated
  • In 1947, it was ruled that segregating Mexican
    American students was unconstitutional.

Native Americans
  • Most Native Americans lived in terrible poverty
    on reservations.
  • In 1953, the government adopted an approach known
    as termination, the elimination of reservations
    with a goal of assimilating Native Americans into
    mainstream society.
  • Met with strong resistance and eventually
  • Poverty and lack of political representation
    continue today.

Section 2 Leaders and Strategies
  • The Civil Rights Movement was a grassroots
    movement, started and driven by ordinary
    community members. They acted through a number of
    different organizations.

  • Interracial organization founded by W.E.B. Du
    Bois (1909)
  • Du Bois stated,
  • the main object of this association is to secure
    for colored people free and equal participation
    in the democracy of modern culture.
  • NAACP helped win Brown v. Board case.

National Urban League
  • Founded in 1911, sought to assist African
    Americans moving out of the South to find homes
    and jobs in cities.
  • Insisted that factory owners and leaders allow
    African American workers the opportunity to learn
    skills that would lead to higher employment.

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
  • CORE was founded in 1942 by pacifists.
  • Dedicated to bringing about change through
    peaceful confrontation.
  • Organized demonstrations against segregation
    during WWII, after the war it grew into a
    national organization.

Philosophy of Nonviolence
  • Rising civil rights leaders, such as MLK,
    preached nonviolence, despite violence and
    hostility towards African Americans.
  • Believed that love and nonviolence was more
    powerful than violent uprising.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
  • In 1957, MLK helped form the SCLC, which
    advocated nonviolent protest.
  • To understand that nonviolence is not a symbol
    of weakness or cowardice, but as Jesus
    demonstrated, nonviolent resistance transforms
    weakness into strength and breeds courage in the
    face of danger. SCLC statement

Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK)
  • Grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, father and
    grandfather were both Baptist preachers.
  • Eloquent speaker in his youth, graduated early
    from high school.
  • Attended
  • Morehouse College in Atlanta
  • Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania
  • Boston University for his doctorate. (at 26)

Kings Influences
  • King was greatly influenced by Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Gandhi led India in a nonviolent revolution to
    gain their independence from Great Britain.
  • Gandhi believed in protest and disobedience, but
    that despite violence, one must not be provoked
    to retaliation.
  • This won Gandhi and India widespread
    international sympathy.

Gandhi Applied
  • King began training volunteers to Gandhis
  • He showed films, songs, and skits demonstrating
    the success of passive resistance in India.
  • King understood that violent retaliation would
    only justify discrimination and racism.

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
  • The SNCC helped young people join the activism.
  • More aggressive in their demands, sought
    immediate change.
  • King praised the organization, calling them a
    revolt against the apathy and complacency of
    adults in the Negro community.

Robert Moses
  • Bob Moses was a Harvard graduate student and math
    teacher in Harlem.
  • Moved to Atlanta to join the SNCC.
  • Recruited volunteers to help rural blacks
    register to vote.
  • Helped the SNCC grow to become a powerful force.

Section 3 The Struggle Intensifies
  • Sit-ins became popular.
  • Protesters sat down in the white section of
    segregated restaurants and refused to move until
  • Opponents often persecuted the sitters.
  • By 1960, 70,000 African American youth had been

Freedom Rides
  • In 1960, the Supreme Court banned segregation on
    interstate buses.
  • To see if the South would obey, CORE and SNCC
    organized the Freedom Rides in 1961, where
    African Americans rode the newly integrated

Violence on the Freedom Ride
  • Leaving from Washington, D.C., the thirteen
    freedom riders experienced only minor conflicts
    at first.
  • In Anniston, Alabama, a mob slashed tires of the
    bus and when the bus broke down outside town,
    they broke a window and threw in a firebomb.
  • Riders escaped to the beatings of the mob.

  • The nation was horrified to see pictures of the
    burning bus.
  • Violence continued as new riders replaced old
  • In Jackson, Mississippi, riders were arrested
    immediately and the first ride died out.
  • 300 more Freedom Riders, however, continued
    riding throughout the rest of that summer.

Integration at Ole Miss
  • In 1961, James Meredith attempted tried to
    transfer to the all-white University of
    Mississippi, Ole Miss.
  • He was rejected before the Supreme Court ruled
    him eligible.
  • In defiance, Mississippis Governor blocked
    Merediths way into the admissions office.

Integration at Ole Miss
  • President Kennedy was forced to uphold the
    Supreme Courts decision and sent in federal
  • Violence erupted, tear gas used.
  • 2 people were killed and hundreds hurt.
  • Kennedy sent army troops to restore order and
    ensure Merediths safe admission.

Clash in Birmingham
  • MLK when to Birmingham, Alabama in 1963 to
    organize protests and boycotts in what he called
    the most segregated city in America.
  • Almost immediately, he was arrested and placed in
    jail for trying to organize a march without a

Clash in Birmingham
  • MLK was released on bail and reorganized the
    march, this time allowing young people to join.
  • During the march, Birminghams police arrested
    900 young people, used fire hoses and violent
    dogs on the marchers.
  • Policemen clubbed and jailed the protesters.

National Attention
  • The one-sided violence of the Birmingham police
    sparked national outrage.
  • Television cameras and pictures brought the
    images to the entire nation and ultimately led to
    desegregation in Birmingham.

Section 4 The Political Response
Kennedy on Civil Rights
  • John F. Kennedy became President in 1961.
  • Campaigned heavily for the black vote with bold
  • If the President does not himself wage the
    struggle the battle will be lost. JFK
  • Once in office, Kennedy proved more moderate,
    afraid to anger southern senators.

Medgar Evers
  • With escalating Southern violence, JFK spoke up
    on television
  • We preach freedom around the world but are we
    to say to the world that this is the land of the
    free except for the Negroes?... The time has come
    for this nation to fulfill its promise. JFK
  • Hours after the speech, NAACP leader Medgar Evers
    was gunned down and murdered outside his home.
  • White supremacist Byron de la Beckwith was
    charged with murder.
  • After 2 hung juries, he was convicted in a
    reopened case in 1994 (30 years later).

March on Washington
  • Leaders in the movement organized a massive March
    on Washington in August 1963.
  • Over 200,000 people.
  • Many celebrities participated including Jackie
    Robinson, Bob Dylan, and Peter, Paul, and Mary.
  • MLK gave the keynote speech I have a dream

(No Transcript)
I Have a Dream -MLK
  • I have a dream that one day this nation will
    rise up and live out the true meaning of its
    creed, We hold these truths to be self-evident,
    that all men are created equal. I have a dream
    that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the
    sons of former slaves and the sons of former
    slave owners will be able to sit down together at
    the table of brotherhood I have a dream that my
    four children will one day live in a nation where
    they will not be judged by the color of their
    skin, but by the content of their character All
    of Gods children, black men and white men, Jews
    and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be
    able to join hands and sing in the words of the
    old Negro spiritual Free at last. Free at last.
    Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.

Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Under Lyndon B. Johnson (after JFK assassination)
    government passed its most far reaching civil
    rights act.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Banned use of different voter registration
    standards for blacks and whites
  • Prohibited all discrimination in public
  • Allowed withholding of federal funds from
    institutions which practice discrimination
  • Banned discrimination by employers and unions
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